Felicity Ch. 48


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I concluded that no one knew what Hanna did for a living and apparently did not know she had been fired for stealing at work.

Everyone seemed to know them and they were kissed often. One lady, a mirror image of Hanna, ran out of a car, picked up some bags of food then noticed Hanna at our table. The woman screamed her way over, kissed all three of us wildly then ran out to a waiting car driven by a neatly dressed guy.

"That was my cousin Audrey and her husband Jack. They are on the way to the city to a function. I will introduce you to them if they ever slow down."

Paris wanted to go see the beach so we went to the resort and had soft drinks on their balcony. Paris just stared out to the sea as Hanna's mom gently quizzed me. It was obvious she had no idea what Hanna's source of income had been either.

I told Amy that Hanna had been my head of household for a while but she had stolen my dog.


"Yeah. She now sleeps with Hanna and not me."

Paris laughed at that and asked Hanna, "Name?"


"Good name," then went back to staring at the sea.

Hanna handed her mother her cash and I took it away and gave it back to Hanna. I then gave her mother a check for a thousand dollars.

"That should cover your expenses for a while but when we return to your house show me what Paris' prescriptions are. I will also need the name of her doctors. My father is a retired doctor, an endocrinologist, and apparently knows everybody. He will know who to talk to. He will be able to see if she is doing OK or if there is something else you could try."

Amy sobbed. Hanna kissed my cheek. Paris hummed to herself. I felt I needed to tell them not to get their hopes up.

When we got back late that afternoon I called Dad and he said his retired doctor buddies were coming to his house for poker that night. He had referred a patient with Turner's to one of them. He would call me the next day.

I faxed all the information to him as he requested then joined Hanna in the living room. I got another fine blowjob but Hanna stopped me from masturbating her.

"Maybe this time next week," she said with a smile. I understood and we just kissed for a while. I did notice she was wearing panties.

I declined blowjobs for that week. It took until Wednesday for Hanna to be convinced I was not mad at her. I got a lot of wild kisses after that.

Dad gave me a rundown on what was discussed but they needed to see Paris. They could see her at her grandma's house on Saturday around noon before they went deep-sea fishing.

Hanna and I went to Felicity Friday night and she stayed at home while I stayed at the resort. That Saturday Hanna and I watched as all the retired doctors played with Paris and all agreed she was just a weird kid. Like me they adored weird kids.

Paris did not flinch or complain over all the vials of blood taken from her nor of the somewhat invasive physical exam she had to endure. Dad praised her bravery and asked her to call him grandpa. Then all of them asked her to call them grandpa. Paris giggled.

I went fishing with Dad, our first such outing in over twenty years, and he told me he loved Hanna and her family. "If you decide to fire her send her to my house," he quipped.

I decided not to tell him the story.

Hanna stayed at home until Sunday afternoon when I picked her up to return to my home.

Patty apparently resented being put in a kennel with dogs. Hanna insisted that when we returned to her house Patty would come with us. "Mom has a real yard and Paris will talk her to death." she said.

The next Monday Dad called me and said all agreed that her growth would stop on the arrival of her first period and there was urgency for a growth hormone. One called a friend in Colorado and had a shipment of something sent to him after promising to return complete notes on the results.

Another called someone in Minnesota and was being sent a supplement for her milk shakes. I caught enough about the composition to understand it had near steroids in it, which they hoped that along with increasing her strength would slow the arrival of estrus.

One suggested that she take dance lessons.

"Costs?" I asked.

"Nothing yet and probably none, she is now a test subject," Dad said.

It was a hectic week and Hanna apparently had a difficult menstrual period. She said her birth control pills delayed her periods for months but when she had one it was intense. I still got my minimum daily requirement of wild kisses.

That next Sunday night Hanna came to my bed naked, sucked my cock lovingly then slid it into her pussy. The fuck was done in slow motion, she wanted to make sure I enjoyed it but she ended up having three orgasms herself before I filled her pussy with my cum.

"That was the best, most loving fuck I had ever had in my life," I said to her.

Hanna said the same thing to me as she sighed. "Thanks for waiting for me, and waiting for me, and waiting for me. You have the best control ever. I was surprised to learn my pussy was still open for business. I did not expect an orgasm much less three."

"How long has it been for you?" I asked.

"Three years. My husband and I fucked on the day he went back to the Middle East. He did not come back alive."

"Sorry. Your last few years have been very stressful."

"Yes, but that ended a few weeks ago," she said with a big smile.

She kissed me as if I was the most important man in her life. We cuddled until she began to get up to go to her room.

"Wait, we have not finished," I said and slid down to her pussy and kissed and licked her to another orgasm then kissed my way to her tits and at last had a chance to adore them. She seemed to be purring while I rubbed my face on her breasts.

I eventually made my way up to her lips and as I kissed her my rejuvenated cock slid back into her pussy. A deep groan escaped her body and I began my own slow but deep fuck. Her orgasm was magnificent, loud, and very intense. I was proud of myself until I felt her sobbing.

I decided not to ask what was wrong and instead showered her with kisses as my cock slowly diminished although I had not cum. She fell asleep murmuring to herself. I covered us up and went to sleep.

The next morning I got up to go to work and left her asleep in my bed. Patty had taken my place as soon as I left Hanna's side.

Neither of us talked about the previous night but each night she slept in my bed. We made love, we fucked, and we played. I ate her pussy then she sucked my cock and then we fucked. We repeated portions of that cycle randomly each night but her third or fourth cums were always my first except on weekends. I managed two or three cums then. She had at least ten.

She apparently loved the way I made love to her. I loved making love to her. Both of us expected we would eventually return to separate beds but had not after three weeks.

Paris' medications had arrived and it was the day of her first treatment with the experimental stuff. Dad and two of his buddies drove down to administer the drugs and take measurements. They stayed to watch Paris in her dance class.

Dad went down every Thursday and took Amy and Paris to dinner after dance lessons. Hanna and I began to suspect Dad's trips were for more than just monitoring Paris. He had begun to stay the weekends.

On one of our bi-weekly trips to her town I learned that Hanna had not been fired from her job for stealing. She had not been fired at all. She had been caught but was not even asked to pay back the money.

Her boss at a CPA's office understood the pressure she was under but Hanna was too ashamed to stay and left town. She had been paying them back something each week.

However she had never been under arrest, no charges were ever filed. She had never been asked to do anything other than come back to work.

On our next trip back to the town I coerced her to introduce me to her former boss and he happily smiled at Hanna as soon as he saw her. She burst into tears. He hugged her.

I asked him how much she still owed him.

"Nothing, she just paid me back. You have a good woman, cherish her."

Adrian became my best friend in town that day. We had dinner with him and his wife Martina on each trip down.

Martina once asked Hanna why she had quit the agency.

"Temporary insanity," she had answered.

Adrian apparently had never told anyone, including his wife.

To make ends meet Hanna had sold her house and moved in with her mother. She had military widows benefits but that money was paying her mother's house. Paris also had some medical coverage but the deductible on prescriptions was high. By the third year Hanna did not have the money to cover it and began to steal from her job. She was an accountant.

I began to understand her much better; she was not a prostitute.

Hanna spent the nights with me at a bed and breakfast on each of our later trips to Felicity. We had reservations for two nights in the same room every two weeks unless otherwise advised.

Almost a year had passed since we slept together the first time. We had not spent a night apart since our second trip to her town. We never talked about it.

I had not noticed when the third month went by. Nor the sixth nor the ninth month, Hanna had made note of when a year had passed since she discovered I knew she was there. I took her for an elegant dinner, a concert, and presented her with two dozen roses. She cried.

I had gotten her a car so she could run errands and go shopping. She had made it a point to bring me lunch on Mondays. She made friends with the girls at my practice.

After a year of living together Hanna became my part time receptionist; my actual receptionist was very pregnant. Hanna then became the full time receptionist after the baby was born. She was very happy to see her name on a real paycheck.

The receptionist wanted to stay with her baby for as long as she could and it was six months later before she asked if I had a job available. Hanna gave the job back to her and returned to her housekeeper job. Or her housewife job. Whatever.

Hanna eventually became the accountant Adrian assigned to me when I hired his firm. She worked from home. Hanna was on cloud nine for weeks. She also saved me a lot of money.

Two years later we were still sleeping in the same bed and made love often. We also kissed a lot but that now happened everywhere and in front of witnesses.

We joined Paris on her twelfth birthday party and her thirteenth birthday party. Then we went down to celebrate her first period two weeks later. She was now the same size as her Mother and Grandmother, normal, (for them). All medical procedures stopped that day.

About ten weeks after my first visit Paris suddenly began to sit on my lap when I was at Amy's house. Hanna and Amy were very pleased and I loved it. Paris acted like she always had done so and that it was her right.

Hanna and I went on dates and continued to spend every other weekend in her hometown. We held hands as we walked.

Even though my cock was in her mouth often she had not given me a blowjob in a long time. We both much preferred our fucks. We still had not talked about our arrangement or decided anything but we were a couple.

One of her hundreds of cousins asked her when we were getting married and we both said we were never getting married again. Over the next week we finally did talk about our relationship and it did occur to us that we were in fact already married. By then we had slept in the same bed for over three years.

She asked me if I loved her. I said, "Yes. Definitely yes." I asked her if she loved me.

"It's a hell of a lot more than that," she said.

A week later she was flashing an engagement ring from a shop in her hometown.

It seemed to me half the town was in the chapel on our wedding day. There were a lot of short redheads and tall blondes as her bridesmaids.

We had endured a food fight during our rehearsal dinner the night before. Actually Hanna and her girlfriends were the ones in the food war, Adrian had hustled me out as it started. We met all the other men at the bar and listened to the squeals and giggles emanating from the banquet room.

I had realized before the food war that my new family and our friends were special but that skirmish made it very clear they were also a lot of fun. My daughter and my ex had a stunned look on their faces until crème pies landed on them then they began to return fire with gusto. All of the women giggled for hours after all the ammunition was spent. That evening I licked off the pie Hanna had covering her tits and pussy.

Adrian was my best man; my Dad had declined the offer. "I have to keep the mother of the bride from crying herself to death," he said.

My daughter and her husband were there as was her mother. Her new husband was not. My daughter told me they had separated.

My ex told me she was surprised to see that my bride was not a tall blonde. She and most of my subsequent lovers were tall blondes.

"Now that you mention it I am surprised too," I said.

She and Hanna became friends.

The doctors had suggested we leave Paris at her grandmother's house until she graduated. Hanna wanted her to live with us and I told her I was all for that. Paris made the decision to stay until she graduated then come live with us.

"The teachers and the school here know how I am, I would have to educate everyone if I moved to a different school," she said.

Hanna and I had to agree with her.

By then I understood that Paris was very intelligent. She was also very direct and truthful without being purposely mean. Everyone around her knew not to ask her opinion on anything unless they wanted to hear the truth.

After my fiftieth birthday party and after our daughters, their husbands, and our friends had left Hanna asked me how I felt.

"Comfortable, happy, at peace with me and the world. I thank you for that."

She smiled and said, "I am so happy you did not call the cops when you discovered me in your house. I am happier still to know you love me. I adore you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Happy Birthday."

She reached behind the couch and brought up a yellow lab puppy.

I am afraid I cried just as I had when Patty died two years before.

Like all labs the puppy was happy to show her love to everyone.

"Are you going to steal this one from me too?"

"Yes, probably. Her name is Trish by the way, short for Patricia. It will be months before she sleeps with us so you have a fifty-fifty chance with her. What we don't want is for her to sleep between us. That could get her hurt."

"Best birthday present since I was six."

"What was that present?"

"A black lab puppy."

"I love you. I love being your wife."

"I love you. I love you being my wife. I have a present for you too by the way."

"Oh, show me."

"I can't."


"There will be nothing for you to see for a couple of months. I sold my practice and will start a new one in Felicity. All our friends live there. We were always very happy when we are there. Trish will have a yard twenty times bigger than my patio. I will have a fifteen-foot pond dug out for her."

Hanna just collapsed into my arms in tears. We kissed. A small weight she had apparently been carrying left her.

Dad and Amy now lived in a patio home walking distance from our house. They had been together for eight years by then. Paris and her husband Andy lived within bike riding distance away, although to be honest every place in town was just a bike ride away.

Within a year my daughter and her husband had moved into town to teach in our schools, so had her mother. My ex had returned to eating pussy and noted the town had more available to her than any other.

I loved my life and thanked the intruder often. She thanked me for allowing her to take advantage of me.

"Always," I had replied.

Even after our town moved we led happy lives.

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