Five Years and Four Days Ch. 03


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"I couldn't help myself," Alex shrugged, the cocky grin returning, "I won't do it again if you don't want me to..."

"I said it was 'unforgivable,' not 'unrepeatable,'" I was surprised I could still string a sentence together.

After a while, Alex sat up.

"Hey - where are you going?"

"The loo... and to take this thing off."

"No, no, don't." My entire body was tingling with need. I have never felt this much desire for someone before.

Alex raised her eyebrows.

I got up and straddled her thighs, the toy pressed up against my stomach.

Alex shifted backwards and I raised myself onto my knees. As I lowered myself, Alex filled me up again.

"Oh, Alex. Oh god..." I felt out of control, but gloriously sexy as I impaled myself on Alex's cock.

I felt Alex's arms and back tense as she lifted me up and pushed me back down, finding yet another angle with which to fuck me. I placed my hands on her shoulders, my legs raising me up again and again, between swallowing her up with such force and speed that when my orgasm hit, I bit her shoulder as I screamed.


I never thought I'd manage to fuck someone from that position, but there I was, driving Jess onto that cock like there was no tomorrow. By this point, my brain had given up processing our activities and stalled at primal carnal desire. It wasn't a bad place to be.

I felt her body tighten as she came, her face was buried in my neck, and her fingers dug into my shoulder blades with such intensity that they drove an avalanche of pleasure through my body. I just discovered my most favourite thing in the world: making Jess come hard.

I flopped backwards onto bed, where I saw her eyes suddenly open wide with shock as I took off the harness.

"What? Are you ok?" I asked.

"You're bleeding," she said, pointing at my shoulder. I glanced down and saw red dots of blood blossoming through my skin in the pattern of her teeth.

"You bit me? When did you bite me?" I sat up as she grabbed some tissues and pressed down on the wound.

"Just now - I'm so sorry Alex - does it hurt?" Jess kept applying pressure.

"It does now that I know it's there! That's going to be a really impressive-looking bruise in the morning," I teased, "While you are playing nurse, can you check to see how much damage your fingers did to my shoulders?"

Jess looked over my shoulder and then at me apologetically, "you've got some major scratches back there, but no bleeding. I'm so sorry!"

"Good thing you keep your nails relatively short," I winked, "you are so sexy when you come, do you know that? Well worth the flesh wounds. I actually kind of like the fact that you've branded me with your teeth..."

Jess lifted the tissues, "I'll get something to tape that up."

She came back with some gauze and tape, and expertly covered up the bite. I leaned back and stretched out on the bed. She joined me, placing her head on my uninjured shoulder and inserted a leg between mine.

"I'm sorry I bit you." She said.

"I like being your patient," I said sleepily, "You can do that any time you want."

We must have drifted off, and I eventually woke up to a darkened room and the sound of Jess getting dressed.

She noticed me stirring, "It's after 10 - the pub across the street is still serving food. I'm famished - I'm going to go grab us a couple sandwiches."

I frowned in protest as she leaned down to kiss me. "You're leaving me for a couple of stale pub sandwiches?"

"Your stomach will thank me later. Be back in a tick," Jess promised as pulled on her trousers.


I put on my t-shirt and boxer briefs once Jess left. I hung up my shirt in Jess's closet, and dug through my jeans for my phone. I scrolled through my emails. I felt like I needed to be doing something just so I could remind myself that I had not hallucinated the past couple of hours. Annie had texted, hankering for news. I shot back a reply saying I was at Jess's, and promised to give her the full story tomorrow.

Annie rang immediately, "This is costing me my rent for next month so talk quickly."

I laughed, "We slept together."

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT? Was it good? Oh my god, is she there right now?"

"No. She's out getting us some supper. It was pretty amazing."

"Wow. So what does this mean? I mean, obviously, it means something..."

I stretched out on the couch in the living room, still feeling like I was in a dream. "I don't know, Annie. I think I just want to enjoy the next two days and see what happens."

There were hundreds of questions bouncing around in my head; reality can kick in later.

"Wow," said Annie again, "I thought I was going to have to put you through some decontamination shower when you got home to keep you from moping around because Jess didn't feel the same way. This is a whole new ball game."

I shook my head, "I have zero idea what's going to happen. She could still call the whole thing off, you know, so I may yet want to crawl into a dark hole when I return."

"I'm speechless, honestly."

I heard a key in the front door. "Oh, Jess is back. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, go have fun. I'm having dinner with Michelle and some other folks tonight. Can I tell them? They are going to DIE."

"Uh, maybe wait until after the weekend?"

"Ok. I better go now. I can hear Verizon sucking the money from my bank account as we speak. Love you Al."

Jess smiled and straddled me on the couch. Who is it? She mouthed.

"Love you too, Annie." I hung up.

Jess ran her hands underneath my shirt and squeezed my breasts. I tried to act cool, but it felt like I had firecrackers going off under my skin.

"Hello," I said, smiling up at the beautiful woman staring back at me.

Jess leaned in, "I suppose this means Annie knows what happened tonight?"

I nodded, "She is the few people I told about how special you were to me. She is surprised, but very happy for us."

"I'm happy, too. Although, I am very disappointed that you put your clothes back on," Jess said as she kissed me. Her mouth felt like a revelation. I couldn't remember enjoying someone's lips more.

"It felt weird being alone and naked in your house!" I protested. "But, now that you're back, please kiss me some more."

"Fair enough," she replied and lowered her lips to mine once again.

She shifted off me, "Come get your sandwich. Sorry it's not a proper supper, but these aren't bad."

In the five years where Jess swirled around in a secret compartment of my heart, I never ever thought I'd be sitting with her, having dinner after having blindingly good sex. I only dared imagine scenarios where she'd maybe finally notice my feelings for her and let me down easy. It was only in my dreams when my subconscious took over that I ever fully realised my desire for her.

But yet, there we were, sitting in her kitchen, finishing up our makeshift meal. Jess pulled me up by my shirt and led me back to the bedroom. I happily followed. She pushed me onto the bed and lay on top of me, stroking my hair. Her eyes were even more beautiful close up. I still couldn't believe that she was looking at me, touching me.

"Is this how sex was with all your past girlfriends?" She asked.

"Are you jealous?"

"No...well, maybe..." Jess paused, "Sex has never felt quite like this for me. I mean, it's always been good, but not like this... Guys tend to need breaks to, uh, you know, reset. But it's not just that. I'm just wondering if this is because it's you and me, or if it's how women have sex with each other - and I've just been missing out."

"Sex with women isn't always, well, this amazing. And, just for the record, I usually go on at least a couple of dates before jumping into bed with someone."

"So this thing tonight was unusual." Jess smiled.

"Highly unusual," I acknowledged, "but not at all unwelcomed."

"It's unusual for me, too," Jess said, "In all sorts of ways."

"You mean you don't lure ex-students to bed to bite them at every given opportunity?" I teased.

"No. That would be a loud and resounding 'no.'"

"I'm very happy to hear that," I loved the feel of her fingers in my hair. "Are you ok with this? I mean, you just slept with a woman. It's going to raise some eyebrows."

Jess looked me square in the eyes, "First, I don't give a toss about people who might have an issue. Never did, never will. Second, I don't think you know the effect you have had on me. No one has made me react this way. And no one has made me feel the way I do now. I don't know much, but I know enough to recognize that there's something between us. So yes. I'm ok with this. Truth be told, I've never thought of myself as completely straight. Others may have, given my dating history, but not me."

There is something between us. I was in heaven, or Christmas came early, or some genie granted my most fervent wish. I just stared at Jess and smiled, gobsmacked with happiness.

Her hands found their way under my shirt again. "It also helps that no one I've been with has a body like this, or has managed to bring me to multiple orgasms in one night..."

"That feels so good," I growled softly, as her hands caressed my chest.

"Let me be clear, it's not just your body I like, but I'm assuming you won't take exception to reverting to our earlier state of undress?"

I shook my head from side to side as Jess's shirt and bra came off. I sat up and pulled off my t-shirt. Jess grabbed my boxer briefs and slid those off, along with her trousers. She returned to lying on top of me. "This is so much better!" She sighed.

"Hey, why did you leave the pool deck when I was doing the backstroke thing with the girls the other day?" I asked.

"Ah - you had just got out of the pool and your suit was wet, and well, it was a little distracting, so I had to go cool off." Jess looked into my eyes.

I blushed, "Oh! I thought it was because you got bored or something."

Jess slid off my body so she could stroke my body from my throat straight down to my pubic bone, "There is nothing boring about this."


"You are pretty spectacular yourself," Alex said, as she reached a hand between my legs, my desire for her immediately evident.

"Bring yourself closer..." she beckoned.

I shuffled my way up until I was level with her mouth. Alex grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, her tongue immediately going to work. She plunged her tongue deep inside me, making me shudder with pleasure. I clung on to the headboard as Alex's mouth and fingers manipulated my nerve endings towards ecstasy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I shouted as the orgasm slammed into me. I leaned down to for a kiss before collapsing beside her.

"That was... epic," Alex said. "It took you, like, no time at all. Wow."

"That tongue of yours is dangerous, Alex, I swear to god." I kissed her deeply, tasting a little of myself as our tongues danced together. "I think I need to return the favour somehow," I reached across the bed and grabbed the strap-on, and slid my legs through.

She reached her hands behind her head, watching me eagerly as I tightened the straps around my hips, and applied the lube.

"That is so fucking hot," Alex sat up, reaching for me.

"Hold on there," I pushed her back down. I straddled her stomach, feeling my arousal leave damp spots on her abs. Alex placed her hands on my waist, her thumbs slowly sweeping up and down my skin.

I dragged my breasts up and down her chest, smiling as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of my nipples moving across her skin.

"I'm not really sure how to..." I suddenly felt very shy, desperately wanting to please her.

Alex smiled, "You'll do just fine."

I lifted myself over her. Alex helped guide me inside. I slowly lowered myself until I was fully in her. I exhaled as I settled in, and Alex nodded, her eyes hungrily watching me as I moved. Alex lifted her hips up to meet me on my way down, allowing me to push a little deeper into her each time. Our bodies met, again and again, until she came.

Finally sated, we held each other close. I pulled up the covers and turned out the light. The clock showed that it was a little past one in the morning. Her hand roamed around my torso and swept up and down my leg. I rested a hand on her hip and buried my face in her neck.

"Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would be able fall asleep like this," Alex murmured.

~ To be continued ~

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okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

Read this again, for the umpteenth time, and just realized...

Thank you, thank you, thank you ... for using the strap-on in both directions. I think it helps to offset the (often perceived) power imbalance in a butch/femme relationship to have both partners wanting to do the same things and having the same things done to them. Unfortunately, I think writers have tended to attribute "personalities" to butch characters that make them ungentle/dominant as a stereotype ... and I see no reason that a general body type and style should dictate personality. The balance here is good.

It's amazing to me how very seldom that balance happens in the stories here.

And to answer Anonymous from 5 years ago regarding butch/femme pairings:

That is a trend that I've been tracking carefully. Without actual statistics, it appears from reading here, that the butch/femme pairing has significantly declined since 2010 (my somewhat arbitrary line in the sand). Since 2010, there is a definite trend for more femme/femme relationships here. I have discussed this at length with my psychiatrist and we (jump to the) conclude that that trend largely reflects the number of femmes that have become more comfortable about being public post-2010. They are, as a (weak) rule, less prone to be "out and proud" than the butches of the 1990s and 2000s.

I don't think that means there is an actual change in the butch/femme vs femme/femme pairings in the real world (though these is evidence elsewhere that this might be true), just more femmes willing to talk/write about it. And the general tone of lesbianism is less "militant" today (because it does not need to be anymore) than it was 15 years ago.

As an aside, I am a science fiction writer and a scientist, so these trends are fascinating to me (and tend to greatly influence my writing) since sci-fi writers are (not entirely) all about predicting the future. I try to track all kinds of trends to glean hints as to the future. And then extrapolate them...

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 3 years ago
************* sorry just 5 stars here possible

Coming together is not the easiest way to succeed

ramblin2020ramblin2020almost 4 years ago

wow. that was sooo nice. thanks! please write more!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 4 years ago

Lovely sexy cute tempting

Just a wonderful storie guides into tales and up to mountains with a wonderful sensual guidance

Thank you

NinetySevenNinetySevenover 4 years ago


Dang Alex 👌🔥

Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing with us ♥️

RebeccaERebeccaEalmost 5 years ago
Just excellent

Such a beautiful story. So well written, I enjoyed it so much.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 5 years ago
another marvellous chapter

You spoil us. This was SO worth waiting for, which is only to say that the whole oeuvre is superb!

careythomascareythomasover 6 years agoAuthor

MyWordIsMyBondage: You are correct!

MyWordIsMyBondageMyWordIsMyBondageover 6 years ago

Rereading this, I just realized that the woman Annie would "go homewrecker for" is probably Cal from A Ghost of a Chance.

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