Fixing the Sink

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A canceled date, a blocked sink, a changed life.
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A Short Story by J.K. Ermon (jokermon)

This is a piece of erotic fantasy fiction for the entertainment of adults only. It features explicit futanari (hermaphrodite) content. If that's not your thing, or if reading this type of material is unlawful where you reside, don't read it. If you are not old enough to read adult material according to your local laws, don't read it. This story is not meant to reflect actual people, events or medical conditions. This story is copyright the author©2008


Lena was in the tub when her boyfriend Richard called to cancel their anniversary dinner.

"Oh, damn it," she wailed as she snapped her cell phone shut and stood there on the fluffy bath mat, dripping and seething.

This always happens. Does he think I'm unattractive or something?

She knew this was nonsense, even as she thought it. The twentyish, fuming woman in the mirror was a technical knockout. Her body (now artfully concealed by soap suds) was big and curvy in certain places, (the right places, the men in her life fervently assured her) slim and tight elsewhere. Her mane of gold-filtered chestnut curls shone with health and, when properly conditioned and blow-dried, tumbled over the bare-shoulder tops she favored in a flirty cascade. Her butt was fuller than those of the models in Allure or Cosmo, certainly, but she liked the way it filled out her skirts and jeans with what her mother called oomph.

Her mother, a tipsy dear of a retired fashion model, would often slur, don't you listen to those diet freaks, Lennie. A girl can never have too much oomph. She would often follow up such a comment with an approving smack to the oomph in question.

This embarrassed the hell out of Lena during her adolescence whenever she did it in front of Lena's friends, but it also secretly pleased her. Her mother's appreciation of her fleshy curviness was hearty and genuine. That positive body-image, so rare in the offspring of famously skinny parents, sank into Lena and gave her confidence. Moreover, despite her indignant protests, she took an unspoken delight in her beautiful mother's occasional bouts of inappropriate touching. Before she retired at 40, her mother was a very busy woman, frequently gone for long periods on photo shoots and international ad campaigns, and Lena cherished the attention whenever it was lavished upon her.

Her mother would pat her behind, and even heft and squeeze her growing breasts (which surpassed her mother's by her senior year). "My God, Lennie," she would say, bouncing them reverently in her palms, "these are magnificent!"

She was sure her mother didn't mean anything by it; beneath her cool supermodel sophistication she was just a very earthy and touchy-feely woman. Lena enjoyed it all the same.

All told, she gauged, looking in the mirror, any man would be thrilled to have her. So why was it so damn hard to hook up with her own boyfriend?

Richard, all six foot seven gorgeous-brainy inches of him, had a career in computer systems that consumed much of his time, almost as much as Lena's hectic livelihood in publishing did hers. She understood that being a Mainframe Specialist wasn't easy, and occasionally system emergencies did happen, but she had been looking forward to this romantic night out all week. She'd even diddled herself a little in the tub (well, more than a little, truth be told), enjoying the anticipation and the way her own heat rose to match the steaming bathwater. And just when she'd gotten all trembly and excited toward the finale, the phone rang. Now everything was ruined.

She yanked the plug on her bath, rinsed, and dried off. She gave the bathroom door an angry slam on her way out and it sprang open again, which just aggravated her bad mood. She'd been putting off repairing that lock for a while now. She didn't like being reminded of it at a time like this.

Her new cocktail dress, silky, daring and now useless, lay spread out upon the bed. It almost made her weep to hang it up, unworn, back in the closet. She had been looking forward to wearing it almost as much as having Richard remove it later. In Lena's book, slipping into a sexy new dress was a religious experience. No point in putting it on now. Damn Richard and his stupid brilliant career.

My life is not working, she thought. I need a change. I need sweeping, positive change in my life.

She threw on her lounging-around-the-house outfit of tank top and sweats and padded down to the kitchen to see what she could rustle up for dinner. Screw the reservations. She hated eating alone in restaurants.

She ran the hot water tap in the kitchen, waiting for the steam to come. She was considering a pasta dish when she saw the sink backing up.

She frowned and stuck a long cooking skewer down the drain and probed around. Nothing. The blockage must be past the U-bend in the pipe. There was also an odd hissing noise. She opened the cupboard under the sink and realized two things: one, she was out of liquid drain cleaner, and two, the bolt at the bottom of the U-bend was spitting like an angry cat.



To top it off, the plumber was a just a girl, younger than Lena by at least five years, and hatefully cheerful.

She was apple-cheeked and friendly. At first, Lena couldn't tell much else about her under her shapeless overalls and dirty baseball cap. Her overalls and cap both bore the company name: Vanderhulst Plumbing. It was seven PM, and Lena suspected the plumber had sent his daughter because he couldn't be bothered to show up himself at this late hour.

The girl doffed her cap, revealing a corn-silk mop pulled into a ponytail. Her eyes were a bright, clever blue, very disarming. She flashed a dimply grin, which showed off a startling mouthful of perfect white teeth and elevated her looks from cute to lovely.

She also had a confident manner that put Lena at ease.

"Have you been a plumber long?" Lena asked as she plunked her toolbox down by the sink.

"Just finished up my apprenticeship. Don't worry, I'm fully certified. I only look like I just learned how to drive. I'm actually twenty-two." She treated Lena to that dazzling smile again.

Lena flushed. They were almost the same age. She hadn't thought her doubts were so obvious. But then again, this girl must spend half her time convincing people she could do her job. And she was good-humored about it to boot.

"It must be difficult," ventured Lena. "Plumbing is such a... well, you know, a man's thing."

"It's no more difficult than anything else worth doing. Now, what seems to be the problem, Ms...?"

"Oh, I'm Lena--Lena Peach, hello." She stuck out her hand and the girl gave it a firm shake.

"Patty Vanderhulst. Nice to meet you, Ms. Peach."

"Likewise. Please call me Lena."

"Only if you call me Patty, Lena. Now, you say your sink was backing up?"

The fact that she didn't make some idiotic joke about her family name was refreshing. Lena decided she liked this girl.

"Well, yes. My boyfriend stood me up tonight so I was going to cook for myself..."

"Ouch. Sorry to hear that."

Patty sounded genuinely sympathetic. Lena realized there might be some advantage to a female plumber after all.

She explained what was wrong and Patty gave a heartening, "Oh, that shouldn't take too long to fix," and went right to work. Lena felt much better about the entire evening.

She felt awkward about just leaving Patty alone to work--she had already begun thinking of her as a guest--and so stood by as the little plumber crouched down and began cheerfully poking about under the sink. Patty had no objection to her presence and they chatted as she worked. Patty told her about her job, and Lena told her about hers. She warmed to her as they talked. Patty was focused and bright. Her approach to her work was both humorous and professional. It was refreshing to meet such a solid person right out of the blue.

Lena wound up telling her about her evening in greater detail.

"...and I'd gotten this great new dress and everything." She gave a forlorn sigh. "It was so expensive, but worth it. Until Richard bailed on me."

"You can always take it back," Patty joked.

Lena chuckled. "I just might, to spite him. He doesn't deserve to see me in it."

Patty grunted as she gave the wrench a yank. "Now you've got me curious. What's this dress like?"

"Oh you should see it, it's perfect. Tight, but really flattering." It occurred to her that no one had ever seen her in it. "Would you like to see it?"


"Okay, one minute..."

Humming, Lena scampered up to her bedroom. She stripped completely naked--the dress was too tight to wear with underwear--and slipped into the dress with a shiver of pleasure.

She looked in the mirror and sighed. Oh my. She looked fabulous. The textured, blood-red silk swam over her breasts and ran off her hips in a waterfall of tease. The fluted skirt fell to mid-calf with a daring side-slit that ran to mid-thigh. It settled lazily into all her natural valleys and clung ardently to her hills. Except for her arms and a modicum of cleavage, it actually did not show a lot of skin, but the fit was positively indecent. When she stepped into her high heels, the look was complete. She was a picture of elegant, well-curved sex appeal.

"Oh yes," she whispered to the woman in the mirror, and gave a little shiver. She fluffed up her hair and practiced her sexiest pout. After Patty was gone, she was going to curl up in bed with her largest vibrator and engage in some serious self-discovery. She smoothed the fabric over her tummy--all those crunches had finally paid off--and the touch felt as erotic as Richard's own caress.

Feeling a little giddy, she swayed downstairs into the kitchen and struck a beauty queen pose in the doorway.


Patty's lovely eyes widened and she dropped her wrench. "Holy cow."

"Do you like it?"

"Wow, I..." the girl was speechless. "Lena, I frigging love it. You look fantastic."

Lena turned all the way around, letting Patty see how it clung to the swoop of her back, the cheeks of her ass.

"Holy cow, hon," Patty spluttered again, "you'd cause a riot in that thing."

Lena flushed. She loved Patty's frank, wide-eyed appreciation.

"It's nice to get to show it off to somebody. I'd hate to have to put it back in the closet for another month."

"Yeah, it's, uh really great." The cute little plumber seemed a little overwhelmed. Her cheeks were bright pink. Lena found that endearing.

Patty cleared her throat.

"Um--Lena, do you think I could use your bathroom? I need to take a little break..."

"Sure, just up the stairs on the right."

She walked quickly to the stairs with an odd, stooped-over gait.

Wow, she must really have to go, thought Lena. She frowned. Was it her imagination, or had Patty's overalls bulged oddly in front? Oh well, Lord knew what kind of tools plumbers carried around.

Lena went into the living room and put on some soft music. Feeling better about everything, she swayed to the slow beat and imagined gentle hands roaming over her, touching her through the silkiness of her dress. Soft, feminine hands, like in her most secret, delicious fantasies.

Mmmmm. She was definitely looking forward to Vibrator Time.

She drifted pleasantly for awhile, and then thought about how long Patty had been gone upstairs. Her mood broke when she remembered that there were no towels in the bathroom. Oops!

She dashed upstairs and fetched them from their hiding place in the hallway closet. Then she froze. She could hear Patty's voice, just barely, floating down the hall, and for a second she thought, cell phone? but then realized what she was hearing. Patty wasn't talking to anyone. It was a stream of breathy whispers punctuated by little gasps.

"Oh, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, oh God, yeah..."

Lena nearly dropped the towels. What the hell? Was Patty masturbating in there?

Why that cheeky little so-and-so! She's certainly making herself at home!

She recalled how awkward and tongue-tied Patty had gotten after her grand entrance.

Oh wow, is it because of me? Did I turn her on?

She was shocked, intrigued and oddly flattered all at once.

The bathroom door was ajar, like always.

A distant thought registered: I really should get that lock repaired one of these days as she silently moved forward and peeped through the crack.

Patty was standing in front of the mirror with her overalls unbuttoned and wide open. She was naked beneath. Lena's breath caught.

Her overalls had slipped down to bunch around her elbows, baring her whole upper body. Her exposed breasts were startlingly big; not as large as Lena's, but definitely a full pair of firm, jutting C cups. The fat pegs of her nipples caught the eye, springing so impudently from their broad pink areolas they looked like they might pop off.

Her skin was peaches and cream all over. Lena's eyes instinctively swept down over the bare expanse of her torso, past the gentle convexity of her belly (she had one of those narrow navels that were little more than a vertical slit) to where her hands moved back and forth, and there, reality suddenly exploded.

The wide vee of Patty's opened overalls fell to mid-thigh and an enormous fleshy spike thrust upward through the gap. Lena's eyes saw, but her mind didn't register. It was like some wide-barreled naval cannon made of satiny skin, jutting up straight and stiff and smooth. A fierce, broadly-crowned red-purple pod surmounted it. Heat leapt into Lena's face and she felt dizzy as her stunned brain finally caught up with her.

It's a penis. Patty has a penis. A huge, erect penis!.

A vast blankness froze Lena's mind. She was too stunned to scream or faint or do anything but stare.

It pulsed and glistened with wetness as Patty's hands slid up and down. Clear beads of fluid bubbled from its urethra. Lena's mouth fell open. A pair of balls that made her think of condors' eggs swayed with her movements. Incredibly, her blond pubes were trimmed and waxed into the cutest triangular bikini line Lena had ever seen.

All the little details popped out at her in adrenalized high-definition: the soft wrinkles of its vestigial circumcised foreskin, the light marbling of veins along its broad shaft, even the way its glossy skin slid back and forth over its ribs of muscle.

Lena's heart pounded.

Patty's eyes were closed to tiny slits and her complete attention was the huge cock in the mirror, stroked by her tiny reflected fists. She was breathing fast, and her slack lips moved with her lustful whimpers.

Lena felt her breath escaping from her and she felt like she might pass out. A rush of shocked arousal swept through her like brushfire. She had been excited all evening and the sight in front of her was a lighted match to the powder keg of her emotions. This was incredible--the stuff of bizarre fantasies and fetishes made flesh.

She watched Patty's testicles rise and swell to the size of small lemons, and the soft scrotal sac stretched tight around them. Its skin shone. Lena groaned softly and echoed Patty as she stroked the biggest and most beautiful penis she had ever seen.

The blonde's strokes and breathing quickened--"Uhhh, uhh, uh, uh, uh!"--and she let out a loud gasp.

Her weapon began flaring, and it shot a long stream of thick white fluid against the bathroom mirror. It spat with such force that the gooey starburst of its impact spread foot-long tracers in every direction.

Semen, Lena's foggy brain said. She's...ejaculating...!

Her vagina suddenly contracted in a star-bright pinprick orgasm of her own. She hadn't touched herself; it came out of nowhere. Her mouth dropped open as her whole body glowed in wonder. Her loins throbbed in joy.

"Oh!" cried Patty in a kind of breathless squeal as more spurts followed. Silently, Lena's open mouth echoed her. Patty's fists blurred as they pumped and worked furiously on the upper third of her member. Her whole body jerked as each successive jet splattered a diminishing milky trajectory down Lena's mirror and the marble counter.

She lost count of the spurts. Patty had already ejaculated more semen than any man she had ever known when she hit the halfway mark. Lena's knees trembled, and she thought they might give way. Still the jism came, stringing ropey bridges between her penis and Lena's countertop. There was sperm all over the mirror; it ran in creamy white streams down to pool on the marble.

Finally, it tapered off to a sluggish oozing that pumped over her knuckles and dripped to the floor.

Patty breaths grew longer, becoming sighs of complete bliss. Her dimples showed in an open-mouthed smile. Her face was radiant. At that moment, she was the most beautiful woman Lena had ever seen, and she yearned for her.

It was the sudden shock of that realization that brought Lena partly back to her senses. She found herself panting at the bathroom door, flushed, perspiring, and sticky between the legs. She shook herself and glanced into the washroom. Patty was chuckling weakly to herself, making little cooing noises as she stroked out the last few ounces of her climax. Lena carefully and quietly backed away and fled downstairs.

Her mouth was dry. She poured herself a big drink from the liquor cabinet in the living room, threw it back, and then made another. She breathed deeply as the alcohol soothed her rattled nerves.

"My God," she said to herself. Her nipples were stiff and her supercharged skin felt prickly against her clothes. Her arousal had left her mind swimming and her skin hot and sensitive. She blew out another deep, calming breath.

She was amazed at what she had seen, and equally amazed at herself. This was so unlike her. She had felt the occasional twinge of attraction to another woman--she supposed most women did, from time to time--but she had never slept with one, and certainly had never felt this kind of raw, almost feverish desire for one. Truth be told, she had never felt this strongly for a man either, including Richard.

It made no sense. Clearly the woman was deformed, abnormal, if she even was a woman at all. Lena should be disgusted, but it just wasn't so. She was on fire, nearly giddy with lust in a way she'd never known. She wanted to touch Patty, kiss and lick and feel her all over, especially her cock, maybe even suck it if she could fit that monster in her mouth, and she wanted... dear God, she wanted to spread her legs, more than anything else in the world, open up her wet and needy cunt to invite, no demand that huge penis shove itself all the way into her. She wanted cute little Patty to fuck her, hard and long.

Sweet Jesus, what was she thinking?

She took another drink and let it calm her. She was getting drunk, but that didn't seem important. She looked down and her hands were steady at last. Okay, then.

She heard Patty come down the stairs, humming a happy tune. Jesus. I'd be happy too, if I just shot a load like that, she thought with a snort.

Lena stood there and downed yet another drink while she debated what to do. She felt woozy from the combination of Scotch and excitement.

It would be rude to just disappear, she told herself. She'll think something's weird if I start ignoring her all of a sudden. Besides... it might hurt her feelings.

She found this last reason the most compelling, and walked back out to the kitchen on waxy legs. Patty lay on her back, head and shoulders hidden under the sink. She was still humming, and a foot tapped along with her. Her plumber suit was done up again, and Lena was impressed -- one would never know her big secret from the baggy way it rode on her body.