Field Trip Follies Ch. 07


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She sat on the edge of the bed and watched Ayako and Brandi. She'd never thought of them as sexy before... but now... they were two of the most beautiful women she'd ever seen in her life. Ayako is so cute... her little body is so adorable and perfect... like a porcelain doll... and I love those dimples on her cheeks. My god, she's as cute as a bug in a rug. Brandi's cute too. I love her little pug-nose... and that gap between her front teeth... so fucking sexy. I can't believe I told her she ought to lose weight. She's perfect just like she is. I love how her body jiggles with every little movement. And her tits... fuck.... those tits of hers are mythic. Man... I'd love to put my face between those fuckers and...

"You like what you see?" asked Brandi.

Fuck. She saw me looking at her tits! "Uh... I was just looking at your tits... tats... tattoos! Ahem. Uh, did you say you designed them yourself?"

Brandi grinned. Yeah... definitely a dyke. I suspected as much. Well go ahead and feast your eyes, sister. I don't mind. "Sure did. They're Celtic knots... or, my version of them anyway." She began to speak in an almost mystical voice, "The unbroken path is the physical embodiment of eternity, as well as the manifestation of my personal spiritual code."

"You didn't actually... you know... put them on yourself did you?"

Brandi laughed, dropping the mystical attitude. "Nah. I don't have the guts. I designed the patterns and my Uncle X did the needlework."

Ayako's finger stopped at the underside of Brandi's sleeve. "Sumimasen... please to remove your shirt, Brandi-San."

Brandi peeled her shirt off without so much as a pause, revealing a bright white bra. Alyson's blood pressure took a jump upward, and her eyes went right back to Brandi's tits. She could see that Brandi's Celtic knots squirmed over her shoulders, then across her cleavage... and under her bra... before going up and over her right shoulder and down that arm in perfect symmetry with the left. Ayako kept following the pathway two and fro, running the tip of her finger up and around Brandi's shoulder.

Alyson licked her lips, trying to control her lust. "Did you say... your uncle did your tats?"

"That's what I said." Man, she sure loves my tits.

Her uncle put tats on her tits? "But... how far does it go?"

Brandi chuckled. "Well... hang on... I have a feeling you're about to find out for yourself."

Ayako's finger reached the edge of Brandi's bra. She paused there, frozen... waiting, eyes un-blinking. Brandi chuckled then unhooked the latch in the center front and her large breasts fell free, allowing Ayako to continue.

Alyson gasped, and her freckly cheeks flushed bright red. She wasn't usually this easily turned on by the sight of a pair of knockers, but Brandi's large, tatooed breasts sent a jolt of electricity straight through Alyson's pussy. The Celtic knots circled Brandi's breasts in a radiating weave of mystical pathways, covering everything except her bright pink areolas. Perhaps most stunning of all, Brandi's nipples were pierced with silver studs that were shaped like fishhooks. Alyson's heart thumped double-time at the sight of Ayako's narrow, pointy finger gently running all over and around Brandi's bare breasts.

Ayako didn't notice that she was touching Brandi's breasts. She was focused on the path, and just kept following it until it finally left Brandi's chest and started going down her right arm. Once the pattern reached the middle finger on that hand, Ayako circled it, then went back up again in the other direction, traversing Brandi's breasts again... following the mystical pathway down Brandi's arm until she reached her left middle finger, where her journey had begun ten minutes earlier.

Ayako dropped her hand, blinked and exhaled. "Owari ga nai, Brandi-san... a long voyage. No endo."

"That's right, Ayako-san. No end." Brandi began to move her arms and torso in a serpentine way. "Life is an eternal dance of birth and death. We circle around and around on a twisting, intertwining path... no beginning. No end."

Then Ayako started giggling. She covered her smiling mouth and said, "Rafu! You are naked, Brandi-san."

Brandi smiled. "Not quite." She stood up on the bed and peeled her panties off, then raised her hands up to the heavens. "Now I'm naked. Just as the Goddess made me." Feast your eyes on this Alyson.

Ayako and Alyson stared openmouthed at the unexpected sight of Brandi's totally naked, pale and pudgy body. She had a cleanly shaven pussy, with three large silver studs through her fat clitoris. She also had an elaborate tattoo of a Celtic dragon crawling across her lower belly, just over her pussy, from thigh to thigh. It's claws came low enough that they looked as if they were about to grab her clit.

Ayako cooed, "Sugoi, Brandi-san! Very beautiful dragon. Yoku deki mashita!"

Brandi smiled. "I thought you'd like it. I don't know why I never showed it to you. I guess I've never been this fucked up before." She laughed, making her D sized breasts bounce about. Then she smiled wickedly. "So, Ayako, let me see your tattoos."

Ayako hissed and said, very seriously, "Chigau, Brandi-san. Tattoos are very bad in Japan. Only for Yakuza. Not for me."

"Then show me your lack of tattoos."

Ayako nodded, "Okay des, Brandi-san."

Alyson bit her lip as Ayako stood up on the bed and stripped out of her baggy pajama top. Although Ayako was short and small boned, her breasts were proportionally similar to Alyson's. They looked quite large on her frame. They had dark brown areolas, and a loose smattering of tiny black dots on the pale flesh, as opposed to the millions of pale freckles that were sprinkled over Alyson's breasts. Alyson licked her lips hungrily, unable to hide her interest. Then Ayako pulled down her pajama bottoms and panties and both Brandi and Alyson cracked up. Ayako had dyed her fan-shaped bush electric blue, to match the hair on her head.

Brandi laughed, "Fuck! I didn't even think of that! Damn! I'm gonna let mine grow out so I can dye it blue too!"

Ayako giggled, "Hai. Then we both have very most school spirit."

Brandi hugged her tight. "I love you Ayako-san."

Ayako hummed, and smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. "I love you too, friend Brandi-san."

The sight of the two blue-haired beauties hugging each other's naked bodies just about short-circuited Alyson's brain. She moaned under her breath, "Oh... fucking... shit."

Brandi and Ayako gave each other a sisterly smack on the lips before breaking apart. Then Brandi clapped her hands loudly three times, "Okay, you girls too."

Dana Lee's ears were filled with the sound of a black woman screaming as a huge white cock was slamming in and out of her pussy. But she heard Brandi's clap, so she looked up , startled by the sight of Brandi and Ayako standing on other bed totally buck naked and staring right at her. She quietly took her hand from her pussy and the ear-buds out of her ears, and said, "What? What's going on? What did I miss?"

Brandi laughed. "We're revealing ourselves to the Goddess... mother of the universe. We must form a worship circle and lay ourselves naked before her eyes. Come on girls, join us."

The Christian in Alyson rebelled at the blasphemous idea... but she wanted to see Dana Lee naked more than anything in the world. She sometimes got fleeting glimpses of Dana Lee's long nipples as they changed in and out of their bikinis back home, but it was never enough time to really savor it. Fuck... it would be so awesome if she got naked right now! Alyson decided to pray for forgiveness later and peeled her shirt and Juicy shorts off. Since she wasn't wearing underwear, she was almost instantly naked. She stared at Dana Lee expectantly, breathless with anticipation. "Well?"

Dana Lee stared at Alyson's naked body, suddenly, intensely aware of how fucking, impossibly gorgeous her redheaded friend was. Her perfectly shaped c-cups were lightly freckled, and her areolas and nipples were a wonderful orangey color. And fuck... look at that. Her pubic hair is flaming red, just like Amy said. Nice. "Sorry? What are we doing? What Goddess? "

Brandi dramatically swept her hands around as she turned a slow circle on the bed. "The Goddess... creator of woman... mother of mankind. She wants us to bare ourselves before her. She wants us to worship the temples of our bodies."

Alyson said, excitedly, "Yeah. Hey, we should pray to the Goddess for the band to kick ass tomorrow... and at the parade on New Years day."

Ayako clapped happily, "Hai! Hai! Pray for Big Blue Band!"

Dana Lee was more than a little bit dazed. On the one hand... this wasn't her kind of thing... getting naked in front of chicks. That just wasn't the way she was raised. On the other hand... why the fuck not? Her whole body was vibrating with sexual energy. She suddenly realized that she wanted to get naked. No... she needed to get naked.

Alyson held her breath as she watched the love of her life stripping out of her tank top, revealing those champagne glass titties she so longed to suck. She bit her lip as Dana Lee peeled off her pink Juicy shorts and panties, revealing a wonderfully trim blonde bush that was positively glistening with juices. The last time she'd seen Dana Lee naked she'd had dramatic tan lines from sunbathing in her bikini. But Dana Lee had been hitting the tanning booth since autumn, so her tall body was evenly bronzed from head to toe.

Dana Lee put her hands on her bony hips and said, "Okay. Now what?"

Brandi replied, "Form a circle." She sat cross-legged on the bed. The other girls joined her, forming a rough circle.

Alyson was thrilled that she could see Dana Lee's pussy with perfect clarity in this cross-legged position. It was open and juice was literally dripping out of her delicate pink lips, darkening the bedspread. I had no idea she was so fucking juicy! Those shorts aren't lying! She looked at Brandi and Ayako's pussies too, and was surprised to see that they were almost as wet as Dana Lee's. Then she looked down at her own pussy. She was positively flooding the bed with wetness. Wow... I'm pretty fucking juicy too! She began to giggle. She could suddenly smell the musky fragrance of their combined pussies... an odor she found irresistibly erotic.

The girls clasped hands and Brandi intoned, "Let us begin." She looked up and said in a loud, steady voice, "Goddess, we beseech you... give the Big Blue Band the power and skill to kick ass at Bandfest tomorrow, and to perform with perfection at the Tournament of Roses Parade on new year's day."

"Amen!" shouted Alyson.

"No, you must repeat what I said." The three girls repeated the phrase, more or less, giggling as they did so. "Okay, now we must offer the Goddess a sacrifice to seal the deal."

Dana Lee's eyes went wide. "A what?"

"A sacrifice... don't worry, we won't be sacrificing any virgins, heh, heh. The sacrifice will be a secret. A sexual secret, to be precise. We must each tell one secret about our sex lives that we have never told each other before."

Alyson, was suddenly very worried. She had a pretty fucking huge secret, but this was no time to come out of the closet. "Is this ceremony real, Brandi? You're making this up, aren't you?"

Brandi laughed, "Of course I'm making it up, but that doesn't mean it isn't real. The Goddess resides in us all, not out there, but in here." She grabbed her breast and gave it a squeeze. "And down here." She clapped her hand on her pussy. Then she took Alyson's hand again.

Fuck... her hand is wet! I'm touching Brandi's pussy juice! How fucking wonderful is that?

Brandi continued, "The barriers between us are secrets. By giving them up, even if only one at a time, we become stronger... more unified. Unbeatable. So... I'll start. Okay... let's see... Goddess, oh, Goddess, listen to my secret: I sucked my uncle's cock."

Dana Lee and Alyson gasped. Ayako said, "Nane? I do not understand."

"I gave my Uncle X a blowjob, Ayako. You know, blowjob?" Ayako gasped with realization. Brandi smiled, "Yeah, that's right. My father's older brother. Dwayne's his real name, but everybody calls him X. Okay. Who's next?"

Dana Lee laughed, "Oh no, no, no, no, no... you can't just say 'I sucked my uncle's cock' and leave it at that!"

Alyson shifted uncomfortably . Fucking Dana Lee and her cock obsession. "No... you can leave it at that. We don't need the details."

Ayako beamed, "Hai, Hai! Detail, Brandi-san! Detail, detail!"

Brandi laughed, "Okay... details, details... let's see... well... when I was little, Uncle X used to baby-sit me. Instead of telling me bedtime stories, he'd tell me stories about his tats... where he was when he got each one... why he got them... plus the historical meaning of the various symbols and runes. And sometimes he made up stories about the tattoos as if they were all characters in this awesome post-apocalyptic epic he'd written on his flesh. I totally ate shit like that up.

"By the time I was a teenager I had a huge crush on Uncle X! Lots of folks said he was ugly, but I loved his grizzly face and lanky body. And he was totally inked from the neck down... I thought that was sooo fucking cool. I asked him if I could see all of them... you know, the ones on his ass and crotch. But he said, 'No fucking way. You're way too young. And besides, you're my niece... your parents would fucking kill me..." blah, blah, blah. I kept asking but he wouldn't budge.

"Anyway, he's the reason I wanted tattoos of my own. My parents said I had to wait until I was eighteen, after which I could do any damn thing with my body I had a mind to. At my eighteenth birthday party Uncle X told me he'd give me my first tat, if I ever decided I wanted one. I took him up on the offer the very next day, presenting him with the dragon design I'd been perfecting since I was fourteen. He said 'Okay, Brandi, where do you want it?' He was totally blown away when I stripped down to my bikini bottoms, sat in his chair, spread my legs, and pointed right over my crotch. He tried to squirm out of the deal but I reminded him that a promise is a promise.

"Anyway, as you can see, I talked him into going through with it, although he made me wait until the end of the day so his customers wouldn't see me sitting there in his chair like that. He also made me promise to tell my parents I had someone else do the work."

Ayako said, "Did it hurt, Brandi-san?"

"It hurt like fucking hell, Ayako-san, but not for the first half hour or so. No... it just sort of tickles at first... then it starts stinging... then it's like somebody's pounding nails into your flesh and pouring salt in the wound. But, I gotta say... I loved every second of it. I was surprised, but it turns out that I kinda like pain. It fucking turns me on. And I loved the feel of my uncle's rough hands on my soft belly and thighs. It was so hot, the way he looked at me from between my legs. I'd never done anything but kiss a few guys before that. It was such a turn-on... I got totally fucking wet. Well... Uncle X must have seen it... or smelled it... or both, because he got more and more nervous and sweaty. And you can see how low the tattoo goes... I had to actually pull the bikini bottoms down right up to the brink of my clit. And to make the head and tail go down my thighs, he kept having to reposition the strings. It must have been driving him crazy.

"Well, a great tattoo artist has steady hands, but I was making him so fucking nervous that he had to brace his arms against my body to keep his hands from shaking. At first, he just braced himself against my thighs, but after a while he got into the work, and... well, I guess he sort of zoned out, because he suddenly pressed his wrist right into my crotch. He didn't realize he was doing it, but I sure did! It felt so fucking good! His arm was moving around as he did his work... he was masturbating me without even knowing it. I felt myself starting to build up toward an orgasm, and when I do that, juices really start flowing... I mean, like a river. Fuck... look at me right now. Well this is how I was that day. He suddenly felt the wetness on his wrist and he pulled away like I was on fire. Then he blushed like crazy, but I just said, sweetly, 'what's wrong, Uncle X? Don't stop now!'"

Ayako giggled, "Honto? Brandi-san, you so bad!"

Brandi smiled a wicked smile, "I am bad. I totally had the hots for my Uncle... I still do, as a matter of fact. Anyway, after that, he said, 'We'll finish the rest of it another night.' It was just as well. I'm not sure I could have taken any more pain that night. While he was bandaging me, I saw the boner in his jeans. That was such a rush... knowing that I'd turned him on like that. Shit... I masturbated nonstop until our next appointment the following week.

"This time, when I laid down, I untied the strings on either side of my bikini bottoms, so there was only the loose triangle of cloth covering my pussy. I said, "it will be easier to work on the head and neck this way." He didn't object, that wonderful old perv... he just went to work. And this time, he didn't beat around the bush. He just went ahead and pressed his wrist into my crotch. It's a miracle his movements didn't make the triangle of cloth fall off." She giggled. "After about ten minutes, he suddenly excused himself from the room to 'pee'. I could see the massive boner in his pants. I had the distinct impression that he went into the bathroom to rub one out. So I took the bikini bottom of and started masturbating, enjoying the throbbing pain of my tattoo as I gave my pussy pleasure. Heh, heh...

"When he came back in, I still had my fingers in my pussy, and I was moaning and looking right at him. He just stared... his eyes glittering... like a leprechaun looking at a pot of gold. I batted my eyes and opened my legs wider so he could go back to work. Like this."

Brandi put her hands behind her and mimicked the position her uncle had seen her in that night. She opened her legs wide, one leg went right onto Alyson's lap, the other on Dana Lee's... Alyson gulped, staring down into Brandi's wet pussy. Her heavy labia lips were wide open, and her fleshy pussy lips too, revealing Brandi's hymen, which was still intact. Wow... she's a virgin like me.

"He sat and stared... right into his little niece's wide-open pussy from only inches away. I didn't know what he would do, but I was ready for anything. He could have eaten me out... hell, he could have fucked me. I wanted him to." Brandi moved back into her cross-legged position again, smiling gleefully. "But he just started working again. He didn't seem nervous anymore. Now that I'd taken off my panties, all the cards were on the table. We were both committed... to the path of incest!"

Ayako put her hand on her chest and exclaimed, "Bikurishita!"

"He leaned in close and pressed his tattooed wrist deep into my wide open, dripping wet pussy. His other hand went up to my breast and gripped it tight, holding me down so he could finish his work. I could feel the hair on his arms tickling my pussy lips as he moved up and down, filling in the vertical spikes along the dragon's back. Up and down, up and down, up and down... fuck... he was totally masturbating his niece's little pussy, and we both knew it. It fucking felt great. And his hand started to massage my tit... and his fingers pinched my nipple through my T-shirt. I started moaning and squirming, but he told me to hold still. I tried, but it was so hard... it felt so fucking great! My whole belly was screaming in pain, but my pussy was exploding with pleasure as his arm slid up and down my wet clit for the next hour."