Findom Challenge Ch. 02

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Its not the money, it's the challenge.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 02/13/2023
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Did you read the first chapter of this story?

Why not? 😂

In the first chapter, I made it clear who I write this story for, and I also told you about my character and background. I am a findomme. You need to be sure that this story is for you, so, please read at least the opening paragraphs of that chapter before deciding.

I will repeat something important here which I said there too: I am not seeking any more slaves. Your money is safe from me!

I wrote this story because I love to challenge myself. And one of my slaves, who likes to write stories himself, suggested I should try to do it. And you can guess how he "persuaded" me, by offering to make it a paid commission! I accepted his generous offer 💵💵💵, and also I enjoyed the challenge.

I must warn you that that if you are weak for findom, reading this story may trigger you. I know the power even of written words on your suggestible, addicted mind. You don't even need to see me, or watch my full, shiny lips as I speak, or to hear my soft, hypnotic voice, for my words to take effect on you. At the snap of my fingers, your urge to be my good boy, my good, weak slave, becomes so strong that you fall to your knees... And now you wish that you were in his place, of the man I so quickly and effortlessly captured. You become like him, hopeless, helplessly in love with your Goddess Bella, willing to give up everything just to be my good, my obedient, slave...

I snap my fingers once more, and now your mind is open and receptive, so, I will start this chapter, with the chat that began at the end of Chapter 1.

* * * * *

...The wavy dots disappeared, and then they appeared again, and disappeared... I laughed, I could see Dave was having trouble replying to me. He was thrown off-balance because I knew who he was immediately and he hadn't expected that; also he was already struggling with himself, because he knew how persuasive I was, and how I fast I'd made him weak and submissive when we'd chatted on WhatsApp the day before.

After a minute or so, he finally responded:

how did you guess🔻

🔺you mean yr name? Gemma told me toffy was yr name in school. Did you think you could take me by surprise?

🔺now i took you by surprise instead lol

🔺i got you now, no escape

🔺type it: "no escape", and send

My phone dinged. Dave had just WhatsApped me. I knew he'd try to do that. I picked up my phone, and blocked him, without reading what he'd sent. I'd unblock him later, when I was ready to get him deeper in my clutches. Right now I was going to get him used to serving me only online, on my findom page, to make him realise he was now no different than any of my regular slaves.

🔺you can only talk to me here, I blocked u on wapp


🔺type no escape 🐕‍🦺

This time I didn't add that he should send me any money, because he was showing zero credits; he probably hadn't connected his banking to the site yet.

g sent me link to your site, so your just a prostitute i should have guessed🔻

Dave was resisting me. I was actually pleased about that, because I was in the mood to play with him.

🔺lol u call her g here, her name is gemma type it in full stupid

🔺type it dave, type gemma not g

you're a fucking hooker🔻

He was really angry, but he didn't simply quit the chat, because he still he wanted to talk; he already needed me more than he realised.

I could adjust how much it would cost to send me a chat message. Right now it was set so that it didn't cost him anything to send messages, but now I set a rate of $1 per message. The next time he tried to send me a message he wouldn't be able to do it without adding credits to his account. I sent him a taunting question:

🔺were u scared of going shopping with me b/c id make you spend?👠👠💵💵

Then I posted a picture to the chat that would cost him ten credits to unlock. It was one of the pictures I'd already sent to him via WhatsApp the day before, so that when he opened it, he'd be pissed off that I'd cheated and tricked him, sending him a pic he already had. I wanted to humiliate him, and make him connect humiliation, spending, and sexy images of me in his mind.

Fifteen minutes later he replied, and after that reply, now he had 99 credits left in his account. But he didn't unlock the picture yet. It was there in the chat, and a temptation for him. Sooner or later he'd have to unlock it, I knew.

no i wasn't scared of you, but i didn't trust you. Now i can see i was right not to trust you🔻

🔺you didn't trust yourself. Im who i am, theres no bullshit with me, you can trust me that im out of your league lol

i admit your very beautiful, but inside your ugly🔻

His response surprised me, he was weaker than I thought, already admitting how hot I was. I didn't care about what he said about me being ugly inside. It was the first part that was the real message, and the second part was just him trying to resist.

🔺yes im very beautiful, and theres no escape from me now. Admit that you cant escape now

🔺send 50 tip

Again, he was hesitant to reply, and the wavy dots in the chat started and stopped over and over. Finally he caved and sent me a tip, 50 credits, as I'd demanded.

🔺good boy

🔺send again 48 this time

This time he obeyed immediately. I'd quickly drained all his credits. That was all I wanted to do in that first session.

🔺good boy

🔺tell gemma what you just did, that you spent 100 on your mistress, so give her the same, £100, transfer it into her account now. I will check with her that you did it

I closed my session, and immediately called Gemma, and told her what happened. She didn't sound happy; I knew why: She was starting to realise how cruel you need to be to do findom for real. And she just wanted to make Dave respect her, not to humiliate and ruin him. She really wasn't motivated by money, or even revenge. I'd been planning to use her later on, and do online cam sessions with her and me together to drive Dave crazy. I decided to bring that part of the plan forward, because I needed to keep Gemma from weakening in her resolve.

She was naturally submissive, and already had a crush on me, so it was very easy with her.

I said to her, "Come to my hotel. I extended my stay for a week. I'll treat you to lunch, and then we'll go shopping."

I went on, "And then we'll come back here, and you'll taste my pussy again, and stay in my bed all night."

She was silent after I said that, I could tell what I said made her really wet. I continued tempting her:

"And we'll have breakfast tomorrow together in the roof café. It's nice, you can see the whole of London."

While I was saying all this, I heard her phone make a noise.

"Was that a transfer? I heard your phone."

"Yes. He just transferred a hundred pounds into my account."

"Good. But I'm still treating you to lunch!" I laughed.

"Bella, I...", she started to say.

"-I know you're scared," I interrupted. "But soon you won't be. But we can stop now, if you want." I had no intention of stopping, and I was pretty sure that Gemma was too weak to resist me now.


"Ok, what?"

"Ok, I'll come to your hotel." She laughed, with relief, because it was much easier for her just to let me dominate her completely, instead of trying to fight my charms.

* * * * *

I treated her to lunch in the hotel restaurant, and I also treated us both to some very good Champagne, my favourite, Louis Roederer Cristal from 2002, which is better even than Veuve Clicquot. Gemma didn't know how much it cost -- thousands! But for me, money was there to enjoy life. And we would soon have much more than that, after I'd taken Dave for everything.

She was a little drunk after lunch, and couldn't stop laughing. At least she wasn't scared and miserable anymore. She didn't even remember that we'd planned to go shopping after lunch, but I wanted to walk and get some exercise after that food, so I made her walk with me to the Tiffany Store in Selfridges in Oxford Street.

I showed her the bracelet I wanted to buy for myself, which was very fine, and sparkled like a fountain in the sun. Her eyes lit up when she saw it.

"Oh God, it's so beautiful," she said. Then she looked at me and said, "It will go so well with...", and she looked at my breasts, or rather, at the chest of my tight white tee shirt. I took out the key pendant so she could see it again. I think it was the sight of that pendant when we first met, in the café in Kensington, that made her attracted to me. Not because of the pendant itself, which really is beautiful, but because of how it made me seem so powerful and strong in her eyes, and how it was a gift from what I'd called an "admirer", who was actually one of my most loyal slaves.

The girl who worked at the Tiffany counter looked appreciatively at it too, because she knew it had real, good quality diamonds.

"You know," I said to Gemma, "the guy who gave me this has his penis locked up in a chastity cage."

Gemma stared at me, wide-eyed. I explained to her that he used an online app that allowed only me to unlock his cage, over the Internet, using an app on my phone. He paid me, every two weeks, $5,000 to unlock it just for a few minutes, and then lock it up again after he masturbated.

I wasn't completely sure how she would take what I said. She was too shocked to say anything for a minute. I think she was realising for the first time just how much money I was making, and the true nature of my job, and it frightened her.

I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped like my hand had burned her.

Then I saw in her eyes something familiar, which I saw often in men when they showed me their faces in cam sessions: She was in awe, I'd become a Goddess to her, just like with my slaves. But I didn't want that. I wanted her to be something else to me, not another worshipping slave. So I made a joke:

"He's such a schmuck, right, to pay so much to jerk off?"

That made her laugh, and she saw me again as Bella, not as Goddess Bella.

"I have a few big spending clients like him," I added.

"Wow, You must be a millionaire! " And now she looked at me with... adoring eyes.

I didn't answer her, but suddenly I had an impulse to buy the bracelet and give it to Gemma instead of keeping it for me. She shook her head when I said that to her, but I insisted, telling her it was a birthday present from me.

"You better not wear it now," I said, and put the box with the bracelet into my backpack. "This is a place where robbers wait for you outside the store."

As we walked back to the hotel, I started to feel disquiet in myself. It was a strange thing to do, to buy Gemma that bracelet. I tried to rationalise it, saying to myself I did it to keep Gemma under my control, so I could use her in my mission to ruin her husband, but I knew deep down that was not the reason.

This is a time, I think, to talk about my sexuality. You might think, from what you've read of me, that I'm a lesbian, but I'm not. I've had very good sexual experiences with men (and bad ones too!). I've also been with women, not so many as men, but a few. But neither would I call myself bisexual.

No, I'm something else entirely, I think, because the biggest turn on for me by far is not sex with men, or with women either, but the erotic pleasure I get from findom itself. It's the incredible feeling of power, it makes me orgasm so strongly. I don't reveal it to my slaves, but some of them sense it, and they are my best slaves. They don't do it consciously, but they feel on a deep level that, despite the strange situation, findom is a two-way thing, almost like "normal" sex. And in a way, although I take from them all their power and strip them of their will and their money, I'm also giving something back to them. I guess it's impossible to understand if you're not into findom, but hopefully some of you who are into it, will get it. And that's another reason why it's addictive not just for slaves, but for some dommes too.

And yet, now I found myself starting to feel for Gemma in a more tender way, like I was a lesbian. I wanted to dominate her, but not to make her my slave. I wanted to taste her juice, and kiss her nipples, suck on her smooth, long neck, and just -- be close with her. Was I falling in love? Problem!

* * * * *

When we returned to the hotel, I logged in to my site. It had been a very good day, there were a lot of tips and sales of my videos, almost $1,000. Then I looked to see who had bought them, and many of the sales were to 'toffy33' -- Dave had really got obsessed with me while I was offline!

In total he'd spent another £200 on my photos and videos after my session with him. I saw he was still online now. I opened up a chat with him and typed:

🔺good boy, buying so many of my videos. Tell me how much you enjoyed them

gemma is out did she go shopping with u🔻

I turned from my desk to look at Gemma, but she was asleep on my bed.

🔺yes shes here with me. send her 200 transfer now, same as what you paid to me

can i speak with her her phone is off🔻

I got up and looked at Gemma's phone, which was lying next to her on the bed. It was off, as Dave said. I switched it on. "Gemma, passcode for your phone," I said. She opened her eyes, then closed them again.

🔺shes sleeping

🔺I bought her a diamond bracelet, 1500. Send it now, 3000 credits

i cant -- can i transfer instead🔻

🔺ok into her account, then she transfers to me

🔺do it now

An alert banner came and went on Gemma's phone, but it was still locked, so I couldn't read it. I assumed Dave had done as he'd been told.

🔺Good boy

🔺stay here in chat until she wakes then i will let you speak to her

I made it sound like I'd kidnapped Gemma, instead of her being with me because she wanted to.

🔺tell me how much you liked my videos

i liked them a lot🔻

His answer was so weak and vague, I was annoyed, and it made me want to humiliate him.

🔺send me a photo of your dick erect while you watch my video

I went over to the bed and shook Gemma, not gently, but roughly, because I was still annoyed by Dave's stupid response to my last message. She woke up quickly.

"Tell me the passcode to your phone. I don't want to keep using your face to unlock it."

After she told me, I reset the passcode to one of my own. I also removed Gemma's Face ID from it, so it was now my phone. I blocked Dave's number from her voice calls, text and WhatsApp. I think I was nervous of letting Gemma and Dave talk together, in case they reconciled. So my nervousness came out in me behaving sharply and aggressively to her.

"Strip down to your underwear," I told her, in my domme voice. She could tell that it was not because I wanted to do anything to her, but even so, I could see she enjoyed being spoken to that way. For my part, I just wanted to use her to humiliate Dave.

I sat next to her on the bed, pulled my tee-shirt over my head, and took a selfie of both of us, confidently smiling, with our heads touching, and which showed both of our sexy brassieres. Like when I was in the changing room at Coco de Mer, I angled the phone upwards so that we looked down at the viewer. I Airdropped the photo to my laptop and uploaded it to my site.

In the meantime, Dave had sent a photo of his hard-on.

I sent him the photo I'd just taken, and made it cost 100 credits to unlock it. He didn't do it immediately, so I typed:

🔺cum looking at it and afterwards send a photo of yr mess

Gemma joined me at the desk, and peered at the chat log.

"Oh my God, is that Dave's dick? Oh my God!" Gemma laughed. I was relieved that she was laughing, I thought she might have felt pity for him.

"Yes, and I just sent him that photo of you and me."

As Gemma stood over me, watching the screen, I stroked her smooth butt cheeks. I got turned on. I stood and grabbed her arm and led her to the bed.

"Lie on your front," I said. She rolled onto her front, and rested her head on her arms.

I opened a drawer, and pulled out a pair of fishnet tights. She turned around and said, "oh Mistress, I like those!"

"They have a hole in them, so I don't wear them anymore." I climbed on top of her, straddling her thighs, pulled her arms towards me, and bound her wrists firmly behind her back with the tights. She was panting in anticipation. I rolled her over onto her back, and then I stood by the bed and slowly pulled down my panties. I leaned across her, and drew the panties lightly over her face, her eyes, her nose, so that she smelled my scent... and then I fed them into her mouth. I walked casually to the foot of the bed, and spread her feet wide apart. I picked my tee shirt off the floor, and draped it over her face like barber's flannel. I would have liked to see her face, but even more, I wanted her to be blind, gagged, bound and helpless, and with my tee shirt over her face, with my scent on it, it would envelop her nose with my essence, making her even more under my control.

I spat, two, three times on her pussy, and she convulsed with pleasure. I pulled her labia apart with my thumbs and spat again, and drooled, until her pussy glistened.

It took three slow, lingering licks from my tongue on her tasty pussy, before she climaxed, her cry muffled by my panties and the tee shirt.

"God, so quick!" I laughed. She lay still as a corpse, but I could see the tee shirt move a little with her breath. For some reason, that was all I wanted, and I didn't do what I'd been originally planning, which was to face-fuck her. I turned back to the laptop, and I saw that Dave had unlocked the photo, and he'd also sent a picture of his knuckles, covered with a shiny gob of his semen.

I messaged him:

🔺gemma stays here tonight with me 👯 tomorrow morning you can talk to her, on this chat, she has blocked you on her phone.

I didn't call him a "good boy" this time. Now it was time for humiliation, not praise.

Gemma and I stayed in my room all evening, and I ordered room service for us. I made her eat my pussy while I watched the TV. I watched a whole movie, and didn't let her head stray from my groin the whole time. It was a funny comedy, and I kept laughing. I teased her saying what a shame she wasn't able to watch it. But I think she enjoyed serving my pussy for two hours more than I enjoyed the movie.

* * * * *

After breakfast, on the rooftop café of the hotel, I used Gemma's phone to WhatsApp video call Dave. He looked like he didn't sleep the whole night, he hadn't shaved, and his eyes were red.

I just smiled at him and didn't say anything. I held the phone and showed him the panorama of London. It was a nice, bright day. I finished by pointing the phone at Gemma, who was buttering some toast.