Feral Ch. 01

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A doorwoman suffering finds a wolf.
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*Author's Note*

Credit to GodsoftheGodsgameing for the idea. This story is a collaboration piece with him. While we are currently discussing a next chapter, time will tell if that sees fruition.


My stomach growled. Something that was becoming much more frequent. Standing outside, I sniffed the air like a predator but shifted my gaze around like a prey animal. Except I was prey, a deer furrier to be exact. One with a surprising appetite for a succulent diet of meat.

My stomach growled once more, pushing me away from the cabin I had towards where the city.

So who am I?

Well, that's complicated. I will answer that question first with the what. Again, I am a Furrier who happens to be in the prey section, a subservient one I might add. Because of that, my family moved away from the empire to the planet Earth. Unfortunately, moving here caused some issues.

The first issue is me or rather my type of breed. While my kind stands upright and we have genitals of complimentary of humans, besides my breasts that is where the proverbial line is drawn in what the Furriers can be compared to humans.

My face is that of a deer, though my snout isn't as big as one of Earth's animal ones. I have big doe eyes with ears that point up at the top of my head. Being that I am not a male, I don't have ears, but do have around a b-cup of breasts. Even though I am around 5'7", I am petite in my frame. Legs are digitigrade. Now my fur is of two colors. My front is white from my navel all the way up to the tip of the bottom of my snout. I am covered in a light brown fur. All of this and a nice little doe tail at the base of my back.

Now that we know what I am. I suppose its time to tell you who I am. First I need to take my clothes off. That is accomplished quickly as lately, I've been only wearing panties and a bra. See I have to. My type is well hunted for our abnormalities. Protection is always needed and for me, that protection happened to be a stun gun. It also happened to be my hunting weapon.

At the equivalent of twenty-three Earth years, I was the epitome of prime for my kind and earthlings. Tight, pert and horny, should have been all for me. But it wasn't. Instead, I had a fourth problem plaguing me.

As mentioned before, I love the taste of flesh. Not only that, my body craves it like an actual predator would. See my issue? As prey the furrier who likes the taste of meat like a predator. Those of us with this affliction are distastefully called feral.

I sigh at this distinction. It's not my fault at all. I was perfectly normal until my family uprooted itself from the Furrian Empire onto the homo-sapiens homeworld. A world that confounded me in many ways.

Humans where a weird sort to the furriers. While many of my kind could walk among them, there had been many push backs with others. My type had to contend with hunters of course but the predators had many issues. They had instincts and even in a civilized empire, humans adjusted poorly to a predator outright killing prey. One thing for animals, they argued, beyond barbaric with creatures with the ability to thinks. The Empire scoffed, but immigrants had to swear to comply with a much more docile nature. Many struggled with it, especially me.

As I walked through the woods, a vast stretch of pines in a temperate temperature in the mountains, I found myself skulking through the trees naked. It was dangerous of course, but this area I owned and worried little about humans. They seldom visited and being on Earth for a little over a year, I didn't mind that. Especially being that my affliction had manifested itself over the past few months.

I liked being alone. My parents didn't understand that when I left the family. They couldn't, especially if it became known of my problem. Better for them not to understand than have to kill one of their daughters. And they would too. With that fact, I had stolen as much money as I could and left. Survival for myself meant everything, but it also meant being alone.

The forest was thick with underbrush. Giant leaves of green and wondrous colors of life. Spring happened to be in full swing and if my stomach didn't push me now, I would have reveled in it. Moving swiftly, I sniffed the air as I went, trying to find something worth tracking as I moved down the mountain and closer to the human town. I hoped to find something before I reached the town. If I didn't, then a human meal would have to suffice. Something that meant turning around to redress.

Moving, I almost missed a movement to my right. Freezing automatically, I crouched low and peered over green leaves to see my surprise a wolf furrier. He was standing with his back to me and leaned up against a tree. From where I was, I could see that he wore a pair of jeans and a red hoodie. His ears gave away his type.

A wolf furrier. How can I tell? Well, see wolf types have the most triangular shaped ears of any species of the canine types. From the distance, I could hear music playing, no doubt due to headphones in. Skulking closer, I did my best to stay upwind from my prey.

The predator had no clue what happened when I attacked. With a pull of the trigger, the probes shot away and plucked into the pants of the wolf. Nothing could have prepared him for the sudden shock of voltage that laced through him. My prey dropped to the floor of the forest with sound. Thankfully, the voltage was high, but not enough to kill, just incapacitate the wolf. He lay there as I walked up.

"Looks like I caught a healthy one," I said to the wolf. He groaned in response, his shallow breaths telling me he was in an excruciating amount of pain. "Good thing too."

The wolf looked to be around my age, if not a bit younger. Not being versed in the anatomy of canine types. With a shrug, I reloaded my weapon, a spare set of prongs kept in the handle of my gun. I then squatted down to my specimen, testing to see if he was in all actuality incapacitated.

When I did kneel down, I looked down his grey snout to his eyes. They were closed, which didn't surprise me. Feeling brave, even though my heart pounded in my chest, I flicked him on the nose. The nose, like all Earth's canine types, also was highly sensitive to stimuli. He didn't move, just a groan and I was happy with that result.

Dragging anything heavy, especially with my petite stature would take anyone a long time. It felt like it took me hours to move the wolf back to my cabin when in actuality, it only took about five minutes. Even as I pulled him into the cabin, I worried about his scent being left across the ground as I moved him.

With a sigh, I realized the mistake. Not just his scent, by mine as well had been mixed through the area. That was something that would have to be addressed. Feeling tired, I moved him through the four-bedroom cabin to a room I had set up specifically for my butchering purposes.

Pulling a wolf, especially a tall one up to a bed specifically designed for restraining it occupants was tough. By the time I finished, I was sweating profusely. Locking the body of my wolf into place, a series of heavy leather straps, I left him to take care of my other problems.

Taking care of my scent in the woods wouldn't be an issue. My stomach may be growling, but I went out with four different brands of deer scent. I may be a recluse, but I did go into town once a week or so for some supplies. My original plan had been to lure actual deer to eat to satiate my appetite for flesh, but after thinking of such things, the thought of a pseudo-cannibalism turned me away.

My chore was quickly over. Having spread the various scents everywhere. Along or path and through the woods I spent ten minutes making sure trees and ground were covered in it. Satisfied with what I did, I moved back to the cabin.

As I did, I noticed the growling in my stomach had dissipated and something else had taken over in need. My body was on fire, genitals alight with a burning need for release. Interesting that the pheromones would act as an aphrodisiac to me, but I wasn't complaining. The dissipation of the drive of needing to consume flesh let me reflect on my decisions.

This wolf I had captured had been a godsend of coincidences. While I had often sustained myself on butchered meat, the local human population had begun to ask questions on my dealing. I had killed no one so far in my exploits and the wolf would mark my first actual kill. With a sigh, I went back to the cabin.

Body on fire or now, masturbating in the woods would be an absolutely terrible decision. If anyone did come looking for him, I would quickly be found out. With even more anxiety about physical needs, I went back into the cabin. My first instinct was to in fact take care of my burning lusts but instead of going to my bed and taking myself to "pound town" with my hands, I decided to check on my guest.

The wolf was still passed out in his restraints. His chest still rose with deep breaths and that made me feel confident now. Giddy I was, an awful thought passed in my mind.

Moving over to the wolf, I looked at his clothes. My original plan was to cut the clothes of the wolf. I had a different idea of what would make the meat taste different and what not. A fantasy for sure to make a predator scream in terror as I cut clothes before flesh. I laughed here but decided I had never actually seen a wolf before.

Taking my prey's clothes off was difficult with the straps. Too afraid that we would wake up, I left them on him while I struggled valiantly to get his clothes off. I succeeded, making the wolf completely bare in his fur. A quick recheck of straps, most of them loose now, and he was secured once more. I was so giddy with excitement but refused to do anything to myself or him while he remained unconscious. Something in me had forced me to stall. As such, I went to bath.

The cabin did have running water, something required by the city of humans. Not that I am complaining, but whoever built the place put an old metal tub in. Ornate as it was, there was no shower to be had. As annoying as it could be, I did get to make some great bathes waters.

My favorite thing to bathe in was milk and honey with rose petals. I felt the mixture would make me smell incredibly sexy. Though I wasn't sure to myself why I would care what the wolf thought. Maybe it was a subconscious desire to give the wolf something nice before he died.

I sunk into the bath that I had made. Specific to making myself smell wonderful. Not to mention the effect on my fur. Made it super soft and as I sat in the warm liquid relaxing, I let my fingers delve between my swollen lips. I groaned as the stimulation of my sex radiated in my body. Soon I was beginning to moan audibly as I rubbed through my slit with two fingers. Then I froze as I heard the wolf.

"What the hell?" he called out. Shuddering frustration, I got out of the tub and grabbed a towel. After drying off, I discarded the thing and stood in the bathroom debating on how I should greet my prey. Deciding it to be fitting, I went naked.

I walked into the wolf straining with the restraints.

"You won't break them," I said leaning up against the frame of the doorway.

"Who the hell are you?" he shouted at her, his voice breaking multiple times.

"Not why huh?" I asked with a giggle. "I am Jenny Tamehorn. Who are you?"

"Look, lady, I don't want any trouble."

"It annoys me to no end when people don't answer questions. Like who are you to ignore my question and ask your own. Right now, I have your ass strapped down and you have the gall to say that?" I asked him, putting emphasis on my anger in the last word.

"Sorry," he said subdued. "I'm Jack, but everyone calls me Luca."

"Hey there Jack," I said wondering why he had told me his nickname.

"Hi," he said. I thought it comical that he couldn't look up to me or even see me with his current predicament. I tried to stay calm at the prospect of a predator being totally vulnerable.

"So Jack," I said to him. "What do you think is going on?"

I fluttered with the tease.

"I don't know," he said with a sob. That made my mouth water listening to him whimper for a bit.

"I'll tell ya," I said walking over to him, making sure my hooves clicked loudly as I approached. Walking up to him, I put a finger on his chest. It surprised me under his mane how fit he appeared to be. Now, something else was watering.

"I'm a feral," I said plainly. No letting the purpose of his capture simmer. "And I plan to eat you."

A whimper was my reply.

"Relax," I said a feeling of curiosity washing over me. "What were you doing out in the forest?"

"I uh," he hesitated to tell me. I dug a nail in his chest and he yelped. "I was looking for deer."

"Well, you found one," I said with amusement. "Why were you looking for deer?"

It was then that I noticed something strange. I had been studying his boy but where his pouch was, the red tip of his cock began to grow out.

"Oh you naughty wolf," I said with an exclamation of excitement. "To think that my prey also has a problem worth noting against our society."

What I spoke of was the Prey Fetish. It can go either way, but essentially a prey animal or predator animal has a sexual preference towards its opposite. Prey to predator or predator to prey. It was a shunned practice and many who partook did it underground. Looking at his red cock growing out I decided then that I liked the idea. Then my stomach growled.

"I don't want to die," he sobbed. If he could hear the gurgles of my stomach, no doubt I must be famished for the taste of succulent meat.

"We all have to someday," I said amused with the set up here. "I need to get a knife."

At that, I turned away from him and headed over to a table I had set up in the room.

The room we were in was almost completely bare. Other than the table and bed, I had a dresser that had linens, a metal sink with running water, plastic wrap on the floor for obvious reasons and on the table sat six trays with various cutting objects. New to butchering I had no idea what to use, so I grabbed a small parrying knife. Something to easily slice flesh.

The steel felt cold in my hand. Something I hadn't expected but then, at some point, my desires had to be sated. Looking over to the wolf, I almost felt sorry for his fate.

"I didn't want to be like this you know?" I said to him as I walked back over. "My family force us to move to this world. Had a normal childhood and everything and once we got here, the cravings started."

"Oh," Jake responded to me. He seemed disinterested in what I had to say.

"But if you're not interested in the story, then I'll just go ahead and eat," I said. The problem was, even though my stomach growled, my crotch was still on fire. Especially seeing the beginnings of what looked like a wonderfully thick and long cock.

"Please, tell me," he blurted out. The panic was evident in his voice.

I walked up and put the knife down on his chest.

"See, the cravings are queer at first," I continued watching as his chest rose and fell at a normal pace once more. "My family kind of knew something was wrong with me. Young deer girl of my kind and we are supposed to be social. Well, my sociability was supposed to be curtailed on finding a suitable mate."

I began pacing with my tale. Relating to him how instead of being social, I shut down. Everyone thought I was depressed or even overwhelmed with everything new. The latter due to all the food I had been trying. What they should have been paying attention to was all the food I was trying.

One of the first indicators of being feral is the over-consumption of food variety. A craving the body wants and has to be identified. I found what I craved at a human butcher shop.

"The smell of meat was intoxicating," I said with gleeful excitement. "The taste was too and soon I found myself going every day, getting lunch meats at first. Then I discovered the raw taste of steaks and chops and I couldn't get enough."

And man was I now even more worked up than before. My body was on fire with excitement even more now. Can I swear the room was spinning a bit?

"So what about you there wolf? What happened to make you desire prey for sex?" I asked now, wanting to know his story.

"My pack is small," he replied. "Small enough that the availability of males was only three. I'm the youngest and my father and older brother made it plainly clear I would never be able to stay in the pack."

"And so you were in the forest?"

"I left my home and have an apartment in town. I work at a coffee shop and am working on getting certified to be a park ranger," he said and the sighed. "I was out here practicing my tracking."

"And hoping to catch some deer pussy huh?" I said with a laugh. The vulgarity of humans amuses me.

"Well," he said with a pause. "I'm a virgin and there aren't any human women that'll have me."

His confession astounded me. A virgin wolf? Sure such things do exist but he was wolf enough to have played around. And now a pang of guilt set in me that I did not expect.

"A virgin huh?"

Just saying it made me cum. My body twitched in response and my stomach growled.

"What did you hope to accomplish when you captured an Earth deer? They run fast you know?"

"I don't know," he replied.

"And then you were captured by one," I said. "One who is gonna eat you."

The sniffling started again.

"I'll do anything," he replied.

To me, those words meant he would do anything to lose his virginity before he died. That prospect almost sickened me. If it hadn't been for the fact I was hornier than hell and that I already had one taboo under my belt, I never would have considered it.

"Count your lucky stars then wolf," I said to him. "I'm gonna give you the full ride on losing your virginity."

He groaned and I moaned. Looking down at his red cock, I licked my lips anticipating the taste. I wasn't a virgin, having done the deed a few times in my short span. Though looking at his semi-hard cock I worried about giving the wolf his feel.

"I'm tied up," he said.

"Of course and you will continue to be."

I picked the knife up off his chest.

"Relax," I told him. "I'm putting it back."

Putting the knife back was easy enough. Working up the courage to touch a predators cock wasn't. Everything screamed at me how wrong it would be. My upraising told me to never do such a thing.

"So have you always had a fetish for prey?" I asked walking up to him.

"Yes," he said.

I was directing at his mid-level. I cursed seeing how much easier it would have been if I had bought an actual examination table. An opening between the legs would have made this easier.


"When I was younger, I watched a lot of porn and it was one of the things that stood out to me."

"So you like to devour your prey in a different way?"

I put a hand on his stomach, weaving fingers through the soft fur towards his crotch in slow motions.

"No," he said. As I got closer his cock grew suddenly to show its enormity.

"You want the reversal," I exclaimed in surprise as my hand wrapped wound the wolf's cock. "I find that exciting."

He only groaned. I began gently jacking him.

"How do you imagine this?" I asked.

"Not like this, but as her taking on as a powerful lover."

"So you want to be played with?" I asked taking in every bit of information of the penis as I could.

The first thing to note was how red the thing was. The second is that it did not sport a bulbous head like. Instead, the cock had an angled look to it and flat. Lifting it up, I could see the dark hole where the thing would spurt out its purposes. Right now, I could see the clear liquid of arousal leaking out of the tip.

"This is a nice cock you have," I said in my own lustful way. So far my fingers couldn't touch squeezing around it. Not that it mattered, but its size would be hard to handle.