Filled Beneath the Waves


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Her labia were still swollen with arousal. Although the chemicals were wearing off, little waves of relaxation and bliss still flowed out from every sensitive place the tentacles touched.

Mara blushed even more furiously, but she reached down and pointed to the folders of her inner lips and vagina, now exposed for the world to see. She continued on in a steady, neutral tone. "Before you explore further, you should also know that this larger opening is used for sexual pleasure and reproduction."

She ran her finger up to point at the clitoris, then waved generally at the space between her legs. "There are many nerve endings here. Being touched there causes great arousal. When your chemicals hit my brain, I lost my sense of self-control and used your tentacle to achieve a sexual climax."

There. She had said it. It was all out in the open now.

"Interesting," Taxlaq rumbled, after a short pause. His tentacles rested where they were, ceasing any exploration. "Did this ... climax ... make you uncomfortable?"

"No, it was intensely pleasurable."

"Does this climax cause you any harm? It appeared you were in great distress."

Mara laughed brightly. "No, it may appear that way, but it is simply an intense sensation of release and euphoria. It creates pleasure and intimacy between those involved." Mara flashed back to some previous sexual disasters. "I mean it-- that's the idea, at least. It doesn't always work out in practice."

"Then I am pleased." Taxlaq turned a deep orange hue. "It gave you pleasure, relieved your tension, and potentially built bonds between us."

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"Is there something else that I do not understand?"

"Taxlaq, there are many, many things you do not understand!"

"I am sure that is true." Bright yellow blotches of amusement bloomed on his mantle.

Mara felt her heart grow even more tender towards Taxlaq. His only concern had been for her pleasure and well-being. He was curious about her and cared about her. Nothing else mattered.

"Would you like to climax again?"

"What?" Mara gasped, intensely aware of the tentacles still resting against her cunt.

"I was not conscious of what was happening the last time but I have a vague sense that the ... the tastes and the feelings were intriguing. I would like to be conscious this time. Is it possible for you to climax again?"

"Well ... yes-- but ... I ..." Mara spluttered. A great rush of desire dropped down into her womb. Her pussy clenched involuntarily. The middle tentacle reached down from her urethra to place its tip at the sensitive entry to her vagina.

Taxlaq's golden eyes looked intently up at her through the clear water. "I would like you to tell me what is pleasurable and intrigues you. I would like to explore what it is like to sense your climax. Is this pleasurable?" A tentacle tip slipped its way gently into her pussy.

Mara groaned. "Yes," she whispered.

"I believe it was something like this last time." Taxlaq slowly pushed his tentacle further up inside her. Little suction cups pulled at the insides of her vaginal walls.

If I want him to stop, I need to do it now. Mara thought distantly. The blood was rushing out of her brain and down to her pussy. On the one hand, this is insane. I have wet tentacles inside me.

Mara looked over at Taxlaq, watching the soothing way his massive boneless body flowed in the water. On the other hand, this caring being wants to give me something that no other human being has ever known. I could experience the unknown, like a true scientist.

The tip of another tentacle brushed lightly against her clit. Plus, to be honest, Mara thought wryly, I want to fucking cum like that again!

"Yes, like that," Mara managed to say. Looking steadily into Taxlaq's golden eyes, she reached down between her legs and gently guided the tentacle, pushing it up into her at a steady pace. "It is often pleasurable to push and pull in a rhythm." Compared to how tremulous she felt inside, her voice was surprisingly confident.

A suction cup popped hard off her vaginal wall. Mara winced. "Gently with the suckers. It is very sensitive. A little suction is fine."

"Like this?"

"Yes. Oh. Oh, yeah. Just like that ..."

Taxlaq had found the right speed. The tentacle pressed firmly in and out, the tip curling round subtly to touch totally new places inside her pussy - places she had never really explored before. Dozens of soft little cups independently moved to stroke her vaginal walls, occasionally applying suction to different spots along the way.

Mara bucked her hips onto the tentacle inside her, little gasps coming out her mouth. Two other tentacles began to stroke and taste their way up and down her labia while the third fucked her steadily.

She rested her elbows into the sand beneath the shallow water, but kept her head up so she could watch, with horror and fascination, the tangle of flesh and suckers wrapped around her legs and then plunged into her cunt. They were remarkably responsive to what was most enjoyable. Perhaps, they tasted her need.

Groaning, she reached down to pull the tentacle resting on her belly and rubbed the tip back and forth across her clit. Taxlaq quickly learned the idea, and began making little circles with his soft tendril. "Fuck!" Mara gasped. "That feels good."

"I am glad. What else would give you pleasure?" Taxlaq's head and tentacles flashed through different combinations of blue, yellow, pink, and streaks of red.

"These ... are also ... sensitive ... " Mara managed to force out through the onslaught of sensations between her legs. Her breasts were half-submerged, and bobbing with the waves made by the thrusting tentacles, but she pointed to her brown nipples, now standing up straight with arousal. "They can be stroked, or sucked, or pulled. A little harder. Yes, like - Oh shit. FUCK yeah."

Two more tentacles had squirmed out of the water, curling around each breast, squeezing them tight, then attaching a larger sucker to each nipple. The sucker pulled up hard, in the same rhythm as the tentacle writhing in and out of her pussy.

The tentacles were becoming red now, streaked with pink. Her golden-brown body was almost lost in the stroking, sucking, teasing, and plunging mass of soft-skinned, firm-muscled things. It was alien. Disgusting. Exhilarating. Arousing. Like nothing she had ever seen or felt before. She could feel an orgasm building.

"Faster," she moaned. The tentacle in her pussy started pumping rapidly. The tentacles stroking her labia and clit almost vibrated. The suckers on her breasts tried to match the same speed. The warm water bubbled and rolled, sending little waves crashing up over her breasts and misting her face.

The pull on her nipples became almost painful - exquisitely painful. The tentacle in her pussy started thrusting roughly and deeply. Did she imagine it, or had it become more stiff now? The tip had curled around with each thrust before. Now it stood out straight and pushed against her cervix, hard, before springing away.

Mara's breath rushed out in throaty pants with each deep penetration. The force sent shock waves up her belly, making her breasts bounce rhythmically in the water. Her clit and nipples glowed with electric tingles. She could feel her climax climbing up higher and higher. A low moan started welling up inside her chest.

"Are you well?" Mara was shocked to hear Taxlaq's rumble coming out from the water.

"Yes! Yes! Please, don't stop. Oh, it's so good, Taxlaq. It's so good."

Mara groaned again. She was so close, just resting on the edge of glorious orgasm. Crystal clear water thrashed about her. The warmth of a foreign sun touched her skin. Hundreds of suckers shifted all over and inside her body, responding instantly to every subtle movement.

She could see the arms become pinker and more frenzied when they tasted her juices. Hungrier. They were streaked with glaring shades of red. She was sure now that one of those tentacles was much stiffer now, the blunt tip bottoming out all the way inside her. It thrust rhythmically into her, moving her closer and closer to release.

Taxlaq's writhing tentacles did not stop, but they slowed. Hesitant shades of green flashed over Taxlaq's face.

"Oh, please don't. Please keep going, just like that," Mara begged. She was panting and clenching, but still not over the plateau to bliss.

"Mara, there is something you should know."

"What? What is it, just tell me!" The tentacles continued their slow movements.

"These sensations are too powerful for me. I do not believe I can control myself."

"What?" Mara had a very hard time thinking clearly with suckers pulling at her clit.

"I am using all my mental discipline, but my arms are overwhelmed with hunger." Taxlaq's vibrations were calm, but violent flashes of color rolled over his body. "If we continue, I cannot stop the... stings."

Mara remembered the bliss she had felt the last time those chemicals filled her blood. Pure, animal desire warred with her analytical mind, which screamed at her to run away as fast as she could.

A tip of a tentacle lightly pressed against the bottom of her clit.

"I want it all!" Mara yelled.

"Are you sure, Mara?" Blue and red and pink warred for control on Taxlaq's skin. Bright red pumped through his tentacles.

"YES! Don't stop. I know you're tasting me. You want me. You hunger for me. So don't hold back!" Mara begged. "Please, please, I want you to give me everything, you fucking beast!!"

A loud rumble growled out from the water. The blue and pink drained away. Taxlaq's body turned pure red. The stiff tentacle in her cunt pricked her lightly, then spasmed. A strong jet of liquid washed over her cervix. Bliss and relaxation flowed from her pussy with overwhelming power. Light flooded her mind again, wiping out all words, leaving only pure sensation and desire.

Moaning, Mara melted into the tentacle fucking her pussy. She wanted even more. Grabbing a free tentacle, she pushed it towards the puckered opening in her ass. The total relaxation apparently applied to every part of her body, because the twisting tendril slipped in with barely any resistance. Its suckers slowly climbed their way up even deeper inside, while lower suction cups played with the sensitive entrance.

Greedily, Mara pulled another tentacle free from her breast with a little popping sound, pulling it into her mouth. She sucked it hungrily, drinking in its salty-sweet flavor. She could feel the tip of the tentacle lengthening and stiffening as she sucked. The tentacle in her ass began doing the same as it pushed and pulled rhythmically. Mara panted and gasped between bouts of sucking on the tentacle and impaling herself on the tentacles in her ass and pussy.

Suddenly, a sting hit her tongue and liquid exploded into her mouth. Warmth and pleasure flowed all the way down into her stomach as she swallowed convulsively. Mara shoved the tentacle down her throat, desperate for more. The power of the relaxation was so strong that she had no desire to gag. More jets of liquid shot deep inside her ass. The pleasure flowed up and down, until they met in the middle of her body. It felt like her insides were glowing.

Two more tentacles, now throbbing erect, wrapped around her breasts and placed their tips on her nipples. Two sharp prickles were followed by a flood of energy. The pleasure flowing into her cunt, up her ass, and down her throat now rushed down from her nipples into her chest.

The impact was ecstatic. So ecstatic it was unbearable. Mara went wild. She bucked and twisted, fucking herself against the hard shafts in her pussy and ass. The bright red tentacles pounded into her harder, mercilessly. She swallowed again and again and licked her tongue against the tentacle buried in her throat. The suckers on her nipples vibrated. She had never felt so full; never so completely consumed.

Relaxation and agony flowed back and forth. Tendrils grasped every inch of her body. Peace and power, tension and pleasure. Her pussy was on fire with sensation. The unbearable pressure kept building relentlessly as Mara thrashed and gurgled in all-consuming desire. Her whole being shook in anticipation of the orgasm to come.

Taxlaq's body surged up between her legs. Groaning against the tentacle filling her throat, Mara looked through the water and saw Taxlaw's beaklike maw opening wide. It rushed forward and clamped down around her pussy. The sharp tips of his mouth dug into her flesh.

Taxlaq's golden eyes caught hers. He growled wordlessly. A ridged tongue reached out and scraped itself roughly against her clit.

It sent Mara over the edge.

Her orgasm crushed down on her, sending shuddering waves of vibrations through her pussy. They merged with the warm glow rushing through her veins, causing her legs and belly to clench and shake. She tensed, then relaxed. Shook, then released.

It did not fade away. Instead, it increased. Harder and harder orgasms, throbbing and tingling out from her pussy all the way up her body, followed by a wave of relaxed bliss, followed by an ever-stronger wave of orgasmic spasms. Her toes clenched as if they were trying to touch her heels. Her fingernails dug into a mass of tentacles, squeezing so hard she thought she might tear them off. Her ass clenched around the tentacle buried inside until her muscles began to cramp. The tendons on her neck stood out like cords. Her pussy gripped the stiff tentacle like a vise. Somehow, even her breasts were spasming, shaking against the suckers latched on to her nipples.

The rest of the tentacles went mad. Three broke off and lashed around her waist. The one in her mouth squirmed out and wrapped itself around her throat. She felt herself pulled down with immense force, yet she felt no desire to resist as she slid below the surface into the depths.

Her whole body still writhed violently--squirming against the tentacles wrapped around her legs, her waist, her neck, and her breasts; pumping on the tentacles plunged into her pussy and ass; grinding against the rough tongue sliding across her clit; stirring up the water into boiling swells.

Mara began to scream into the water. Founts of bubbles burst out as her full-body orgasms became more and more intense. Tears flooded out of her eyes to merge with the ocean. A tiny, detached part of her became certain that she was going to die. Yet, that thought caused her no fear. Everything was power. Everything was bliss. Everything was right in the world. Water was all around her. Tentacles thrashed everywhere. Golden eyes stared at her from out of a crimson, monstrous form.

As she watched the last bubbles from her mouth float up towards the sky, every fiber in Mara's body exploded in one final orgasm.

The rays of an alien sun shining through the waves filled her vision before everything went dark.

* * *

Mara awoke in the Taxlaq's embrace. His soft, muscular body lay beneath her, surging rhythmically against the ocean below to keep her afloat. She shifted softly against his rubbery skin, watching the sun paint new patterns on the horizon as it set.

She released shuddering breaths. No water had entered her lungs. Taxlaq must have brought her to the surface just in time.

Slowly, the trembling aftershocks of her climax faded away. The gentle lap of the waves was the only sound for long minutes.

"What does this mean, Taxlaq?" Mara asked quietly.

Taxlaq paused, then rumbled slowly, "I do not know yet, friend."

Mara sighed. "There is so much we don't understand about each other."

"That is true, friend. That is why you have come, is it not? To explore what you do not know."

"To explore..." Mara murmured, "to experience what has never been experienced before-- in both mind and body."

Taxlaq vibrated a wordless reply.

Mara lay still for a moment, breathing in the smell of the ocean in the warm breeze.

"Well. I am glad you decided not to experience eating me alive, my twisty alien friend."

Taxlaq rumbled his version of a laugh, gently tightening the grip of his tentacles around her waist, and slowly stroking her arms with tiny suckers.

Silence fell, except for the rhythm of the ocean. They floated there together, no further words needed, as the colors deepened from yellow to pink to deepest purple; skins made millions of miles apart resting against each other as darkness fell, filling the night sky with stars.

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alexxxaanarchyalexxxaanarchy8 months ago

A year later, still hoping for a sequel 😅❤️

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was a hot sexy fantastic read. I'd love to orgasm like that

alexxxaanarchyalexxxaanarchyalmost 2 years ago

I would absolutely adore reading more of this ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

didn't even make it all the way through your story....

I have to say it is one of the more well thought out and written octo/sci-fi stories I have read and some of them didn't have as much grammar as you which leads to disappointing reading on a site like this....very well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow! Wow! Wow! I agree with Nurse_Twisted. If you hadn't told us you'd never written in this genre I wouldn't be able to tell. I love the overarching theme of opposites coming together, personified in Taxlaq who is somehow gentle, consuming, polite, and ravishing all at once. Your prose flows well. Really wonderful work, I'm excited for another part if you decide to write more.

FulfilledDesireFulfilledDesireover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you all for the encouraging comments! This story was so vivid in my mind that sometimes I could not sleep until I worked on it. Now you're stirring up new storylines and experiences. Sometimes its overwhelming. But if I hear from enough people that they want a "sequel" I can dig in. At least, then, we can share the agony and the ecstasy together...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story was amazing! Enjoyed it a lot! Would love a book like this

GoldenredDragonGoldenredDragonover 2 years ago

This was really good. I now wish I were Mara... :D

Nurse_TwistedNurse_Twistedover 2 years ago

No one would suspect, if you hadn't told us, that you had not written in this genre before. I liked this a lot

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For a woman fucking an alien octopus, this is almost... wholesome? It's well written and hot. I genuinely want to see more of them.

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