Fifteen Minutes Ch. 05


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This year was different. Interest had built in the weeks leading up to the bash and all tables had been sold. The event was being covered by television again. Other celebrities, who'd been reluctant to put themselves up for a function that was going downhill, had suddenly been attracted again.

Madison's enormous popularity had made the difference. She and Jay-Jay were agreed that it was great publicity for her, especially as the PR Guru had signed an exclusive with a weekly magazine to publish photographs. That was another thirty grand in the bank. Plus another twenty thousand that the organisers were paying them in what had proven to be a successful attempt to revive their declining fortunes. For them, it had been money well spent.

For Jay-Jay and Madison, it had been a masterstroke.


Putting Madison up first for auction was essential. Otherwise tables would have delayed bidding for other celebrities in the hope of capturing the main prize. Names were drawn out of a hat, of course—or in this case, out of a glittering glass ball. It added drama to the evening and prevented any perceived insults from celebrities who'd been placed down the order.

But as arranged beforehand—by a sleight of hand that even David Copperfield would have been proud of—it was the glamour model's name that had miraculously first emerged.

The audience quieted as the organiser proudly held the card containing her name above his head, so that everyone present—apart from those in the know—could see that everything was above board. From his position behind the large wooden podium, the smooth master of ceremonies waited for the murmurs to die down before holding his arm out towards the side of the stage.

It was the cue for the chosen celebrity to walk onto the stage.

The cheers and catcalls reminded Madison of one of her TV appearances on The Early Breakfast. Despite the older and much more sophisticated nature of the audience, it seemed that boys would be boys the world over. Or in this case, men would be men. Rich men.

She'd hoped to persuade Ralph to join her, but as he was in Hungary gaining his second cap for England, he had other more important matters to attend to.

Naturally enough, the brunette had dressed specifically for the occasion. The light, sequined cream dress was a little more sophisticated than for other personal appearances, but still short enough to just barely conceal the tops of her thigh high black stockings. It bounced and fluttered about her long legs with each long, confident stride. And the plunging neckline displayed her healthy cleavage so well.

She'd ensured she'd be a prize worth winning...

"Our very first auction, folks," the austere organiser cried, resting his hands on the wooden podium in front of him. Once the cheers died away, he held up a card. "I have details of each celebrity to read out before you bid," he explained, then tore the card in two with a flourish and threw it over his head. "In this case all I have to say is... give us a twirl, Madison."

The brunette shot the audience the innocent yet sexy smile she'd perfected. Twirling in her black heels as she was instructed, the cool air sneaked up her legs as it was released through the small grate. The Marilyn Monroe effect they'd created was delivered to perfection. Madison gave a mock look of shock and pretended to push the bottom of her dress back into place, but not before it fluttered upwards to fully display her skimpy cream thong and the tops of her stockings.

"I think that says it all, gentlemen," the master of ceremonies grinned as the young girl completed the three hundred and sixty degree turn. The seemingly natural yet choreographed action turned the volume of noise up several notches. He took Madison's hand and waited until the cheers, whistles and catcalls began to settle before continuing. "Everyone is aware that all proceeds from tonight's charity auction go to the prevent child abuse foundation and that the PCA is a really great cause. So don't hold back. Who'll start the bidding?"


At forty-five, Jonathon Roberts was the undoubted king of television chat shows. Had he deigned to lower himself, he would have brought a considerable amount for this auction. Instead, it suited him just fine to be a guest at one of the tables—especially when that table had 'purchased' Madison Cooper for the evening.

He'd watched the young woman carefully as the night had progressed. She knew how to handle herself. After the expansive meal, the glamour model had made a point of dutifully dancing with most of the men in their group. From what he'd been able to see, she'd put up with the incessantly wandering hands throughout.

It was an impressively mature approach in one so young—always keep your fans happy! Their table host had paid a vast amount for her in the auction, after all.

Only the blonde twins had fetched anything like the money that had been bid for Madison. They'd been a late addition when swine flu had hit one of the comedians. Although they'd appeared on Britain's Got Talent, their main claim to fame appeared to be the fact they wore very little. He'd have to check them out at some stage, but for now he had the delicious looking young brunette on his mind.

"They tell me you're about to launch a new perfume," he murmured, helping himself to more wine. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Madison smiled sweetly, shaking her head politely when he offered to refill her glass. "Everything has gone so well this year that we thought it would be fun to test the market."

"Fun," the chat show king repeated. Youngsters nowadays had some interesting ways of expressing themselves. Everything this girl touched had turned to gold lately and he had no doubts that her own perfume would add to the small empire she was building. And she thought of it as 'fun'. "Indeed," he smiled. "I assume you have a promotional tour arranged?"

"We have several marketing outlets lined up, Jonathon and—"

"No, no," he interjected, waving a hand in the air. "I don't mean advertising. I'm sure your people have that strategy carefully worked out. I'm talking about personal appearances, interviews, that sort of thing."

"Jay-Jay's putting a plan together..."

"Ah, yes. Mr. Kazan. How is the rogue?"

Madison laughed, although it was difficult to tell from Roberts' blank face whether he approved of the PR Guru or not. "He's doing well, thank you," she noncommittally answered, pushing a stray lock of black hair away from her eyes.

"Far be it from me to offer advice to someone so young and beautiful," he continued, not caring to disguise the fact that his gaze had dipped into her low cleavage. If anything, she leant further towards him. Smart girl! "But what you need is a headline appearance. Somewhere you're guaranteed a large audience. And dare I say a different demographic to that which you've been able to attract..."

His glance stayed on her wonderfully full breasts as he paused and sipped at his wine. That heavy tanned cleavage was exquisite and when the little tease leant a little further forward—like that—he caught just a glimpse of nipple. His cock flexed.

"Are you really suggesting...?" the attractive brunette hurriedly asked, her gleaming brown eyes betraying her excitement.

Roberts smiled that superior smile of his. The one that said all things are possible. He'd already spent some time earlier in the evening explaining to the young woman just how successful his chat show was. Not that it should need any promotion. Everyone knew that Saturday night prime time was Jonathon Roberts' territory.

"I'm suggesting it's a possibility," he vaguely told her, picking up the bottle of wine again. This time she accepted the offer to top up her glass, just as he knew she would. He clinked glasses and then took a sip, keeping her waiting until he was ready. "A possibility not offered to that many people..."

He smiled as Madison stared into his poker-player eyes. She could look all night but she'd find nothing in there. They both knew she'd have to ask the question.

"What exactly would I have to..." she began, before deciding to change direction. It seemed that was too direct a route. "How would I go about it?"

For the moment he ignored the question and followed the movement as she ran a hand through her glossy black hair. If she thought all it took was for her to bat those big brown eyes and flash her tits she'd have to think again.

"Do you know how much companies pay for advertising slots in the commercial breaks during my show?" he asked instead.

Madison shook her head.

Roberts rubbed his close-cropped grey beard. "A fortune—for two minutes worth of advertising. But then they're able to reach around fifteen million people. The sort of people who buy expensive perfume..."

The forty-five year old shuffled around in his chair so that he could push away from the table and face her openly. As expected, she mirrored the action. It gave him a view of her long legs as well as her cleavage. When she crossed them, he saw a flash of thong. His hard cock lengthened even further. Normally he'd need Viagra for that sort of reaction.

He was beginning to gain a better understanding of the young woman's appeal.

She seemed on the verge of speaking, only to be interrupted when some burly young man swayed across to their table and temporarily interrupted their conversation. "Perhaps later," she softly told him when he asked her to dance. She smiled sweetly at her disappointed suitor as he edged away from them but then immediately turned her attention back to the chat show host again.

That was good. He all but had her...

"A fortune for two minute commercial slots," he repeated, driving home his point with all the finesse of a sledgehammer. "Yet my guests get twenty minutes of airtime for free. Just imagine how much that's worth..."

"Jonathon..." she responded immediately, leaning forward in her haste to take advantage of the opportunity. The pictures his words painted had done their work. The strap from her dress fell down her left shoulder but Madison made no move to pull it back into place. With such a prize at stake, who cared if half her breast was exposed? "I'd be honoured to be considered as a guest on your show. Would such a thing be possible?"

"All things are possible," he smugly told her, reaching across to take hold of the errant strap. His wrist brushed across her breast as he pulled it back into place.

They really were quite magnificent. His voracious sexual appetite had seen him encounter more young females than he could remember over the years. This one was a match for any of them. She was blushing a little, too. That was interesting. Perhaps the sexy innocence she portrayed in interviews and articles might not be quite as manufactured as he'd thought?

How quaint.

"You'd like to discuss the possibility further?" he simply asked, picking up and draining his glass.

Madison nodded eagerly. "That would be wonderful."

"Indeed," the forty-five year old smoothly answered, reaching forward to pat the back of her hand. It was his favourite word. You could never be sure whether Jonathon Roberts was agreeing or disagreeing with you when he shot that word in your direction. "It so happens I have a spot available in around a month. That horrid illusionist from Australia has broken his leg trying out his latest stunt. The fool..."

Madison wasn't sure whether to laugh or sympathise, but she knew enough to hold his gaze and allow him to make the running.

Roberts took his time. He enjoyed the thrill of the chase and a spot on his TV show invariably meant that the chase didn't last long nowadays. "Tell me, Madison," he smoothly asked. "How are you getting home tonight? Taxi?"

She nervously shook her pretty head. "My car will come to get me when the night is over, Jonathon," she told him.

Her voice was uncertain. A little breathless. Good.

"The TV people always send a limo for me," he told her, stroking his well-cultivated beard. "I think they believe I'll get lost without it... and they're probably correct."

They both laughed. A little humour always put a woman at ease.

"How's this for an idea?" he continued, as if it had just occurred to him. "I'll give you a lift home and we'll see if we can firm up arrangements on the way."

Madison's large, luminous brown eyes blinked rapidly. "Well, actually..."

Roberts smiled through his surprise. She was actually in two minds! Fascinating!

"I promised my producer I'd have a name for him tomorrow," he quietly said, giving her the spiel he always used on such occasions. "There are two candidates I promised to call in the morning. Unless, that is..."


As she washed her hands for the third time, Madison knew she was close to breaking every rule she held dear. That's why she couldn't leave the Dorchester restrooms. Not until she'd fully thought through the implications.

Yes, being a guest on Celebrities Unleashed primetime TV chat show was a prize worth having. In some ways, it would be the culmination of an astonishing year. Being one of the three celebrities invited each week onto Jonathon Roberts's chat show left the public in no doubt that you'd finally arrived.

And as a platform to launch her perfume... well, who could ask for more? As the chat show host had emphasised, she'd be reaching a completely different demographic audience. And fifteen million of them! It was perfect!

And yet...

Despite his squeaky clean public persona, those in the business knew the forty-five-year-old was partial to pretty girls. Rumour was that he'd had so many blow jobs in his dressing room, he was going blind. Was that what he was looking for in the privacy of his limo? Curiously, she wasn't averse to the idea. The thought of giving head to a relative stranger for career advancement actually had her moist.

She fished out a little brass casing, no larger than a bullet, and uncapped it. Holding it up to her nose, she took a quick snort of coke. She badly needed the high the drug would provide.

Was a blow job cheating? She'd never been unfaithful before. Not once in her life, if you ignored the incident with Nate and Ethan that ended their relationship.

Except for women of course, and that didn't count. She and Peaches still indulged regularly when Ralph was away. And she'd slept with Camille from time to time, too. She turned to look at her face in the long mirror. It was flushed. Thoughts of their threesome in the Maldives came back unbidden.

What a night that had been...

But she had other things to think about. What might happen in the back of Jonathan Roberts' limo, for one. It definitely had her on edge, despite the rush of chemical confidence. Okay, she'd put up with a lot of pawing since she'd become a glamour model, but that went with the territory. Ralph had been okay with that and besides, she'd always ensured it never got out of hand. This was different.

Or was it? Perhaps she was mistaken? Maybe Jonathon wasn't looking to take advantage of her? Possibly all he wanted was to give her the chance to appear on his show? It wasn't all one way, after all—she'd be a big draw for him, too!

Everything had already lasted much longer than she'd anticipated. At the outset, Jay-Jay had told her to expect a six months max lifespan before the public tired of her. They should aim to make as much as they could during that time.

Well, her she was, still going strong!

One of the reasons was that she—with Peaches and Jay-Jay's support—continually sought out and took advantage of new openings. Kept evolving. And Celebrities Unleashed was the biggest opportunity of all. It would result in respectability, rather than just being regarded as a glamour model that men masturbated over.

She'd give the world for that recognition...


They'd been in the limo for less than thirty seconds when Roberts had ripped open his trousers. His cock was larger than average. "Want to show how much appearing on my show means to you?" he'd leered.

The rumours were true.

Madison had instantly thought of Ralph. But instead of guilt occupying her mind, she'd found she was comparing sizes. The chat show host was more impressive than she'd anticipated. She'd known she should slow things down. Tell him she wanted to talk about the show first. Or press him for something more concrete than his an anything is possible vagaries.

Instead, she'd felt a surge of arousal warm her body. She could feel it now, sitting in the dark interior of the vehicle. Her gaze met his and his arrogant eyes grinned back at her. They were telling her he understood exactly how she was feeling and he was right. The sexy smell of the leather seats was assaulting her nose and the effect of the cocaine was still massaging her senses. Somehow the raw, basic way he was offering himself was such a turn on. He looked an enticing sight.

"Go on," he encouraged, reaching out to wrap his fingers in her long hair. "You know you want to..."

Madison waited for him to pull her head downwards, but he didn't. He just kept stroking her hair, twisting it this way and that. It was as if he knew she couldn't resist and wanted her to come to the same conclusion herself.

She stared at his cock again. He was already fully erect and the way the veiny shaft rose so impressively from its thick, hairy base almost made her salivate. Ralph kept himself shaved. She leant forward and wrapped a hand around the thick base. It took just a single moan to encourage her to take him in her mouth.

So much for all her soul searching in the Dorchester restrooms...

He moaned again as she worked her glossy red lips up and down and then around his girth. If she was going to do this, she intended to show him how good she could be with her mouth. His groans increased in line with the tightness of his hands on her hair.

Her pussy was so wet with need right now. If Ralph hadn't been in Hungary, he'd benefit when she got home. Instead, she'd get Peaches to attend to her.

But not before she'd sealed her place on the chat show...

He rested both hands on her bobbing head. "Ngh! That's fucking good, Madison..."

Good wasn't enough. It had to be great. Her appearance on Celebrities Unleashed depended on it. With a gurgle of arousal, she started to throat-fuck him. Her black wavy hair danced against her cheeks.

"Easy baby," he told her, pulling her hair to one side. She took no notice.

The feel of his hardness sliding in and out of her mouth was intoxicating. Knowing it was wrong only seemed to make it better. So did the fact they were in the back of a limousine. Could the driver hear? Everything was vibrant, alive. His manly aroma... the hardness of his shaft in her mouth... his low moans... even the smell of leather.

"Fuck, baby," he grunted as her head bounced faster. "Oh fuck..."

Without warning, he tried to pull her away.

Madison looked up in surprise. She'd been so into it she hadn't realised he was that close. She stopped moving but resisted his attempts to drag her head upwards. Instead, she held his pulsating cock in one hand while she stared into his aroused eyes. When she flicked her tongue around his crown, his shaft throbbed again.

His eyes narrowed. "Oh fuck..."

She held his gaze, letting him watch as she teased his loaded cannon. A lick... a soft flick of her tongue... a quick suck of his cockhead between her lips. His body jerked. So did his hard shaft. The grip on her hair tightened as if he wanted to wrench it from her head, unable to draw his eyes away from the sexy sight in front of him.

She let him see her spit on his manhood and then worked it around his shaft with her tongue. He throbbed again.

"You fucking tease," he grunted through gritted teeth.

Madison felt a surge of heat overwhelm her body as she watched him try to resist. Her eyes told him he couldn't. The way the very tip of her tongue ran up and down his length had him so close to the edge. A harder touch would see him explode and for a few excruciating seconds she wouldn't allow that.