Five Years of Lust Ch. 02

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Lisa's Dad invites her brother Chris into the relationship.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/15/2018
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One night, almost a year after we started our incestuous relationship, my father and I were lying in our bed after a particularly incredible fuck. Very casually, as if he was asking the time, Daddy asked me: "What do you think of your brother?"

Naturally, I had no idea what to say. Since he moved out a month after turning 18, I hadn't really given Chris much thought at all. Don't get me wrong, we still saw him fairly often, especially when he needed me to do his washing for him; it's just that, life with Dad was so perfect, I didn't really have to think about much apart from what we'd have for dinner each night. Anyway, once the initial shock of my Daddy's question faded enough for me to speak coherently, I had to ask him the obvious follow-up question:

"In what way?" I propped myself up on my elbow and my eyes pleaded with his not to say what I knew was coming.

Dad either didn't recognise the look in my eyes, or he ignored it. "As in, have you ever thought of Chris in the same way you think of me?"

"Honestly, Dad, no I haven't. And that's probably not going to change any time soon. I mean, of course I love him and everything, but even though you know I have a massive fetish for incest, I've never thought about fucking him, not once." As I said that, I noticed the bed sheets around Dad's crotch starting to rise. It had been months and months since we'd fucked twice in one night, so I decided to seize this rare opportunity while I still could. "Why, Daddy? Do you like the idea of me fucking my little brother?" The sheets rose higher still. I wrapped my hand around his cock and started stroking it gently, kissing Dad's neck. He moaned in agreement. My stroking grew slightly faster. "You wanna see your son fucking me, don't you, Daddy?"

"Ooh, shit yeah," Dad moaned.

I kicked the sheets back and climbed onto his body, my pussy hovering inches above Dad's now fully erect cock. "You wanna see your kids rolling around on the floor, fucking hard, you wanna see your son's hard cock thrusting deep inside me, don't you, Daddy?" I could feel him trying to find my pussy, so I gave it to him. "Thrusting." We both moaned as I slid down hard and fast on his beautiful hard cock. "You want me to fuck my baby brother just like this, huh?" Daddy nodded, his hands gently grabbing my ass cheeks. I started bobbing up and down, relishing the feeling of Dad's cock pounding into me, coating it with my juices and his huge load of cum from our last round. "Oooh, fuck yes, fuck me Dad," I cried.

Daddy sat up slightly, a sign I knew to mean "Lean down and kiss me, Lisa." Without breaking our rhythm, I did as he asked me and met his warm, open mouth with my own. We groaned in unison as he thrust his tongue into my mouth while he thrust hard inside me. I met his tongue with my own and they danced playfully between our mouths, his tongue pushing its way into my mouth, my tongue pushing gently into his. I tightened my pussy muscles, squeezing my father's exhausted cock for all it was worth. Daddy responded by thrusting up into me even harder and faster. Our breathing quickened, and sweat started to form on his brow. His hands grabbed my ass harder, and I knew it was almost time.

I broke the kiss and sat back up. My right hand quickly found my clit and I started rubbing it hard and fast. Side to side with two fingers while Dad's cock thrust in and out of my pussy. Daddy told me that he loved me with all his heart, and that he always will. As usual, that tipped me over the edge. My stomach tensed, I threw my head back and unleashed a long squeal, my pussy convulsing around my perfect father's dick. I told him that I love him at least 10 times before he followed me to climax. His orgasm was quick, but intense. He groaned from deep in his throat, his stomach tensing in the same way mine did. I felt more of his delicious hot cum shoot into me, once again filling me with a warmth I never knew existed.

"Ooh holy god, that was amazing, honey," he assured me as I slid off his cock and lay back down next to him. "But, I have to admit, if that was your way of not answering my question from earlier, you're out of luck, I'm sorry. I really need to know - would you ever even think about sleeping with Chris, baby?"

Avoiding the question wasn't my primary motive, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't motive two or three. "Oh, no, I just know that two rounds in one night are sort of rare these days, so I thought we'd try when I saw that opportunity, that's all. But, as for the Chris thing, I don't really know." I paused, not sure how to continue. "Can I ask what's made you ask, Dad?"

He must have been nervous as all hell, because he never looked at me as he told me the story. Dad took a deep breath and started, "Believe me, it wasn't my idea. Last time he was visiting us, and you were in the shower, Chris told me he knew about us."

"What?! Oh Jesus Christ, how?"

"Well, it kind of started with him saying how it's funny that almost every time he comes over, one of us is either showering, and how the other has 'just stepped out.' When I started to come up with some bullshit excuse, he cut me off and then said something about how, I don't know, shouldn't I be encouraging you to find your own place."

I couldn't help myself. "What a bastard. What'd you say?"

"I can't really remember, I think something about I don't want to push you away like I pushed him away. Anyway, then he said 'Oh no, you'd never push that girl away, would you?' and at that point I demanded to know what he was implying. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was basically that you and I have a bit more than a father-daughter relationship, and that he's heard proof on more than one occasion. So apparently we're a bit loud at times."

"God, if I was there, I don't know what I would have done, Daddy. Punched him, probably."

"Don't think I wasn't tempted, sweetie. Instead, I just asked him what he wanted. He said that he wanted in. Made it sound like a blackmail thing, like he'd tell people at work or something if he couldn't be a part of ...this. So I told him I'd talk about it with you later. I hope you don't mind; it was all I could think to say. But he seemed fine with that, so that was a relief for me."

"God, and when I came out I had no idea any of this happened. You both seemed so normal!"

"Well, we talked about it for a little more after that... He asked me what I thought of the idea, of us having a threesome. I said that the thought had crossed my mind a few times, but I was too afraid to say anything to you... But now it seems that I really have no choice but to tell you about it. So yeah, I'm sorry, baby. But Daddy's almost ashamed to admit, the thought of watching you fucking your brother is too hot to ignore anymore. But I don't want to pressure you, it's entirely up to you, Lisa-loo."

I did my best to hide the mixture of outrage, betrayal and confusion that I felt. I can't say I did a terribly great job, though. "Fine, I'll think about it. But don't expect an answer anytime soon. I'm the one that has to judge whether the greatest relationship I've ever had is worth ruining because of my conniving little brother, remember?" Dad tried apologising, but I was too pissed to forgive him. I felt horrible; that was our first argument since we got together.

It took me a few days, but I finally made up my mind. I came home from work one day to find my father in the kitchen, doing the washing up (for once...). After a brief hello, I told him, "I'll do it, Daddy. For you. I really do love you, and I want to prove to you, and especially myself, that nothing will ever come between us and ruin what we have. I've told you time and time again, you're my soulmate. I'm willing to do anything that'll make you happy, Dad."

Daddy was visibly moved. "Oh honey, I love you wholeheartedly. I'm glad you gave this more thought than any of us. I guess that shows just what a smart, beautiful girl I've raised. I tell you all the time, I know, but... I never thought I'd know joy again after your mother left, but you... You make me so happy, Lisa, it's incredible." He practically sprinted towards me and gave me a hug so tight I thought my ribs were about to break. I hugged him back, sighing contentedly into his chest. It would have been impossible to ignore the feeling of his erection pressing into my stomach.

"I can certainly tell you're happy, more ways than one." I tugged at his shorts. "Let's go upstairs and order pizza for dinner. Not just because I'm lazy, I think it's time we celebrated, especially after the past few tense days." I'm not going to lie, even I was starting to get turned on by the idea of fucking my brother.

"That sounds amazing, honey. I just have to call Chris and let him know, okay? You have tomorrow off work, right?" I nodded. "Or is that...too soon? Like I say, I really don't want to rush you, baby."

Ignoring the fact that it suddenly felt like Dad was my pimp and I was nothing but his whore, I shrugged. "Honestly, Daddy, it's fine. Tomorrow afternoon would be okay, so we can, uh, prepare everything in the morning. Like, maybe you could pick out an outfit for me?" Choosing my outfits always got Dad excited; he just about skipped to the phone to call Chris. As a uni student, the risk of Chris having anything planned for an afternoon was, shall we say, slim. Less than five minutes later, the time was set and Daddy was carrying me up the stairs, his shorts doing a heroic job at not splitting from the strain his cock was putting on them.

We never did get around to ordering that pizza. Instead, we had two rounds of the most passionate, furious sex we'd had in months. By the end, we were both covered in sweat and my pussy ached from being pounded so hard. My father was especially exhausted, asleep within minutes of cumming the second time.

The next morning, I decided to let Dad rest - he needed all the energy he could get if this threesome was going to happen. I spent the morning doing the usual stuff you do when you're having a guest over that you want to impress - dusting, washing up the dishes, some vacuuming, and so on. When Daddy finally woke up at around 11:30, he picked out a pretty revealing outfit for me. A shiny black polyester miniskirt, a tight white button-up shirt, my sky-blue pushup bra that makes my D cups look especially prominent, and simple black cotton bikini brief panties with little red hearts printed on them. When he chose it for me, I could only describe it as "sexy in its simplicity." Not wanting to get Dad horny and hard before the "big event," I asked to get changed in private. Luckily I can get changed pretty quickly, because when I opened our bedroom door, I heard my father's car keys jingling in the front foyer. I bolted down the stairs, asking what he was doing in a voice that can only be described as "slightly panicked."

"I'm sorry, Lisa honey, but I thought it'd be best if I just leave you two to it this first time. I should've took you before now, I know. But you kids deserve privacy for your first time. Plus, you don't want me here slowing you both down. I'll probably just catch a movie or something. Be back around dinner time."

To say I was hurt is a massive understatement. "Devastated" comes closer. I could understand where Dad was coming from, but I really did wish he'd given me more warning. I decided not to bother arguing with him; instead, I gave him a soft kiss on the mouth and wished him a good afternoon. "I'm sorry you feel like you have to go, Daddy, but I understand. Thank you. I love you."

"Thanks, Lisa honey. I love you too. I'm not quite sure how to say this, but... have fun with your brother. You look fucking incredible, he's really in for a treat." I giggled. He smiled and continued, "I just wish I had the energy to stay. See you later, my beautiful baby girl." Just like I did when I was a kid, I waved goodbye to my Daddy through the window as he drove to town.

Still half an hour till my brother was coming over for our, so I thought I'd start putting on makeup, just for a change. I really hadn't felt the need to wear much make up since Dad and I started our relationship, even when we went to town. But today wasn't about Daddy, it was about Chris, and I knew that he likes girls who make an effort with their appearance. After roughly 20 minutes, I was done. Dramatic and dark smokey tones surrounded my green eyes, my face and neck shimmered ever so slightly with my favourite face powder, and my pink lips were now a deep red. I contemplated putting my considerably long hair up, but decided to leave it down; I vaguely remembered Chris saying he liked my hair down at some point. I hadn't looked this made up since my teens, but I was happy with the end result. I couldn't see how Chris wouldn't be, either.

I don't know about you, but when I'm expecting someone over at my house, I can't sit still. I've always been that way. While I was waiting for Chris, I wandered around the house, not sure what to do apart from checking no lights were on unnecessarily, checking my makeup was perfect and no lipstick was on my teeth, organising and reorganising the clutter on the coffee table in the lounge room... Time felt frozen. Finally, I heard his car pull into the driveway. When he rang the doorbell (three times, just like he'd done all his life), I froze. I told myself I'd made a terrible mistake, that I'd ruined everything between me and Dad, that Chris was just a manipulative little pervert and that he was only using me for sex, that he had no capacity for genuine love in his body. Once I squashed all those horrible, tense feelings down, I took a deep breath and answered the door to my little brother.

Jesus, it was so fucking awkward. I opened the door with a trembling hand and greeted him with a little "Hey, come in." He said a polite little hello back, and I led him to the kitchen, where I decided to offer him a drink.

"Um, no thanks. By the way, uh, you look... you look great, Lisa." He actually started to blush as he said it. 'That's good, at least you're not the only nervous one,' I told myself.

"Thanks. Y-you look pretty nice, too." I wasn't just saying that; he always looked good in his long-sleeve button-up shirts, especially when he'd bothered to shave. I had no idea what to say next, and apparently neither did he. The awkward silence grew more and more noticeable until I felt like it was suffocating me.

Chris was the one to finally break the agonising quiet. To this day, I don't know whether it was nerves or impatience that made him say it. "You know what, fuck this charade. Let's just do it, Lisa. In my old room." He didn't wait for a reply, and left pretty soon afterward. I'm not sure why, but at that point I was relieved. Finally, we were on our way to lifting this incredible weight off our shoulders, a weight that had been dropped on me without warning by my father almost a week before. Without a word, I followed my brother to his bedroom. There, I stepped in after him and stood facing the door, with Chris' old bed a few steps behind me. He closed the door behind us.

I had always seen my brother as more "funny" than "handsome", and I never knew why the girls chased after him so much until that moment when he looked at me with an insane, burning lust in his hazel eyes. Hell, I only agreed to fuck him so that Dad would be getting off at the sight of us. But when Chris looked at me that way, it was like someone switched on a light inside my mind. I finally admitted to myself that I have a completely indiscriminate incest fetish; father, son, uncle, cousin, grandfather - it didn't matter, as long as they were related to me, I'd want to fuck them. Once again, I felt the explosion in my stomach, the explosion that set my crotch on fire. My pussy tingled with anticipation, and I could feel I was already getting moist. From that point on, I let everything happen - because oh fuck, did I ever want it to happen.

Chris crossed the room to me and kissed me so hard, I almost lost my balance. I recovered quickly, and kissed him back just as hard, overwhelmed by my own horniness. We were breathing through our noses deeply and quickly, our mouths soon opening and our tongues eager to taste each other's mouth for the first time. I felt his hands lifting my skirt up and grabbing my ass, massaging it with hands that, compared to Daddy's, were pleasantly soft while still retaining their masculinity. I moaned softly into his mouth, and Chris responded by massaging slightly faster. Wanting our first "real" kiss to last as long as possible, but incredibly eager to touch his cock (and compare it to our father's), I took a tiny step back from my brother, and still kissing him, reached for his belt. After a year of unbuckling Daddy's belts without looking, it felt only natural to do the same for my brother. I unbuttoned and unzipped his fly and let his pants fall to the ground. His cock was tucked into the waistband of his satin boxers, so removing them without looking was another easy feat. His pants and boxers now around his ankles, Chris deftly kicked them away behind him. I grabbed my brother's cock - hard, hot, and throbbing with taboo thoughts - and gently stroked the shaft. Chris responded by moaning into my mouth and clutching my ass hard. I jerked him faster for a few seconds before Chris' hands left my ass and moved to my shoulders, gently pushing me towards the bed.

Our long, passionate kiss finally broke when Chris pushed me down to the edge of the bed. I sat at the edge of his bed and stared up at him, my cheeks blushing with lust even through the layer of foundation I applied. Chris dropped to his knees in front of me and, with one hand, lifted up my skirt while the other tugged at the side of my undies. I lifted my ass off the bed enough for him to then pull my panties off, and thank God they were finally off; the dampness was starting to bother me. Once my bikini briefs were thrown across the room without a care for where they landed, Chris' face made a beeline for my crotch. My brother's warm, wet tongue slid up and down my pussy lips until he found my clit, at which point he started furiously sucking and licking it side-to-side, up-and-down. It was at once incredible and intense, a very different passion compared to my Daddy's. I could hear Chris struggling to breathe through his nose, and so he took to panting through his mouth in between furious clit-pleasuring bursts. I couldn't help but moan and grab his short hair, holding him in place as I started moving my hips on the bed, grinding my pussy into his face, desperately craving more of my brother's fierce oral pleasure. He responded by increasing his licking to an impossible pace. Like a man lost in the desert who has just found an oasis moments before death, he lapped at the hood of my clit, covering his mouth and cheeks with my sex juices. I could only stand so much. Within a few minutes, I felt the welcome, familiar wave start to wash over me. I pushed my pussy hard into Chris' face as I squealed and moaned in faster, shorter cycles. My legs began to clench together. My stomach muscles tightened.

The wave rose high and crashed hard. I squealed and convulsed, my brother's enthusiastic pussy-eating granting me one of the most intense orgasms in months. I needed about a minute to catch my breath and wait for my hands to stop trembling before I was able to tell my brother, "Holy shit, do I ever want to thank you for THAT! Chris, stand up; let me suck that dick of yours."

He smiled, his face glistening with my juices. "If you insist, my dear." He stood up with a quick jump, and before I could blink, his hard cock was bouncing just inches from my face, practically screaming at me to satisfy its youthful vigour. My brother has quite an impressive cock, though its size can't quite measure up to our Dad's standard. Still, at 7 inches hard, it's a very impressive member, and aesthetically, I've always enjoyed uncircumcised penises more than circumcised ones. Chris' pubic hair was kept trimmed short, another stark contrast to Dad, whose wild pubic bush had just started showing grey at the roots. I grasped his dick lightly in my left hand while I scooted slightly forward on the bed, my butt barely on the edge. My right hand started massaging my overworked clit, giving Chris an additional something to look at if he so desired. I leaned forward and opened my mouth, bringing my tongue to the tip of my brother's hard cock, where no small amount of clear, delicious precum was oozing out from his foreskin. Like the greedy girl I am, I slurped it all up and happily swallowed the salty-sweet deliciousness of my brother's natural lube. Chris looked on with that lust-filled gaze again. Rather than immediately jumping into the oral like he had done, I decided to have a little play first.