Finn BBC Cuck Pt. 03

Story Info
Shopping, sauna, and cuckold sex.
13.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 02/22/2024
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Author's note:

This is Part 3 in a series about a married couple in Finland who develop an obsession with interracial sex that eventually leads them into an interracial cuckold relationship.

If interracial or cuckold stories are not of interest to you, then please save yourself the grief and just move along.

Main Characters:

Wife - Sini age 41 blonde, C cup, curvaceous big booty, 167/75 - 5'5" 165 lbs. She is an accountant in a government office.

Husband - Jari age 45 dark hair, 185/85 - 6'1" 190 lbs. He is an engineer for a tech firm.

Arja - 23 yo, black hair, 170/54 - 5'7" 120 lbs. Sini's best friend at work who is currently involved in an interracial relationship with Davu.

Davu - 25 yo, 188/ 82 - 6'2" 180 lbs muscular build. Sini's African boyfriend.


Finn BBC Cuck Part 03

Sini opened the blinds on the window to her office building and let the morning sunshine in. She let the warmth wash over her as her mind drifted back to last weekend when she hooked up with a big black cock for the first time.

When she looked in the mirror after showering that morning, her reflection looked the same, but inside she felt like a completely different woman. It was as if her whole world had changed. After her affair on Saturday, she ran errands on Sunday and felt as if everyone she passed by in the street could somehow sense what she had done, as if there was a scarlet letter emblazoned on her forehead.

She realized it was probably just her guilty conscience, but the mind-blowing orgasms that Ekon gave her still echoed through her body as she recalled the experience. He had destroyed her pussy, leaving her vagina as just a big gaping hole after he was done with her. She could still feel how his cock stretched her pussy impossibly wide and penetrated deeper than she'd ever imagined possible, and she was beginning to wonder if maybe her pussy would ever recover into the thin slit it was previously.

It was nothing like she'd ever felt before. Her husband, Jari, was loving and sensual with her, but Ekon offered a completely different experience. It wasn't just that Ekon brought her to a climax that Jari failed to do, but her affair with Ekon was raw and lustful. It was carnal, tapping into a more primitive, animalistic desire that stirred her soul.

Nevertheless, as satisfying as the sex was, Sini was reluctant to return to Ekon. The fact that he slept with other women bothered her, and as badly as she wanted to feel his cock inside her again, selfishly she didn't want to share him with anyone else.

More than ever, Sini was sure what she wanted. Now that she had a taste of black cock, she was hooked, and she was more determined than ever to find a black lover to suit her needs. Although she knew that black men were rare in her town, she was committed to keep searching until she found the right match.

She still worried, however, how her husband, Jari, really felt about everything. Outwardly, he seemed fine, even encouraging of her affair, but Sini still feared that he was only going along with everything out of fear of losing her.

Jari had always been the emotional bedrock in her life, the shoulder for her to lean on through all of life's ups and down. As much as she wanted to satisfy her sexual desires, she just prayed to God down the road she wouldn't be forced to choose between her emotional and sexual needs.


"Sini, I thought I'd come in earlier than normal this morning, but it looks like you've still beaten me in," Arja's chirpy voice rang out.

She didn't hear her enter, but Sini turned around and saw her co-worker and friend, Arja, placing her bag upon her desk.

"Sorry, my mind was a mess, so I tossed and turned all night," Sini explained. "I wasn't sleeping, anyway, so I finally figured if I went in to work a little early, then maybe I could knock off a little early, too."

They were always the first two people in the office, and they often enjoyed the quiet time openly chatting before the rest of their colleagues arrived for work.

"So how was your weekend?" Sini asked.

"A bit of a whirlwind. I spent it with Davu," Arja answered.

"Can I ask you something?" Sini asked cautiously.

"Of course. Aren't we friends?"

Sini smiled. "That we are. So, you and Davu, it seems, is this getting serious?"

Arja sighed loudly. "That's hard to say. I mean, I've taken him to meet my friends, but my parents, I think they'd die if they knew I was dating an African."

"That doesn't exactly seem fair to him, now does it?" Sini pointed out.

"He knows our relationship is purely physical."

"Are you sure he doesn't want more?"

"I don't think so," Arja pondered. "I mean, we have a lot of fun together," she said with a wink.

"What about you? Do you want more from your relationship with him?"

"Well, the sex is amazing," Arja laughed, and Sini laughed along as she remembered seeing Davu ravish Arja's body in the alley next to her apartment a few weeks ago.

"So, it's purely physical?" Sini asked.

"Not exactly. It's hard to explain."

"It's all so forbidden and taboo, isn't it? I suppose that adds to the excitement and spices things up a bit though, doesn't it?"

"It seems silly, though, right? I mean, he's just a man in a different skin color," Arja mused.

"I've met Davu. He's no ordinary man. He's built like a Greek God."

Arja laughed heartily. "I should say. It's not only his muscles that are large, if you catch my drift."

Sini smiled as she remembered how impossibly large his member appeared that night as he jammed it into Arja's pussy in that alleyway. "You don't tire of it?"

"Tire of what? Great sex?" Arja asked mockingly. "Well, I suppose you can take anything for granted after a while, but I've never had another lover as well-endowed as him."

"You're quite the looker yourself," Sini pointed out. "You're quite the catch for him. You shouldn't sell yourself short."

Arja smiled shyly. "Thanks for that, but I'm afraid I need him more than he needs me. There's something magnetic about him, though that just draws me in. He's so big, so strong, so... just masculine. He oozes testosterone and a raw, almost primal sexuality."

"I take it you find that attractive."

"It's more than that," Arja continued explaining. "I mean, I'm like putty in his hands. I just surrender myself to him and let him use my body as he pleases. I can't resist him. I do whatever he tells me, whatever he wants me to do. It's like I'm his own personal sex toy."

Sini felt her panties moisten as Arja described her sexual relationship with Davu, and it reminded her of all the sexual tension and excitement she felt when she was with Ekon. Her emotions began stirring inside her, and her pussy was leaking her juices.

"I'm sorry if that's too much info," Arja apologized.

"No, it's all... very intriguing. Very different from my relationship with Jari," Sini lamented.

"I'm glad I can talk about this with you," Arja gratefully replied. "Everyone is always so private about their sex lives, and yet it's such an important part of life, so it's nice to have a friend with whom you can talk openly about these things."

"Of course, we are friends. Although it is funny. I'm so much older than you, but it almost feels like me who is still learning from you."

"I really do admire you, you know," Arja said. "You have a good life. If there's anything you're learning from me, it's just a small token to repay you for all the wisdom you've given to me."

Sini smiled appreciatively, but then she pressed on, still eager to better understand the dynamics of Arja's interracial relationship. "Is it really different when you are with Davu compared to a native Finn?" she asked.

"Davu is the only African lover I've taken, but let me put it this way. There are different levels to a climax. All my other lovers, they were nice and all, but when I climaxed, they just left me feeling warm and nice. But Davu, on the other hand, my god. I don't even know how to describe it, but he turns me into a mind blowing, toe curling, screaming, life altering mess."

Sini almost seemed taken aback by the forceful affirmation of Davu's sexual prowess, even though it only mirrored Sini's experience with Ekon. "Is it all psychological, just because he's black?" she asked, voicing the lingering doubt that played in her head the past two days.

"I've asked myself that exact question many times over," Arja admitted. "Maybe it's the fact he's a different color. Or the taboo nature of our relationship. Or his giant horse cock," Arja laughed. "Or maybe it's just all of it combined. I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm wet right now just thinking about it."

"You've got me a bit worked up in the moment, too, just listening to you talk about it," Sini admitted.

"Well then maybe you should try to shake things up in your marriage and try a black lover?" Arja joked.

Sini laughed uncomfortably. "Can you even imagine?" she protested, not yet ready to admit to her friend that she had sex with an African man two days earlier.

"You know, Davu's mentioned on more than one occasion how much he likes your big booty. It's the one thing he complains about me since I have a flat ass," Arja reminded her friend.

"That's so silly. He's just teasing you, is all."

"You told me earlier that I should give myself more credit, and that I'm a looker. The same applies to you, you know. You always dress like an old woman. Sometimes I think you borrow my grandmother's wardrobe."

Sini looked taken aback.

"I don't mean to offend you," Arja clarified, "but you're really a gorgeous woman with some curves. It wouldn't hurt you to embrace your feminine curves a bit more."

"No one wants to see an older woman like myself dressed in revealing clothing," Sini protested.

"You'd be surprised," Arja countered. "A lot of men would be attracted to you. Davu already sees through your boring wardrobe to the sexy woman underneath. I bet even Jari wouldn't mind to see you dress more sexy."

Sini blushed. "He does try to tell me that from time to time."

"You need to spice up your life," Arja conclused. "I'll tell you what. Why don't we hang out on Sunday. You and Jari, and me and Davu. It'll be fun. Come over to my place for lunch, and then we have saunas in my apartment building. I can reserve us some time. You keep asking all these questions about my relationship with Davu, so maybe it'll be good for you just to see how it is between us."

Sini was a bit fearful if she'd be able to contain her desires around Davu. The last time she saw him at the bonfire, they had openly discussed the sexual tension between them, and she worried that she might easily fall prey to his advances if he came on to her.

"Oh, I don't know - " Sini started, but just then their manager burst through the office door and broke up their conversation.

"I won't take no for an answer," Arja whispered under her breath.

The two women quickly redirected their attention to their work, but Sini's mind was stuck thinking of interracial affairs. Or more specifically, interracial sex. Her affair with Ekon. Arja's relationship with Davu. Explicit sexual images permeated her brain. Davu in the alley with Arja. Sini on her hands and knees sucking Ekon. Or crawling on his lap and fucking him while he sucked on her tits.

Sini wasn't even sure how she would react if she saw Davu again. The sexual energy between them was palpable the last time they talked, and her resolve to have a black lover was growing firmer by the minute. Nevertheless, Arja was a good friend, and she couldn't betray her friend's personal trust, although the very fact Davu found her body attractive left her pussy stirring in excitement.

She had already decided that Ekon wasn't the one for her, although she was desperate to replace him with another big black cock lover all her own. She felt guilty, recognizing the hypocrisy in not wanting to share a black lover with another woman when she was asking her own husband and any prospective black lover to be exclusive to her.

Sini reasoned that she had spent her whole life putting other people's needs ahead of hers, so she deserved to indulge her own wants for once in her life. Besides, her husband, Jari, had even encouraged her to take on another lover, so what was there to feel guilty about? Now, she just needed to find an African lover to exclusively take her on.


It was Saturday morning, and Sini was hurrying her husband, Jari, along into the clothing shop.

"Are you sure you want to bother with this shop?" he asked her. "It doesn't look like your normal style," he pointed out.

"Oh, I've been thinking that maybe I need a make-over," Sini said as she rushed into the store.

She eyed the clothing on the racks and display, however, and wondered if she was making a mistake. Nevertheless, she'd heard a common refrain the past few weeks that her wardrobe was too conservative and that she needed to dress more sexily. First it was Davu when they met at the summer bonfire. And then Ekon had downright scolded her choice of attire when she had sex with him a week ago. The last straw came when Arja also encouraged her to wear more flattering clothing that accentuated her curves.

Sini stopped and looked at her reflection in a full-length body mirror for a second. She was 43 years old, and she saw the crow's feet around her eyes and the few extra pounds on her body. She ran her hands over her ass. She was 165 pounds, and she always hated how wide she was, wishing she was skinnier like so many of the other women she passed in the street.

Nevertheless, as she kept staring at her reflection, she began to see what Arja had insisted. While she wasn't a model, she was more curvy than fat. She wasn't Kim K, but she had long thick thighs and a round ass. Her waist narrowed noticeably though before her body widened again at her chest and her C cup breasts, giving her a nice hourglass figure.

"Is something wrong, my love?" Jari asked from behind.

"Nothing, dear," she replied as she turned around and smiled at her husband. For so long, she hid her body behind loose and plain clothing, but now she was accepting her body, realizing that maybe some of what she had long seen as flaws could be quite the opposite.

"Why don't I try on some clothes for you," she suggested, "and you tell me what you like."

Jari's eyes widened as he saw the quiet confidence in his wife's face. "I'd like that," he replied. "I'd like that a lot."


Jari sat in a chair just outside the fitting room waiting for his wife to come out. He saw the armful of clothing she brought in and was surprised by her selections, and he wondered what had come over his wife. The clothing were all items common for younger women to wear, and indeed, the shop was filled with twenty something women milling about, but his wife looked at least 15 years older than anyone else in the store.

Nevertheless, he tapped his feet in nervous anticipation as he waited for his wife to reappear. For years, he had encouraged her to dress more sexily, and now she finally seemed to be embracing her own sensual curves.

Ever since she had become enamored with interracial sex, she had changed from the wife he had known for over 19 years. He still wasn't sure exactly how she was evolving, but he was heartened to see her embracing her body, and he hoped that maybe she was finally starting to see the beautiful woman he always knew her to be.

And then she emerged from behind the curtain, and Jari was rendered speechless.

She wore a simple black dress that hugged her curves, but the hem was so short, her ass was practically sticking out the bottom.

"It's too much, isn't it? I look silly, don't I?" Sini asked nervously.

Then Jari's face broke into a wide grin. He took in her long, meaty thighs and how the tight dress hugged her breasts and hips, accentuating all the curves she always kept hidden. He wanted to take her right then and there, to push her back up against the wall, flip up the dress and make love to her right in the middle of the store, but he resisted the temptation.

"You look incredible," he replied breathlessly. "Voluptuous."

Sini for so long had felt self-aware of her curves, thinking they were a detriment, but she was finally beginning to embrace them and see them as an asset. The word that Jari had just used echoed in her ear. He said she was voluptuous, and she liked the sound of that.

"Good, let me try on a few more then and see what you think of those, too," she said excitedly as she disappeared back behind the curtain.

For the next fifteen minutes, she modeled a series of outfits, each one revealing in different ways.

One dress had a plunging neckline that nearly reached to her navel, and it struggled to contain her tits as they jiggled and swayed underneath. Another top was so sheer, her nipples clearly poked through. It was clear that Sini had taken off her bra while changing into the different outfits.

Even when she emerged wearing a pair of jeans, Jari gasped. They were ripped jeans, but the denim was cut so much, there was barely anything left, and there were even cuts through the seat of the pants that basically left her ass on display, and it was obvious Sini had taken off her panties and that she was going commando underneath.

With each outfit she tried on, Jari's supportive response bolstered her confidence, and she smiled as she admired herself in the mirror, clearly pleased that the outfits were much more flattering and sexier on her than she ever imagined possible.

Other customers in the store took notice of Sini as she modeled the outfits. Jari saw more than a few of the twentysomething boyfriends of the younger female shoppers sneaking glances at his wife. Not in disgust or head shakes, but in genuine attraction and lust. Their eyesbrows raised, and they stared openly as Sini displayed her body, and a few of the younger girlfriends jealously jabbed elbows into their boyfriends when they noticed them staring. Jari couldn't help feeling a sense of pride that his wife was turning heads.

"Are you sure this isn't too much?" Sini asked cautiously as she stepped out of the dressing room with an armful of clothing. "This stuff is not cheap."

"Anything to make you happy, my love," Jari reassured her, glad that his wife was finally embracing her own beauty.

"Good," she smiled happily. "But just so you know, we're not done just yet. I want to stop in one more shop and spend a little more money still."

"Women," Jari shook his head, although he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.


15 minutes later, Sini led her husband by the hand into the next shop. Jari felt awkward as he stepped through the doors. It was a lingerie shop that specialized in women's delicates, and he followed his wife closely through the aisles as she began to look around, feeling like the proverbial bull in a china shop.

"Is there anything I can assist you with," an older sales lady who looked to be in her 50's asked?

"I'm not sure. I'm interested in basically replacing out all of my bras and panties. Everything I've got is functional, but I'm turning over a new leaf, and I'm looking for an array of undergarments that are more.... sensual," Sini answered.

"Well, madam, you have certainly come to the right place. As you can see, we have a wide selection," the saleslady smiled as she waved her hand around the shop. "Have you ever been fitted for a bra?"

"No, I haven't," Sini sheepishly admitted, unaccustomed to personalized service.

"Far too many women never get properly fitted, and it leads to all sorts of problems in improper support and back issues. Especially, if you are, I hope you don't mind my saying, well-endowed in the chest."