Finding Her Way in a Storm Ch. 13-21


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She knew the question she suddenly wanted to ask but was afraid of the answer she might get back.

Bree Ann Grace bumped her daughter's shoulder with her own and said, "You know he loves you, right?"

Skyler nodded in reply, staring down at the plate in her hand, a multitude of negative thoughts trying to infect her brain, cancerous future possibilities threatening to metastasize into full-grown doubts about her life.

"I do...but I worry that I embarrass him. And now this thing with Kaia and Lisa...I just don't want him to be ashamed to have me as his daughter."

Skyler felt her mother's arms surround her body, enveloping her. It felt so comforting that she didn't even mind that the older woman's hands were wet.

"Don't ever think that, Skyler. Your dad may not understand your sexuality but he loves you unconditionally. And the man I know would never be ashamed of his daughter short of you committing some heinous criminal act. And don't worry about what you have planned. I'll make sure that he knows what's going on. And though he may not understand it, I can guarantee that he will back you up a hundred percent if asked to."

Skyler looked up, daring to meet her mother's eyes. She saw nothing but love and acceptance there. It shone like a lighthouse, slicing through the darkness that was threatening to envelop Skyler's mind.

"Are you sure he's not going to think me some kind of lesbian slut?"

That got another laugh from her mother, who shook her head as she struggled to gain control of herself. Skyler crossed her arms, suddenly feeling defensive that her mother found her insecurities so jovial.

Bree Ann put her hands on Skyler's shoulders and said, "Oh, no, don't you even think of getting feisty with me, young lady. Besides, I know where all of your bodies are buried, so you can't afford to get mad at me."

"I'm serious though, Mom. I'm scared! I know everything about my love life up until now has run counter to how the two of you raised me. And I also know that it's caused you problems, even though the two of you have tried to hide things from me. And I could tell that Dad is mad at me about last night, so what's going to happen if my plan works and I'm living in sin with not one, but two women?"

Her mother reached up and palmed Skyler's left cheek with her right hand, caressing it with her thumb. The upset young woman waited to hear some supportive words or pearls of wisdom issue forth from the older woman's mouth.

That wasn't what she got at all.

"Are you ashamed of who you are, Skyler?"

"What? No, Mom!"

"First off, your father and I raised you to find a loving and committed relationship that brought you complete and utter happiness and fulfillment. To use one of your father and Kaia's baseball analogies, you thought you had that, but life threw you a curveball. So, now you're adjusting your swing and hoping to still come up with a big hit.

So, no, you haven't run counter to the things we've taught you. I'd say if anything, you're right on track. The whole aspect of it being a woman instead of a man is irrelevant. You are who you are, and we're going to love you regardless, and that means supporting you as well.

Secondly, yes, we've gotten some pushback from a minority of parishioners. But counting the ones we've lost from supporting you, we've gained twice that many from people who were impressed by the fact your father didn't allow a few bigots to force him into abandoning his daughter. And of the ones we've lost, about half have come back with their heads tucked down in shame. The ones that didn't? Do we really need people like that poisoning our congregation?

Third, do you really think your father doesn't know that you and Kaia have been having sex for a long time? He sees the way the two of you look at each other, and on more than one occasion, has caught the little furtive touches the two of you try to sneak in when he's around. Your father is not a stupid man, Skyler. Does he know what I suspect went on at Kaia's last night? No, and he doesn't need to right now. I'll use the frog technique on him, and in the end, he'll be just fine with it.

Lastly, if your plan works, I assume that you will eventually marry one of those women, or maybe they will get married. I don't know. If it doesn't work, then you'll wed Kaia. If not her, then some other woman down the line. The point is, you will be in a committed and loving relationship that will include raising a family and being a responsible adult. If anything, I think your father will be just as proud of you as I am when all is said and done.

My point is, own who you are, sweetie. The people that really love you are going to accept and support you regardless."

Skyler threw her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly. She didn't miss the older woman's comment about what she suspected of happening with Kaia and Lisa the night before. But Skyler was damned if she was going to question her mother about it.

There was one thing she had to know, though.

"What is the frog technique, Mom?" Skyler asked, her brow furrowed.

"Well," Bree Ann replied with a smile, "that's when you put a frog in a pan of tepid water and turn the heat on just high enough to eventually bring it to boil. That frog will feel the water getting warmer, but the temperature rise is so gradual that instead of jumping out, he'll cook before he even knows what happened.

In other words, I'll give your daddy just enough information a little at a time over a length of time that by the time your plan comes to fruition, he'll think he's been supportive of it all alone."

"And that works?"

Bree Ann Grace smiled sweetly and said, "Well, it has with you all of these years."

Later on, Skyler called Kaia to tell the cocoa-skinned beauty goodnight. Of course, the teen couldn't help but wonder whether a very naked, beautiful, and voluptuous Lisa was snuggled up against Kaia. Though Kaia sounded completely normal, the two women could have very well been awash in a sea of post-coital-bliss, their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. Or maybe they hadn't gotten to the festivities for the night yet. And though the thought did make Skyler feel jealous, it surprisingly wasn't as much as she'd have thought.

Kaia did try to pick her brain, but Skyler deftly put her off, promising once again to sit down with her and Lisa once they'd returned to Kaia's house after lunch with her parents. She could tell from the huff in the former Marine's voice that Kaia wasn't at all pleased, though she didn't push the matter any further.

Before she hung up, Skyler asked Kaia to tell Lisa goodnight for her. Kaia informed her that the single mother had gone to bed earlier with Macey in the guest room. Skyler wasn't sure if she was pleased by the news or disappointed.

Her final act of the night was to call Becka, who surprisingly was at home. Apparently, her older lover's wife was back in town, and Becka had worked all day. She'd managed to save enough money since returning to Georgia that she almost had enough set aside for her escape back to the west coast.

Skyler reiterated the rest of her day since the two had separated that morning, bringing up the plan that she'd come up with in an attempt to solve her Rubik's cube of a love life. Once she'd outlined what she had so far, Skyler asked Becka what she thought.

"Wouldn't you rather just forget all of that and come over here to eat my pussy? And you said that big black cock you had made you come. I know this handsome thirty-eight-year-old black guy who has about ten-inches of thick black Anaconda. And for an old guy, he can keep it up all night long. He's married and has kids, but he loves him some white pussy on the side. I can hook you up, and whenever you get a hankering for some pussy, I guess I can bite the bullet and ride that pretty little face of yours."

"You're a regular Mother Theresa, Becks. At least you would be if there was a wanton version of the revered nun that was a Sainted member of the Sisters of the Blessed Slut."

"I do what I can for the world," Becka replied in a pious sounding voice that caused Skyler to roll her eyes.

"Do you think you can be serious for a moment? I need that serious girl I knew before your dad moved the family out to Cali, and not the bombastic slut that came back."

"I TOLD you that simpering and boring bitch was dead," Becka reminded her, "But the new and improved Becka will now put on her thinking cap and try to lead you out of the desert before you have to wonder there for forty years."

"Thanks, Moses, I appreciate it."

"Of course," Becka replied, affecting a staunch sounding voice that Skyler assumed passed for her attempt at sounding as if she actually possessed wisdom.

Skyler waited for at least thirty seconds for Becka to go on. But when she didn't, the auburn-haired beauty said, "Well?"

"No, I've got nothing," Becka said at last.

"Great," Skyler replied, wondering why she'd even bothered.

"Look, Sky, I don't know if it will work, but it sounds like it's worth a try because at least you'd be trying to take your destiny into your own hands. Otherwise, you'll just be leaving everything to chance, and if it doesn't work out, you'll always wonder."

A thankful but stunned Skyler sat there in shock at the earnest and cohesive thought strung together by her longtime friend. Maybe there was hope for Becka yet.

"But if it doesn't, there's always my pussy and the big black cock," Becka added.

"Okay, maybe not," Skyler thought to herself.

Skyler got up the next morning and put in extra effort to make herself look as scrumptious as possible without looking like a tart. Skyler knew that she'd succeeded when she descended the stairs to see her mother's eyes opened wide in approval, her father merely kissing her forehead and telling her how nice she looked. Skyler knew that if she'd carried things too far, her preacher father would have felt no compunction about pointing it out.

Kaia, Lisa, and little Macey, safely ensconced in her stroller, were waiting for them out front when the trio emerged from the Grace home. Kaia wore a beige sleeveless dress that left her looking svelte as it hugged her trim and athletic figure like a glove. It ended a couple of inches above her knees and was accented by a pair of black, two-inch heels. Skyler knew that her lover despised heels, only wearing them to appear as feminine as possible for Jonathan Grace. Skyler had repeatedly told her it wasn't necessary, but Skyler always insisted.

Lisa, meanwhile, looked very demure in a conservative blue dress with a high neckline. It was loose and flowing, ending just below her knees. The three-inch matching heels and sheer white stockings she wore, combined with it to tone down the raw sexiness of the Italian beauty. Skyler couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't by design.

After her mother had introduced Lisa and her child to Skyler's father, taking a moment to fawn over the little girl and her dainty, pink lace dress, the five of them began the walk to the church four blocks away.

Skyler felt on a high, sitting with the two women in the church as her father preached. Her mother also seemed elated as she sat and held a sleeping Macey on her shoulder, the little girl's face resting against a decorative spit-up diaper. It was cool inside the large sanctuary, the industrial-sized air conditioners outside the building working overtime to cool the large crowd. Skyler had her jacket laid across her lap, the hand that held Kaia's resting on top of it. Meanwhile, underneath the coat, her left hand also held Lisa's. The secretive act sending naughty shivers of delight down Skyler's spine.

After the sermon was finished, a message about love from John and First Corinthians. Skyler, Kaia, Lisa, and little Macey waited at the bottom of the steps watching as the Grace's talked to their many parishioners filing past them on the top landing of the church steps.

Lisa commented on how impressed she was by Skyler's parents and how she'd enjoyed the sermon, her first since her parents had rejected her sexuality. Skyler felt her chest swell with pride as she watched her mother and father, thankful for what seemed the millionth time that God had blessed her with such loving parents.

Lunch went perfectly, Lisa raving about Bree Ann's cooking. Jonathan Grace seemed impressed by Lisa's knowledge of the Bible and seemed thrilled when the brunette beauty sought to pick his brain on the sermon he'd preached. She also didn't deign to hide her sexuality, pointing out how her hypocritical Presbetyrian parents had failed to show her the love and compassion prescribed by Christ in scripture.

Jonathan Grace had offered his sympathy, admitting how he agreed they were wrong. But then he'd encouraged Lisa to forgive them for being insensitive and bigoted in the way they'd treated her, pointing out that forgiveness was a form of love.

Bree Ann had tended to Macey throughout the meal, taking quick bites off her plate while feeding the little girl pureed squash, sweetpeas, and pears from the infant's saucer of baby food.

Skyler had spent her time splitting her attention between Lisa and her father's conversation and Macey's often humorous attempts to master her tongue while eating. But all the while, she'd been aware of Kaia's hungry gaze locked on her. The auburn-haired beauty's panties were soaked by the time dessert was served, fresh-baked apple pie with vanilla ice cream. And watching the suggestive way the cocoa-skinned blonde was licking the ice cream off of her spoon hadn't helped Skyler's situation one bit.

By the time Skyler's parents had walked them to the door to say goodbye, the sexy teen's panties had been saturated with her juices. So much so that Skyler was paranoid that the aroma of her arousal would be apparent to her father as he hugged her goodbye. Kaia and Lisa also got goodbye hugs from the patriarch of the Grace clan. It wasn't an unusual act between Kaia and Skyler's father, who had bonded long ago over their love of baseball. But it was an oddity to see Jonathan Grace take to a stranger so quickly, but it thrilled Skyler because it served her plan perfectly.

The three of them slowly walked back to Kaia's house, none of them seemingly in a hurry to get there. It was as if the importance of the discussion that awaited them was weighing them down, slowing their progress.

Kaia grabbed her and Skyler a beer, Lisa rocking Macey in the recliner, with Kaia sitting on the couch. Skyler stood facing them both and nervously began her spiel, hoping against all hope that they could see the logic she had. And that Kaia would be strong enough to agree with her proposal.

Skyler talked for nearly half an hour, and when she was done, stood there trying to read the reaction of the two women before her. Lisa looked intrigued, but Kaia was much tougher to read. Still, it was nearly two minutes later before anyone spoke.

"Well, it does have a certain symmetry to it."

Kaia looked at Lisa, clearly uncertain at what the gorgeous brunette meant.

"I mean, think about it. First, you dated me, then, you dated Skyler, and now Skyler would date me."

Skyler could see that Lisa certainly seemed willing, but it was readily apparent that Kaia had some reservations. Skyler was reasonably sure of one but wondered if there were more.

"Talk to me, baby. I've thought about this long and hard. I've discussed it with my mom and Becka, with both of them agreeing that it was worth the try. I don't want to lose you and have to regret later in life not trying everything I could to prevent that from happening."

"Becka actually provided something constructive?" Kaia asked with a hint of humor.

Skyler grinned and shrugged her shoulders, saying, "Not much. She thinks eliminating large cocks from your sexual diet is weird and promised that I could eat her pussy if you dumped me. But when she finally did get serious momentarily, she admitted that what I was suggesting was better than doing nothing."

Kaia smiled while Lisa giggled at Skyler's report on the wisdom of Becka. While the single mother had yet to meet Skyler's friend, Kaia knew full well how hard it was to get Becka to focus on anything that wasn't carnal in nature.

"Is it us not seeing each other while I date Lisa that's bothering you?"

"That's a huge part of it, yeah. You and I have been together every day for more than a year now. And now I'm supposed to go cold turkey all at once? And I just got Lisa back in my life, but if we go through with your plan, I can't be with her either."

"It's necessary to give us a chance to get to know one another without you being a distraction. I mean, let's face it, Kaia, you're the hub at the center of both relationships. Lisa and I are both in love with you. How can we ever possibly hope to see if there could be something significant between us if we're both constantly focused on our feelings for you?"

Skyler looked to Lisa, hoping for some kind of support. She knew if the two of them could unite and form a common front, it might make it much easier for Kaia to see the wisdom in her idea. And if they couldn't, then what realistic chance did the two of them have in falling in love?

Lisa gave Skyler a subtle nod, standing to place a sleeping Macey on a thick quilt laying on the floor in the corner of the room. She then walked back to where Kaia sat and dropped down into a kneeling position at her former fiance's feet, reaching in to hold Kaia's hands.

"She's right, Kaia. Other than Macey, you're all that's been on my mind since you got on that damned plane in San Diego. I'll never be able to build anything with Skyler if all I'm thinking about is coming home to crawl into your bed."

Lisa reached up and gently poked Kaia in the chest, saying, "You asked us the other night to give you this," Lisa said, gesturing between the three of them. "Well, Skyler is asking the same thing. Becoming a "throuple" is a big step for us all, but I'd imagine for a young woman who's hardly ever been out of small-town Georgia life, it seems a bit daunting."

Looking Skyler's way, Lisa added, "And I think it's kind of adorable that she's so concerned with how this might affect Macey. I think most people her age would likely just take a leap, thinking with their hearts, without considering the possible repercussions. Skyler isn't doing that, though. She's trying to protect us all. You have to understand and appreciate that, Kaia, particularly after the heartbreak you've been through.

Macey and I can get a short-term lease on an apartment in town. That way, you and I aren't tempted because you know we would be. And it would almost feel as if Skyler and I were flaunting what was happening between us, throwing it in your face if we stayed here.

I do think we should add one caveat to your idea, Skyler. Maybe Sundays should be a day off from our agreement. That will give us a chance to let the dynamic between the three of us continue to develop as well. And it will keep Kaia from feeling as if she's been voted off the island, so to speak."

Kaia seemed to perk up at Lisa's suggestion, feeling a lifeline being tossed her way. Her eye's bounced between the two women she loved. Lisa's idea had apparently made Skyler's plan sound much more palatable and slightly less threatening.

"What would that mean?" Kaia asked.

Lisa and Skyler exchanged looks, Skyler finally nodding her head the brunette's way, a non-verbal agreement the proviso Lisa had suggested.

"Well," Lisa said, pausing to get her thoughts in line, "it would mean that on Sunday mornings, we would all meet here and walk to church together. We'd have lunch with Skyler's mom and dad, spend some time with them, and then return here for...some quality time."

"I think that's brilliant," Skyler said with a smile. "But no spending the night together until we all are comfortable that this will work. At the end of the evening, the three of us go our separate ways."
