Fever Ch. 02


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That gets on my nerves because I swear she neglects me and Tavis. It's almost like we aren't there. Tavis gets to hang out with the blood sucker, while I only have aunt Jill. Believe me, aunt Jill is a nice woman and I love her as my aunt and mom's best friend, but she's not my mother. She cannot replace the woman I was really close to as a kid. Well as close as a mother and daughter could be before her mom's life is taken by one of those things. I think sometimes that I would be better off just being on my own rather than being here with this family.

The only thing I like about being here is the fact that I've learned to take care of myself, and I've learn to provide for my own needs. I feel like I may as well be an adult because I'm by myself anyway during the day time. Mom and blood sucker and baby blood sucker sleep during the day and come out in the evenings. What a way to live huh? It's so boring in this house and I hate the way it smells. No one seems to notice, but I can smell the blood here.

It's like no matter how much they clean it, air it out, or even sterilize it, this house still smell bad. Do you know why? You can smell their blood and it smells funny. It doesn't smell normal. I hate being around them because I hate inhaling their scents. It smells like rubber gloves that dentist use that have the powder on the inside of them. Mom says that's not true because no one can smell vampire blood.

Only vampires and animals have a nose that sensitive. I tell her all the time that vampires have a funny smell and it makes me gag when ever I'm around one. I absolutely abhor the sight of blood. I can't stand the deathly pale, lifeless look a lot of them have. Mom and Stefan may be pale, but they don't look life less. Another thing is, that they think vampires only come out at night. Mark my words, I've seen them come out during the day. I've smelled them. Not all of them have a light ring around the eyes, some have silver rings around the eyes. Not all of them are allergic to sunlight. Some of them seem to love the heat in low doses too and also, not all of them drink just blood. I've seen it with my own eyes.

I tried telling them when I was nine how I could see vampires in the day light and how I could smell their blood, even recognize that not all of them look the same, that there are different types, but they didn't listen. They ignored me. So I just learned over the years to keep quiet about what I saw. I also knew that not all vampires were stealth. Like my parents. They were alert during the night, but unworried during the day. I bet they didn't know that there have been several things around our home during the day time, just watching it. I'm not sure what they are, but they're not vamps.

They give me chills.

The weirdest thing is that they take on the form of humans, so they can become human to any passerby. At times they even can look like one of us. I saw it. If I was to tell them however, they wouldn't believe me. Never! My parents would think it was my imagination. I bet though, if one of them were to attack, they'd believe me. I notice that they crouch low and have the ability to shift to shadow form.

It's like they are waiting for some opportunity of some sort. The only reason they haven't fully attacked mom and Stefan is because I've placed a protective spell around the house. Not one of those rinky dink type that Tavis likes to use, but I've put an upper level spell on the house, because although I can't stand these guys, they are my family and I wouldn't want anyone to hurt them. I can be a lot of things, but a family killer I am not.

I wish I didn't feel the need to protect them because then I could do what I really want to do. I want to hunt vampires. I want to kill as many of them as I can because that's how awful they are to me. I've seen vampires take a lot of lives on television, but fortunately, I have never seen them actually harm someone out in public. The day I get to see one of those blood suckers holding someone against their will is the day I get to have a party. I am going to do more than run a stake through them. I may just torture them for fun, just to make what they suffer last longer before actually beheading them.

Exhaling, I turn away from the mirror and look in my closet. Grabbing the body suit my mother made for my practice, I dressed myself and then went to the attic, where I chose to practice my kick boxing. It's not the same type of kick boxing one would normally do, but it involves other defense maneuvers, strikes and disabling moves that allow me to put my opponent out without any problem. My anger has enabled me to channel my own energy and put it into my fighting technique. I always start out with a little tai chi.

After I finished my work out, I went down stairs, back to my room and grabbed a pair of clothing to take with me into the bathroom to shower.

When I got out of the shower, I dressed, slipped on a pair of head phones and went downstairs, to the front door, opening it, going to check the mail. As I did, I noticed from the corner of my eye that something was moving by the pine tree that stood in our yard. Turning to my left, I glanced up at the tree. Everything was still. I figured it must have been a squirrel or something. Although it was chilly, with Halloween being right around the corner, squirrels still came out around this time.

Continuing on my way, I walked the rest of the way to the mailbox. Because we lived on the outskirts of Chicago, in a suburban area, we had to walk at least a few minutes to the mail box. Our neighbors were not as close as you would think. We still had a half an acre of land of our own. The bloodsucker had inherited it from his own family, who'd long since passed on.

I found myself wondering how could anyone want to live out here? It's like living out in the country; so far out that traffic couldn't be heard from where we lived. Although we'd only been here a couple of months, I'd walked from this edge of town, to downtown Chicago, which is a good twenty minute walk, and then to the other side of down town. I believe it is the west side or something, I don't know.

All I know is that the place is very similar to our neighbor hoods here, except the houses are less spacious and neighbors are divided by hedges on the lawn. Instead of fences, hedges separate the areas. Here, it's just markers for separation of land.

After grabbing the mail, I paused, my nostrils being filled with a different scent. Inhaling deeply, I felt my stomach rumble in disgust. I could tell that one, it was a vampire and two, that it was close by. Jerking my head to the left, I looked up in the tree, I didn't see anything except the branches moving. Turning to the right, I saw that there was nothing.

Tucking the mail into the crook of my arm, I cleared my voice, "Show yourself, who ever you are." I wasn't afraid, my tone remained even. All I felt was anger and hatred for the thing. There wasn't no answer. However, the leaves continued to move in the tree, to my left. "Show yourself," I stated, "Any trespassers will be dealt with." I stated. It was then something occurred to me.

If the wind wasn't blowing, how were the branches in the tree moving? As if confirming my suspicions, a piece of a branch fell from the tree. Sitting the mail down, I bent down and grasped a handful of dirt in my hand. Looking around, I deliberately diverted my attention away from the tree as I called out, "Show yourself! This is my last plea!"

I heard a giggle and as I was about to throw the dirt toward the pine tree, the front door opened, and Tavis came outside, "stultissimus..." he mumbled.

"Don't call me stupid." I stated, "There is someone out here and until you interrupted, I would have exposed it."

He lifted a brow at me."Exposed it?"

"Yes." I stated, already letting my guard down. I was sure that my brother had scared it away. At-least I couldn't smell it's scent anymore. Clearing my throat, I allowed the dust to sift through my fingers and then grabbed the mail.

"What is it?" he inquired.

"It is a vampire, Tavis, and it is probably stalking our family."

Tavis laughed, "Yeah, right. Why would a vampire be stalking our family? There's no need to stalk. I'd freely join the rank of the undead." He stated, his tone both humorous and serious at the same time. I shook my head, already irritated at his truth. "I'm sure you would."


October 31 > Six months later:


We celebrate Halloween, but I'm not sure everyone even understand the true meaning behind it. If there is one thing I have learned to do, it's know your enemy. Know the truths behind the myths you could say. Halloween in America is a place where everyone dress up and throw costume parties and take their little brats trick o treating. They go door to door, ask for candy and call it a night.

As a matter of fact, that's what we are about to do. The family of vamps, forever shrouded in a cloud of mystery, because the only time the blood suckers come out and stay out for the longest period of time is during Halloween. Why? Not to pull pranks, not to impress every one with their "generic" brand of a costume and definitely not to go to parties, at least not the kind we go to. These monsters feed off those unsuspecting.

They love to scare people just for the fun of it and they love to seduce, if that could be the right term for beguiling unsuspecting prey. Humans like to think we are at the top of the food chain, but on this night, we are at the bottom.

Not only do vampires show themselves, but other creatures as well. Wolves, Gargoyles, yes those exist, but not in the form you'd think- they're not human and trust me, the last thing they want to do is sit as figurines, and spouts to cast off water from buildings. Gargoyles are animals. Although I haven't seen one yet, I know they exist because it's been recorded in history, as recently as the 1950's. That's the good thing about Stefan's library.

He has every type of literature you would ever need. If it's not there, he can zip us to Egypt and there we will find it. Egypt is one of my favorite places because it's so mystical and it's in Africa, where my people originate. I want to go there to live one day.

Anyhow, back to the things that come out at night. Witches- they exist, Stefan belongs to the strongest clan/coven, I have ever seen. These people know all sorts of ancient magic. Magic that goes beyond our modern idea of magic.

Stefan can render an unsuspecting person immobile with just a touch. The most advanced magic users still have to utter words, but Stefan doesn't. He actually just touches you and you are submissive to his will. What ever he wishes to do, he can. I've seen him do it multiple times; even felt him in my mind a time or two when ever no one could find me.

I still haven't figured out a way to keep him from entering my mind unwanted. I've tried every spell I could think of and none of them work. I don't think anyone should have that much power. Least of all him. Clearing my throat, I grab a couple of daggers, sheaf them into the velcro pockets attached to my suit.

A few potions and slip those in the loops I'd designed myself for my favorite studded leather belt and slip a package of sunflower seeds into another Velcro pocket on my hip. I then push myself up off the armorer and straighten my dress.

Purposefully clothing myself in a Victorian gown, just so I could hide all of my weapons. I stand back and take a look at myself. The black and silver Victorian gown looks beautiful on my frame as I look into the mirror. I even have a veil to accessorize it.

My lipstick,a dark plum red made up with equally dark eye shadow makes me smile in pride. I really did look fantastic. Even alluring in a weird sort of way. I'd pasted liquid eyeshadow heavily on my eyes, going for a beautiful Egyptian themed eye make up.

I would have worn my Egyptian costume, but seeing as how I'd worn that before, I just left it hanging in the closet. Grabbing my coat, I headed out to meet the rest of the family downstairs.

Upon my arrival, I saw that Stefan Jr. Stefan, and Tavis was already down there. Tavis was dressed as a vampire as usual, the make up he wore giving him a shadowy look, creating a mysterious vision to behold. The makeup just brought out the rich brown in his eyes. He had sprinklets of blood colored in the corners of his lips. Even now as I looked at him, I saw someone well advanced for a ten year old.

At ten, he already stood five four. He looked tall and slender, the well toned body evident in his boyish frame. It was no surprise that when he grew up, Tavis would be one of the most handsome black men, women ever laid eyes on. His hair was combed back in thick waves, compliment from a wave cap. Without the makeup, he already had the shadowing of a mustache.

Stefan Jr. was dressed as G.I. Joe. The boy seemed to be more human than none human. He was the light added to the group, with an even brighter mindset. Although he was only six, his lessons were far above his age range. He could read on a sixth grade level and he had abilities that were far more advanced than his father.

Even his physical strength seemed unique for his age range, but Stefan said that was normal in little boys such as he, those who were not only vampires, but council members as well. He had dark jet black hair that had one lone streak of white hair covering his face.

This hair did not lay as long and curly as the rest of the curls that adorned his beautifully framed head, but lay sleek and straight. This was the mark he'd been birthed with for identification.

Stefan was dressed as a butler with a white towel draped around his arm. I held the queasiness that hit my stomach in check and continued on down the stairwell.

As I stared at him, even I couldn't deny that he was a handsome man with a square face shape, giving his features a more angular position at the left and right side of his jaw line. Full lips and beautifully shaped opal colored eyes with dark curly hair that was unruly and filled his entire head, covering his ears, kneck and forehead. He had an austere look to him. I suppose it was part of his character.

"Of all things, a butler?" I inquired, my tone condescending.

"Just as you wear your Victorian dress." He stated, "It's hideously ugly, but that's the way we should be for Halloween." The sarcasm in his tone couldn't be missed. As I scowled at his comment, I heard a gasp.

Turning around, I glanced up and was astounded to see my mother dressed as a street walker. The weirdest thing about it is that she looked good in the outfit, really good. Before the words came out of his mouth, I could picture the many thoughts going through his head as he stared at his wife. "Odilia Gregoire, what the hell do you have on?" He inquired, staring at her, his tone incredulous.

"I thought I'd spice up Halloween and go as a hooker." As she descended the stairs, you could see that she'd altered one of her old outfits, making it short, to show off a nice set of legs.

The outfit she'd chosen to alter had been an old tie die one. It had been a long form fitting summer dress. She had cut the dress up to mid thigh and then slit the thigh part.

After that, she'd slit the front of the dress, slashing it across the front, showing a stripe of cleavage. She'd even altered one of the sleeves to make it sleeveless. As I stared at this, I couldn't help but wonder why she would do this, especially when she knew how Stefan felt about whores in particular.

She'd also chosen a pair of hot pink leather boots that went up to her shin to match the outfit and her hair had been let loose to hang straight past her shoulders. She'd had a miscellaneous strip tied around her head, making it look like a bow.

"A hooker, huh?" Stefan questioned, his eyes still on her. "How tasteless."

She cleared her throat as she reached the landing and came over to him, "And I suppose a butler is a better idea?" She came over to where he was and brushed her hands over his tux and with a sweet smile whispered, "Although, you do look sexy as hell in this tux."

Stefan exhaled sharply, "I can't say the same for you."

Mom crossed her hands over her chest, "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Are you trying to go out there and attract attention?" He asked. I glanced over at Tavis, who shook his head in annoyance. Here we go again.

"What, you don't want anyone oogling my goodies?"

I found myself laughing at this statement. I guess you could say I get my cheeky mouth from my mother. The woman was good at starting frivolous arguments, even if she was right.

"You're my wife and I don't want other men looking at you. That creates trouble, not just for you, but for me also."

I sighed, counting the minutes as they began to pass by. Even I had to admit, my mother was quite stunning. Most people thought she was mixed because of her light complexion, but she wasn't. It was part of our heritage. Our great grandmother was from somewhere in Europe while our grand father was an Ethiopian, but her daughter married an African American male and they produced my mother, who for some reason, still had an exotic look to her.

"Well, I guess that's just something we're going to have to just deal with because I will not be changing. It's a Halloween costume, that's it." Without saying anything more, she grasped Jr. my youngest brother hand and walked toward the door.

I could feel the tension in the air as I heard Stefan swear under his breath and look at both Tavis and me. "If you guys are coming, lets go and get this over with." I went over to Tavis and laughed, "How stupid." I whispered in his ear. "Tell me about it." He stated as we both followed Stefan out the front door. "I guess she told him, huh."

Tavis laughed, "I guess she did, but I bet you we won't hear the end of this for eons to come."

"I don't plan on living that long." I stated.


Odilia communicated her anger to her husband in her mind, knowing that he could hear her.

"I can't believe you said that in front of Olivia."

"I can't believe you wore that in front her. Now next year she's going to want to go traipsing around like a hooker, all because of mommy dearest."

"I highly doubt that, Stefan. It's not like I have that much of an influence over her anymore anyway. She'd rather listen to Jill than me."

"I told you you needed to stop her from going over there when she started behaving like that, but you didn't listen to me. As a matter of fact, I told you four years ago precisely, that your daughter hates my guts and if she hates me, she hates Jr., which means that she's more likely to try and kill either one of us or both in our sleep."

Odilia felt a rage so strong course through her veins that she wanted to just knock Stefan's lights out. How dare you suggest that she is that volatile. These past few years Stefan, you have been unusually cruel about Olivia."

"Why is it that you don't see your daughter for who she really is?"

"I had her, Stefan. I know my daughter and she's just going through a phase."

"A four year phase huh? I suppose that if she was a lesbian you'd attribute that to a phase as well, or maybe even if she was a thief, you'd say she'd grow out of it."

"She's only thirteen, Stefan, thirteen. She hasn't fully grown into her mind yet. She still has some maturing to do."

Stefan inhaled sharply, knowing that this argument would do no good. It was the same argument that ensued countless times over the years and he hadn't won it yet. "Maturing, yes, but I'm telling you, there's something going on with that girl. The only people I know that are able to track vampires through a heightened sense of smell are hunters. She's a hunter and sooner or later, you will figure that out hopefully before she attacks someone."