Five Trailers, Lot E


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In the morning, Joee made him some French toast for breakfast. She fried up several strips of bacon, setting aside half of the bacon for her lunch. Then, with soft kisses, she kicked him out.

She woke up at noon, made herself a BLT sandwich for lunch, and then cleaned up her apartment. At three o'clock, David Penny sent her a text, asking if she could come in for the early shift.

"Be right there," Joee agreed.

"Wonder what it would be like, fucking in these?" Joee asked, putting the red leather thigh high boots into her duffel bag.

"Know how we can find out," Joee thought, smiling at the door of Apartment #407.


Two months after the fire destroyed the trailer park, Rose Richards and Danny Gerrard sent Mindy and George Melancon a christening gift for Michael George Melancon.

Four months after the fire, Rose and Danny sobbed as Daisy and Samuel loaded their suitcases into the trunk of Daisy's Lexus. Rose sobbed as she hugged her daughter, her baby girl. Uncle Danny let more than a few tears slide down his face as he hugged his favorite nephew. Jeremiah shook Samuel's hand, then gave him a bro hug. Susan and Daisy clung to one another, sobbing over the enormity of it all; life was changing. With a final wave, Samuel and Daisy drove from DeGarde, Louisiana to Myndee, Arkansas where they would be freshmen at Myndee University.

Six months after the fire, Rose Richards and Danny Gerrard received a wedding invitation to the wedding of Robin Smith to Randy Thomas. Susan reminded Uncle Danny, Earline Thomas had been the long-legged brunette that had lived in Lot B. Randy Thomas had been her baby brother.

Susan was very surprised she'd also received an invitation; she'd hardly known Earline and had only met Randy twice. Of course, she'd waved in friendly greeting whenever they'd seen one another.

The wedding was held at St. Elizabeth By The Lake in Baylor Lake, Louisiana. Rose and Danny sat together, holding hands. On the other side of Danny, Susan and Jeremiah sat, quietly whispering about how beautiful the church was, how beautiful the flowers were.

The flower girl was adorable. The ring bearer caused titters as he raced to the altar, passing the too-slow flower girl in his haste.

"Huh!" Susan said as Randy's sister Earline and the Maid Of Honor walked up the aisle together.

"Oh!" she said in understanding when Earline took her place next to a very nervous Randy, acting as his best woman.

Three more couples made their way up to line up with Randy and Cheryl Savoie, Robin's maid of honor. Then the music swelled and a beaming Robin Smith, holding onto the arm of her barely composed father made her way to the altar.

"And who gives this woman to be wed?" Father David Jameson asked.

"Her mo... Her mo... Her mm..." Hank tried to say but started bawling.

Randy stepped down from the altar and wrapped his arms around Hank Smith. The two men held onto each other and sobbed together.

Jeremiah and Danny shared a smile as they too wiped at their eyes.

"Must be dusty in here," Jeremiah whispered over Susan's head.

"Yeah, that's got to be it," Danny agreed.

"Her mother and I give my sugar doodle, my sugar, my oh!" Hank managed to sob out.

"I promise, sir, I, I will take care of your sugar doodle," Randy sobbed. "I promise I will."

"I know, I know you will," Hank agreed, sobbing new tears.

"You going cry like that when I get married?" Susan teased her Uncle Danny.

"Sshhee-it! Be so glad get rid of you," Danny teased.

"Danny Gerrard!" Rose gasped, slapping his arm.

"Sugar doodle, huh?" Jeremiah teased Susan.

"Don't. Don't you dare," Susan snapped.

"He promised. He promised he wouldn't cry," Robin laughed, her own tears streaming.

"I'm sorry, Sugar Doodle. It's just, it's just that everything's changing," Hank sobbed, giving his daughter a tight embrace.

At the reception, Hank received his fair share of teasing. No one brought up the fact that the groom's side of the aisle had less than twenty people scattered throughout while the bride's side had nearly a hundred attendees. No one brought up the fact that the groom had cried just as much as the father of the bride had.

"Yes, yes, after the explosion destroyed all our trailers, Mr. Hank's been letting Randy and me stay in the mother-in-law suite over his garage," Earline told Susan when Susan asked her. "But where'd y'all go?"

"Miss Rose; she's my Uncle Danny's girlfriend, she's my best friend's mom," Susan explained.

"You uh, you been staying at my cry-baby brother in law's house?" Daphne, Robin's aunt asked as she joined Earline in line for the free bar.

"Mm hmm," Earline agreed. "Thank God too. He hadn't? I don't know what me and Randy would have done."

"I uh, I, there's I've got extra room at my condo," the hotly blushing woman suggested.

"Oh yeah?" Earline asked, looking at the handsome older woman.

While Rose and Susan fought valiantly to catch the bridal bouquet, Linda helped Morgan set up for the Willingness Is the Key AA Meeting. Linda's main job was to make the coffee; everyone complained that Morgan's coffee was too weak and Jamie's coffee was far too strong.

"Oh, thank God," Daisy Upchurch said, seeing Linda preparing the coffee.

"Shut it, Daisy U," Morgan said. "Hey, you give out the chips tonight? I got Hailey doing How It works and Danny's doing The Promises..."

"Yeah," Daisy smiled. "Who knows? Some cute guy might be getting a chip tonight.""

"How's Mindy and Bobby doing?" Linda asked.

"Mindy's swearing the eleventh grade is the hardest grade in the world; they really expect her to do all that homework? And Bobby's a holy terror. And his favorite word is 'No,'" Daisy laughed.

"Yeah, they really do expect her to do all that homework," Linda nodded. "Went through all that with Sydnee. And now? College?"

The meeting got underway. Daisy waited, the chip turntable in front of her.

"And we work on a chip system here," Daisy said when it was time to hand out the chips.

"No, we don't. We give out the chips. We work on the Steps and the Traditions," someone muttered.

"You know what I mean," Daisy snapped.

No one got up to claim a Desire chip, although everyone looked at Carter and at Jenny Rose. No one got up to claim a one month, or two month, or three month chip.

"Anyone got six months?" Daisy asked.

"I do," Linda whooped.

"How'd you do it?" Daisy asked, giving the woman a hug.

"Like the name of the group says, willingness is the key," Linda said, feeling the tears threatening to spill.

While Linda was helping Morgan clean up after the meeting, while Danny and Jeremiah were having a man to man talk in a corner of the church hall, Joee was grinding her naked ass against some guy from April Falls, Kansas, not listening while he bitched about his wife. She tossed her newly dyed orange-red hair back, allowing her tresses to cascade over his face and shoulders.

While the music boomed and thudded, Joee thought of her relationship with Jim Roberts. At first, she'd made certain concessions; he was blind. She'd known he was blind when they'd begun their relationship.

"He sure does like to use that when it's convenient, huh?" Joee thought.

His cereal bowl and spoon were still in the sink. He'd eaten breakfast at six thirty. She'd crawled into bed at two thirty in the morning. Four hours later, he was slamming, clattering, dropping things in the kitchen. So she got up and shut the door so she could sleep.

The loud bang of him running face first into the shut bedroom door jolted her wide awake. And, he got mad at her; she shouldn't have shut the door, even if he was stomping around, making an ungodly racket. She shouldn't have closed the door.

"Why's your bowl still in the sink?" she asked him as she angrily fixed lunch.

"Oh. I uh, I didn't know if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean or dirty," he said.

"Then open the fucking thing and feel them," Joee had spat. "And, they clean? Then put them up, huh? You know where everything goes, Jim Bob. Put it up."

But the bowl and spoon were still in the sink, even though the dishes in the dishwasher were still dirty. There was no excuse for the bowl and spoon to still be in the sink.

If Joee didn't wash the clothes, Jim would just fill the laundry hamper until the lid wouldn't close, then he would pile the dirty clothes around the hamper.

"No, Jim, that's bull shit," Joee thought. "Yeah, you can't tell your yellow pull over from your red striped pullover, but you know jeans. Jeans can all be washed together. And towels and underwear and socks can all go together."

"Bet you'd be one hell of a fuck," the customer panted, edging closer and closer to his climax.

"Bet I would be," Joee agreed, smiling as she dangled her breasts in his face.

It was so hard to get in the mood for a good fucking after working all night, not getting a good enough sleep, then having to clean up after him. To inspire herself, Joee had taken to looking at pornography. Joee liked pornography. Joee had liked pornography from her inception in the Benhurst Home Comfort Inn.

PAD Productions did some of the best porn out there. The PhreekAfterDark catalogue was full and varied. Joeee especially liked their bisexual clips; male-male-female really got her motor running.

Joee had paid one of the girls to do a one minute clip of her dancing, using her cell phone. Then she'd used her cell phone to do a head shot, a full nude front and a full nude rear pose. The last photo was of her, nude except for thigh high red leather boots. Then she'd sent it all to PAD Productions in Manor Hills, Nevada.

Joee had almost five hundred thousand dollars. When her bank account had exceeded fifty thousand dollars, one of the tellers suggested she speak with an investments counselor.

Tiffany Puellar, her investments counselor had done very well for Joee.

The duffel bag in her safe-deposit box had been disposed of long ago. Now, she had several gold and silver coins in the safe-deposit box. There was a braille watch at the Cash For Gold pawn shop; she'd seen it when she'd bought her Rolex watch, along with several silver coins.

Joee planned to give the braille watch to Jim. Then, she would tell him she was leaving. Not just leaving him, leaving Colorado. Leaving for Manor Hills, Nevada and going to PAD Productions. But he could have the apartment. He could have all the furniture. His sister and Tony now lived in Apartment #407; they could watch over him when she left.

Other than her clothing and shoes and jewelry, the only thing Joee planned to take was her Raggedy Ann doll. After all, the doll was still stuffed with several dollar bills.

With a sassy smile, Joee sent the customer out of the D3 room with a large wet stain in his trousers. She waved to the DJ to let him know she was available to go onto the stage again and the man nodded his head.

"Jim Bob, I'm sorry," Joee thought as the DJ introduced her. "Thought I loved you, but..."

"Shit, I ain't even sure I know what love is," Joee winked and blew a kiss to the man that waved a dollar bill in her direction.

The End.


**Author's note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I likewise thank those that rate my words, those that 'Favorite' my works.

Lynelle Turner, the dealer that attempts to muscle Bobby Broussard is a minor character introduced in 'Ugly Uglier Tings' in the Group Sex category. His occupation and influence are furthered in 'Nudge' in the Loving Wives category.

Farley, the enforcer that Lynelle Turner sent to persuade Bobby and Peter and Paul is a minor character first introduced in the 'Men in Blue' series in the Lesbian Sex category. He is also briefly mentioned in 'Uncapped' in the Interracial Love category. His affinity for flashy rings is described in the MIB tales.

Jeremiah Simon, the firefighter that pulls Susan from the smoldering trailer is briefly mentioned in 'Oddball, Ch. 07a' in the First Time Category.

Summer Duhon, the Performance 12 reporter is a primary character from 'On Channel 12' in the Loving Wives category.

Ulysses Lee, the nurse that runs Summer Duhon out of Susan's room is a primary character from 'Q without U' in the Loving Wives category.

Club Landslide, Brenda Jo/Joee's place of employment is introduced in 'Let Myself Believe' in the Loving Wives category.

Linda's AA sponsor Morgan Wolfe is a minor character in 'Popcorn, extra butter' in the Mature category.

Jamie Baggett, Morgan's AA sponsor is first introduced in the 'The Broussard Sisters' series in the Group Sex category.

The fire that burned A & A Soaps to the ground is mentioned in 'Nudge' in the Loving Wives category, as well as 'Multiple Units #107' in the Incest/Taboo category. The actual origins of the blaze is detailed in 'Hard Lessons Learned' in the Loving Wives category.

Daisy Upchurch is the primary character of 'Vodka: Cinnamon' in the Mature category. Mindy is her daughter, and at the end of that story, Daisy is pregnant with her son Bobby.

I do apologize that it has taken me so long to post this tale. Reading and re-reading the 'Five Trailers' series, I saw I had really painted myself into a corner. Lots A through D were pinnacles of excellence and anything I posted after those was sure to be a let-down. Then, listening to a few Concrete Blonde tunes gave me the inspiration for Brenda Jo/Joee's character. That vacant emptiness, that search for happiness, that desire for contact with another human being, and when they don't live up to Joee's expectations...

And, Microwave Spoil-Check instead of 'Microsoft Spell Check' in the Disclaimers was intentional. Some people just got have them something bitch about. So, there you go.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

can't believe that brainless whore gets to live

ManatNumber34ManatNumber3412 months ago

Great series. Your writing skills and story telling get better every time. Well done!

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 1 year ago

It is good no complaints and all swell to me! Enjoyable reading and I was entertained so 5 stars from me! Enjoyed the widely divergent characters! When you first wrote about Brenda Jo/Joee she didn’t appear that damaged just desperate to escape so I assume that brought about the change! I did not catch it in the story but assume all five in the mobile home Brenda Jo/Joee’s father, brothers and two women died! Guess might have to read it again to see!! A stray thought the married women whose credit card was declined for drugs in the trailer will that minor character pop up again in a future story of her background?!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading!

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 1 year ago

I think the story worked well as a stand-alone, but I needed/wanted to reach back a bit to recall everyone’s backstory. That’s why I love the ending index of characters and their story appearances. Of all the characters, Brenda Jo-ee was the most fascinating. What a survivor, though seemingly left devoid of any human sympathies. The mentioned Concrete Blonde inspiration helps explain who she is. Thanks for the new story, and for the expansion and resolution of the older story lines.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, enjoyed reading how the characters from the trailer lot were doing. As for the complainers, just ignore them. Some people complain just to complain and Jimbob does not mean redneck. It just means you have a first name and a middle name. Five stars as usual. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

Too many characters and too many places. Way too confusing to me and not a whiff of romance to be found. I usually like your writing but this one not very much, too disorganized.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Extraordinary tour de force. How does he do it?

TiredOldMan502TiredOldMan502about 1 year ago

I am glad to see that Summer Duhon got a happy ending.

amadthonamadthonabout 1 year ago

I like the series, you were right, you gave yourself a hard act to follow but you managed to do it. Bringing familiar characters and places together with new characters, places and situations was really entertaining. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Seems to me you operate for.the lowest common denominator.

About pond scum, by pond scum, for pond scum.

Get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thought the first 3 pages were excellent but the story got ragged in page 4. I found too many new characters were added near the end. Thanks for sharing it with us.

dinkymacdinkymacabout 1 year ago

A really good story - Thanks for sharing.

steeltiger01steeltiger01about 1 year ago

Thank you for finishing this set, JimBob. We already knew the folks in Lot E were trouble, but getting the after stories for Lots A-D was worth the wait. And who knows, maybe Joee will find something to bring her alive in Nevada. Maybe not, but I'll bet there will be a pretty good story about it.

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