First Love


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After a little more than two weeks I wondered if Anna and Audrey had talked to each other, because within a two day period they both figuratively bitch-slapped me. "You need to get it together. Get your head out of your ass and get back to the employee before the bitch took off," was the "tender" way that Anna put it.

Audrey was not as "tender."

The result was that on the three week anniversary of the first seminal event I adopted a new attitude. It included acceptance of my situation and resolve that I would never relinquish the kids.

The reaction of my mother during this time was somewhat disturbing. While she espoused words of comfort on the phone - she didn't visit because she had three other kids and six other grandkids locally all of whom were in worse financial shape than I was, and also of questionable emotional stability - it was clear that she was just mouthing those words. Her actual attitude was "good riddance."

My father was similar to Wilbur; neither had a warm or fuzzy bone in his body. My Dad said the right things, but without any real empathy, and it was clear that I would get no emotional support from him.

Even more disturbing was when about a month after the first seminal event my mother sent me an article from Psychology Today. It was written by Nancy Kalish, Ph. D, and entitled "First Love, Lost Love: Is It Imprinting?" with the subtitle "Does teen biology determine the bonds between romantic partners?" At first I thought that she sent it to me just to explain why Jennifer had done what she did - but a week or so after I got it I knew that there was a second reason. That's when the second seminal event occurred.


I was sitting in my office on a Thursday just before lunch when the receptionist said "Carolyn Jenkins here to see you."

I didn't know any Carolyn Jenkins and I thought that maybe it was a salesman; I had expected a visit from an important supplier who always seemed to be changing personnel. Regardless I'm not the type to require the receptionist to give visitors the third degree, so I went to the lobby to meet Carolyn Jenkins.

Imagine my surprise when Carolyn Jenkins turned out to be Carolyn Watkins - my first love who my mother had designs on me marrying.

"Hi Dale," she beamed as she rushed me and threw her arms around my neck. When she finally broke away she gushed "Wow you look good; even better than in High School. I was nearby on business and thought that I'd drop by to see how you were doing."

"Something is rotten in the city of Wilmington" - to paraphrase the Bard - flashed through my brain; however my upbringing required me to be hospitable.

"You're looking good yourself, Carolyn," I replied without gushing. "What's with the 'Jenkins' though?"

"That was my husband's name; I've been divorced for three years and I have just gotten to the point where I'm going to go back to my maiden name of Watkins - I just haven't had the time to get the legal ball rolling yet," she smiled.

"I'm about to go to lunch in ten minutes - I have one more small task to do first," I responded. "Would you care to join me?" I asked, anxious to get her out of my workplace.

"That would be lovely," she replied.

"Just sit her in the lobby and I'll be back in ten minutes," I grinned.

My lunch with Carolyn lasted two hours and I was lucky that it didn't go longer. I was able to truncate it only by asking her to come to the house on Saturday since she would be in town through the next Monday.

I was actually quite surprised at myself - and embarrassed even - for doing that since if I was honest with myself not having had a piece of ass for more than a month was straining my ability to control my above average libido. Carolyn had aged well - not as well, relatively speaking as Audrey, but similar to Jennifer.

It was clear from my discussions with Carolyn that she had been prepped by my mother, and that her "business trip" was completely non-essential, although justifiable to her boss.

The weekend with Carolyn wasn't horrible - she was nice to the kids and gave us some space, although it was apparent that she hungered to be in on everything - but there was one resolution that I came to and one perplexing attitude that came out.

The resolution was that what Nancy Kalish, Ph. D, had to say didn't apply to my situation. While the Psychology Today article was interesting, it's basic premise that your first love is imprinted on you forever, and can either wreak havoc or greatly enhance your life when reunited as adults didn't identify my situation with Carolyn, although it may have identified the Jennifer-Burton one. I just had no spark with Carolyn and it would not have been fair to her - or my mother - to give Carolyn a roll or two in the hay just to get my horny rocks off even though it was clear that Carolyn would have been on board.

The perplexing attitude that I encountered was Audrey's.

Audrey is normally nice to everyone, especially when she first meets them. I could tell that Audrey was disturbed when I mentioned who Carolyn was and why she was coming over on Saturday. Audrey was just short of downright rude when she was introduced to Carolyn, and inexplicably took off shortly after Carolyn arrived despite protests "Please stay with us Mom II" from Lizbeth and Connor.

I was especially puzzled by Audrey's attitude because by that time she had already told me that I needed to move on from Jennifer and find someone else because even if Jennifer's relationship with Burton soured there was no logic in me taking her back. The mystery of Audrey's attitude was not solved until significantly later, just before the third seminal event.

Carolyn left the Monday after her "business" was concluded with only a chaste hug and no promise from me of another meeting.


As I knew would happen - even though Jennifer was far from the epitome of a doting mother, and even though Audrey assured me that the last time that she saw Burton he confirmed his dislike for children - eventually Jennifer got around to trying to have the children to visit her and even talked about some sort of joint custody arrangement. She actually called me several times to talk about it. I put her off without completely shutting her down. "You should talk to Mom about it - she could bring the kids with her for a visit," was one of Jen's concluding remarks.

About three months after the first seminal event and after the calls from Jennifer ,Wilbur let it slip that Jennifer had called him and asked for money. Even though Wilbur was pretty much a cold fish, he appeared to like Jennifer more than anyone else except Audrey and a few of his fishing buddies, and he was financially set for life, so he was even making noises like he might do it. That concerned me enough to have a heart-to-heart with Audrey.

One night after another delicious dinner that Audrey had prepared for us while the kids were playing on the swing set in the back yard with a neighbor kid I approached my mother in law. "Audrey, I'm worried about what Jennifer will do if we let the kids visit her, even if you chaperon them. Also, she's asked Wilbur for money and if he gives it to her it can't work to my advantage."

"Don't worry Dale; I have things under control. I've talked to a family law attorney on your behalf and have spent the last three plus months gathering information. I was going to wait another week before telling you what I know - but I guess that there's no time like the present. I'll get the information out of my car when the kids go to bed and I send Wilbur home. Then we can talk in the living room."

We did sit down in the living room after the kids went to bed and Wilbur left. The Brits have a word for how I reacted to what Audrey told me. I was gobsmacked!

"After hearing my evidence the attorney recommended that you file for divorce now - don't think of waiting the one year to file for abandonment, she just doesn't think that it's feasible - and ask for a protective order forbidding Jennifer from seeing the kids except under supervision in North Carolina," she started out her spiel with the conclusion.

"Really? Why?" I inquired since this was different than how I had envisioned things playing out.

"Listen to the 'highlights' - rather 'lowlights' - of the many hours of conversations I've had with Jen that I taped," Audrey said with a wicked smile.

I really only needed to hear the lowlights, nothing else:

Jennifer: "Mom, I want you to bring the kids to see me, and then stay here with me. The kids will be better off here."

Audrey: "What about Dale. He loves those kids and they have a home here in Wilmington."

Jennifer: "Screw Dale. I'm the one who gave birth to them. I've moved past him. He was a good first husband, but I've got my true love now and something has to be sacrificed for my happiness and that something is Dale."

Audrey: "How will you convince a court to let you keep them? You know that he'll spend every penny he has fighting you."

Jennifer: "I've already got that planned out. I'll say that he sexually abused both kids, and after I've had them with me a while I know that I can brainwash them to go along with that story - they're just impressionable little kids."

Audrey: "You know damn well he's never abused them in any way. It will destroy him."

Jennifer: "I know that he's been a good father and hasn't ever done anything to hurt them but he's standing in the way of my happiness and I can't have that. I think just the threat of me bringing that up in court will get him to agree to let the kids live with me, and I'll allow him a few days visitation three or four times a year."

Audrey: "Well regardless of the situation with Dale, you know that I can't leave Wilbur. He loves living on the ocean - he'd never move."

Jennifer: "Fuck Wilbur. I can't believe that you ever married that loser. It's about time that you exfoliated him - there are plenty of single guys your age in Marietta and Atlanta."

Audrey stopped there. "Do you want to hear more? I have more like this, and some even worse, but I see no reason for you to have to listen to it. You might actually kill the bitch."

I know that my face was flushed with anger. I did a few deep pant-blows, like I had Jennifer do during natural childbirth classes. Then I said "That pretty well cinches it - no reason for me to have a stroke listening to the rest, is there. I can't thank you enough for recording what you have," I earnestly replied.

"I told you from the start - on this very couch - that I had your back. I'm proud of myself for following through," Audrey cackled.

"You should be proud," I said, giving her a big hug, and inexplicably causing her to flush.

"Have you played that for Wilbur?" I inquired.

"Not yet - but when I do, what do you think are the chances that he'll give the bitch any money?"

"Less than zero," I chortled.

A tear then came to Audrey's eye. "I'm sorry that I raised such a cold conniving bitch, Dale. Can you forgive me?"

"It's not your fault. You've been a great Mom to Jennifer, a spectacular mother-in-law, and you couldn't possibly be any better as Mom II to my kids," I replied, as serious as I had ever been in my life.

We then hugged for the longest time - until there was no more sobbing coming from Audrey, and until I had regained my composure after listening to the most diabolical words of my life.

The next few months were characterized by legal wrangling and something else. Audrey stayed over at our house more and more nights, and was in every way except biologically the mother to Connor and Lizbeth - and a great loved and loving mother she was. There seemed to be instances of increasing frequency when she dressed provocatively, and seemingly unintentionally "flashed" me. In view of my state of extreme horniness this wasn't good for me, although remembering the snippets I had seen of her consummate body did provide me with fodder for masturbation.

I finally got an inkling of what was going on. To test my theory out of the blue one night I said "Say, Audrey. I was thinking about going on a cruise with Carolyn Watkins the week of the 14th. Do you think it possible that you could watch the kids then?"

The look she gave me could have frozen air. "Sorry, I'm busy that week - and any other week you want to go with that tramp." With that she stormed out of the house and was obviously pissed at me for two days until I assured her that I had changed my mind and was not ever going anywhere with Carolyn Watkins.

About ten days after my test and four months after I had filed for divorce there was an evidentiary hearing before a family court judge in Wilmington that Jennifer had asked for. Up until that time Jennifer was unaware that Audrey had recorded their conversations, or that she was on my side, not hers.

Jennifer got on the stand and lied about my parenting skills, said that she left because I was abusing her and the children, and that she was afraid for their well-being especially since I had admitted to her my proclivity to sexually abuse little girls and that I consumed kiddie porn.

To set things up Audrey sat in the gallery on Jennifer's side of the aisle

I think that Jennifer was quite surprised when my attorney said "No questions."

That surprise turned to angst, trepidation, outright fear, loathing, and then anger when my attorney called Audrey as a "hostile" witness, the "hostile" nomenclature just for appearances sake since we knew that she would be anything but "hostile" to our case.

Audrey was cool, calm, entirely believable, and - it was apparent that the fifty year old male judge noticed - sexy during her testimony. She faked reluctance to answer some of the questions, just like we had practiced. When she authenticated the recordings of Jennifer that my attorney had chosen to play in court I thought that Jennifer was going to blow a gasket.

They don't teach you how to handle a situation like that in law school so Jennifer's attorney's cross-examination didn't help her case - it just hurt it more by reinforcing everything that Audrey had testified to on direct.

Jennifer's anger turned to dismay when the judge announced immediately after Audrey stepped down "I don't need to hear any more. The application by Mr. Britton for full custody is hereby granted. If the parties cannot work out reasonable chaperoned visitations IN NORTH CAROLINA by Mrs. Britton then I'll revisit that situation at the time. However, Mrs. Britton is hereby permanently enjoined from ever bringing the children out of North Carolina without Mr. Britton's written, notarized, permission. I'll also be granting the divorce petition once a suitable property settlement is proposed to me - and in that regard I caution you to be reasonable Mrs. Britton since the equities in this case are all in Mr. Britton's favor. Hearing adjourned."

That night we had two celebrations. One with the kids, then we got a teenage sitter and Audrey and I, two couples that were supportive friends of mine, and even Wilbur, went bar hopping to revel.

As we put Wilbur in a cab to take him home he was drunk for the first time in my experience with him. He took me aside; with slurring removed I do believe that he surprisingly said "That woman is so horny that if you don't fuck her soon she's gonna go nuts; I can't do the job anymore, goddamn it, so take charge!"

I smiled. "Just what I was thinking," I said to myself. It was time for the third seminal event.

As I drove us home Audrey was bubbly. I paid the babysitter then asked Audrey to come into the living room to have a talk.

As I held her hands and stared into her eyes I said "Audrey I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for me - for us - for justice. Nor can I tell you how much I appreciate you. You're the most remarkable person that I've ever met in my life."

"I...I...was glad to do it," she said, blushing.

"There's something else. I'm going to make love to you - I'm not going to fuck you, but make love, because that's what I feel toward you."

I planted on her lips the most smoking hot kiss that I could conjure up. I not only met no resistance, I got just as much passion in response, including some tongue. Audrey started moaning into my mouth as I started groping her bountiful tits, and she gladly raised her arms as I pulled her top off. While planting dozens of quick kisses everywhere on her face and neck I unfastened her bra. The mammaries that popped out were magnificent, maybe the best that I'd ever seen not just live but on a screen or in a magazine.

"Holy shit those boobies are awesome," I growled just before taking a nipple into my mouth while manhandling both tits.

Audrey grunted contentment as she moved both of her hands to my hips, and then slid them down to my erection which was doing its best to pop my zipper.

I abruptly broke off my assault on her chest puppies, picked her up, and carried her to my bedroom as she kissed and held onto my neck. When I lay her down on my bed and ardently kissed her more she mumbled "Dale, I haven't been laid in three years, or had a good fuck in ten; please be gentle - but don't stop, don't you dare stop."

I gently but quickly undressed Audrey completely - her body displayed a consummate female form. I just as quickly disrobed.

I pleased her orally for at least ten minutes despite the fact that my cock was rock hard and starting to hurt it was so engorged with blood. I wanted our first sexual experience to be awesome for her, and memorable. Oodles of appreciative sounds came out of her mouth, and I was also rewarded with two orgasms.

After her second orally-induced orgasm I gently mounted her, slowly inserted my cock into her love canal while simultaneously kissing her lips and pinching one of her exquisite nipples, and then got to work. I was surprised that she was as snug as she was given her size and age - but obviously didn't complain. In keeping with her request I was gentle until just before we had a simultaneous crescendo, during which I stroked intensely.

As we lay in post-coital bliss exchanging words, gestures, and kisses of gratitude, a few tears formed in her eyes. I wiped them off of her cheeks and with a smile asked "Why the waterworks sex goddess?"

"I can finally tell you what I have been holding back for years in deference to my daughter," she gurgled.

"Oh...what's that?"

"You are my first love; not the twit who knocked me up with Jennifer, not Wilbur, not anyone else I ever met. You are, Dale Britton. Don't break my heart - please," she half sobbed, half mumbled.

"Since I consider you about the sexiest woman I have ever seen and a sex goddess; you are more a mother to my kids than their biological one; and you have a fantastic personality and character, breaking your heart is never going to happen. I realized a few weeks ago that I love you too. You may not be my first love, but you're going to be my last," I sincerely replied stroking her face and one of her boobs as I said it.

We consummated our newly expressed love with another fireworks-simulating copulation! Our love has endured the last five years and at least on my part I'm sure that it will forever more.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Calico75Calico7510 months ago

What about poor old Wilbur?

LoejtcLoejtcover 1 year ago

How did Jennifer hide her evil persona for 15+ years ( college + 10+ marriage)? Then over one weekend turn into the wicked witch of the west. There’s no hint of communication between her and Burton. She even invited Dale to the Reunion. Tough to swallow.

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

The last paragraph didn’t fit the story, something unfortunate should have happened to Wilbur to justify it. Apart from that not a bad story a bit thin perhaps but not bad. Thanks.

Rainman80Rainman80over 2 years ago

What happened to Wilber?

lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago
Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to be a sick twisted bitch like that ex-wife

James QuillerJames Quillerover 4 years ago
Excellent story

Thank you for such a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I would have rated this higher, but you didn't offer an ending....did you fall asleep? No epilogue on what happened to Jennifer and Burton.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Didn't like

I didn't care for this one at all. Bad on too many levels

anonymousinblueanonymousinbluealmost 6 years ago

Fucking perjury court. When there's no more justice, or justice is fooled, what is there left? I think there's a more profound answer by someone more highly esteemed, but revenge is probably close to the top of the list.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 7 years ago
My Bad

What to make of this tale.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 7 years ago

I don't know what to this of this tale. The cunt wife's treachery is obvious pulling the shit she did but the deal with her mother is confusing. We need more detail about the marriage to Wilbur and exactly why Jen did what she did. Without more information it made it just a fair tale with potential.

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
Nice Little Tale

Even though the entire plot line was telegraphed early on, I enjoyed this yarn a lot.

I would, however, like another chapter (or epilogue) about the civil lawsuit against Jennifer (or even criminal prosecution) for making false statements under oath of spousal abuse and horrific crimes against the children....

Thanks for writing and sharing here!

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 7 years ago

what happened to wilbur and how does the ex-wife make out in the end?

InsigniaInsigniaabout 7 years ago
Plusses and minuses abound

in this story that began with great promise and just never gained much momentum. As a below average reviewer with below average looks who once fashioned his hair in a mullet, I recognize your talent for painting a picture. Not really sure of why Dale teased Mom2 with cruise ruse. Seems a little cruel to do to a woman that has busted her tail on his behalf. The courtroom scene was obviously contrived and while the evidence was damning there are rules for introducing evidence. A judge being duped is not likely to favor either less than honest party and could make custody a nightmare. The wild victory celebration that nearly sparked a frantic fucking devolves into a weird, if not wholly unexpected, cuckold love triangle. The first love theme was well developed but Carolyn seems a bit of a throw away. This needed a lengthy intro but could have used that same tactic in the end. Nonetheless, it was an above average story by an above average author. 4*

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 7 years ago
Weirdly satisfying

I shouldn't like this story as much as I do


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