Fifteen Minutes Ch. 01


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The brunette laughed, but took the jumper all the same. It might be a bit too dressy for a night at the pub, but what the heck. She wanted to celebrate her successful day. "Yeah," she grinned. "Identical twins."

"Wait," Peaches stopped her as she began to slip it on. The blonde pulled up her own jumper and held it just above her naked breasts. "You said identical," she smiled, dropping it back in position. "Off with the bra."

Madison pulled a face, but her friend was already behind her, unfastening the hook and pulling the lacy black thing from her tanned body. Feeling the cool air harden her nipples, she quickly slipped the top over her head and checked her reflection in the mirror.

"Perfect choice," Peaches told her, crossing the small room and smoothing the jumper. When she mischievously pulled it tight, Madison's breasts were framed against the material. "Fuck, look at those."


"Can't help it babe," the blonde grinned, with more than just a hint of lust in her blue eyes. Her hands rose to cup the thrusting breasts over her friend's jumper, but quickly slid underneath. "When I make enough money I'm going to have mine done exactly like these," she murmured, caressing the naked globes.

"Peaches..." Madison repeated, though her voice sounded less certain.

The petite blonde simply squeezed them more tightly. Madison chest was rising and falling with the excitement she felt and she couldn't stifle a moan. Her friend could be unbelievably wicked, but occasionally she evoked such incredible feelings of arousal in the brunette.

Peaches smiled that sexy smile of hers as she watched Madison's reaction. She was into girls as much as men, and had been ever since she could remember. The fear of destroying their friendship had been the only thing that had stopped her making a move on Madison, but it was getting tough. Her friend was sexier than any other girl she'd known.

"You're feeling it as much as I am," she whispered, flicking her thumbs across each hard nipple. It brought moan. "Why don't we forget the boys tonight?"

For the first time in their friendship, Madison was actually tempted. Elated after her day at the office, she wanted to act out, and her breasts felt so full and warm in those wonderful hands. If Peaches' soft palms didn't stop rotating them, she'd probably have been unable to stop herself...

Heck, she couldn't stop herself.

Snaking a hand around her friend's head, she brought her open mouth to Peaches' in a quick, fervent kiss. It felt good, almost too good. With a tinge of embarrassment, she pulled away, but not before feeling her friend's wet tongue flicker inside her mouth.

"Fuck," that was hot," Peaches murmured approvingly, leaning in for another kiss. This wasn't her making the move, it was her friend. That made it okay...

"Too hot," Madison gasped, reaching up to remove the wonderfully caressing hands from her breasts. She held them for a moment, staring into Peaches' narrowed eyes. "Too bad I'm not bi like you..."

Her friend laughed sexily. "That's okay, babe. I like a challenge," she murmured, trying again for another kiss.

Using the willpower she didn't think she had, Madison playfully pushed Peaches towards the wardrobe. "The boys will be here any minute," she said, desperate to find a reason not to continue this. Who knows where it would end? "Pass me the black skirt, please. If I'm going braless in this top, we might as well wear the same colour skirt, too."

"Good thinking," Peaches sighed, her eyes drinking in Madison curvy body as she slipped on the short skirt. That had been close. Maybe next time...

"Told you," Madison laughed, holding her hands above her head as she theatrically spun around. "Identical twins."

Peaches leant back against the closed wardrobe door. "Not quite," she sultrily said, edging her skirt up her thighs.

"Fuck, Peaches!"

The petite blonde smiled. Madison only cursed when she was aroused. "Okay, baby," she sexily murmured. "Identical, you said. Lose the thong..."


The excitement of her successful day, her subsequent encounter with Peaches, and the copious amounts of beer she'd consumed since they'd been in the pub, all contributed to Madison's feeling of invincibility.

She'd been canoodling with Nate all night and their affections had become more blatant as the evening had neared its end. Even Ethan had got in on the act, giving her a hug a few times in acknowledgement of what she'd described as her best day ever. That's what he'd said, but she knew better. With each hug, his hands had wandered further. She'd smacked them away the last time. What was it about her tits tonight that made people want to touch them?

"One more drink," Nate declared, as he heard the last orders call.

Madison squinted at her boyfriend. "I've had too many, already."

"Then one more won't hurt," Peaches laughed, draping her arms around her friend. She'd had more than her fair share tonight, too. They all had. And they were making way too much noise, as usual. But apart from the odd disapproving stare, no one had chastised the group. Why would they—the Fleece was used to them.

"Four more Buds," Ethan shouted as Nate made his way to the crowded bar.

Sitting between the two nineteen year olds, the ginger haired lad spread an arm along both their backs and pulled them both in against his body. His lips found Peaches' for a long kiss, but when he tried the same with Madison, she swung her head away. It was one thing for her to fool around a little with Peaches at the flat, but she drew the line with her friend's boyfriend.

She'd seen Nate trying it on with Peaches tonight, too, and knew exactly what was on the boys mind. Even though her blonde friend seemed comfortable enough with the situation, she wasn't. How often had she insisted that she wasn't into swapping boyfriends?

She was a one man at the time girl, she nodded to herself, though she was unable to prevent a giggle when she thought that she might relinquish that principle if Jay-Jay Kazan was involved.

"You know your trouble," Ethan said to her as Nate set the four bottles of Bud down on the round table in front of them. "You're too much of a prude."

Madison banged her drink down on the table, watching transfixed as the frothing head poured over the top of the bottle and ran down the side.

"Premature eruption," Peaches giggled, nudging her arm.

The others all laughed, but Madison wasn't going to be deflected. She swung back to fix Ethan with those deep brown eyes. If she could remember what she was going to say, she wasn't going to let him off the hook. She'd been insulted, hadn't she?

"Your trouble," she responded, feeling a wooziness at the sudden movement of her head. God, she really had had too much to drink. Her hand swept back the lustrous black hair that fell over her eyes. "Your trouble," she repeated, narrowing her eyes to get a clearer view of his grinning face. "Is that you're a randy alley cat out for what you can get."

The other three collapsed in laughter.

"Yeah, you're an alley cat!" Nate repeated, playfully thumping his friend's arm and then swinging his arm around Madison shoulder.

"A toast," Peaches slurred, holding up her bottle. They all followed the motion, knocking their Buds against one another's. "To alley cats..."

"Alley cats!" they chimed in unison.

"So..." Nate said. "I was getting the drinks. How did we get onto this subject?"

"I don't know," Madison garbled, taking a long drink. Looking down, she saw that a few loose drops had landed on her jumper.

"Here," Ethan said, reaching towards her. "Let me help..."

"That's it!" Madison exclaimed, pushing his hand away and then pointing her finger at him. "That's why. He's too touchy feely. Tell him to leave me alone, Nate."

Nate smiled merrily. "Yeah, mate, leave her alone. Or maybe pass Peaches over to me..."

Madison tipped her head back and looked at the grimy ceiling. A fan lazily rotated, covered in years of dust. She shook her head and crossed her arms. There they went again! She knew exactly where this was heading and glanced imploringly at her friend. "Peaches, talk to them, will you?" she asked without taking her eyes off the fan.

The petite blonde shrugged her shoulders. "Boys will be boys," she laughed, flashing a mischievous smile at both boyfriends.

"Hey," Ethan cut in, wiping away the beer slithering down his chin. "Honestly, girls. Wife and girlfriend swapping is all the rage right now. And it's pure, harmless fun."

"Pure?" Madison scoffed, crossing and uncrossing her legs. She finally looked back at Peaches' lecherous boyfriend. "Harmless? How old are you two morons?"

"Morons," Ethan grinned happily, raising his bottle into the air. "That's us."

"Peaches?" Madison murmured, squinting at her friend for more support.

The blonde pushed herself to her unsteady feet. "What my beautiful friend is trying to tell you," she slowly pronounced, swaying as she glanced down at each of them. "Is that there's more chance of her and me getting it on together. Sorry to disappoint you."

"Yeah," Madison agreed. Her drunken mind fantasised that another girl-girl kiss might be in order before the night was out.

"Sit down," Ethan grunted, pulling on Peaches' skirt and then running his hand along her bare thigh as she hit the seat. "Are you two girl's really suggesting—?"

Madison punched his arm. "What sort of world do you live in, moron?"

"Yeah, moron," Nate laughed, swigging at his beer.

"They've probably both got their rocks off to that thought one time or another," Peaches chuckled. "I think they call it their masturbatory world."

Both women burst into laughter, high-fiving each other.

The remark didn't faze either of their two half-drunk boyfriends. Nate took a long pull at his bottle, emptying it. He wiped his mouth on his cuff and nodded brightly, as if admission was some sort of badge of honour. "What we do in the darkness of our bedrooms is our secret."

"Yeah," Ethan mumbled, sliding his hand further up Peaches' thigh and under her skirt. "Besides, women do it, too." "True," his sexy blonde girlfriend agreed, pulling his hand away and kissing his fingers. "So why don't we head back to the flat? You guys can have the cream masturbatory room and Madison and I will take the pink. Agreed?"

"We'll agree to anything you girls want to do," the boys chorused as they rose unsteadily to their feet. "As long as we can watch..."


"I'll get us some water," Madison mumbled as soon as they entered the flat. Her head was spinning. If they were going to have a long session in the bedroom, a regular intake of fluid would be essential. Though she didn't think she could do anything for long.

She watched the two boys pull a giggling Peaches towards the bedroom and then headed to the open plan kitchen at the other end of the room. The way their hands were all over one another, Ethan and his girlfriend would be at it well before she got there. Nate would have to content himself by watching meantime. Her head was about to burst and she needed that water.

Besides, she was so horny she desperately needed to give herself time to think. They were all so drunk, and Ethan and Nate were at their worst when they were in that state. It wouldn't surprise her if they asked to swap again sometime later in the night.

It wasn't going to happen...

She drank a full glassful of water before carrying more on a tray towards the bedroom. It was an effort to walk in a straight line. What she saw when she pushed open the door made her gasp.

Peaches was bent over the rail at the foot of the bed, bottom in the air, legs spread wide, and her skirt flipped up to her naked waist. Her mouth was rising and falling on Ethan's cock, as he sat further up the bed, just as she'd seen on so many occasions.

The difference this time was that Nate was on his knees behind her, hands on her hips and his mouth buried under her rounded little buttocks.

"What the..." The tray and glasses clattered as she dropped them onto the floor and water soaked into the carpet.

Three heads swivelled around to her. Peaches eyes were drunk and heavy lidded, if a little guilty. Ethan's too, minus the guilt. It was Nate that the brunette focused on. His glazed eyes squinted at her, his mouth and chin glistening with her friend's juices. It was as if his befuddled mind was attempting to work out what to do. When he sank his face back between Peaches' near perfect ass, he chose the wrong option...

Ethan saw the horrified look on Madison's face and pushed his way off the bed. His cock looked stiff enough to hang a coat on. "Hey, it's okay..."

Peaches rose too, only for Nate to roughly push her back down onto the centre of the small bed. She made a token effort to get up, but the eager young teenager already had her legs apart and was resuming his oral.

"The little bastard," Madison rasped, feeling her body begin to sway as a fever of betrayal swept through her. It was all she could do to stand up. After everything she'd told him...

"I know," Ethan told her, putting an arm around her. "Here," he said, helping her sit down on the opposite bed. "You look flushed."

She was flushed. Her body was hot and her head was spinning. Nate should be comforting her, not Ethan. She could feel his hardness against her thigh. One hand was around her, under her armpit. His fingers were brushing the underside of her breast. She pulled it away.

"No, Ethan." Despite her drunken state, her voice was firm, decisive. Unlike Peaches. Her blond friend was moaning now and had curled a foot around Nate's neck. Madison grunted. Who wouldn't when you were horny and a fit nineteen year old was eating you out? But that was her nineteen year old!

"He's cheating on you," Ethan whispered. She turned her head to look at him. His head nodded at her. His eyes seemed to sympathise with her predicament, too. That was strange. She hadn't expected him to be so understanding. "You know what you should do?" he asked.

"What?" she asked. The word came out like a croak. Her mouth was dry. Where was that water?

"Get even with him," he told her, slipping his arm around her again. She glanced at the couple on the bed so close to them. One of them had swung round, she didn't know who, and they were lying along the full length of the bed, 69ing. If she reached across, Madison could touch them...

She tried to shake her head at Ethan's suggestion, but it only made her feel dizzy.

"It'll serve him right," he continued. "Makes sense, don't you think?"

She did and she didn't. She couldn't decide. Nor could she stop the cool fingers running up her warm stomach. When had he slipped his hand under her top? "No Ethan," she told him, but the hand had reached and covered her left breast now. God... that felt good. She rested her head against his shoulder as he mauled her left breast. Her nipples were rock hard.

"Teach him a lesson," he grunted, pulling back so that he could stare into her wide eyes.

"No," she slowly responded, trying to think. When he suddenly twisted on her nipple, all thought left her mind. Oh, God...

"He needs to be taught a lesson," he murmured.

His lips were on her cheek, her ears, and her neck. The way his hand continued to caress her breast sent tingles through her body. God, she'd had far too much to drink. His other hand was on her bare thigh. She tried to close them but he was too strong. Or was she not trying hard enough? She couldn't decide. All she knew was that he was pushing her legs further apart and she wasn't doing a thing to prevent him.

"Teach him," he continued to whisper into her ear. "Show him two can play at that game."

"Ethan... no..." she protested. Her voice sounded unconvincing, even to herself. Oh, God, he knew exactly which buttons to press. She whimpered then bit her lip as his hand ran along her wetness. His fingers were teasing her clit and then continuing to her wet folds. One slid inside her. She spread her legs further. When he slid a second inside, she pushed her hips forward.

"That's it," he kept whispering. "Show him... show him..."

She reached for his wrist, but only to adjust the way he was finger fucking her. "Like that," she moaned, burrowing her head against his shoulder. "Like that..."

Her breath came in pants. Her tongue flicked out occasionally across her dry lips. Her hand squeezed his wrist tighter. The whimper turned into a moan, and the moan turned into a growl.

"Fuck, Ethan... fuck yes... fuck yesssssssss...."

Nearly there...

Her hips humped back as she searched for release. When it came, her moan came deep—harsh and throaty, and her body just wouldn't stop shuddering.

The darkness lasted a few seconds. When it began to clear, she could see Nate across from her. He was fucking Peaches, pumping hard as she wrapped her feet around his back. Madison could hear their sweaty, wet skin slapping against one another. The bastard!

Turning her head slowly, to avoid the wooziness that came with any sudden movement, she felt Ethan's hot breath on the side of her face. It took her a moment to grasp that Peaches' half-drunk boyfriend was rubbing himself against her, seeking her entrance.

With the growing awareness, came the realisation that this had been planned. Maybe not exactly this way—but the two boys had manipulated the situation. Got what they wanted.

"You want to fuck me, Ethan?" she almost snarled, feeling the need to be in control. "Is that what you really want?"

"Oh yeah, Maddy," he grunted, trying to kiss her.

"On your back," she told him, pulling her head away from his mouth. He could fuck her but he couldn't kiss her. He was so eager it was comical. But she had to admit his enthusiasm was a turn on, too. Especially with the sound of serious fucking coming from the bed a couple of feet away.

Swinging a leg across his body, she positioned herself and then eased down, taking just the head inside. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she paused. Was she really going to do this? Why? For revenge? For her own gratification?

Or maybe it was for closure?

"Come on then, Ethan," she told him. "This is what you've been waiting for, isn't it..."

She pushed down harder until he was fully sheathed inside her. They both gasped. Madison realised that even in moments like this, there was nothing quite like the feel of a man's cock inside you. Pulling her long, dark hair back over one shoulder, she began to move in slow, circular motions, fucking him gently. Her eyes closed. His cock felt good...

Taking his hands, she pulled them up to her swaying breasts, holding them there. He rotated her nipples in his palms. His touch was perfect. Her circular movements changed to up and down thrusts as she changed the pace. The need inside her couldn't wait any longer.

"This is what you wanted?" she grunted. "To fuck me, Ethan...?"

He grunted at her words. His face was twisted, as if in pain. Then he began to thrust back. His hands left her tits to settle on her curvy hips. They gave him more purchase to pump upwards at the same time as she slammed down against his legs.

It was just what Madison wanted, needed. The situation had changed. She was using him. Her tits began to bounce in time with his thrusts. She arched her back, pushing her breasts out further.

"Like that?" she gasped, out of breath. Another orgasm was speeding towards her. She dragged his hands to her tits again, unable to stop herself. "Squeeze them," she rasped.

Turning her head to the side, she saw Peaches' hand reaching across the divide. It looked like her best friend was on the verge, too. She took it, their fingers entwining and tightening against each other's as the tide rose. The contact was enough to spark both releases...

Madison's body trembled and bucked throughout her orgasm. She heard someone moan. It was a male voice. Was it Ethan? Or Nate? She didn't really care.