Finding Love Ch. 06


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"Ivy!" Daylon yelled as he saw what Holland was looking at.

"Oh dear god," Ivy whispered as she stared at Kern and Caleb. Ivy quickly grabbed Jade by the arm, halting her from walking to Kern.

"Ivy, damn it let go," Jade said shocked.

"Stay away from us," Ivy snarled at Kern. Jade, mouth hanging open, stared at Ivy. Kern looked like his world was ending.

"What... what the hell is going on?" Jade asked as she looked first at her brother then at Kern. Confusion chased across her face.

"Oh shit... no, no, no, no," Kern moaned as he looked at the woman he yearned for daily. She was part of the Wolfland pack. "Jade... oh dear—"

"You fucker, how do you know my sister!" Holland yelled taking a step toward Kern. Holland's wolf was fighting the chain that held him in check, wanting to tear into the threat to his sister.

"Sister?" Kern gasped. "Oh my fucking..."

"Kern," Daylon growled as he started back toward the crowd. "Stay away from my mate."

"Jade, stay right here by me. Don't go any closer to him," Ivy said as she tried to pull Jade farther back. "Those are my half-brothers Kern and Caleb."

Jade turned pale. "You mean... He's the one that... Ivy, that's not possible! No way! He's much too—"

A loud growl worked its way loose from Holland. "I'm gonna kill you, Kern. You son of a bitch, if you've touched my sister I'm gonna—"

"Holland, damn it, calm down," Daylon said.

"Please... let me try to explain!" Kern held up both hands, palms out. "Holland, man... calm down. I'm no threat! Dear god, I would never hurt Jade... never!"

Kern took a step toward Jade and Ivy.

"Do not move any nearer to my mate," Daylon hissed, his wolf snarling with the need to be set free.

"Just like you would never ever hurt Ivy?" Holland snapped. "I saw the bruises you assholes left on Ivy when she tried to escape. I was there when your dad beat your mom half to death. What was it you said? Oh yeah... He's the male and has every right to discipline his mate as he sees fit."

"Kern?" Jade whispered, the horror clear to see on her face. "You didn't say that... did you?"

"Oh god, Jade... I-I-I—"

"Yes, he sure as shit said that," Holland growled.

"Please... just listen to me! Things have changed... I've... we've..." Kern motioned to Caleb, "we're not the same now. Please... I need to tell you about—"

The sudden squeal of tires caught everyone's attention. A camo truck raced through the parking lot heading straight for Ivy... and Jade. Disbelief at what was happening froze everyone for a split second; a second none of them had. As Holland and Daylon snapped to their senses and started to move, a lone frightened howl escaped from Kern.

The fear and regret of the sound shot through Holland, touching his heart even as his mind shouted in denial at what that sound meant. Kern ran into the path of the large truck, pushing both Ivy and Jade out of the way. He swung around to face the oncoming truck... that slowed a bit then everyone clearly heard the motor rev and it accelerated toward Kern.

He had a few seconds to stare into the darkened cab of the truck, trying to desperately make out the figure behind the wheel. His eyes widened in surprise as he identified the driver just as the bumper hit his body, sending him into the air.

"Nooo!" Jade screamed as Kern's body was thrown over the hood of the truck. "Kern!"

A sickening crunch made Jade's vision dim and throat close up. Kern's body bounced off the hood, and fell to the ground, his head hitting the pavement with a horrible thud. His legs sprawled at unnatural angles and blood gushed from a wound on his head and out of his nose and mouth. The truck, skidding out of control, hit a parked car, bending the fender toward the tire. Going much slower, the truck tried to make it out of the square.

Jade jerked away from Ivy and ran to Kern. Jade slowly sank to her knees, her hands fluttering above his body, wanting to touch but afraid to... dear god, so much blood and it was everywhere.

Daylon and Holland were there right after Jade with Ivy standing over Jade.

"It ...Dad..." Kern gasped, pain twisting his features. "Same truck... camo it... saw it... barn out back..." Kern gasped as his eyes rolled up in his head.

"Damn it, you listen to me!" Jade yelled in Kern's face. "Don't you dare die on me, you hear me! I won't have it! You got some explaining to do, so damn it, you fight! Do you understand me, you fight to live... Kern, please... for me... fight."

"Oh my god! Dad? It was Dad?" Caleb gasped as Kern passed out.

"Ivy, call 911 and report a hit and run... victim a wolf!" Daylon yelled.

Tara bent down next to Caleb. "The ambulance is coming, I can hear the sirens."

Caleb turned to look at the pretty young woman and his heart skipped a beat. There was no censure, only sadness and questions in her gaze.

"Holland, with me!" Daylon yelled, infuriated that his mate and her friend, Holland's own sister, had been attacked with him standing there, just a few lousy feet away. While he and Holland had stood frozen for a few precocious seconds Kern–Kern, of all people–had acted without thought or care for himself.

His body surged with unleashed power and anger as Daylon dropped to his hands and knees as the change roared through him. His clothes shredded around him. Thick, coarse hair covered his body as man gave way to enraged beast. His mouth elongated into a muzzle that held sharp, deadly teeth.

Holland rushed through his transformation, grunting from the pain of changing so quickly. Daylon rushed through the transformation, too, shuddering as power flowed through his body fighting the pain. His bones snapped and popped, rearranging to support the frame of his wolf. Within seconds a huge, muscular black wolf tore off after the truck with another wolf right behind him.

Bright yellow eyes, with a black outer ring, narrowed on his prey. On the left side of him another wolf ran... not Holland his mind registered. Daylon looked the wolf over; there was only one male left standing and it was... Caleb. The other wolf looked back at him and Daylon could see the pain and fear in his yellow eyes. Caleb knew Kern was injured badly.

The truck was moving much slower now, the front tire smoking from the fender rubbing it. Dolmas was cutting the tire down. With a maddened howl Holland leaped through the air. His front paws caught the tailgate. Struggling he pulled his body into the bed of the truck. Using his massive head he head-butted the sliding back window.

He hit it repeatedly until the window had spider-web cracks all through it. With a last hard hit he pushed the safety glass through into the cab. Now he had access to the cab and the bastard inside. He wiggled his massive body until he was partly inside the cab and using his massive jaws attacked Dolmas as best he could.

"Fuck! You sorry son of—"

Dolmas let go of the wheel. Frantically he let his wolf take control. His eyes lightened as he balled up his fist to attack Holland. Suddenly the passenger window broke and crashed to the floor of the cab. Daylon was attacking from the passenger side of the truck.

Daylon heaved his big body partly through the window and sank his sharp fangs into Dolmas' arm. Daylon shook his head viciously. His fangs sank deeper into the upper arm, skimmed the bone and ripped loose a big piece of meat, severing an artery. Pain and fear flowed through Dolmas making his mind scream.

Blood sprayed covering the cab and everyone inside.

"No!" Dolmas yelled as he reached under the seat for the gun he kept there. "Die you fuckers!"

The truck slammed into another vehicle when Dolmas let go of the steering wheel and rolled to a stop. Both Holland and Daylon slowly and mechanically tore Dolmas to shreds... tearing skin from bone, blood covering the cab and horrible screams echoing around them. Dolmas tried to transform but the damage was done. They didn't stop until Dolmas' mangled body lay still on the bench seat of the truck.

The entire time Caleb sat at the driver's door, his body blocking any escape.

* * * *

Two bloody wolves, and one deep in shock, walked slowly back to where an ambulance was pulling away with Kern. Human and nonhuman police swarmed over the scene taking eye witness accounts of what had happened. The human police had stepped back; this was something the wolves would handle among themselves. No humans had been hurt, only property.

Ivy and Tara watched as the three males transformed back. Quickly Daylon went to his SUV and opened the trunk. He kept spare clothes there, as did many wolves. He wiped the blood off as best he could and dressed. He immediately went to Ivy and hugged her close.

"He's gone, my beauty," Daylon whispered in her ear. "He won't hurt you ever again or your Mom."

"I figured he was dead, there's so much blood. God, so much blood has been spilled today."

"Are you okay?"

"If you're asking me if I'm upset, then the answer is no. I'm not upset that he's dead. It's the best thing that could have happened for all of us. Now maybe our lives will go back to normal. What about Caleb?"

Caleb stood shivering nearby.

"There's another pair of sweat pants in the SUV Holland was driving," Daylon said turning to him. "Caleb, come with me, I might have something you can borrow."

Holland and Daylon walked Caleb to the other SUV. Caleb's eyes darted back and forth between them.

"Daylon, I had nothing to do with this, I swear. Kern and I were going to this little shop on the square and—"

"I don't doubt you."

"I decided I was hungry and there was the Tiki Bar and... wait. What?" Caleb said.

"I said I don't doubt you. You think I didn't notice you blocked the driver's door? And you also ran with us to chase Dolmas down. "

"I'm-I'm not next then?" Caleb was shaking from the shock of what happened with Kern and fear of Daylon.

Daylon stiffened as Ivy walked to him. "Sweetheart..."

"Kern saved my life, and Jade's. I can't believe he did what he did; do you have any idea how out of character that is for him? He's not the same person now. And he knew Jade, Daylon. She's pretty torn up over him getting hurt. I think... Daylon, there's something there. Caleb had nothing to do with all this. My mate..."

"I'm not going to kill Caleb. He wasn't driving that truck. Hear me, Caleb?"

Caleb closed his eyes for a moment and tried to calm his breathing. "I think Kern knew Dad was behind all this. He mentioned a barn on the back part of our land. He was trying to figure out a way to stop Dad... I know he cares for Jade, deeply. The mere thought of her being treated like..."

"I was? Or how Mom was?" Ivy asked.

"He swore he'd rip Dad to pieces if he ever touched her like that. He wasn't kidding, Ivy. He started questioning how we were raised, what we did to you. We both did."

"Jesus Christ," Holland said. "She thinks he's her mate, doesn't she? Fan-fucking-tastic. Where is she anyway?"

"She went with him. They aren't sure if he's... Caleb, he's really hurt bad and might not..." Ivy watched her brother tear up.... And was shocked at the depth of emotions on his face.

"I'm so, so sorry Ivy. So very sorry for all the things we did to you... and Mom. Words don't cover what we did to you. God Ivy, the thought of treating my mate in such a way sickens me."

"The human police and our police want to question us. Let's wrap this up and deal with the rest later. They want to talk to all of us. Frankly, I want to get this done and take a long fucking shower," Daylon said.

"I guess I'll go home and—"

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You stood by while we killed your Dad. Is your pack going to reject you for that?" Daylon asked.

"I-I-I... god. I don't know," Caleb said.

"Shit," Holland said as he rubbed his forehead. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but maybe he should come with us until we see how they respond. And I've officially lost my damn mind."

"I was thinking the same thing," Daylon said.

"What? That I've lost my mind?" Holland asked.

"That's a given. No, I meant that Caleb would be safer for the time being with us. Ivy, do you have a problem with this?"

"No, surprisingly I don't. Mom will be thrilled to see Caleb again. Oh Lord... we have to tell her about Kern." Ivy leaned her head against Daylon's shoulder.

"You mean... you mean you're going to allow me on your territory? I don't know what to say," Caleb said.

"You promise me that I won't end up regretting this," Daylon growled.

"No, oh Christ no... I won't do anything, I promise you. Thank you, Daylon," Caleb said as his eyes drifted to a very quiet Tara.

Ivy saw the glance, as did Daylon.

Poor Holland, Ivy thought. His world was about to get turned upside down.

They finished giving their statements to the police and Dolmas' truck was towed in to be checked for evidence. Daylon needed to know whether he was behind the earlier attack on Ivy and his mom. They returned to their SUV's, Caleb included. Ivy shook her head. Her mom was going to be so surprised to see Caleb and relieved to know that Dolmas was dead.

Ivy felt nothing; no guilt, no remorse and certainly no sadness. Dolmas was nothing to her, less than nothing. He spent his whole life making her suffer. As far as Ivy was concerned Dolmas was nothing more than a rabid dog that needed to be put down before more people got hurt. So what if, deep down inside, she was overjoyed that her mate had ripped him to shreds. She could live with that... no problem at all.

Sam would be relieved, too. But as with any good news, there was bad. Jade was at the hospital with Kern and that spoke volumes. Ivy wondered if Holland had figured that out yet. Mary would want to see Kern just in case things turned out... bad. They needed to eat, then clean up and go to the hospital. It promised to be a long night. Ivy leaned forward and patted Caleb's hand. The simple touch had tears flooding in his eyes again.

Sometimes the road to finding love can be bumpy, but worth every second of it. Now they were all on the road to finding trust.

The End

Finding Love ends here, but the story doesn't end. Kern is in bad shape, and Caleb has hope that things will get better for them all. I may try to get several chapters done before I start posting Kern's story, too.

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neonthornneonthornabout 1 year ago

I wish if there were a spinoff with Kern and it was posted somewhere else that the web address to where would be posted. Otherwise it's been many years, if there is not spinoff then maybe the writer had things to take care off in real life. This is one of my favorite series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Kern can save a hospital stay by texting Jade to see if she can contact Daylon, the Wolfland Alpha and forward him this pic. snap the truck and add 'can be found in garage behind Ivy's old place'. I have trouble with voice mail myself, but can edit a text until it's perfect. Don't see the follow-up series. If you're printing copy written material here, then I expect you're publishing for pay elsewhere. Post where please! I note too many writers with unfinished series.


Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literatealmost 2 years ago

Good read. Very fond of your writing style. Kinda disappointed not to see Kern’s story posted. Hope all is well and that you are continuing to write even if not posting. Thanks for the sharing your creativity.

hopelessdreamzhopelessdreamzabout 2 years ago

I truly hope one day you feel up to continuing with Kern and Caleb's stories. Sadly I fear that that ship has sailed as it has been so long since you finished Ivy and Daylon's tale. Hoping this post finds you safe, sane and healthy. Please continue writing as you have tremendous talent as a story teller. Thank you for sharing your talent.

HelwigHelwigover 2 years ago

Cannot wait for kern’s story

SiB714SiB714almost 3 years ago

This is an incredibly well structured story! Like the others said, I hope you do eventually give us Kern's story as well. You are a truly great story teller!

RosilinRosilinabout 3 years ago

I agree with the previous posts. I doubt it, but I do hope this story continue.

MickeyKayMickeyKayover 3 years ago

Very VERY good story!!! I KNEW it wasn't going to be finished in this lil chapter because there's TOO MUCH left to be said and worked out! But its been YEARS since you "ended" it and you've not posted any other story so i'm not sure What If Anything is going to be done. I HOPE you Will post and I look forward to the continuation and ending! I have you and your stories as favorites so I'll keep an eye out.

LiadenLiadenover 3 years ago

I really want to read more from this pack. Please write more again

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
ApApologies for wrong words myself

I rushed my posting and missed that Kern and Caleb had been autocorrected by my Samsung. Sorry.

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