Fetish Library: Pregnancy

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Filthy rendezvous with friend's pregnant fiancee.
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This series is dedicated to the peculiar, the weird, the not-so-missionary of it all. It's the curious little quirks in our sex lives that show up in the oddest of places. Some volumes may seem pretty basic by now as we've expanded our sexual tastes- but nonetheless, we spend the time deliciously celebrating each individual kink as we peruse - the Fetish Library. Please do keep in mind though that these stories aren't meant to be detailed explainers for the how and why of things, that all participants are 18 and over, and situations where consent isn't explicitly given are strictly fantasy.

It's a Boy

Salim was a guy I knew from high school- a couple grades higher and a few years older, it wasn't difficult to idolize him. I actually didn't get to know Salim until years after graduation when we bumped into one another in the parking lot of a Walmart. We had both turned out to be car guys, one of about a hundred who had gathered regularly at a suburban parking lot to show off our rides, do stunts and race. My car was a dirt box compared to Salim's, a shiny blue waterborne- fuck it, you're not here for the cars are you? Let me cut to the chase.

To me, a 25yo guy just trying to eke out a life, Salim was a bar setter. His car was amazing, his job was better, and he seemed to have all his shit together before the age of 30, which included buying a house and getting engaged to this incredibly gorgeous girl, Sina.

"C'mon my guy, I've seen the way you've looked at her, I know you want to," Salim clapped his hand on my shoulder and locked eyes in an intimidating fashion. He'd invited a bunch of folks over to his new place for a pool party and was holding court in the open concept kitchen while people splashed about in the yard. I'd just arrived with my six pack of ciders when I was corralled into a group chat with the guys. Salim leaned in close, almost whispering.

"You wanna ride her, c'mon admit it. And there's nothing I want more than to see you in her," Some other dude interjected.

"Ya, but do you offer financing?" Everyone broke out in laughter as Salim released me but kept his gaze.

"Bro, I love Blue but I dunno, I'd have to sell my car first and I dunno who's gonna want it.

"I'm sure the scrappers will take it," Someone else set off another round of laughs at my expense as I lifted my drinks and got pointed to the cooler outside. It wasn't practical, but I did want to buy Salim's car. Aside from my bank account, I was a bit conflicted because I knew that dude was selling because him and Sina were expecting a child, and I envied their life. Was mortgaging myself to mimic his wild days really what I wanted?

I stepped out onto the deck and was greeted by folks as I dumped my shit into the trough of ice. At that same moment, Sina was climbing out of the pool, reminding me of what I truly wanted.

Round and tan, with full breasts stretching the fabric of her red bikini top Sina was a stunning sight in her 6th month, and I found my mouth hanging agape as I watched the water stream off her belly in rivulets. I could almost hear the judgy remarks from the other girls at the party, aghast at this girl daring to wear so little in front of others, never mind in her third trimester.

A reformed club girl, Sina was used to showing off and catching shit about it from other women. She could be very sweet and inviting, but was often distant and seemingly uncomfortable. I'd always gotten the sense that she was searching for something and acting impulsively as a cover. At first it was a shock that Salim had landed her, but as soon as that baby bump showed up I think everyone kinda put two and two together.

I averted my eyes for a moment to fish a bottle of water out of the trough and when I turned back to the pool I found myself staring at the wet belly of my friend's fiancee.

"Hey Omer,"

"Hey... Sina. How's it going?"

My eyes moved slowly as I stood up, scanning the brown line from pubis to breasts on Sina's stomach. She had hidden her eyes behind sunglasses and I instantly regretted forgetting mine in the car as I'd likely tipped my hand right there.

"Oh you know, just growing a human life, home decor, bullshit really," She faintly smiled before her mouth tightened. "He's kicking again. Oof." We both looked down, affording me a close up of her cleavage. While her breasts had grown some, the weight had caused them to sag, pushing her nipples against the fabric in an obvious fashion. I was lost in the thought of burying my face between her pendulous tits when she grabbed my hand.

"Here, feel,"

Sina brought my hand to the patch just below her navel and held it in place. I could feel a subtle nudge and thinly smiled as I nodded at her. I began to feel a blush rise on my face as my hand warmed her flesh. She had always been my friend's beautiful girlfriend, but in this odd intimate moment I began to develop a more complex set of feelings. Before I could pull back, Sina moved my hand lower until I could feel the string of her bikini.

A flood of emotion filled my chest as my cock began to twitch. The move she made felt reminiscent of girlfriends I've had when encouraging me to finger them. I was on the cusp of sneaking my hand into her bikini bottoms and touching her warm cunt right when someone shouted out BBQ orders and we broke apart.

"Anyways, I'm really missing beer. These parties are a drag without it. See ya Omer." Sina patted my chest and took the water bottle from my other hand before drifting off to greet more guests. I watched her pick her bathing suit out from between her brown cheeks and turned back to the trough. Fuck it, I'm stealing someone else's shit and getting drunk now.

The afternoon turned to evening and as dusk approached I was properly soused. Guests had begun to peel off and the other car guys congregated in the garage talking about hitting the lot tonight. I had tried to avoid Sina but kept finding glimpses of her through the window. She had put a sinewy wrap around her belly and effortlessly moved about the party picking at food and staring sadly at the empty bottles she gathered. She seemed defeated, as if she had resigned herself to picking up after others for the rest of her life while Salim got to enjoy his time. The drunker I got the more I imagined our kinship, both loving and loathing Salim for what he had and wanting a little piece of it ourselves. Despite my best efforts to stop coveting his fiancee, mentally ticking off her flat ass and stretchmarks as turn-offs, I increasingly found myself turned on by her attainability.

I chastised myself for having such horrible thoughts but chalked it up to the liquor, not wanting to admit to myself how shitty I was. So I was already in a mood when Salim darted into the kitchen and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Budddyyy, bro- sorry mate- we're heading to the lot with Blue. You've been over served son! No puking in the goods," He looked over at Sina who was talking with friends. "See baby, go take him upstairs and have him lay down in the guest, just put the trash nearby in case right? Love ya!" Salim grabbed his keys and bolted out the front door with the other guys. Sina stared at me with a mix of disdain, and commiseration. Quietly she nudged me upstairs and onto a neatly made bed before closing the door and leaving me to pass out.

The next memory I had was waking up to the hallway light slicing across my face as a shadowy figure stepped in the room. I groggily sat up and was met with a soft, demur voice.

"I brought you water,"

I groped about in the dark until I felt a cold glass in my hand. I emptied it as I tried to clear the cobwebs. The bed pressed down beside me as Sina sat, the faint smell of coconut lotion filling my nostrils and reminding me of our earlier encounter. We stayed silent for a few moments as I pieced together the rest of the party. I was still not entirely there, but had the clarity to be bitter at Salim for both Sina and myself. The bed shifted again as she laid down and I turned to look at her sullen face in the moonlight.

"I never saw myself going this way, know," She pulled a pillow underneath her head and I turned onto my side to face her. "Husband, wife, house, baby. I still had years to go..." Sina trailed off as I fought the urge to touch her face. She was still in her bikini -minus the wrap- and in her current position it looked as though her breasts were about to fall out of her top.

"Salim always seemed like fun... just not forever. And it wouldn't seem so bad if..." Sina seemed to catch herself, as if just realizing the weight of that admission. For all I know, it could have been the first time saying those words to someone. "It wouldn't be so bad if he enjoyed who I'm becoming, instead of congratulating himself for taking who I was," She looked down at the duvet as I filed those words away for sober thought. In the meantime, my drunk ass self was planning to kiss her. Before I could make a move though, Sina rolled and slung a leg over my waist, straddling me and planting her ass atop my groin. Fog immediately lifted.

"He hasn't fucked me since the first pregnancy test," Her voice suddenly became stronger, more forthright. I nearly recoiled at the harsh turn. As she continued on I could feel her begin to grind me, instantly waking up my cock and changing the air between us. "He doesn't talk about it, he celebrates with others, but he leaves me here like some fucking science project. Well does this look like a science project?" Sina tore her top off and leaned forward, dangling those fulsome breasts over my face. I closed my eyes and tiled my head, letting her nipples swipe across my lips. I tried to lick and nibble, but each time I thought I had a nub in reach, Sina would draw them back with a giggle. I could feel the weight of her belly on my stomach and began to sink into the realization of how wrong I was.

Sina wasn't some pitiful deteriorating girl, she was a powerful woman who could destroy my will with her sexual beauty. This came into clarity when she sat up straight on my dick and let me bask in her radiance. Her soft shoulders, those incredible drooping breasts, her bulbous stomach demanding my attention. I reached out for her belly like a wanting child, desperately splaying my fingers over the rounded flesh and weakening in her strength. If she kept riding my cock I'd be cumming in my shorts in no time. My hand quickly moved down to her bikini briefs, this time fulfilling the promise and slipping under the string until I could feel lips. My middle finger slide up and down her labia until I could push inward and feel her wet cunt.

Sina allowed this to happen for a few moments before awkwardly retreating to the end of the bed and turning to the door.

"Take your clothes off, take your clothes off!" She hissed while fiddling with her bottoms. I stumbled off the edge of the bed, nearly taking out the lamp while pulling off my shirt. I unbuckled my belt and tore off my shorts and underwear in one go, suddenly feeling insecure about my cock size and body. Moving to the foot of the bed I found Sina had spread her legs as an invitation, well - perhaps more of an instruction I guess. She remained sat on the edge, wordlessly leading me to my knees, at which point she leaned back and gave me access to her wonderfully hairy pussy. I quickly buried my face in her wetness, mashing my face against her labia and stabbing her with my tongue. She briefly gripped me by the hair before thrashing back and inching up on the bed and sticking a pillow under her back. I leaned on the mattress now and drew my arms underneath her legs. I could now lick away at her gash while running my hands over her engorged belly. There was so much more to grab now, and I freakishly revelled in the thought of violating Salim's future wife. He may have planted his seed, but I was pleasuring her in ways he couldn't. Sina held a sustained high pitched whine, moaning like a tea kettle at full boil, encouraging me to lap away at her tangy, used cunt. Any time I tried to look up to see her face, I was confronted with that gorgeous stomach. This felt so much dirtier and taboo than anything I'd experienced before.

Now out of control, I pushed myself onto the bed and wedged my knees under Sina's rippled thighs. I was going to fuck the shit out of her now. I was going to prove myself the man Salim wasn't. I'd gotten my back up and was feeling my shit, ready to own I grabbed my cock and lined it up to Sina's phudi. I took a quick glance to make sure she was alright, which was likely my downfall, as Sina seemed willing but unsure. Slowly I began my rhythm, trying to show my skill and consideration before starting to pound in earnest. Sina had spoken like a starved woman and I wanted to leave her fully satisfied regardless of how things turned out. I screwed up my face and felt the burn in my knees as I relentlessly pistoned into her crotch, thinking I was going to be THE man. When I opened my eyes again I was disappointed to see a strained expression on Sina's face. Wordlessly I slowed myself and took a breather, watching her face relax as my hands caressed her belly. I took a moment to still myself and with my cock still buried inside, I leaned forward to kiss and massage Sina's breasts. She purred as I attended to her heavy nipples, squeezing each breast softly to feed them into my mouth. Finally, I trailed kisses down her chest and stomach, pulling my cock out as I rested my head on her fat belly. I hugged and nuzzled the bump, which seemed to make Sina emotional. When we caught eyes again, there was a teary thankfulness about her face.

I sat back on my haunches and gently nudged my erection between Sina's lips. A quiet yelp caused me to pause halfway through as it dawned on me she was enjoying this. I positioned myself to fuck her with just the tip of my cock, allowing me to thumb her clit and elicit a throaty moan. In seconds I found the just the right pace, straining my thighs to continue this meagre combination of moves while bringing Sina closer and closer to climax. I watched as her face tightened, and with tears streaming she bit her lip and shuddered to orgasm. I slowed my efforts until she waved me off, collapsing beside her as she covered her face and cried. I wanted to kiss her, but instead wrapped her in my arms and pulled our bodies close together. As the tears subsided I began to pepper her chest with soft kisses and I could feel her fingers run through my hair as I found the nipple again. My hands explored her body as she repositioned us in order to touch my cock.

I went from deflated to rock hard in seconds, and lost all sensibility when Sina wet her hand between her legs and lubed me up. I found myself splayed out on her lap suckling from her tit as she worked my dick with her hand. Any effort I made to change the dynamic was slapped away as I was edged and nursed. Salim wasn't THE man, and neither was I- I was the boy being used at the whim of this glorious mother to be. We locked eyes as I came all over myself, Sina looking down at me as she milked me, my face an embarrassing mix of contortions and contrition. She was still the sexy girl in the club all the guys wanted, and as I lay there with my dick softening in her hand, I felt wonderfully small and complete. My body was tiny compared to hers and I knew she would hold this power over me for all of time. I would worship this mother forever.

As for Salim...

There were no more issues about his life or mine, or where I was headed, or how we compared. After that night I kinda felt at ease with myself, understanding my place in the world. He would continue being the out of touch husband and every time he got Sina pregnant and left her untouched I would get the call and show up for regular visits.

And I bought his car,Blue.

The neighbours still think its his and never question when it shows up in his driveway.

* * * * *

Thanks for reading. Got any kinks you want explored and added to the library? Comment below, maybe tell me what turns you on about it, and if it tickles my fancy as well you'll see it written about here. Cheers

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