Femdom Makeover

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I'm arguing with my wife. Her solution is drastic.
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Copyright Oggbashan February 2015

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

I was trying to make as much noise as possible through my ball-gag. The grunts that were all I could manage were swamped by my wife's screams of ecstasy from a few feet away. Until a few months ago her screams would have been caused by our lovemaking, but we hadn't made love for a long time except for last night when we went to bed at this clinic.

I could feel the effect of the muscle relaxants. My limbs were becoming weaker as I struggled futilely against the pantyhose bonds securing me to the trolley. She had tied and gagged me before the staff had come to collect me.

"Mr Andrew?" A member of staff dressed as a nurse was standing looking down at me. "Just a reminder. You signed this general release before you came to this clinic. I don't know whether you read paragraph 43.1 but it says 'In the event of being unable to express consent, I authorise my wife to agree to any procedures on my behalf.' Remember that? It doesn't matter. Mrs Andrew has agreed to this procedure for you."

I had difficulty hearing the nurse because of my wife's squeals of delight.

Beyond my feet was a monstrous pair of female labia. The trolley was pushed close to it so that I was looking up at them. They began to spread apart.

"How are your muscles? Nice and relaxed?"

Two pairs of hands untied the pantyhose fixing me to the trolley. One pair removed the bonds around my ankles and thighs.

"Can you try to move your legs, please?"

I tried. There was no reaction from my legs.

"Well done, Mr Andrew. We can remove the rest of your restraints. Your wife tied you really well. We can dispense with your gag too. You'll find that you won't be able to make a sound until the drugs wear off. By that time the procedure will be completed."

What procedure? I thought. What procedure uses a giant pair of labia? The nurse answered my unspoken question.

"We're returning you to a womb. It is connected to your wife's uterus and linked to her body chemistry. You're going to be inside your wife's tummy. While you're in there we will make the changes she requested. When you wake, all the changes will be permanent and I'm sure you two will have a much happier marriage with no arguments. You won't be able to argue with your wife. She won't let you."

Hazel and I have been arguing for months. She has been promoted at work and is now earning much more than I do. The downside is that after six months she will have to relocate to the company's headquarters and that is too far away for me to commute to work. She wanted me to resign from my job and look for one near where she'll be working.

We have less than a month until she has to move. Our house sale is nearly completed but I was intending to stay in a bed sitting room during the week and come to her at weekends. She didn't like the idea. She wanted me to live with her.

Two weeks ago, after yet another bitter argument between us, Hazel had suggested a weekend away at this clinic. We could have a break from all the hassle of the move and perhaps forget the arguments for a couple of days. I had agreed because I love Hazel despite our recent rows. I had signed the paperwork she put in front of me without reading it. Why should I? A weekend at a Spa/Clinic wasn't that dangerous, was it? Now I knew I was wrong as my body slid between the large labia into a pink enclosure.

I was surprised that all the staff we had seen had been female, many dresses as nurses. I hadn't seen a single male member of staff. The only men were guests with their wives.

Last night had been great. I had made love to Hazel almost as enthusiastically as we had done on our honeymoon. This morning I had got up, shaved and showered, and Hazel wanted to make love again. She had ridden me and then suggested some sexual bondage. We hadn't done that for over a year. I was delighted as she tied me with her pantyhose, kissing my body as she tied another pair on me. She had used more pantyhose than she had ever done before. When she had finished I was a helpless parcel fixed to the bed. The ball gag was a surprise but why not?

Now I knew why not. As soon as Hazel had fastened the ball gag she moved away from the bed and picked up the internal telephone.

"Matthew is ready for you," was all she said before putting the phone down. She sat beside me and stroked my hair as I struggled impotently to free myself. All my frantic thrashing just tightened the bonds holding me helpless.

Two nurses walked into the room followed by another two pushing a trolley. One nurse rolled me slightly while another injected something into my buttock. They ignored my feeble protests through the ball gag. The four of them removed the pantyhose holding me to the bed before lifting me on to the trolley and tying me to it. Hazel followed the trolley as I was wheeled along the corridor, into a lift and down to the basement. Finally I was positioned in the room with the giant labia.

Hazel undressed and climbed on to what looked like a birthing chair. She was fastened to it with straps across her body, around her wrists, elbows, ankles and thighs and a final strap holding her head between two foam blocks. I could just see as a shiny dildo connected to a long thick wire was inserted into her vagina. When a machine at the other end of the wire was switched on she became sexually excited.

One nurse covered the top of my head including my eyes with a transparent latex cap. She smoothed it down carefully so that no air was left inside. Another nurse fitted a heavy duty condom to my erection. Why was I erect? Despite myself, the idea of being totally enclosed inside Hazel's body was erotic. It would be the ultimate penetration. No. It wouldn't. I was a passive victim. Hazel would be engulfing me inside herself.

The nurses slid my body inside the large vagina and beyond into the uterus. Just before my head was swallowed a nurse fitted a mouthpiece over my mouth and nose. I could breathe through it but I think it had a soporific gas added to the air.

The womb closed around me, forcing me into a curled ball as the walls contracted further and further. Somehow it seemed as if it was perfumed like an excited Hazel wearing the scent I liked best. But that must be coming through the mouthpiece.

I felt as if I was inside Hazel, held and surrounded by her body and her love. Why wasn't I panicking because I was imprisoned in an artificial uterus? Slowly I began to lose consciousness with a blissful feeling of utter contentment.


I regained consciousness back in our room. I was still naked except for a satin sheet lightly resting across my body. Hazel was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me.

"Wha...?" I tried to say.

"Wait a little longer, " Hazel said. "You need to recover. Please, Matthew, husband, go back to sleep."

Sleep? How could I sleep, not knowing what had been done to me? But Hazel had given me an order. Go back to sleep. I couldn't resist. My eyes closed again.


The bedside light was on when I woke again. Hazel was still sitting on the bed. Had she been there for hours? Experimentally I moved a leg. It twitched. My muscles were working again. I opened my mouth to speak. My mouth was dry.

"Drink, please," I croaked.

Hazel held a cool plastic bottle of water with a sports teat to my mouth. It was great to feel the water soothing inside. I swilled the water around before swallowing. I sucked again. Hazel had moved behind my head and was cradling it against her breasts. That felt wonderfully soft and calming. I reached up to push the bottle away. Hazel put it down on the bedside table before bringing that hand back to stroke my cheek.

My cheek felt odd as she stroked. Why? Of course. Normally I would have the beginnings of stubble by this time of day. Her hand slid smoothly across my skin. Had I been shaved? Her hand moved further, over my chin. My small beard had gone too. To her gentle touch my face seemed as smooth as hers. If it had been shaved, it was a very good shave. I brought my own hand up to feel my chin. Beardless. Stubble-less. Smooth as a baby's bum.

"You've been epilated," Hazel answered my unspoken question. "You won't need to shave for months."


"Yes. Face, chest, legs, all over. Apart from the hair on your head, and your eyebrows, you're hairless, beautifully smooth. And your skin has been treated too. It looks great, Matthew. They did me too. Feel."

Hazel pulled my hand to one of her legs. Her skin was like satin, silky smooth and sensuous. I should have noticed that her hands were softer than they had been.

"What else have they done, Hazel? What else?"

"To your body? You've had an enema, a colonic irrigation, been injected with several sets of antibodies against disease, and your muscles have had a thorough massage. All the stress and tension in your body has been soothed away."

"If I had known, I wouldn't have objected to that, but why was I slid into a womb? What did that do? I felt that I was inside you, wholly contained in your womb. Why?"

"You were inside me, as far as technology could make that possible. My body contained you. My body animated the artificial womb, held you, squeezed you, nurtured you, and finally gave birth to you. You've been reborn as my baby, Matthew -- a very large masculine adult baby -- but you are all mine now."

"All yours?"

"Yes. I own you Matthew. More than I ever could for a real baby who will grow up and become its own person. You are mine and have no more will to oppose me than a ventriloquist's puppet -- unless I let you. I'll demonstrate. Please, Matthew, husband, get off the bed and kneel down beside it as if you were saying your prayers."

To my horror, my body did exactly that. My brain was screaming No! Don't! My body climbed off the bed, knelt beside it and my hands came up into the prayer position.

Hazel slid along the bed until she was opposite me. She spread her legs either side of me.

"Please, Matthew, husband, kiss me there."

Her finger pointed at her cleft. My hands dropped away. My face moved forward until I was kissing her.

"Yes!" Hazel squealed. "It works. You can stop now, Matthew."

I couldn't. I kept kissing between her legs with a compulsion I couldn't resist.

"Please, Matthew, husband, stop now." Hazel said.

I stopped kissing her and sat back on my heels.

"Matthew," Hazel said, "It's like the children's game 'Simon Says'. If I tell you to do something and start with the three words 'Please, Matthew, husband' then you have to do it. If I don't use those words you have freedom of choice. It is something like a hypnotic suggestion. I don't understand how it works but it does. That was my main reason for bringing you to this clinic. You've been a stubborn idiot, an idiot that I love, and an idiot that I know loves me. I couldn't face being alone all week without you. Now you'll have to come with me to the new house, whether you want to or not. Understand?"

"No, Hazel. I understand that you are in control of me, and if you say those words I have to obey, but I'm not sure I like what you have done. You have made me your slave. Can a slave love the person who controls his every action? Be very careful, or love could turn to hate."

"But you do love me. Matthew, and I love you. I will use those three words very rarely, and every time I do you will be rewarded. Like now. We're going to make love as partners, shower, and then have the best meal their chefs can produce, with the choice of their wine cellar."

We did. Whether it was relief that I could, or the inability to argue with Hazel, or the realisation that we would be living together, I don't know. But our lovemaking was better than we had done for months.

The meal was great too. We danced afterwards with several other couples whose husbands looked suspiciously docile.


On my first day back at work I wrote and delivered my resignation. I cancelled the option I had on the local bedsit. We moved into the new house and Hazel started her new position. We were happy together, and even happier when I found a local job better paid than the one I had left.

Once we were in the new house Hazel never said 'Please, Matthew, husband' for anything. She didn't issue orders. She asked politely and I was happy to do whatever I could for the woman I love.

She asked me if I could take the 1st April off work so we could go away for a long weekend. This time we were going to a country hotel for adults only. The four-poster bed was very comfortable and our love making was as energetic as it had ever been. Hazel was still astride my diminished erection when the old clock downstairs starting striking midnight. Hazel listened intently. When the twelfth stroke died away Hazel spoke.

"Please, Matthew, husband, howl like a wolf."

I didn't. I didn't have the least desire to howl like a wolf. I looked up at Hazel in surprise.

"April Fool, Matthew! Those three words only worked for the first two days. You've been your own man for weeks."

She lifted herself off me, positioned her head above my face and kissed me before snuggling against my shoulder.

"You're my man, my husband, my lover, and I'm yours, Matthew. You did what I wanted, obeyed the hypnotic suggestion for a while, and let me pretend to command you because you love me. Those three words wouldn't have worked even for an hour if you didn't love me, and really wanted to please me."

"Please, Hazel, wife, let's both howl quietly like wolves," I replied.

We howled so softly that we couldn't be heard beyond the room, and then kissed.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For the sake of a successful marriage, regardless of which partner initiates the decision!

Calli06Calli06about 4 years ago

Fabulous story. Put into words so elegantly what one has always wished could be reality...

oggbashanoggbashanabout 5 years agoAuthor
Anonymous? Read thhe title and category

The responses from anonymous reveal that they don't like Mind Control unless it is the woman turned into a slave. A woman doing it to a man threatens anonymous' male prejudices.

Grow up! It is fiction, a story and not real life. If you hate femdom why read and comment on a story with Femdom in the title?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why would any husband accept this behavior?

Now I know this is fiction. And I know that the British are more accepting of the odd and unusual than some other societies. But this was ridiculous. His wife drugs him. She commits assault and battery on his person. She exposes him to death. With no real reason other than it seems to please her to control him. There's no reason why he would quit his job once he is free of his wife's presence. I think most men would flee considering their lives are in danger. Even fictional stories need rules and a semblance of order. This was all over the map, poorly thought out and very unbelievable.

dunmovynivdunmovynivover 6 years ago

Had my wife done this to me, in pretext of playing a game, but then drugged me, and used a sensory deprivation device, i would lose all trust in her. As a result, divorce would be my response . As soon as I was free i'd head to the nearest lawyer's office

oggbashanoggbashanalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Anon doesn't like Femdom stories.

The Anonymous comment dated 18 July is more about anon's prejudices than my story. Why post it?

The story is fiction, fantasy and a scenario some people like, if only in their imagination. But anon seems threatened by it. Odd.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
The minute she left?

He packed and left. He either went to the police or he simply took all the liquid assets and disappeared. She has no control over something she can't she. Besides, this was just silly. Even the fact that she did it in the first place would have been ample reason for a divorce. It wouldn't have been too funny had they made a mistake with the drugs and paralyzed or killed him. You didn't think this one through. He deserves a divorce and will surely get one.

NezhulNezhulover 7 years ago

I liked it but for my taste these 1-page stories are always too short. None of the many interesting concepts are explored in depth, and I'd really love reading it through.

In my opinion the story suffers greatly from the length. Dialogues are bleak, the descriptions are one-liners.

It would make a good novella if everything got enough attention

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Sorry , Oggbashan .....

Point 4 : she did deceive him , as the story reads ..

He acted without full knowledge .

He was misinformed .

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Not my proudest fap

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 7 years ago
Ever heard the phrase "I might not agree with your opinion...

but I will fight to the death your right to have it."

Well, she didn't, did she...?

How is what she did different from a man telling a woman that he's about to rape, "Do what I say and you won't be hurt"...?

She showed HER love by punishing him for an opinion and ideas he had that she didn't agree with...

He showed HIS love by not MAKING her use that phrase so often as to start to hate her... It didn't matter that the "gun" she was threatening him with was no longer loaded - only SHE knew that.

MattblackUKMattblackUKalmost 8 years ago
I found this story by accident

It could have gone in a number of different directions, but the direction chosen by the author was a good one as it worked well with a good resolution.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The story is far more erotic than the asshole of LIT's comments

gave it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I mean ... what? You find this idea erotic?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Ditto - weird

This is the oddest story I've ever read. The whole womb thing was creepy and not in a good way.

Did you post it to the wrong site? Where's the fun, sexy part?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

story did not match title.so now we are supposed to believe husband, when released is still an idiot. come on you can do better than this.

Jim44444Jim44444about 8 years ago
A short bit of entertainment.

I enjoyed reading this tiny bit of mind control fantasy. I am not sure if femdom fits since she just gave him an excuse to do what he truly wanted to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
its over

In the real world the marriage would be over, he consented to be tied thinking it was a game. However, the whole thing was a setup and she had him drugged. NO more trust in this marriage, she violated his trust in her and he would never be able to trust her again.

oggbashanoggbashanabout 8 years agoAuthor
Author's response to anonymous

Thank you for the comment. You obviously thought about my story.

1. The title including 'Femdom' should have suggested that some form of control is involved, as should the category 'Mind Control'.

2. The artificial womb? OK, I have made it look like a womb but it is really a sensory deprivation tank - technology that has existed for years if not decades and was featured in Tom Clancy's book Cardinal of the Kremlin. That technology is used for brainwashing and 're-education', so is ideal for mind control. The connection to his wife and the shape, as a womb, is intended to make him believe that SHE is depriving him of sensation and overwhelming him.

3. Unlawful imprisonment? Come on! Most BDSM stories on Literotica include that, as do many mainstream novels involving kidnap. Literotica is a site for fiction, fantasy, imagination. Why should all stories obey the law? Not all real people do.

4. Citing his cooperative demeanour? 'the dog you beat for weeks'? I made it clear that the wife used her mind control very rarely, only on the first days, and for unimportant matters. She DID NOT order him to change his mind about moving house with her. He did that himself, perhaps thinking that she could order him, but it was something he really wanted to do, but couldn't take that step into the unknown.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Weird......just weird.

How does one use an artificial womb to hypnotize another? And what was the dildo probe all about? Oh, I get that it was her link the the artificial womb, but WHY?

You can't simply assert some pointless, fantastic (as in incomprehensible) thing or technology, without giv no us a reason to accept it, suspend disbelief long enough to get the story.

Oh, and let's not forget that the unlawful improsonment is with drugs and constraints, in most civilized regions a felony. It would not matter that he signed a form relinquishing control to his wife, if she then acted against his best interest (and make no mistake, the entire treatment was).

Then citing his cooperative demeanor as proof of his love is tantamount to saying that the dog you beat for weeks has to love you, because it obeys you......until one day, it turns on you and bites your arm off.

Think about it.

So, this one was kinda icky.

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