Fever Ch. 01

Story Info
African-American Connor meets Kelly, a sensual Asian minx.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/17/2003
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It was Connor’s first day on the job as the head of Public Relations at a new company, and thoughts ran through his mind as he walked up the long, relatively steep and narrow stairs, He saw the company’s name on the door, opened it, and was met by an attractive lady at reception. She looked up and correctly guessed whom he was. She stepped around her desk and greeted him warmly.

“Connor Thompson, right? Your first day today? Hi, my name’s Noraini,” she extended her hand with a smile and they shook hands.

“Hello Noraini,” Connor smiled back, looking around at the office. Everyone was mostly already there and he noticed them smiling and looking at him in fascination. They probably hadn’t had much contact with African-Americans, but that was understandable, given that this was Singapore, and after all, populated by mostly Asians. Although cosmopolitan and a melting pot of various cultures, most of the expatriates were Caucasian, with very few like himself. Even then, expatriates made up a small percentage of the population. The rest of the foreigners they came across were mostly tourists.

“You can call me Nor for short. Mr. Lee told me to expect you,” Nor smiled. “Welcome. Let me introduce you to everybody and then we’ll get you settled in your new office.”

So Nor spent the next several minutes introducing Connor to his new co-workers. They started on the floor they were on, the Editorial department, responsible for churning out newsletters, brochures, magazines and what not for their various clients. Everyone greeted him warmly. Connor noticed the door that said ‘Editor’ at the end.

Nor saw him looking and explained, “That’s the Editor’s office. She’s away on vacation right now but we’re expecting her back tomorrow. I’ll introduce you to her then.”

Next, they went upstairs, where his Public Relations department was. Again, he was warmly welcomed. Nor pointed to the closed door marked ‘Public Relations’ and on the second line, ‘Manager’, in slightly smaller lettering. “That’s your office. Mr. Lee’s is directly opposite yours,” she said, pointing to a door simply marked ‘The Boss’. Connor chuckled. It was obvious from when Mr. Lee interviewed him that he had a sense of humor, a trait he appreciated.

“Before you settle in though, let me introduce you to our team in the Graphics department,” she said and led him up yet another flight of stairs.

“Phew! That’s a lot of steps!” Connor grinned. “Good exercise with all this running up and down you guys do here though.”

Nor laughed and explained, “This used to be a shophouse in the olden days, before they converted them to offices and rented them out. As you may have noticed, the ‘shop’ portion of the shophouses now house companies like boutiques, bakeries and what have you. They were going to demolish all of these shophouses to make way for more modern complexes, but decided to restore them instead. I like the idea. It allows us to retain part of our architectural and cultural heritage.”

“Oh I love it,” Connor agreed. “They’re certainly charming.”

After all the introductions were made, Nor led him back to his office. “Lunch is at twelve, and the bathroom’s at the end of the hall. If you need help with anything or have more questions, my extension is listed, along with everyone else’s, on your phone.” She gave him a quick tutorial on how to use their phone system, smiled, and left.

Connor spent the next few minutes situating himself in his new office. After awhile, Mr. Lee popped his head in and gave him a huge grin.

“So Connor,” he greeted him. “How’s your first day so far?”

“Wonderful. Still getting my bearings but I should get settled in soon,” Connor smiled, standing up and shaking his new boss’s hand.

“Did Nor introduce you to everybody?”

“Yes she did. She did a great job,” Connor nodded.

“Good. There’s one more person you should meet tomorrow, the editor,” Mr. Lee said. “Although her department and yours are primarily independent of each other, there will be several occasions when you’ll need to work together, especially when we’re serving the same client.”

“Yes Sir, I’m looking forward to meeting her,” Connor replied.

“I also took the liberty of setting up a meeting between you and your new department, so that they can brief you on their status, our ongoing projects, and what needs to be done,” Mr. Lee said. He looked at his watch and pointed, “And the meeting starts in about five minutes as a matter of fact. I’ll sit in this time and help you where I can.”

“Goodness gracious, I’d better gather my notebook then,” Connor said, snatching up his notebook and a pen, before heading downstairs with Mr. Lee.

* * *

The next day, Connor heard a knock on his office door. “Come in,” he invited, quickly reading through what he just typed before looking up from his computer.

Nor opened the door and smiled. “Connor, I’d like to introduce you to our editor, Kelly Chen,” she said, as Kelly moved into view. “Kelly, this is Connor Thompson, the new head of Public Relations.”

Connor stood up to greet Kelly, and was stunned by her beauty. Her long, flowing black hair framed a very attractive, oval face. Her large, almond-shaped, dark brown eyes, accompanied by long, thick eyelashes, were sparkling and expressive. Her soft, kissable lips were turned up in a warm, gorgeous smile. His eyes had already taken in her figure as they swept up, before resting on her face. All in all, she was a heart-stopping vision of sexiness.

“Hi Connor,” Kelly grinned, shaking hands with him. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Same here, Kelly,” Connor grinned back, noting her firm handshake and how she looked him straight in the eye. “Everyone was telling me I should meet you. Now I know why.”

“Dang, so what have these naughty people been telling you about me? Not all good I hope,” Kelly’s soft laughter made his heart skip in a funny way.

“Nothing but good things, I’m afraid,” he replied, his mind already mentally picturing them in various stages of undress. It made his best friend twitch, and he hoped she wouldn’t notice it.

Kelly liked what she saw. Connor was tall, with rich, dark brown eyes and wide, delectable lips that were now curved up in a huge grin. He’d shaved his head, and in her opinion that made him look all the more sexy. His brown, chocolatey skin looked smooth to the touch. She could very well imagine licking his skin all over, and that thought gave her goosebumps. He was also very nicely built. Her eyes then flicked quickly to the area around his crotch.Mmmm … she noted with amusement,very nicely built indeed.

Just then, Mr. Lee walked into Connor’s office, looking hassled and preoccupied.

“Oh good! You’re both here. Come into my office,” Mr. Lee said, and they both quickly complied. He shut the door to his office and sat down on his chair heavily, shaking his head and sighing deeply. “Sometimes I really do wish we’re in the business of delivering miracles, as some of our clients seem to think.”

“What is it, Sir?” asked Kelly, concerned.

“It’s the Shigeru account. Their newest perfume launches next Friday, and now they’ve decided that they want a full color, glossy, 8-page brochure in B5 size. 10,000 copies, to be distributed to all their outlets in the department stores around the island, and they want it ready by next Thursday,” Mr. Lee explained. “I’ve tried telling them before that they need to give us ample time for things like that, but do they listen.”

Kelly groaned and shook her head. “Dammit,” she softly said, listening to the news in disbelief. “Well, we’ll just have to burn the midnight oil to get this out on time. It’s not as if we haven’t done this before,” she shrugged in resignation.

“Will they be providing the content? Pictures and text? And if so, when can we expect them? We’re to follow the current concept yes?” Connor asked.

“That’s the killer. They want us to come out with a rough layout by noon tomorrow. The pictures should be here via Fedex today,” Mr. Lee replied. “I’m really sorry to have to dump this on you guys, but this is our biggest account and we can’t afford to lose them. Kelly, Connor, I want the both of you to work together on this, give it top priority. Of course, don’t neglect the rest of our clients. Can you do this?”

Connor nodded his head in affirmation. “We’ll certainly do our best, Sir.”

Kelly smiled. “We know what’s at stake. I’d be happy to help.”

“Good. Very good. This will be a good thing to sink your teeth in, Connor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Kelly. She’s been dealing with the Shigeru people for years,” Mr. Lee said. “Now out, both of you, and let me go through my mental breakdown in peace.”

“Yes Sir,” Connor and Kelly chimed in together, exchanged amused glances, and left his office.

* * *

Over the week, Connor and Kelly worked together tirelessly. They were each impressed with the other’s conscientiousness and professionalism. Connor in particular found himself attracted to Kelly’s intelligence and quick sense of humor. Very little seemed to faze her, and she tackled problems head on until they were solved. Kelly on the other hand found Connor to be a very effective and creative sounding board. She loved to bounce ideas off him and more often than not, he actually improved on her ideas. She also liked the way he easily handled the people they dealt with, from the Shigeru people to their printer. He’d coax, reassure, listen to everyone, and come to acceptable compromises. They worked very well together indeed.

Thursday rolled around, the day when the brochures were due to be distributed. Their printer had encountered a little hitch and for a while there, it seemed as if they might not make it on time. Connor and Kelly waited on pins and needles for the call from their distributor. Around 8 pm, they were informed that they were almost done distributing the brochures, and only had a few more outlets to go.

Since everyone had already left for the day and the building was deserted, they had waited in Kelly’s office. Feeling relieved at the news, they decided to celebrate with Kelly’s private stash of chocolate, and Coke from her little refrigerator in her office.

“Oh my god I’m so glad this is over,” she laughed, pulling apart the foil wrapper on her piece of chocolate.

“Me too. I’d like to thank you, Kelly. You were a great help and I don’t think I could have pulled it off alone,” said Connor, popping his chocolate into his mouth with a smile.

“Don’t mention it. I was just doing my job, but we certainly work well together. Now all I want to do is head home, have a nice, long soak in my bathtub, and see the fruits of our labor tomorrow at the product launch,” she sighed, leaning her head on her hands. “That was too close for comfort, just barely making it under the buzzer like that.”

Connor and Kelly fell silent, enjoying the chocolate, the Coke, and each other’s company. They were both very much aware of a growing attraction for each other. Earlier today, when Kelly was over at his office, showing him how to use a particular program on his computer, he breathed in the scent of her feminine perfume as she leaned over him, her hand on his mouse. She smelled so good, and her nearness was intoxicating.

Aching with the desire he felt for her, he wanted very much to rip her blouse off, bury his face in between her breasts and breathe in more of her. Thank goodness, he had a file in his hands, and was able to conceal his arousal with it. He had a hard time concentrating on what she was trying to show him. He also loved listening to her speak Chinese. It was melodious, and tickled his ears and his senses. As far as he was concerned, she could be reading off a shopping list and he wouldn’t care. He could listen to her speak Chinese all day.

Kelly placed a couple more pieces of chocolate in front of him and put the rest away. “I better head home now,” she explained. “We have to be at C.K. Tang’s early tomorrow for the product launch. The press will be there. Need to look good for tomorrow, which means I need to get as much sleep as I can,” she grinned.

“You always look good, even when you’re hopelessly busy, with your head buried in work,” Connor complimented her with a smile.

“Why thank you, Connor!” she laughed, and a soft blush touched her very pretty features. It was very endearing.

* * *

The product launch was a success. There were more people than expected, making it a very busy day. When it was time to go home, Connor approached Kelly, touched her hand softly and whispered in her ear, “Let me buy you dinner. I really want to thank you for all you’ve done.”

Kelly turned around and looked deep into his eyes. She nodded, reaching up to touch his shoulder, “Sure. Let me get my things and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Connor waited while she went off, then a short while later felt Kelly tugging on his sleeve. “Let’s go,” she said, flashing him one of her heart-stopping smiles. He followed her as she made her way through the crowd, to the exit that led to the parking lot. She went through the door first. He saw it close behind her, and when he walked through the door, he felt her grab his hand, causing him to spin around on his heels.

The next thing he knew, her lips were on his, kissing, teasing, softly biting his lower lip with her teeth. Connor groaned and melted at her gentle assault, and pushed her against the wall and kissed her back. His lips brushed her cheeks and made their way to her delicate neck. He kissed her neck, biting it oh so softly, and heard her moaning in his ear.

“Oh god,” he breathed. “I’ve wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you, Kelly.”

“So what were you waiting for Connor? A formal invitation, sent on textured, card stock, with lace and ribbons?” she teased, giggling mischievously.

In response, Connor grabbed her wrist and asked, “Where’s your car parked?”

“In the next building. Couldn’t find anything nearer,” she smiled.

“We’ll take mine then. It’s closer,” he said, leading her to his car. He opened the passenger side and she slipped in. He got behind the wheel and pulled out of the parking lot. “My place?” he queried, looking over at her.

“Why not?” she winked, and reached out to caress his growing bulge. Her touch sent a jolt of desire ripping through his body.

“Dammit woman,” he growled, stopping the car, taking her face in his hands and kissing her long and hard. “We should at least try to make it to my place without killing ourselves or anyone else.”

Kelly’s lips turned out in a sensual pout. “But I want to play with your joystick,” she said, turning her sad puppy dog eyes on him. “Pweeeese?” It had the double whammy effect of turning his knees to jello, and making his best friend rock hard. He wondered if anyone had ever said ‘No’ to her. He doubted very few could.

“Thank goodness I don’t live far from here,” he groaned, trying his darnest to concentrate on driving while her hand unzipped his cock and wrapped her hand around his shaft. He felt her masturbating him with his hand, and he saw pre-cum oozing off the tip. She bent her head down, licked his salty cream, then wrapped her lips around it, moving up and down in long, slow, leisurely strokes. He turned off a road from the main drag, and his apartment building came into view. “Oh my god,” he moaned, his hand stroking her hair. “You have the face of an angel, but you’re a devilish nympho in disguise aren’t you?”

Pulling her lips up along his shaft in one last, long suck, she licked her lips and grinned. “If that’s the taste of things to cum, I want more,” she giggled.

Connor turned into the parking lot of his apartment complex just as she said that. “As you wish, my dear.” The car screeched to a halt at a parking space. He pulled his key out of the ignition, and got out of the car, then realized that his cock was still sticking out of his pants. Seeing this, Kelly grinned wickedly, and was already making her way towards the lobby, leaving him with his predicament.Oh she’s going to pay for this, he thought, chuckling to himself. He quickly pulled his shirt out, letting it fall around him. It concealed his arousal adequately enough.

Walking towards the lobby, he saw that only the security guard was present, grinning widely at him and pointing to the elevator. He greeted the security guard with a cursory nod, saw that Kelly was already waiting for him, holding the elevator door open, a look of innocence on her face.

“Going up?” she winked. “Or out? Or maybe staying in? Hard decision to make, huh?”

Connor stabbed the button to his floor, and the button to close the door. Once closed, he turned around and slammed her against the wall of the elevator. “You’re such a cocktease,” he growled. “I’m going to have fun fucking you, baby.”

Kelly however, just laughed and said teasingly, “Promises, promises…”

“You bet it is!” Connor said sternly, his hand reaching up under her form-fitting knitted dress. He felt her sheer, lacy panties, and ripped them off with one hard tug. Feeling the dampness of her panties, he realized she was very wet. He dipped his finger into her pussy, while his lips covered hers. Their tongues met, battled, and they almost didn’t hear the elevator’s bell go off and the door sliding open.

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her towards the entrance of his apartment. His key went right into the lock and he turned it, pushing the door wide open. Pulling her inside, he kicked the door shut, then turned around, pinned her against the door and kissed her some more.

Trying to hurry up and unbutton his shirt, he got impatient and gave up halfway. Kelly meanwhile kicked her high heels off to the side. His cock was still out, stiff and ready, so he lifted her dress above her waist, wrapped her right leg around him and pushed right into her. He saw her eyes widen at his entry, a gasp escaping her sweet lips, and felt her pussy stretching to accommodate him. He made sure he was all the way in, buried as far as he could go, before he pulled out, and rammed right back into her.

“Oh god,” she moaned, her knees quivering as she clung to him. He held her firmly and kept ramming into her, banging her back against the door every time he did so.

“Damn, Kelly,” he whispered in her ear. “It feels so good to be inside you. Oh baby.”

“Give it to me, Connor. Fuck me hard, please …” Kelly passionately begged him, her hands pushing his shirt down so it fell around his arms, exposing his well-defined upper body.

“Anything to oblige,” said Connor, grabbing her smooth, delectable fanny, lifting her and wrapping her legs around his waist, then thrusting deeper and harder into her. “Like that baby?”

“Oh yes, oh yes, oooh yesss!” she cried, her body shaking from an orgasm, causing her pussy to spasm around his shaft. “More … harder … yes … YES!”

Feeling her pussy clench around him, and her body shuddering as she came over and over, drove him closer to his own release. He pounded into her for as long as he could, before letting out a loud groan as he filled her sweet depths with his seed. Spent, they both collapsed onto the cool marble-tiled floor, holding onto each other, gasping for breath.

“Damn!” laughed Kelly, catching her breath. “Wow.”

“You can say that again!” Connor sighed, pulling her close to him. “Wow.”

Kelly threw her arm around his chest, her leg over his, and softly purred in his ear, “Are you up for more?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief and desire.

“God woman, you are a nympho aren’t you?” he softly laughed, kissing her sweet, tasty lips.

Connor smiled when he felt her hand gently caressing in-between his thighs, then his balls and semi-erect cock. He let out a tortured groan when she flicked her tongue playfully over his nipples, and then nipped them with her teeth. “Want to find out?”