Fertility Potion Mix-up


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"It feels like enough." I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

"It won't be."

She was right. After just a few more strokes the pain in my dick started flaring up again.

"Stop," I whispered, but Moira ignored me. I tried to push her back. "Stop!"

"What is it?" she asked, still stroking. "We have to do this!"

"It's not that!" I said, grabbing her hand and prying it off me. The pain subsided a little, but still burned every place she'd been touching. "It hurts."

"It will," she said. "Any attempt to interfere with you impregnating someone will hurt you. Apparently cumming in my hand counts as interference. We have to have sex."

"We can't! I'm married."

"And I have a boyfriend," she reminded me. "It's not like I want to do this."

That hurt more than it should have. I desired her so badly. Why didn't she desire me? Could I make her desire me? I pulled her in close and kissed her. She seemed shocked at first, then began to reciprocate, albeit chastely. She tasted like spearmint. Had she been chewing gum? Was she chewing gum now? I slipped my hands under her shirt, letting my hands slide up her back as we kissed. What would the underside of her tongue feel like against my own? I would find out. I would explore every inch of her. I would...

I pulled back and shook my head, trying frantically to break free of the potion's effects.

"What's happening to me?" I asked, desperate to the verge of tears.

"It's okay," she said, "Really. We just need to do this real fast. We get this over with and you'll be back to normal."

"I can't," I said, pleading. My heart raced, and the darkness seemed to be closing in again from the edges of my eyes. "I love Emma."

"And so do I. That's why we have to do this," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom. "Do you know how devastated she'd be if anything happened to you? Imagine I could have saved you but I didn't! We can explain this to her. She'll understand."

Moira was trying to reassure me, but thoughts of Emma had left my head as quickly as they'd entered, just as the darkness had left my vision. Now my focus was solely on Moira's ass as she lead me to her bedroom. She moved with the grace of a dancer, her hips swaying sensually with each step. The things I would do to her... I just wanted to bend her over and fuck her right there in the hallway. Had she always been this hot?

We entered her bedroom and she turned to look at me. There was Moira, my wife's friend, and for a second my head cleared again. I suddenly felt very self-conscious about what we were doing. I looked around, noticing all the witch shit on the walls. Her room was covered in old books and symbols and.... was that an Evanescence poster? I felt short of breath. The blackness was creeping back in.

"Are you okay?" Moira asked, looking as worried as I felt. Moira... so fucking hot. I pushed her back onto the bed, my vision clear once again. I reached under my shirt and pulled it off, then began removing the rest of my clothes. Moira looked on in disbelief.

"Come here," she said, patting next to her on the bed. I kicked loose my boxers and sat next to her, completely nude. My brain started to clear. "You're all over the place."

"Wow," I said, looking around. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay" she said, putting a hand on my leg.

What was I sorry for? I leaned in and began kissing her again. Within moments I was on top of her, pulling off her shirt and unbuckling her pants. She helped me remove her clothing until she wore only purple panties and a matching bra. I reached my hand into her panties, finding her nearly as aroused as I was. God she was gorgeous. I wanted to fuck her so bad. I hadn't wanted anyone this bad since...

No. This was wrong. This was all wrong. I pulled myself off of Moira and sat back on the bed, resting my face in my hands.

"What is it?" she asked, sitting up.

"This isn't okay," I said, looking up to meet her gaze. "This isn't me. I don't want this."

"It is you," she said, not unkindly. "It's you and it's me, and we're going to do this because we have to."

"I don't want to," I said, the words now a lie, the darkness in my vision making it hard to see.

"You know what will happen if we don't. Look what fighting it is doing to you."

My breathing was labored, and at some point I had started clutching my chest again. It was getting hard to hold my head up.

"What if you just..." I said, struggling to get out the words. "What if you just went down on me?"

"It won't work," she said. "This is a potion for getting someone pregnant. There's only one way for that to happen."

"I just need to cum," I said, struggling to hear above the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

"I don't want you to die on me," she said, removing her panties. As she discarded them a bit of the darkness seemed to creep away, and it became just a little bit easier to breath.

"What good is living now if Emma kills me?" I said, struggling to laugh. "Please."

"We can try it, but it won't work. Just lay back."

I did as I was told. I stared at the ceiling as I felt Moira's cold hand wrap around my dick. It no longer burned at her touch. Moments later I felt her hair brushing against my legs and chest, and then her soft lips pursed around the head of my penis.

I stared up at Moira's ceiling. S mural of a young maid, a middle-aged woman and an old crone stared down at me. Just like that my vision returned to normal. The pain in my chest and cock eased. The warmth on my cock from her mouth seemed to fight back the pain I'd been feeling, and a calmness overtook me. I'd been wrong before. This was good. This was supposed to happen. I had to watch.

I leaned up on my elbows and took in the view as Moira slowly eased me further into her mouth, managing to take in about half my shaft before her lips reached her hand and she slowly moved her way back up to the tip. I reached down and ran my hand through her hair, thrusting upwards slightly with my hips as she lowered herself down again. Her eyes met mine, and I felt a shiver through my whole body.

I reached down to her ass and smacked it, hard, grabbing into her flesh with my nails as my hand met her backside. She made a noise that was more surprise than pleasure, and I smacked it again. She broke eye contact with me, focusing on my cock as her pace increased.

Moira was really starting to get into it, moving her hand up my shaft and twisting it, then bringing it back down again as she took me further into her mouth. I felt that familiar build-up and knew I'd cum any moment. I laid my head back and tried to focus on making it happen. Should I say something before I cum? Could I really cum in Moira's mouth? Of course I should say something. This wasn't a porno. Maybe she'd let me cum in her mouth anyway. She wanted me to cum. I'd just let it happen. I didn't need to say anything. She'd understand. She wanted me to cum in her mouth. Any minute now....

The burning started again. It crept up slowly, then became unbearable. My cock was on fire.

"Stop, stop!" I said, jumping up in bed and backing away from Moira.

"What is it?" she asked, wiping her mouth.


"I'm sorry. I thought it might work there for a minute."

"It's almost did," I said, my vision going dark. I lay back down. "Did I spank you?"

"We have to do this now," she said, straddling me. I started to feel a little better.

"Condom," I said, and pain shot through my chest.

"David, come on, let's just get this over with."

"Please. Condom."

"I'm clean," she said, insulted.

"I know," I said, grasping my chest. I had no way to know that of course, but it just seemed like she would be. I guess Gary didn't seem clean. I didn't care. I wanted to fuck her bareback right now. I couldn't do that to Emma though. "The baby. It's supposed to be Emma's baby."

"I'm on the pill," she said. "Your baby will still be Emma's."

"Will that work?" I asked, feeling like I might lose consciousness.

"I don't know. This is magic. I don't know what will happen."

"Yes you do, witch." I didn't know if either Emma or I had fertility problems, but I knew Emma had taken birth control for the last ten years, and this potion was supposed to push past all that. "You're just trying to make me okay with this. Condom."

"Okay, okay," she said, reaching into the nightstand.

My vision was almost completely black at this point. My breathing was shallow, and it was becoming harder and harder to stay conscious. I tried thinking of Emma, tried focusing on how much I wanted to get back to her, but I could feel myself slipping.

Then Moira tried putting the condom on me, and the pain was so excruciating it jerked me back to consciousness.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Moira said as I screamed out in agony. She immediately stopped and threw aside the condom.

"Worth a try," I laughed, coughing out the words.

"No more delays," she said, straddling me again. My vision started to come back to me as I felt Moira rub the head of my cock against her wetness. "Just lay back. I'll do all the work."

My heart rate started to slow, and the pain in my chest and cock eased. My vision was clear as I felt, and saw, Moira take me inside her.

Slowly she moved up and down on my cock, her eyes closed, head titled to the side. What was she thinking about? Was she thinking about Gary? Was she thinking about Emma? Was she ashamed at what we were doing? Was I ashamed?

Why should either of us be ashamed? This was beautiful and natural and it was what we were supposed to be doing. It was all we could do. I grabbed Moira's hips and pulled her down, grinding her into me. She gasped, opened her eyes and met mine. I smiled at her, and she smiled back, looking embarrassed. I pushed up into her while pulling her down with my hands, trying to get into her as deep as I could.

She began grinding on my cock, keeping me deep as I pawed at her breasts through her bra. I reached back with one hand and unclasped it (a trick that always impressed.... what was my wife's name? It didn't matter), then pulled it off her. Moira's tits were amazing and perky and full and I wanted to suck them. I wanted to suck her tits while I fucked her. I sat up and took one in my mouth, eliciting a deep moan from Moira as she grabbed my head and pulled me into her chest. I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her onto me over and over again as I licked and nibbled and sucked her perfect pink nipples.

"Yes," she moaned, and I realized briefly she probably shouldn't have said that. In fact I shouldn't have been sucking her tits at all. Was she having an orgasm? This was supposed to be medicinal. It was to save my life. Why was I enjoying it so much? Emma. I had to remember Emma. The guilt hit me like a flood, and the darkness started creeping in. Then Moira bit my shoulder, and it felt fucking amazing. The guilt was gone. The darkness was gone. I was right where I was supposed to be.

"Oh David, yes, yes," she said, grinding faster until her orgasm subsided. Moira was enjoying this as much as I was. Was it because of how wrong it was? Did that do it for her? Or was my passion for Moira making me a better lover? I felt harder than I ever had in my life. Moira fell onto me, and we both lay back, my head landing on a black pillow with a goat embroidered on it.

I let her relax for a moment until the darkness started creeping in again. The potion's effects were clear. If I wasn't trying to get off inside Moira, if things weren't actively headed in that direction, I was going to feel pain. I resumed thrusting into her, softly first, then harder. Moira sat up a bit, leaning over me so her tits were inches from my face. Now instead of grinding on me she was meeting my thrusts with her own, bouncing atop me and giving me maybe the sexiest view I've had in my life. I wasn't any closer to cumming though. I needed to get deeper.

I pulled her in close and flipped her over, so she was on her back and I was above her. I put her legs under my arms and lifted her knees to her stomach, then began pounding away at her again. She put her hands on my ass and pulled me into her in rhythm with my movements, digging her nails in sharply enough that I felt pain.

"David," she said, looking me in the eyes, " you need to cum inside me."

A part of me screamed inside that I should try pulling out. As quickly as the thought occurred to me it was swept away. Was the potion making me this careless, or my own desires? It didn't matter. I kissed her then, and welcomed her tongue into my mouth. Her breathing changed, and soon we were cumming together. She broke the kiss and stared up at me, both of us maintaining eye contact as I emptied myself inside of her.

Once I was done I laid atop her, both of us clinging to each other tightly. I could feel a cloud lifting from my brain.

"Wow," I said, surprised at the intensity of what we'd just experienced.

"Wow," she agreed, kissing me on the lips.

That did it. I wasn't under a spell anymore. Before I'd been powerless to resist. Now a woman other than my wife was kissing me, and it felt wrong. Absurdly wrong. I realized I was still inside her then, and pushed myself up and off the bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked, pulling up the blankets to cover herself.

"Yea, no..." I said, gathering up my clothes. "I'm fine."

"What's wrong?" Moira asked. She sounded hurt.

"I," I started, unsure of how to finish that sentence. We should never have fucked. I wanted to tell her that. I wanted to tell her that my life was over; that she'd given me a potion that had caused me to cheat on my wife and maybe even impregnate her best friend. I wanted to tell her how much stress I'd been under for weeks because of this baby business and now I'd just added a massive complication to the mix. I wanted to tell her this was all her fault.

That wasn't fair though. I'd drank the wrong potion. Moira didn't want to betray Emma, and she certainly didn't want to hurt my marriage. She'd only been trying to help me by making these potions in the first place. Now she'd saved my life.

"Thank you," I said. "You didn't have to do this. Any of this."

"It was nothing."

"That's not true," I said, instantly regretting it.

"No, it wasn't, was it?" She hid her face in her knees.

"I'm sorry. I know I got carried away."

"You were under a spell."

"I was."

She looked up to meet my gaze. "What was my excuse?"

"This can't happen again," I said, more for my benefit than hers.

"Of course not," Moira said quickly. "This was an accident. We didn't have a choice."

"We did not."

"It was good though," she said, smiling wickedly.

"I was magical."

Moira got dressed and lead me to the front door.

"Wait!" she said, running off down the hallway. She returned a moment later with a a familiar glass bottle. "You almost forgot this."

"I don't know," I said, looking skeptically at the potion. "I think I'm done with magic."

"What about your interview?" she asked.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. Three missed calls. Four unread texts.

Nine o'clock.

"It's too late. My interview is in less than twelve hours."

"Drink it anyway," she said. "Sometimes it kicks in sooner."

"I really don't know if I want to mess with this stuff anymore."

"You could always use a little luck. Besides, you don't just have your interview to worry about now. You still have to tell Emma what happened. "

"It could be our secret," I said.

"Maybe," she said, rubbing her belly, "but maybe not."


I flicked off the cork and downed the whole bottle.

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shadrachtshadracht3 months ago

Super hot set up the characters, felt realistic. Part of me wondered if the mix up was some sort of a plan by Moira.

Would love to see the outcome. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great plot. Write more. We need a Chapter 2.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

David fought it WAY too much.

SylvanusSilvertungSylvanusSilvertungalmost 2 years ago

This is such a great story.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 3 years ago

He has to tell his wife. No other choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I loved this. This could be a great series. I'd be curious to see what happens next with him.

As for where else you could take, You could have more adventures with Moira and her magic. All kinds of possibilities.

Great job, I hope I get to read more in the future :)

coyote62coyote62about 4 years ago

I could so this going on!! Loved it but I'd love to see more about the wife friendship and of course the babies!

ArediaArediaabout 4 years ago

An original tale, and well-written. :) Thanks! I hope you continue this, although I have no real idea where you'd take it. :)

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