Final Fantasy

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Friends take a journey into the darker side of passion.
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Final Fantasy

Bzzt, bzzt.

The cell phone vibrated atop the nightstand, the screen coming to life with a brilliant white glow that pierced the darkness of the room. Even the heavy wind pouring out of the fan from across the way couldn't drown out the whimsical chime signaling an incoming text message, the alert rousing me from a state of half sleep that I found myself in once again. I rolled over and scooped up the device from the stand, barely able to make out the sender of the message through the harsh lighting emitting from the screen. But it only took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, and when they did I discovered the text had come from Ava. The realization gave me a moment of pause before I tapped the screen to read what she had sent:

I miss you.

The simple sentence dug a hook into my gut and pinned me to the mattress, my fingers hovering frozen above the keyboard, the digits awaiting orders to issue a response. But the orders never came, the words failing to tumble from my fingertips before the cell phone vibrated again, another flash outlining the edges of the device. A picture appeared this time, a salacious photo of Ava's ample cleavage barely fitting into frame, even with the breasts mashed between her arms. Another photo soon appeared, this time showing her supine in bed, free hand fondling one of her massive tits. And then another, a close up this time, leaving nothing to the imagination as her erect nipples were on full display for me to enjoy.

Ava had a knack for teasing me in the past, so it was no surprise to find myself in a familiar position, but that didn't stop my heart from pounding against my chest with excitement. It didn't take long until I was straining against the confines of my briefs, the underwear becoming constricted around the erection that threatened to rip through the cotton at any moment. I ogled the pictures as my mind raced, wondering what the best response would be in a situation like this. I didn't have much time to consider before her next message hit the phone, setting the screen ablaze with the notification:

Can I see you soon?

All ambiguity went out the window after her follow-up question eliminated any lingering doubts, and suddenly we were back on as if we had never been turned off. Memories from our shared past sprang up and flickered before my eyes in the darkness, taking me back to a short-lived but much cherished time. Things hadn't worked out the way we wanted then, but perhaps things could be different now--couldn't they? There was only one way to find out. I tapped the screen a few times until the call was placed, then put the phone next to my ear, eager to find out how far this new journey would take us.


Bzzt, bzzt.

The low-pitched vibration was muffled and drowned out amidst the dull roar of the diner, the establishment full of life even at this late hour. Another report from the same frequency cut through the crowd, this time causing Ava to stir in her seat, her food going uneaten as she squirmed under the pressure. We were up to our usual shenanigans as if we hadn't missed a beat during our time apart, engaged in our customary game of cat and mouse which saw her feign displeasure from abuse even though she and I both relished it tremendously. I eventually relented and tapped the screen on my phone a few times until the vibrating ceased, its nearly imperceptible volume vanishing behind the sea of white noise that surrounded us. She heaved a well-earned sigh of relief but grinned nonetheless, turning her large brown eyes on me.

We studied each other silently for what could have been minutes for all we knew, but in reality was maybe a fleeting moment or two, her cute grin holding me hostage despite the torture I was subjecting her to only seconds before. Her hair had grown out, now hanging mid torso and exquisitely colored, a deep black that shifted stunningly into a dark crimson near the ends. Despite the brilliance of her hair it was hard to tear myself away from her captivating eyes, spheres of chocolate that peered into and through me, which were adorned by a pair of natural lashes that were the envy of any woman unfortunate enough to be taunted by them. She was quite simply beautiful, and somehow her sleep attire added to the equation, the tank top and pajama pants framing her blessed, curvaceous body wonderfully.

"It's been quite a while," I mused aloud, seated opposite Ava, who eyed me curiously as she attempted to nibble on a fry.

The words lingered in the air between us, our bodies separated by only a couple feet of tabletop and a growing anxious tension that gnawed at the edges of our collective psyche.

"Did you miss me Taylor?" she asked coyly before popping another fry into her mouth, a makeshift wink working its way into her features as she chewed.

"Is that even a question?"

"A girl just has to be sure, you never know."

"I suppose that's fair, but you know how I feel."

"Do I? How do you feel right now?" she shot back, reclining coolly into her portion of the booth, arms folded across her chest.

My fingers responded immediately, dancing across the screen to reignite her engine, a familiar hum joining the cacophony of noise that blanketed the restaurant. The noise was stifled by the leather beneath her bottom but I could make it out even better by the change of emotions in her face, the shock and surprise driving a deep grit into her teeth as her hands clasped the edge of the tabletop. She held herself up as her body took on a slight tremble, experiencing tremors akin to wake turbulence that twisted through her body from thigh to the crown of her head and then back again.

"How do you feel right now?" I returned to her calmly, my fingers coiled, ready to up the ante.

"That's not fair," she breathed hotly, physically perturbed but holding my gaze admirably.

"Maybe not, but it sure is fun, isn't it?"

Before she could answer, the server arrived at our booth to check in on us, a large pitcher of water in her hand. She was a very pleasant middle-aged woman who was more than happy to refill our glasses, starting with mine, which I thanked her for. As she turned and reached for Ava's glass, my companion could only watch in horror as I tapped the screen, punching the motor into the red; the response was swift, driving a soft but noticeable moan from her throat. Our server was frozen in place, glass in one hand and pitcher in the other, fixing her quizzical stare on the woman who was very clearly shaking in her seat.

"Are you alright honey?" she asked Ava, genuine concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, thank you," Ava managed to choke out through her fingers, hand clasped loosely over her mouth.

I couldn't help but smirk from my position, my index finger poised, teasing Ava with another button press that never came; if her ears were extra vigilant tonight then perhaps the waitress could make out the low squeal emanating from beneath the booth, but if she had discerned it there was no evidence of it on her face. The server fell silent, nodded and refilled the glass before hustling away to another table.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I teased, powering the device down once more, relishing the physical responses Ava's body betrayed as her shoulders slackened and her breathing began to normalize thanks to my mercy.

"Not at all," she replied, a wide smile on her face as she leaned forward with apparent interest, nibbling upon her lip now instead of the cold, forgotten fries.

"That's a shame because I'm having a great time."

"Just like old times, right?"

"Feeling nostalgic?" I quipped.

"Feeling...," she said before pausing, pressing a delicate foot into my groin beneath the cover of the table, confirming her suspicions which widened the mischievous grin dominating her soft lips, "inspired," she finished ominously, her foot curling around my throbbing erection.

I stifled a groan as she rubbed my desire through my pants, growing stiffer by the second, my body giving to her what her body gave to me. She coaxed such a degree of rigidity from me that it quickly grew painful, the tent in my pants ascending to such a height it was a miracle it hadn't knocked the tabletop off its axis. We locked eyes again, and there behind those soft features and hues of melted cocoa lurked a malevolent lust, an energy that no doubt emanated through my own eyes unto her. In that moment, we felt akin to long lost puzzle pieces fitting together for the first time in a long time.

Without warning I stood from my side of the booth and relocated myself next to Ava, sliding in close to her with an arm going across her shoulders. Her body was soft to the touch, skin flushed and superheated, her arousal clinging noticeably to the air before her. I ducked my head into the crevice between her jaw and collarbone, as if leaning in for a kiss or to perhaps pass on a secret, but I did neither. My free hand found her thigh and gripped it tightly, prying the leg apart from its sibling, forcing them into long distance relatives as her body opened up to me.

"You're going to come for me in this booth," I said with my mouth not even an inch from her ear, the baritone of my voice in such close proximity it caused a second skin comprised entirely of goosebumps to erupt across her body from the neck down.

"And if I say no?" she challenged, defiant even when her legs and voice quivered beneath my presence.

I felt for the phone that lay atop the table, but before I could retrieve it Ava placed her hand on top of mine, locking it in place. She chuckled ever so slightly, clearly delighting in the cat and mouse approach, but I was far from finished. I cut short her victory lap with a well-placed bite, sinking a pair of incisors into the sensitive flesh of her neck, a feral growl escaping me. Her body almost collapsed in on itself, and her hand fell away from mine, allowing me access to my device once more. Two taps and the buzzing returned, the leather seat trembling beneath the two of us, the powerful vibrations shuffling through a myriad of different patterns.

We hadn't drawn any attention to ourselves, but I straightened up anyway, reclining in the booth next to my date who was quietly crumbling beside me. Her body was wracked with the familiar tremors from earlier, but they were even more unrelenting in their assault upon her groin, the noise generated from beneath our table the loudest it had been all night. If left unchecked, perhaps our neighbors at the next table over would take notice of the alien sound, but judging from the volume of their lively conversation it was unlikely.

"Touch yourself Ava," I rasped, my fingers digging deeper into her thigh which I held hostage, the extremity a prisoner of war locked behind my unscrupulous hand.

She feigned stoicism for all but a few brief moments, head held high with her eyes placed on the far wall of the diner, until grudgingly doing as she was instructed, surreptitiously relocating one of her hands beneath the table. I watched that same hand disappear beyond the waistband of her pajama pants, and within a few seconds it appeared she had breached her panties as well, if the sudden sharp inhale and soft whimpering were any indication. What had initially begun as a slight nibble devolved into manic chomping off her bottom lip, the only physical tether she had to keep from letting loose the wanton moans that were surely parked amongst her taste buds.

She hung her head maybe a minute or so into her foray into self-fulfilling public debauchery, panting incessantly as if she had just crossed the finish line signifying the end of a great marathon. I clutched her tightly, shielding her from any potential onlookers as she did the deed, her soft body vibrating against my own. I took great care in relocating my other hand, leaving her thigh to shake and seize to its full potential, in order to help her accomplish the task that was laid out. She gasped when my thick fingers peeled her soaked panties aside even further, the deft digits joining her dainty fingers.

The intensity of her heat was unlike anything I had experienced before, the sweltering confines of her bottoms mimicking the atmosphere of a steamy rainforest. I placed my large hand over the back of her own, completely covering it beneath my palm, and together we began to massage and rub her swollen lips. The combined pressure of our fingers working in unison forced Ava to cover her mouth with her free hand, her teeth no longer capable of stonewalling the floodgates all on their own. Her half-lidded eyes disappeared behind a curtain of black and reddened hair as her head bowed as if in pious prayer, even though we couldn't have been further from committing a saintly act.

"It's time," I whispered into her ear, giving her permission to finish the deed.

Her only response was an enthusiastic nodding of the head, incapable of opening her mouth lest she was willing to invite the entire restaurant to an impromptu oratory examination of her boundless lust. Our conjoined fingers moved with reckless abandon, swirling and diving within the slick folds of her lips, ravaging her poor clit which ached and throbbed with desire. Ava's entire body began to rattle as if she had become possessed, before suddenly going limp as her joints locked up and the breath caught in her breast. I could feel the spasms hidden behind her hand as her core began to melt down, leaking the contents of her pussy in between our clenched knuckles. She sank her teeth into the back of her hand just to refrain from making a sound, whimpering through the pleasure and the pain as she continued wetting through her pajama pants.

Our waitress returned just as I was straightening up, having barely freed my hand from Ava's pants as she joined us at the edge of the table. A fresh look of concern was plastered on her face as she studied the two of us sitting side by side, receiving a soft smile from me and a shoulder swaying punch-drunken stupor from Ava.

"Are you sure you're ok sweetie?" she asked, taking a closer look at the woman who continued to leak all over the leather booth, her legs trembling against my own.

"It's been a long night and she's a little worn out, but she'll be fine. We'll take the check please."


Bzzt, bzzt.

The notification drew my attention away from the news broadcast, my eyes swiveling down to the laptop perched atop the desk. It was an alert informing me the conference call was set to start in just a few minutes, one of several such messages I'd see throughout a typical workday. I clicked on the popup absentmindedly while my thoughts spiraled away to much more stimulating topics, such as the pot of coffee brewing in the kitchen or the salacious night spent with Ava in the diner a couple weeks back. Life had interfered and kept us apart immediately after our rendezvous as it typically did, but that didn't stop us from catching up and reigniting the flame between us in the meantime whether through text or through pictures.

What initially began as a spark was swiftly kindled into a raging inferno which saw us dedicating more and more time to one another, until we'd spend entire days engrossed in one another as if nothing else existed but our mutual gratification. Some of the most depraved thoughts and fantasies resided within our shared text thread, locked away for a rainy day when we'd next get our hands on one another. I found myself scrolling through that very thread while waiting for the meeting to start, relishing the many pages of smut that saw us going back and forth to please one another. A recurring theme revolved around BDSM and our shared interest in diving deeper into that world, beyond the entry level of simple constraints and light punishment. It was a realm we had both lightly dabbled in once upon a time, but lately it was as if a flip was switched and our desire for something more tantalizing was greatly exacerbated.

The other managers on the call had begun talking at this point but their words were lost on me as I became more enveloped in my phone. It was all but impossible to keep Ava off my mind nowadays, and during working hours was no exception, paying no attention to the material that was being screen shared to my laptop in favor of her pictures on my phone. Just as I was scrolling back to our most recent interaction, which saw us sharing spicy BDSM videos with one another, a new message from Ava appeared:

I got the day off work. Can I come over?

I wasted no time in responding, fingers tapping away with a smirk on my face:

well since you asked so nicely...

I can ask not so nicely if you prefer.

you know how I like it

With me begging on my knees?

get here quickly and you can grovel at my feet during my meeting

I'm on my way.

I placed the phone down on the desk and peered at the laptop screen, watching as a presentation regarding district staffing levels began to play for the third time in as many weeks. Work-related issues couldn't have been any further from my mind though as the anticipation of Ava's arrival had already begun to climb. I busied myself with fetching the cup of coffee that had waited patiently for me in the kitchen, fixing a tall mug that I could sip on throughout the remainder of the dull meeting. That same staffing level presentation greeted me as I returned to my office chair, only this time being conducted by a different manager. I began to rummage through the drawers in my desk, paying no mind to the discussion regarding weekly quotas and monthly metrics, the incessant milquetoast droning falling on deaf ears.

A knock at the door sometime later snapped me out of the PowerPoint induced stupor and in walked Ava, appearing at the threshold of my office with a large grin painted on her face. The tension between us was palpable even through text, but up close and after having not seen each other for weeks, the pressure was suffocating. She was on me before I could rise from my chair, clambering onto my lap with her mouth crashing into my own. My hands instinctively clutched her ass to support her while our tongues danced violently, searching for air down one another's throat. She groaned into my mouth when I nibbled on her tongue, but the heavy slap on her ass that followed earned me a hushed moan that stalled her in her tracks.

I took that opportunity to relocate a hand to her throat while someone on the laptop began explaining the year-to-date turnover numbers for our branch. The words were ignored by the two of us as I set about exploring Ava's neck next with my teeth, once again sinking my incisors into her flesh. She writhed upon my lap, a garbled moan barely escaping her crushed throat while my tongue traced a particularly juicy vein. Her fingers dug into my legs, hooking herself to my body so she could eagerly receive whatever it was that I had in store for her. I nibbled and licked up and down her neck and collarbone, tasting her for minutes on end while she rocked back and forth across my thighs, grinding her groin against the erection that tented my sweatpants. I withdrew the hand constricting her neck so she could take in fresh air, and I fished my cock out of my pants, allowing her to see it in person for the first time in what seemed like years.

"You did this to me," I said matter-of-factly.

"Sorry but not sorry," Ava responded, a cheshire grin twisting within her lips as she eyed my erection.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation? Take your pants off."

"Make me," she replied simply, defiantly.

My hand shot up to the back of her head to clench a fistful of her hair, before yanking upon it to arch her neck until her eyes were on the ceiling. The sudden movement caused her heart to skip a beat judging by the trepidation that burrowed into her chest, the rise and fall of her breast altered and erratic than from before. Her excitement was palpable, nearly physical, her entire body rigid and hot to the touch. She was getting off from the way I treated her and we hadn't even begun.