Finding Her Way in a Storm Ch. 13-21


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"Give her up, Daddy. I need some Macey time."

"Be careful, Skyler. You don't want her puking on your dress."

Jonathan Grace's eyes bounced between his wife and daughter before settling on Macey, who eyed him with glee.

"There are ten bucks in it for you if you puke on that dress, Macey," he promised before extending the baby out to his daughter.


Skyler merely rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at her dad before carefully and modestly settling onto the loveseat. She made sure her legs stayed together and turned them sideways to her parents.

They were still sitting there when Lisa arrived, Jonathan making them both promise to be careful and to look out for one another. He then excused himself and retreated to his study after kissing Macey goodbye.

Skyler couldn't help but notice that he hadn't said anything about Lisa's dress, which was even shorter than hers. She also realized with a bit of amusement that he'd kissed the baby goodbye, but not her.

Lisa gave Skyler's mother the overnight bag, promising that the pair would be over to Kaia's first thing in the morning with a dress fit for the child to wear to church. Once they had Macey ready, the four of them would meet Bree Ann and Jonathan for the short stroll to services.

Less than a half-hour later, the pair kissed both Bree Ann and Macey goodbye and headed out for a night dancing in Atlanta.

They'd barely made it onto the interstate when Skyler heard sniffling and turned to see Lisa struggling to hold back tears. She quickly reached over and took her date's right hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"What's wrong? We can go back and get her if you're missing her too much."

Lisa shook her head but said nothing. Skyler released her hand and reached into the clutch she'd brought, pulling out a tissue and handing it across to her date.

Lisa took it, thanking her as she dabbed at her eyes, trying carefully not to ruin her makeup. When she'd regained control, she handed the tissue back to Skyler.

"It's your parent's Sky. They're just so perfect in every way. Your mom is like the ideal grandmother material for Macey and your dad? Wow, he's had every reason to reject and judge what we're doing but he hasn't. Do you know how incredible that is?"

Skyler couldn't help but smile inwardly, her heart filling with pride. But then it occurred to her what Lisa had to be thinking. How could her parents have been such judgmental duds?

"I think they're already a little in love with her, my mom especially. She knows that if she has to wait on me, it's likely to be another four for five years before she has a grandchild. I think that's part of the reason they're both so eager to see this work," Skyler replied, her index finger going back and forth between her and Lisa.

Lisa drove on into the night towards Atlanta and their planned evening of fun. Neither of them was thinking of dancing, though.

Skyler had known going into her plan that it was a crapshoot fraught with emotional danger for them all. That included her parents to a degree. They had an investment in this too.

And while Macey was far too young to remember anything from now when she got older, the child could still miss out. If God forbid it ended up with only Kaia and Lisa together, then who would the child have to turn to as grandparents? Lisa's parents seemed utterly unsuitable for the role, and Kaia's were passed on.

Still, despite all that was at stake, Skyler couldn't help but feel hopeful.

"I don't love you yet," Skyler said, staring out the window into the night. Her voice was flat, almost matter of fact in tone. "I can't guarantee you that I ever will. But I have become closer to you in the past week than I ever thought imaginable."

As if to emphasize her point, Skyler reached for Kaia's hand, their fingers interlacing with one another. Turning to look at her date, Skyler said, "I think this bond developed between us so quickly because up until now, we haven't been overthinking things. We've just had fun with the situation."

"And you think that I'm starting to do that now?"

Skyler nodded her head in the darkness and said, "How could you not be? Your thousands of miles away from home and any friends and family you might have had. You're forced to depend on my parents for help, no matter how minor, with housing, childcare, and emotional support. Things remain uncertain with Kaia; of course, you're going to feel insecure. I'm feeling that way at times, and two of those three factors don't even exist for me."

"I'm open to suggestions as to how to stop feeling that way if you have them."

Skyler thought for a minute and then gave Lisa's hand a squeeze before saying, "I don't think that we can stop, either of us. At least we can't alleviate those feelings altogether."

"So what can we do?"

The tone of her voice lightening considerably, Skyler said, "Maybe when we're together, we just try to set all of those feelings aside and enjoy one another's company. It's worked for us so far."

Skyler watched Lisa as she drove. After a moment, Skyler saw the nod of Lisa's head in silhouette. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Skyler leaned across the console and lightly kissed Lisa's cheek before bringing her lips to her date's ear.

"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight. Have I told you that?" Skyler whispered to Lisa, feeling a shiver run through the older woman's body. Something that pleased Skyler very much.

"Thank you. You do too, Sky."

Skyler returned to her seat and buckled back up before taking Lisa's hand once again. With a teasing tone to her voice, Skyler gave Lisa's hand a squeeze and said, "Now, why don't you hurry up and get us to this club so that I can see how you shake that sexy ass of yours out on the dance floor."

Skyler saw Lisa smile briefly in the passing glare of a streetlight and felt the car lurch forward slightly as the gorgeous brunette pressed down on the car's accelerator.

"You're on, Sky."

Chapter Twenty

Kaia could only smile as she opened her front door, a grinning Macey cradled against one of her shoulders. The sight in front of her was both beautiful and a bit comical at the same time.

"Little monkey, I believe that mommy and Sky might have had too good a time dancing last night. Mommy, in particular, looks a bit hungover.

Kaia held the door open, stepping aside to allow both women to pass. Each of them gave her a kiss as they went by, Lisa taking her daughter, who was clearly glad to see her mother.

"How was she last night?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, the little monkey was just fine," Kaia replied before adding with a giggle, "I'd have to say she definitely got more sleep than her mother did."

"Just tell us that you have coffee made, baby," Skyler said. Kaia thought that although the younger woman looked exhausted, she didn't look quite as worse for the wear as Lisa did.

Of course, Skyler kept that tidbit to herself.

"And what time did you ladies get to sleep last night? Did you close the club down?"

Lisa sat down at the little kitchenette table, laying Macey's dress across its surface. A hand going to her mouth to cover up a deep yawn as Skyler went to the counter where the coffee pot sat, pulling down two mugs and filling them.

"We got out of the club about two but didn't get to sleep until almost three," Skyler reported as she handed Lisa her coffee before turning back to the counter to grab the sugar and cream.

Kaia couldn't help but admire the two of them. Even at the worst, they were both still beautiful. Skyler, as always, was in her Sunday best. Her dress was modest while still managing to accent her body in all of the right places. Kaia had forever thought of them as her miracle dresses. They managed to make her look wholesome and pure while at the same time failing completely to hide her sexiness.

Lisa's dress, on the other hand, could only be classified as sexy yet demure. In a California church on a Sunday morning, it would have likely gone unnoticed among a sea of similarly dressed women, but here in Georgia, it would have tongues wagging.

"Do you need me to take her and get her dressed?"

Lisa and Skyler both looked at Kaia in surprise, a fact that pleased her.

"What? I bathed her and got her dressed for bed last night. If I can manage to poke her chubby little limbs in that onesie, then I think I can handle this lacy thing."

That comment got a giggle from Skyler, but Lisa simply waved her hand and said, "Sure, have at it."

As Kaia took Macey and turned to walk away, she couldn't help but smile at how natural it all felt. She'd been terrified at first yesterday at work when Bree Ann had shown up and made her proposal. Kaia had never spent an appreciable amount of time around kids other than when she'd been a child herself. And babies? Well, time with them had been nearly non-existent. The first time Kaia could ever remember holding an infant was when Skyler had handed her Macey the evening that Lisa had first appeared on her doorstep.

It wasn't that Kaia didn't like kids; she did. She'd just always been mystified by them. It had only been Bree Ann's promise that she would stay until Kaia felt comfortable that had convinced Kaia to relent.

And as usual, the Grace matriarch had been patient and helpful in her instruction, staying until after Kaia had Macey bathed and ready for bed. She'd already show Kaia earlier in the night how best to heat up the bottles of breast milk Lisa had supplied. So once Bree Ann was gone, Kaia had heated a bottle up and settled into the recliner with Macey, who hungrily accepted its contents.

When the bottle had been half-empty, Kaia had plucked it from the baby's mouth and sat the child upon her knee, one hand on her chest with the other patting her back. Once the baby had released a very unladylike burp, Kaia resumed her feeding. The child had fallen asleep with still about half an ounce of milk left in the bottle.

The pair had repeated the process about three AM with a diaper change thrown in for good measure. And when Macey had awoken this morning around seven, Kaia had already been awake. The little girl had given her a shy grin before beginning to kick her arms and legs, evidently ready to commence with the day.

Kaia had the dress on Macey and was just pulling up the lacy bloomers that went with it when she heard a voice behind her that made her heart race.

"I've really missed that backside. How can you make even that act of changing a baby look sexy?"

Her task complete, Kaia picked up the child and turned to Skyler, who stood with one shoulder leaning against the door frame as she sipped her coffee. Kaia returned the flirtatious smile Skyler offered her way, and she walked over to where the auburn-haired beauty stood, leaning in to steal a kiss.

"You have no idea how bad I've missed you this past week, Sky. I've missed both of you, but you in particular because we've spent nearly every second together for the last year. I've been jonesing for a Skyler fix."

Kaia could see that her words made Skyler very happy, earning the former Marine another kiss.

Bree Ann Grace had taken one look at Skyler and Lisa before taking control of Macey's stroller and saying, "Neither one of you had better even think of falling asleep during services." She then turned and walked away towards the church, leaving Lisa and Skyler standing there with their heads down.

Kaia merely laughed before slipping an arm around them both and saying, "I might be considerate enough to let you both take a short nap this afternoon during our time, provided you treat me really, really well."

With Kaia's help, both women managed to stay awake and avoid the wrath of Bree Ann. Skyler's father continued his series of sermons on love, this time speaking of love within a relationship. Jonathan Grace quoted quite a lot of scripture to support his thoughts about how one spouse should treat another, providing many humorous anecdotes from his own marriage.

Rather than having them wait as they had the week before, Bree Ann sent the trio on with Macey giving Skyler and Lisa instructions to heat up lunch. By the time the Grace's returned home, Kaia was on the floor of their front room watching the Braves pre-game show. Lisa was setting the dining room table while Skyler was busy removing lunch from the oven. Kaia could only grin as she watched Bree Ann survey both of their work before giving an approving nod and then turning to go change out of her church clothes.

"Is she pissed at us or what?" Lisa asked in a loud whisper as she took Macey from Kaia's arms.

"No, I think that's just Bree Ann's way of showing you that she's disappointed in something you've done," Kaia replied with a grin.

"Oh, you'll know for sure when she gets pissed," Skyler said, coming up behind them. "Trust me, there will be little doubt in the matter."

Lunch went smoothly, with the three younger women bypassing the offer to wait around for Bree Ann to make homemade ice cream. Kaia saw the look of mischief in the older woman's eye when she made the suggestion. She knew the three of them were eager for a dessert of a different kind.

Once they'd all three told a sleepy Macey goodbye, they were out the door and onto the sidewalk leading towards Kaia's. When Lisa and Skyler started to lazily lag behind, Kaia took their hands and began to pull them along behind her. She figured that Lisa would have to be back to pick Macey up by eight, so that gave her just under eight hours to get her sexual fill of the combo. An amount of time that wasn't nearly long enough in Kaia's mind.

Once she had closed the front door to her house, Kaia turned Lisa around and pushed her against the wall, smacking her firmly on the ass and enjoying the way it felt.

"Owww!" Lisa exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"For eating my dessert the other night," Kaia replied as she grabbed Skyler's shoulders, spinning the younger woman around and giving her the same punishment.

"What did I do?"

Grabbing both of their hands, Kaia began to pull them towards the direction of her bedroom, saying, "You let her eat it in my bed."

Skyler made them both undress her and then laid back on her bed, ordering them both to perform a striptease for her pleasure. Reaching over to her nightstand, she grabbed the iPod she kept there and selected an old rock standard played a lot in strip clubs. The music began to pour out of the Bluetooth speakers around the room as Kaia laid back and enjoyed the show.

It took no time for the cocoa-skinned beauty to feel herself getting wet as she unashamedly began to rub at her clit. By then, Skyler and Lisa were down to their undergarments and engaged in a passionate kiss. The tentative nature and early awkward fumblings of their previous attempt at a threesome were clearly a thing of the past.

Skyler turned her back to Lisa, leaning forward slightly and arching her ass up. The buxom brunette slapped lightly as both of Skyler's supple, round cheeks before leaning forward to undo the younger woman's bra. Skyler straightened up and turned her back to Kaia, allowing the bra to drop to the ground. She turned back around to face Kaia with the palms of her hands teasingly covering her nipples, hips gyrating suggestively to the music.

Lisa appeared behind Skyler, her hands coming up in place of the younger womans and plucking at the sexy teen's gumdrop pink nipples. Both women's hips worked in time with the others, something they'd clearly had plenty of practice at doing the night before.

Finally, Lisa's hands went to Skyler's shoulders, giving Kaia her first unfiltered view of the auburn-haired beauty's breasts in a week. Lisa pushed Skyler forward, the teen crawling onto the bed with a hungry look in her eyes. Behind her, Kaia could see that Lisa had somehow managed to divest herself of her bra. Even more massive than Skyler's, Lisa's globes were swollen with milk. Kaia could only smile when she saw the sexy brunette's buds leaking.

Kaia shivered as she watched Skyler lower her head between her thighs, pausing just inches from Kaia's wetness. She watched as her girlfriend's nose flared, breathing in the aroma. And as Lisa laid down next to her, capturing her lips, Kaia moaned lasciviously as she felt Skyler's talented tongue sink into her wet depths.

Kaia became lost in a fog after that. The buildup to her first climax was only a pretense for all the ones to come afterward. As Lisa sucked and tweaked at her tender and hard nipples, Skyler's tongue danced all around her sex. At times she licked her full length, from rosebud to clitoris; others, she would bury it deep inside Kaia's opening, probing her most precious of places.

When it hit, Kaia's orgasm came powerful and sudden, causing her to scream in ecstasy just seconds before Lisa's mouth claimed hers, stifling her cries.

As Kaia laid there trying to catch her breath, her duo of lovers swapped places. She opened her eyes to find Skyler's radiant and smiling face above hers, the area around the teen's mouth glistening and wet with her essence.

Kaia watched as Skyler mouthed the words, "I love you," mere seconds before she felt Lisa sink two fingers deep into her sodden pussy. Kaia grabbed Skyler's cheeks, pulling her girlfriend's mouth down to hers and trying to kiss her with a heat that told the younger woman precisely how she felt about her.

The lovers were still engaged in that same kiss, their tongues engaging each other time and time again when Kaia came for the second time. Lisa's experienced fingers had found her g-spot and were gently tapping away at her special place as her lips and tongue sucked away at her wholly engorged clitoris. It wasn't as strong as the first, but a third quickly followed to make up for any shortcomings.

Feeling the need to be more than a passive partner in the experience, Kaia soon had Skyler's shaved pussy above her, slowly being lowered onto her waiting mouth. She heard Skyler release an audible sigh as she buried her long tongue deep into the teen's honey jar. Looking up, she was blessed with the arousing sight of Skyler fondling and pinching her own breasts, and she gyrated her hot box against Kaia's tongue.

Down below, Kaia could feel one of Lisa's legs cross over the top of one of her hips and knew instantly what her former fiance was going for. Kaia spread her legs wider in anticipation and was rewarded with the wet feel of Lisa's clit beginning to glide across hers. She released a moan into Skyler's pussy as Lisa started to trib her in earnest and quick thrusts.

Rapidly feeling another orgasm building, Kaia reached up and began to rub Skyler's clit with a wet thumb. The former Marine wanted the three of them to come together, or as close to it as possible. As Skyler's moans and gyrations began to become more frantic, Kaia began to thrust back at Lisa feeling the sexy brunette respond.

Skyler came first, with Kaia and Lisa's orgasms hitting in sequence just seconds apart. The cocoa-skinned beauty felt her face coated with fresh juices from Skyler's climax. She hungrily tried to consume as much of it as she could, knowing a week could seem like an awfully long time.

While Lisa excused herself to use the bathroom, Skyler settled down on top of Kaia, the two sharing a languid kiss. By the time that Lisa had returned, though, Kaia had settled between Skyler's legs to claim her long-promised dessert.

The next several hours found the trio in a mishmash of various sexual alignments. At one point, Skyler retrieved her purse and pulled out Kaia's strapon, something the former Marine hadn't even known was missing. The sexy teen had cinched it around Kaia's waist, suggestively sucking at the gel phallus attached. Kaia had then proceeded to fuck both of them in succession.

They'd all gotten a drink and snacks after that. Skyler and Lisa told Kaia about their night dancing, the younger woman teasing the sexy brunette over being jealous when another woman tried to claim Skyler's attention.
