First Estate


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"You mean you were willing to torture a ten-year-old girl into giving you information you would use to find other people to torture."

"Enhanced interrogation isn't torture. Surveys show the American people want us to do whatever it takes to keep them safe," he said.

"If the American people thought it was okay to sodomize her, would you be okay with that?"

"It's one person being sacrificed to save millions. Yes, I'm good with that. The greater good sometimes means you make sacrifices."

"The greater good can go fuck itself," I told him. "So can the American people. Any society that sacrifices the individual to preserve some theoretical greater good deserves to be destroyed."

"Again, I don't care what you think. I'm doing my job, protecting the American people."

I hadn't moved. I was content to have him spill his guts. "What were you going to do with the girl?"

"What do you think? We were going to interrogate her. We were going to use her as bait to lure one of you into the open. Then we were going to do what I did here."

"It didn't work," I told him.

"What are you talking about? You're trapped. I've got you by the short and curlies."

"No," I told him. "It's the other way around. Your team is gone."

He spoke into the radio. "Blue team; report."

There was a low and agonized moan over the radio.

He pulled a weapon and pointed it at me. "You're still trapped. I don't know what you've got out there, but your ass is mine."

"Go ahead and shoot," I told him. "Do you really think that pitiful weapon is a threat to me?"

I started walking toward him. I still couldn't use the Presence but I was physically free to do anything I wanted.

He pulled the trigger and I felt the slug punch me in the gut. I lifted my shirt. There was a reddened area just above my navel.

"That hurt," I told him. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Parker, you okay?" Mom asked.

"Yes, he shot me, but it just stung a little. Come on in now. Be careful, there are traps."

"How are you moving?" he screamed. He dropped the gun and looked around wildly. Mom slid the door back at the far end of the building and walked toward him.

"Now, we're going to talk," I told him.

I spun him around by the shoulder and marched him to the table. I sat him down and Mom came and stood behind him.

"You're going to tell us everything you know now." I told him.

"I'm not telling you shit," he sneered.

"Mom, remember the dick thing you had Boston do? I want him to experience that."

He screamed and collapsed on the floor, writhing in agony. I left him there for a minute and he screamed himself hoarse. I raised my hand and he sobbed for a while. I picked him up and put him back in his chair. He spit on me.

"Mom, I don't think he gets it."

She burst into flame and floated around the table. He looked up at her with terrified eyes.

"I'm going to take you apart and see what makes you tick," I told him. I nodded to Mom.

"Let the windows of pain be opened," she made some gestures with her flaming wings.

He collapsed on the floor again. The tendons in his neck became visible and his body went rigid. A high-pitched keening began and he writhed on the floor.

"Make him be quiet," I told Mom.

"You may suffer in silence," she told him. He began to retch and gag. I let it go on and on. Finally, I held up my hand and he relaxed and began to whimper. A wet spot appeared on his trousers as his bladder emptied itself.

I left him there for a minute. His mouth opened and closed for a while as he tried to speak. Eventually, he was able to gasp out a few words.

"Please, don't let her do that again. Please, for God's sake, I'll tell you anything you want to know."


"I can't believe you tortured that man," Mariha shook her head.

"What do you think he was going to do to Parker?" Sagan asked.

We were sitting around the living room in Santiago drinking beer. I let Boston try mine and she gagged. She got a soda. I hadn't known angels drank beer, but Mariha seemed to like it.

"Do you know that I once worried about taking you to a bar?" I asked her.

"Why, did you think I'd be offended?"

"I don't know, I just thought it would be weird to take an angel to a bar."

She laughed. "I've been to bars before, Parker. I haven't ever tortured anyone."

"No, you high and mighty Watchers just throw your enemies in Tartarus and lose the key," Mom said.

"I don't think this is very productive," Boston said. "I think we should focus on what Lilith and Parker found out and what they did."

"You're right, little Siren," Mariha said. "Thank you for reminding me. What did you do?"

"We gave that man a mind wipe," Mom said. "We went to Langley and destroyed their files and gave everyone involved a mind wipe. Operation Find Boston or an Angel is dead. We removed every reference to angels or demons from their systems and left 25 drooling idiots sitting in offices, unable to remember their names."

"Jesus," Sagan exclaimed. "Did you make them vegetables?"

"No, they'll be fine," I reassured her. "They can learn all over again, but they will never have any curiosity about angels. They start their lives over. I thought it was humane. They intended to do horrible things to Boston and Sagan. We were very kind, compared to what they were going to do. It's over. They won't be looking again."

"So, all we have to worry about now is angels," Boston said.

"Give it six months and we won't have that to worry about," Mariha assured her.

She was an angel, but not much of a prophet.

"Did you really have to be so extreme?" she asked. "When you torture people, you abandon morality."

"What's your problem, Mariha?" Boston asked. "When people threaten you or people you love you're entitled to protect yourself. You have the right to use any means necessary to protect yourself or them. Parker and Lilith protected us and they only used the amount of force they needed to. If they had tortured innocent people, I'd say you had a point. That man wasn't innocent. He told Parker he would sodomize me if that were what it took to get the information he wanted. I'm not sure what that is and I don't want to know, but I can't believe you're giving them a hard time about what they did. Should I just give myself up? Let them torture me?"

"No, of course not. I just wish they had found another way. I withdraw my remarks. Well done, Parker and Lilith. I know you did what you could."

"Where were you, anyway?" I asked her. "We could have used your help. Don't just disappear without telling us you're going. We were worried about you."

"I'm sorry and that's very sweet. I won't do it again. I was called away on Watcher business. I can't tell you about it but it didn't concern you. I'll tell you before I 'disappear' again. I gave you a prayer to contact me."

"If you were doing something important we didn't want to disturb you," Mom told her. "We do love you, you know. We know you could be in trouble because of us."

"I love you, too, all of you. I'm sorry you worried. It won't happen again."

As I said, she wasn't much of a prophet.

Boston and Sagan were going to school and that took up most of their time. My schedule became hectic for a while and I didn't see much of them. We were bringing out a new operating system for the new phone and it kept me scrambling. We hadn't spent the amount of time on the code we should have and it was buggy. Mom became a real Mom for the first time I could remember. She had never neglected me that I could remember, but our relationship had always been more like friends than her being my parent. I could always talk to her about anything, but she never fussed over me like a lot of Moms.

It was amazing to me to watch her with Boston. She ran her to school, went to conferences, helped her with her homework and spoiled her rotten. She taught her Siren songs and spells, tutored her in Shinarian and taught her to fight. To a lesser degree, she did the same thing with Sagan except for the songs. They both got the same treatment there. With me, she had always just sort of watched while I did whatever I wanted. If I got out of line or in trouble, she was always there with a lesson or to bail me out of jams, but she watched over the girls like a hawk. When I asked her about it, she got a little fierce.

"So what, Parker? I never knew you wanted me to hover over you. You were smart enough and strong enough to not need me doing that. I helped you whenever you needed it. What are you saying?"

"Please Mom, don't be offended. I love you and I'm glad you raised me the way you did. I've just never seen you like this. The amount of energy you put into them is more than I've seen you expend, ever."

"Well, they're fascinating. Watching Boston grow and expand is amazing. Sagan is the sweetest thing I've ever known. I love being involved in their lives. They need me in a way you never did. I love you, Parker, but you don't need me. You never did need me much. I've always needed you more than you needed me. They do need me. Thank you, baby for giving me this chance. I know why you love them. I've never had anyone but you before. I feel like I'm part of something worthwhile. I've had a lot of bad things in my life and I've done a lot of bad things to survive. This is a good thing. Don't make me feel awkward about it."

I held her close for a long time. "I won't. I'm thankful you love them. I'm glad you're here and I'm glad you're my Mom."

She cried a little. I don't think I ever saw her cry before. She seemed small and alone and I felt sorry for her. Boston wandered in and saw me hugging Mom. She came over and climbed on Mom's lap.

"Why are you crying, Lilith? Did Parker say something mean to you?"

"No, child; I'm crying because I'm so happy. You make me feel like that. So do Sagan and Parker."

"Good; I'm glad you're happy. You deserve to be happy. Will you read to me some more? I want to see how the Thayer's escape the volcano in our book."

They went off hand in hand and I marveled at this mother I never knew existed. I thought about what she told me. She was right. She always gave me just what I needed. I didn't need the same mother that Boston, or even Sagan, did. She was just adapting to the situation. The only thing that amazed me was the amount of energy she was willing to expend. Boston wore me out when I was alone with her. She talked constantly and asked a million questions. She never wanted to sit still, but Mom seemed to have the energy to keep up with her.

Sagan had a night class and for once, I was caught up at work. At loose ends, I asked Mariha if she wanted to go to a club. I was surprised when she accepted.

"What should I wear?" she asked.

"Something you can dance in," I told her. "Do angels dance?"

"Only on the head of a pin," she laughed.

Her clothes melted. She always wore jeans and a white top. Now she had on a shiny blue dress. It left her shoulders bare and had a slit up one side that was very high. It seemed immodest for an angel, but I wasn't complaining. She was beautiful. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white. It formed almost a halo around her. It seemed very light and long and almost floated around her when she moved. She looked Scandinavian; somehow. Her skin was clear and tanned. She had a body that could have graced the cover of any men's magazine and her face was the stuff of dreams. I worried a bit about the amount of attention she was sure to attract.

We went to Salsa place and there was a lot of that type of music and dancing. We sat at our table and had a couple of drinks. Men constantly bothered us, asking her to dance. She politely declined a dozen times.

"Parker, if you don't dance with me, I'm leaving," she said. "They aren't going to stop asking. The only way I'm going to get any peace is for you to dance with me."

I led her out on the floor and the band struck up a tango. She was a very good dancer and she felt amazing in my arms. That slit was scandalous and one brown thigh was always peeking out. We danced a slow dance and the feeling of her against me was becoming disturbing. She seemed to like the contact and she was soon becoming obviously aroused.

"Parker, I'm sorry, but we need to leave. You're making me horny."

"Yeah, me, too," I told her. "Sorry, Mariha. I didn't mean to."

"No, me either. It just happens. I love you, Parker, and I'd like to make love to you, but it's too complicated. I don't know how Sagan would feel about it and I wouldn't hurt her for anything. For that matter, I don't know how your mother would feel about it. She's another one I wouldn't hurt."

We caught a cab home. When we walked up to the door, she stopped and looked up at me. "How would you feel about me talking to Sagan about this?"

"Not so good," I told her. "I intend to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. It seems like a bad idea to me."

"What are you going to do about Boston?"

"We're going to keep her with us. She's means everything to both of us."

"That's not what I meant. Boston intends to marry you when she's 21."

I laughed. "She's just teasing us about that. She asked me to marry her the first time I met her and I told her to ask me again when she was 21. It was a joke."

"Maybe to you it was. It wasn't to her. I know, Parker. She has every intention of doing exactly that. She's a Siren and that means something. I don't think she cares that you will be married to Sagan. I don't think Sagan cares either. I think they intend to share you. Maybe they'd share you with me, too."

"Jesus Christ, Mariha. She's ten. What does she know? Are you telling me Sagan knows and she's okay with it?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Ask them and get back to me."

Sagan wasn't home yet but I found Boston in her room. She was already in bed and reading her volcano book. She was listening to music and her eyes lit up when I knocked. She took off her headphones and patted her bed, inviting me to sit.

"Did you have fun dancing with Mariha? She's very beautiful."

"Yes I did and yes she is. She's a very good dancer. I want to ask you something, Boston."

"What? You seem sort of serious."

"I am and I want you to be totally honest with me. It doesn't matter what you think my reaction is going to be. You can tell me anything, you know that."

"Okay, go ahead."

"What's going to happen when you're 21?"

"You know, Parker. We're going to get married."

"Do you know I intend to marry Sagan in a couple of years?"

"Yes, I know."

"How do you feel about that?"

"It makes me very happy. I love Sagan. I want you to marry her."

"Then if I'm married to Sagan, how can I marry you?"

"I don't see what one has to do with the other," she said.

"Well, it's customary for a man to only be married to one woman at a time."

"Who said so? Lilith has been married to more than one man at the same time."

"I didn't know that. We can't let her be our guide. She was betrothed to her cousin, too. Things were different then."

"I don't care. I refuse to allow customs or anything else to get in my way. I don't give a damn about customs."

"Boston, I don't like you to swear. I feel the same way about customs, but what will Sagan think about this?"

"She thinks it's wonderful."

"How do you know?"

"Because we talked about it. She loves me and she wants me to be happy."

"Jesus, Boston; I can't believe this."

"Why not? I love you, Parker. I've loved you forever and I'll love you forever. I can't wait to get big."

"You're amazing, kitten. Let me ask you something else. How do you feel about Mariha?"

"I love her, too. Do you want to marry her, Parker?"

"No, no; nothing like that. Something just happened while we were dancing. She told me you were serious about marrying me and that Sagan thought it was fine, too."

"What happened while you were dancing? Did she make you horny? She's very sexy, Parker. She makes me horny, too."

"My God, you're a mess, kitten. I can't believe you said that."

"Well, it's true. If she's around when I get old enough, I'm going to seduce her.

I groaned. It was getting worse and worse. What would this girl say next?

"Parker, it's okay with me if you want to make love with Mariha. How could it not be? I intend to do it myself."

"Sagan," I croaked. "I love Sagan. I'm not a cheater, Boston."

"I know you do. But, how is it cheating if you have permission?"

"I'm afraid. I won't risk my relationship with her. I would rather die."

"That's very commendable, Parker. I admire you and I know you aren't a cheater. I think Sagan would make love to Mariha, too, if she thought you wouldn't mind."

This conversation wasn't going at all where I thought it would.

"Next, you're going to tell me you would make love to Mom. Christ, Boston, this is all just more than I can get my mind around."

"I would make love with Lilith. I would do it now if she would. She won't. She told me to wait until I'm older. I asked her."

"Oh my God. What a girl you are. I can't take any more of this. You say the damndest things, Boston."

"Parker, I don't like for you to swear," her big gray eyes twinkled up at me.

I couldn't help myself. We laughed until we were hysterical. I tickled her until she gasped. "Stop, Parker. You're going to make me pee my pants."

I let her up and she ran to her bathroom. She came back to bed and I held her for a while and we talked about nothing. I heard Sagan come in and I kissed her goodnight. She put her headphones back on and turned out her lamp.

Sagan was warming up supper in the kitchen when I found her. I folded her up in my arms and cupped those beautiful breasts from behind. She wiggled that fantastic butt against me.

"Hey, baby," I kissed her neck. "You have a good day?"

"It's getting better." She took one of my hands and slid it underneath her t-shirt while she ate.

I caressed her belly and slid it up under her bra. I rolled the little nipple and she moaned.

"Someone is feeling naughty," she said. "Two someone's now."

"Do you know Boston plans to marry me when she turns 21?" I said as I pulled her shirt over her head.

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"I asked her about it and she told me you thought it was a good idea."

"I do. We Sirens must stick together."

"You're an amazing woman, baby. I never dreamed."

"I didn't know she was serious. Mariha told me she was, so I asked her about it. We had a long talk. We both love you and each other. It seems like the right thing to do."

"Okay, then how do you feel about Mariha?"

"I love her, too," she said as she unhooked her bra, giving me access to those cute little nipples. "Why, do you think you want to marry her, too?"

I laughed. "That's exactly what Boston said. You girls might as well be twins. No, I don't want to marry her, but she is hot."

"I know; I've been lusting after her for weeks. Ever since Lilith told us they were lovers I've wondered what it would be like to make love to an angel."

"Let's find out," I said.

"Really, you wouldn't mind if I did?"

"Not if we do it together."

She took my hand and led me to Mariha's bedroom. She opened the door and Mariha was coming out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. She looked at Sagan and saw that she was topless. Her towel dropped to the floor and she teleported. Her hands and lips were all over Sagan as I slipped behind her to sandwich her between us. She burst into flame and wrapped us in her wings.


It turns out that making love to an angel is everything it sounds like it would be. Making love with an angel and a Siren at the same time almost killed me. I am incredibly strong and resilient, but this was a marathon. Every time I thought I was totally exhausted, the sight of those girls loving each other got me going again.

It was four in the morning and an angel was feeling for my lips with her nipple. I was happy to wrap my lips around it, but my tank was empty. She cradled herself on my arm and put a leg over me. One incredible breast was on my chest and the other crushed against my side. Angel curls rubbed against my thigh and it was as soft as it sounds. Sagan took the same position on my other side and it was a sight to wake the dead. Unfortunately, the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.
