First Time with My Dad!


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It also dawned on me that while incest wasn't something I'd ever discussed with my parents, it needed to be brought up now. In all fairness to my parents, I suppose we'd avoided it until now more because there was no reason to discuss it than making a conscious decision. Thus all I'd ever heard about incest until now was from the news when some perverted father would rape or abuse his daughter. In truth, I had no idea how my parents felt about the subject. Was it something they'd avoided because they didn't believe in it? Would they be upset if they knew how I had been feeling lately?

Regardless of my fears and worries, by now I wanted more than anything to submit myself completely to him, to tell him that it was OK for me to take in whatever way he wanted. I fantasized about him whispering to me that he loved me so much that he wanted to show me in a special way, a way that only a father could with his daughter. I dreamed of him taking me in his arms and pushing his hard cock deep inside of me. God, I wanted so badly for him to want to cum in me and give me his most intimate gift.

OK, I'm not a saint. To be 100% honest, it was more than just doing it for my dad. Deep down there was a part of me that wanted him to fuck me for my own pleasure as well. Watching him fuck my mom and seeing her cumming so hard I knew from the start that I wanted him to do the same to me as well! After all, I loved sex so why not?

Short of walking up to him and asking him outright to fuck me, I was facing a bit of a dilemma - or so I thought. It was sort of ironic that the very same trust and respect that made me feel open and secure with my parents was now making it downright hard for me to hint to my dad what my real desires were! Like, if most girls want to tease a man or seduce him, they can just flaunt their bodies,and so forth. Well, all that was just a normal day for me and my dad so what was there for me to do short of actually DOING something with him?


Because of what I assumed were my father's feelings toward me, I thought that I would have to "seduce him" somehow or otherwise talk him into doing anything more intimate with me. Yet I was worried - would my dad really want to fuck me? Even worse, what if he was offended by the very thought? What if I went ahead with this and hurt our relationship which, although not sexual at the time, was still very close from an emotional perspective? Was it worth the risk?

Just to be safe, rather than approach him directly I started flirting with my dad, trying to advertise that I was "available" if he really wanted me. Now for most girls it would probably be pretty easy to get their dad's attention. Not for me. If I was to come in the room naked, he would just typically just tell me to go put something on before I caught a cold. If I sat on his lap and rubbed my bare ass against him he would just accuse me of teasing him. The real shame was that what I didn't know was that I didn't have to worry about "convincing" him of anything! I found myself debating once again whether I shouldn't just come right out and ask him. Boy, I could just imagine how THAT conversation would go... "Hi daddy, wanna fuck me?"

For the first time I sympathized with some poor boy trying to work up the courage to ask a girl to a dance. Guys never turned me away so I'd never experienced such an intense fear of rejection. As much as I wanted my dad to do me, if he turned me down I think I would've been totally embarrassed and devastated. It was unthinkable!

The "problem" I was facing was that I was almost certain by now that he was turned on by me. The more I thought about it, the more I started to think that he was probably masturbating by fantasizing about me. Yeah, so that meant he was a normal male jerking off to the image of a teenage girl but did that really mean anything so far as me personally?

My parents had taught me that fantasies were just that - fantasies. Anything goes so far as fantasies go so long as you understand where the line is between fantasy and reality. Therefore, even if my dad WAS jerking off while thinking about me, that didn't necessarily meant that the fantasies he was having about me would ever translate into reality. I'm sure most fathers fantasize about their daughters and don't ever have sex with them so why would my dad be any different?

There was something else that made me hesitate as well. The more I thought about it the more significant it seemed to me that as open about sex as my parents were, the one thing they had never discussed was incest. Actually, until now I hadn't thought about it one way or the other. Was there a reason? Was this one thing that was out of bounds for discussion, even for my parents? Then again, was I reading too much into what they did NOT talk about? It was like some of the arguments I use to have at school where people would draw conclusions from what the Bible did NOT say. Even though it bothers me when people do that, here I was, doing the same thing regarding incest.

Maybe we didn't discuss incest because they never wanted me to misunderstand any of their actions to mean anything other than showing their care and concern of their daughter? If THAT was the case then was it right for me to be thinking and doing these things? What if they were offended by my new thoughts and feelings? I'd always been open with them and they'd always encouraged me to experiment but this would be REALLY new!

As the days went by, things got to the point where I almost gave up on the whole idea until I remembered the times my parents and I would discuss the difference between being erotic and vulgar. They taught me that it was the mental side of sex that had as much impact on the results than anything. My mom once told me that it was the intentions and goals of each person that made more difference in how the sex was than anything physical. She pointed out that strippers have always known this which is why they just don't strut out naked from the start - that it was the anticipation that turned on men more than anything else.

As all these different thoughts were mixing themselves up in my head, I realized that the answer for my dilemma was somehow linked to all of them. If I was to just appear before my father nude would NOT erotic, it would be just me without any clothes on. Somehow I had to find a way to make him see me not as just another naked college girl, but as his sexy daughter who wanted nothing more than to please her father in whatever way he wanted her - and I mean WHATEVER way he wanted.

I was terribly excited by this "revelation" and so I decided to first experiment by trying a few more subtle moves and test his reactions before doing anything more forward. I even sorted through his porn collection and watched a few "Taboo" videos to get some ideas for how a girl could seduce her father. I'm not a big porno fan but some of those scenes were incredibly hot between the fathers and daughters. Of course they were all actors and the girls were whores, but as I mentioned before it was the thoughts and emotions the scenes evoked that turned me on more than the actual images. So the next evening I went down to the family room where my father was watching TV, sitting in his favorite chair as usual. My mom was there as well, absorbed in some magazine. Both of them barely acknowledged my entrance.

Walking over to my dad's chair, I noticed he was wearing a pair of sweat pants but no shirt or socks. Without saying a word, I climbed on top of him and sat squarely on his lap. Feeling more than a little self-conscious, I leaned against my dad with my arm around his neck and nuzzled my face into his shoulder and neck. Mmmmmmm, he smelled so good! As I settled in, my growing boobs pressed against his bare chest through the thin cotton of the T-shirt I was wearing. Mmmmmmm, I was rewarded with the feeling of something growing under me. I was wearing nothing underneath my t-shirt so when I sat in his lap it had a tendency to ride up and so it left my butt bare pressing against his lap. As I felt my bare ass pressing against the soft material of his sweat pants, I couldn't help but think about how there was nothing between his hardening cock and my pussy but a thin piece of cloth. His dick was pressing more and more firmly against me and it thrilled me as I realized that he was getting hard - and it was because of me!

My mom looked up from her magazine a few times and peered over her reading glasses to see what was going on. Actually, nothing was happening. Although my dad's dick now felt like a hard pipe sticking up underneath me, neither of us made any indication that we were aware of it or of how my boobs against him might be making him feel. The longer I sat on my dad's lap, the hornier I could feel myself getting and I needed badly to rub my pussy. Now THAT was one thing I'd NEVER even dreamed of doing before - masturbate while I sat on his lap. This was the first time in my life that I was horny as hell while sitting on his lap!

Well, if there was ever an opportunity to be more erotic with my dad, this was it. Once again I couldn't help but sympathize with how a boy must feel when he is sitting next to me in a car or the theater, wanting to touch me but afraid to make that first move. Now it was me that wanted to make the first move. Damn, working up the courage was not nearly as easy as when I had fantasized about it earlier in the day.

After about thirty minutes or so of debating, I was still too chicken to do anything but sit on his lap. My dad was starting to shift his weight around, a sign that I was indeed not as little as I use to be and starting to get heavy on his lap. I knew it wouldn't be long before he "suggested" I get off and let the blood return to his legs or some other silly comment. Usually that meant getting off and taking my place on the couch across the room. Time was running out and if I was going to make a move I needed to do it soon.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to alert him but needing to focus and channel my sexual energy. Here goes nothing! I took my left hand and reached down between my legs and cupped my warm pussy. Using my middle finger, I rubbed my clit slowly, causing a slight gasp to escape through my closed lips before I could stop it.

"Hmmmmmm, boyfriend not taking care of you lately?"

My dad didn't say it very loud but my mom heard it anyway and I saw her eyebrows raise just a smidge as she looked over and saw where my hand was. She didn't say anything but I noticed that she started looking over our way a lot more often.

"Oh daddy, you know better than that... Well, maybe a little."

My finger touched my clit and pressed down on it, sending a shiver through me which my father obviously could feel as tightly as I was pressed up tightly against him.

"Ummmmm, seems to me like it's more than just a little, don't you think?"

I opened my eyes and saw my dad was looking down where my hand was moving between my legs.

"You don't mind, do you daddy?" I whispered in his ear, "I don't want to bother you."

My dad chuckled, "Don't worry, you're not bothering me at all. Hey, your not a little girl anymore. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, I guess."

He didn't say anything more but his arm that had been resting on the armrest behind me moved and wrapped around me. His hand was on my bare upper thigh and for a brief moment my heart raced as I thought maybe he was going to move it further over and "help" me but he just rested it on my leg.

As I continued to masturbate, all I could think about was what my dad might be thinking. I'd never done anything so overtly sexual with him before. Sure it was just me touching myself, not as if I'd reached down and grabbed his erect dick. Even so, I'd never played with myself while he was touching me, even if it was innocent. My pussy was soaking wet as I thought about what must be going through my dad's mind at that moment. Was I turning him on? Did he have any idea why I was doing this now? Was he thinking about touching me, maybe even fucking me? His dick certainly wasn't getting any softer so something nasty must have been going on to keep his dick hard for so long!

"Um, Kelly, don't you think you should be doing that in private and not pestering your dad?"

Evidently my mom had figured things had gone far enough. Technically she was correct - it was just common courtesy. While I was brought up that masturbation was normal, at the same time it was STILL a personal thing and needed to be treated as such.

I wondered if she had any idea WHY I was doing this? Was she just correcting my manners or was she trying to keep me from seducing her husband? Normally I could go to my mom and discuss anything but for the first time I felt uncomfortable bringing up the issue with her and so I'd not told her about any of my thoughts or concerns.

"It's OK Mary, she's not bothering me," my dad said, trying to defend me but my mom would have none of it.

"Yeah, I bet! Kelly, I said that's enough!"

There's no arguing with my mom in such circumstances. Reluctantly I pulled my hand from between my legs and gave my dad a peck on the cheek before working my way slowly off his lap, making sure I rubbed my ass against his dick as seductively as possible.

Once I was off his lap, I looked back and saw his dick was raising his pants up like a circus tent pole. My mom noticed as well and the look she gave my dad would have shriveled the erections of most men but my dad just ignored her.

It was tempting to move over to the couch and finish myself off there but something told me I'd pushed things far enough for one night. Instead, I made my way to my room where it only took a few minutes of furious pussy play to make myself cum like a flood as I dreamed of my dad's hard cock pressing against my bottom. God, it has only been an inch or so away from my pussy but yet it may as well have been a mile. What would it take to get it closer? Later on I heard my parents coming up the stairs to go to bed. I felt a bit nervous, waiting for my mom to come in and give me her standard lecture on "inappropriate" behavior that she pulled out whenever she thought I'd stepped over the line.

Surprisingly, neither of them made an appearance. Instead, I heard the door shut and it wasn't long before the sounds of their love making were coming through the thin wall that separated our rooms. Listening to my mom cry out as she came, I couldn't help but smile to myself. If anything, something told me my mom owed me one for getting my dad so horny!

The following evening my dad was sitting in the kitchen and I slowly walked by wearing a T-shirt that was so short that I couldn't even start to pretend it was even partially covering my bare bottom. As I walked by him, I wagged my teenage ass at him in a provocative manner. Well, I guess there's not much of any OTHER way to wag your bare butt when you come down to it.

My dad responded by laughing and slapping my naked butt with the open palm of his hand, making a loud smacking sound. It sounded a lot worse than it felt but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed playfully, "That hurt! Don't spank me!"

My dad laughed and put his hand on my hip to pull me closer to him. His other hand reached around to cup my naked ass. His open palm and fingers started to rub it in little circles in the same area where he had just smacked me..

"There, does it feel better now?" he asked, same as he did when I was a little girl when he would rub my knee after a fall.

"Daddy!" I giggled like a little girl, "Are you playing with my butt?"

It was really more of a statement than a question since it was obvious that was exactly what he WAS doing. Just then my mom walked in and her eyes glared at my dad.

"John! Just WHAT the hell do you think you're doing?" she said in a sharp tone.

My dad looked a bit embarrassed but he still managed to give me on last squeeze before he took his hand off of me. I reached down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Standing back up, I tossed my hair back and started to walk out but just before I was left the kitchen I turned back.

"It's OK mom... I liked it!"

Oh my god! I put my hands to my mouth, not quite believing I'd actually said that out loud. Twirling around, I giggled and ran out before either of them could respond. I had no idea what they said to each other but I would've given about anything to eavesdrop just a little!

Back in my bedroom, I plopped on my bed face down and reached behind to touch my bottom. Thoughts of my dad's hand rubbing me caused a warm feeling to run through me. I couldn't recall him ever touching me quite that way before. Certainly I'd been spanked before - I wasn't THAT good a child growing up! There were even times when he had patted me on the bottom for encouragement but never before had his hand lingered in quite this way and certainly he had never rubbed it before like he just had. Hmmmmmm, maybe there was hope after all!

While my dad seemed to be responding the way I'd hoped, it was my mom that had me confused. Talk about mixed messages! On the one hand she would scold my dad and me when we got too playful, but then later she acted as if nothing had happened. Was she really offended by what I was doing or did she feel obligated to act like she was?

Over the next few days I became more and more blatant in the way I would rub up against my dad. What I found REALLY interesting was that as I became more aggressive he in turn started to be more open about looking at me, even grinning at times when I would wear some ridiculously skimpy outfit and parade around in front of him.

One of my favorite outfits to wear around the house has always been a simple long T-shirt that's not quite long enough to cover my ass - and that was when I was standing. Another of my favorite evening outfits was just as simple if not quite as revealing - one of my dad's dress shirts. Sometimes I would steal one from his closet and then wear it for the evening. They were comfortable and later in life I even took a few to college with me. He would grumble sometimes about it but I knew he was just teasing me. They hung loose on me and the tails would cover my ass and pussy from view but the sides were cut to show off my hips and legs. Now, though, I starting to run around without buttoning them and even though they were still so baggy that that they covered me most of the time, when I laid on my back on the couch or sat in his lap they would open up and expose me to him.

Things seemed to stall, though, until one morning I crossed the hall from the bathroom to my room after a shower just as my dad left their bedroom to go into the bathroom (an amazing coincidence if I say so myself). I pretended to slip on the hall carpet and fell into him so he had to grab me to keep me from hitting the floor. His hands felt so strong on my nude body and as he held me against him.

"Wow, you really ARE growing up, aren't you."

I didn't say a word but just pressed my small boobs against him and gave him a big hug. He had his arms around me and I noted that his hands slipped down until he was cradling my ass in them. His cock was pressed against my stomach and even thought it was flaccid, I could've sworn that I felt it stirring. We just held each other for a few more seconds until suddenly he turned to go into the bathroom. Somehow in that moment I felt like something had silently been conveyed between us. Was he signaling that he'd gotten my "messages" and that all I had to do was let him know so he could be sure? Had the moment I had been dreaming of, yet dreading at the same time, finally arrived?

I figured it was finally time to just make a more straightforward move and see what happened. For the rest of the day it seemed all I could think about was the upcoming evening and what I hoped would happen. Finally evening arrived and my dad was back in the family room watching TV and reading the local newspaper. His LazyBoy was tilted back with the footrest up. This time he was wearing just a ragged pair of old college gym shorts. They were faded and full of holes and my mom had threatened numerous times to throw them out every time he wore them; but for whatever reason they were his favorites.