Flashing and Being Flashed Ch. 07


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"I just gave her a closer look," I answered. "It WAS your idea."

"A closer look in her pussy? Is that from HER?"

"She just wanted to feel what it was like, one this big. She thought you were a pretty lucky woman, having this to use all the time. I guess I was just being nice. The fact that she was naked didn't hurt any either."

"She was naked?"

"Sure. You didn't expect me to show off to her without getting something in return, do you?"

"So, you just had to have sex with her? And you expect me to ignore that? I mean Diane and Emily is one thing, but a total stranger?"

"It was just spur of the moment. I didn't plan on it, but the way you two teased me all morning. When she got naked and offered it, I figured just a little tease with it wouldn't hurt. I didn't plan on having sex until she came."

"So, then it IS HER all over your suit? Jesus. But YOU didn't? Did you?"

"Obviously I didn't, or I wouldn't be showing a hard-on like this," I practically snapped back at her.

"Why not?" Trina asked, butting into the conversation.

I looked at Trina like she had three heads and then back to my wife, clearly waiting for an answer. "Why not? Why the hell do you think why not?"

"You're a guy. You have your dick in some woman's pussy and you don't go all the way? Wasn't she good enough? Not good looking enough?" Trina asked.

"I wasn't supposed to be doing what I was doing to start with. Sticking it in for a little test was pushing it. Going full fuck was another."

"And because you didn't come in her, I'm just supposed to forgive you?" my wife asked sharply.

"It WAS your idea for me to go stick my dick out at her. What did you expect?"

"I seem to be getting that answer from you a lot."

"No shit. You keep telling me to be naked in front of women, what do you expect to happen? That I just stand there and look?"

"You're impossible," she said as she backed away and dropped into the passenger seat.

"No. Trina is impossible," I said as I motored slowly across the no-wake zone towards the open lake, Trina sitting in the open bow seats, one foot up on the windshield on either side of the center gap, her legs spread, and her swimsuit zipper pulled open enough to show me her pussy.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" my wife asked her best friend as I increased the speed of the boat.

"Every second!" Trina answered. "If I'm lucky, he's gonna fuck me later!"

"Only if you take your suit all the way off!" I called to her over the wind.

"Is that a promise?"

I looked at my wife who just shook her head with a frown. "I don't think I can make that promise."

"Too bad. I would have! Completely! Your cock is worth it!"

"Jesus Trina. It IS my husband!"

"That you don't use nearly as much as you need to and then want to complain that he tries out other women," Trina called back over the wind.

It didn't take long to get to the fishing hole I planned on working. The plan was to troll the flats, like I usually do. The first thing to do though was to get some sunblock on. If I thought this was going to be easy, I should have thought again. Not only did I have to cover everywhere on my body, including my hard-on so it didn't get burned, but just to tease me, Trina decided to drop her suit all the way to the deck while she had me put sunblock on her. I spent several minutes coating her whole body, teasing over and around her breasts and even between her legs, all the time, her hands playing with my rock-hard cock. Twice she teased my hard-on between her legs, trying to coax me into her, only to be stopped by snippy comments from my wife.

I'm sure you can imagine how hard I was left after coating her. I started working to coat my wife's body next. There was a lot of area covered by the mesh of that sexy swimsuit that needed to be covered with sunblock, but there was no way to do it without taking her suit off. It took both of us to convince her, but eventually Nancy let me take her suit all the way off, but just long enough to put on the sunblock. I pulled her zipper down and then her suit down to her ankles, leaving her standing as naked as Trina still was, right out in the middle of the lake. I was so damn turned on at that point that I felt like I would start pumping cum all over with the slightest touch. While I covered my wife's boobs with sunblock, she looked around nervously, waiting for some other boat to come by close enough to actually see she was naked. Fortunately for me, most of the boat traffic was running down the channel and not in the large shallow mud flat we were floating over.

I covered her entire body, taking every opportunity to push my dick against her and a couple times between her legs, really wanting her to help me put it into her so we could have sex. "You going to take all day?" my wife asked while I stood behind her with my dick between her legs and my fingers teasing her pussy and one nipple. "I don't think you need to spend any more time down there," she said with a frown. "I had to let you take my suit off so I don't get burned, but I don't plan on standing here naked any longer than I have to."

"I guess I'm done then," I said with disappointment. I stepped back and let her put her suit back on. My wife was clearly glad that she was finally covered again and no longer exposed to anyone coming along. But the look on her face didn't leave me a lot of hope that anything else was going to happen any time soon.

With all of us covered in sunblock, I got us set up to fish, me sitting on the stern to run the gas trolling motor, my wife sitting in one of the rear facing seats in the passenger area to fish, and Trina, not interested in fishing, lounging in the open bow with as much of her body exposed as she thought she could get away with without showing off to other fishing boats that were moving into the area.

"Hey Nancy! I dare you to flash him your boobs!" Trina called from where she was reclined in the open bow. "He went to all the trouble to get us these sexy little suits, the least we can do is show him how well they work."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Why would you NOT want to?" Trina asked.

"He just had sex with that woman!" my wife said with a scowl.

"Uh huh. And what did he save for you?"

"What do you mean, what did he save for me?"

"He didn't give her everything, did he? He kept the best part for you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Trina got up and walked through the windshield into the open cockpit passenger area and dropped into the rear facing seat right in front of me, a few feet to the left of where my wife was sitting. She reached out with her left foot and put it between my legs, teasing my hard-on with her toes, while she propped her right foot on the front of the big, padded engine cover. "He saved this for you," she said as she rubbed my hard-on with her toes.


Trina shook her head and looked at my wife. "We talked about this, and then you went and did it again. Now you want to be mad at him? You're going to spoil a perfect opportunity to have some real fun out of the bedroom and throw it away because you're mad at him again? For something you pretty much told him to go do. Sometimes, I don't understand you, Nancy. You have one of the most fantastic husbands. Every woman wishes they had a husband as sweet and caring as yours is. So, what if he likes sex more than you do. I'd have given my eye teeth for John to be half the husband yours is." She turned her head to look at me. "Don't let this go to your head," she said sharply.

"Me? Not likely," I answered.

"Good," she said. "You know, sitting down in here with the high sides of the boat, I bet I could sit here naked, and no one would even know. Maybe I will!" Trina said as she unzipped her suit. She stood up and wiggled it all the way off, sitting back down completely naked. She propped one foot on the gunwale of the boat and her right back onto the engine cover again, leaving her legs spread and her pussy completely exposed to me. She sat that way for only a few moments and then got up and leaned over the side of the boat. She reached down and stood back up with her hands cupped, holding lake water in them. She splashed it all across the front of my lap, the white suit quickly soaking it in and turning translucent again. "Better!" she said as she sat back down again, spreading her legs and propping her feet up where they had been.

"You think so, huh?"

"I know so, unless you plan on taking it off and joining me naked."

"I don't think that'd be a good idea. Not with this many boats around. I'm a little exposed up here."

"Spoil sport," Trina said with a fake pout.

"I'm surprised. I'd have thought you'd jump at the chance to flash that hard-on at everyone!" my wife said, looking at me with a little scowl. "That's what you always want me to do."

"I do huh?"

"You do!" my wife said.

"Maybe I should then. Never know. Maybe I can find another woman to flash it at!"

"Wouldn't be surprised," wife said snarkily.

"In that case," I said, setting my fishing rod aside. I stood up and pushed the suit I was wearing down. I stepped out of it and tossed it into her lap. "How about this? You like seeing it, so here it is," I said as I sat back down quicky so I wouldn't fall overboard if a wake hit us.

"I don't believe you," wife said with the frown getting even bigger.

"What? Didn't you just basically dare me to?" I asked as I settled back down on the stern pad and picked up my fishing rod again.

"That doesn't mean you HAVE to do it!"

"Seems to me we both used to enjoy those kind of dares."

"That isn't how I remember it," she snapped.

I looked at her a little startled. "What, you didn't enjoy playing that game?"

"Wait! What game?" Trina asked.

"Nothing," my wife said. "Not important."

"Yeah right. We used to play with some other couples. It was a naughty dare game. Kissing blindfolded so you didn't know who you were kissing, some other sexy stuff."

"Other sexy stuff? Like what?" she asked me.

"You know. Some oral sex stuff."

"So, you don't play it anymore? Why not?"

"It was a long time ago," my wife said quietly. "Not the kind of thing responsible adults do."

Trina laughed. "The hell they don't. I'd LOVE to play a game like that!"

"Well, we didn't," my wife said, scowling.

"The hell you didn't. We used to have some really damn good sex after those game sessions," I said. "What the hell happened to you? Where did that incredibly sexy, playful woman I married go anyway?" I knew I was going to regret it, but I was ticked off and I let my mouth run.

She glared at me for a while and then shook her head. "Things change," was all she said.

"What? What changed? We had kids, we didn't shrivel up and die!"

"No, we didn't! But just because you thought getting fucked by my best friend was fun, didn't mean that I enjoyed it!" she snapped angrily.

"What the hell? Your best friend? How would you know who I had sex with? We were all blindfolded. We both said we didn't know who we'd had sex with."

"Well, my blindfold slipped, and you were having sex with Angela!"

"Okay," I said with a shrug. "I was having sex with Angela. I guess it was luck of the draw. We didn't know who we were picking because we were all blindfolded."

"NO! We weren't ALL blindfolded. In fact, you and I were the only ones blindfolded. Everyone else was having sex watching the two of us getting fucked."

"Okay. So who was fucking you then? Gary?"

"No! Tania! Tania was fucking me!" she snapped angrily.

"Tania? Why would Tania be having sex with you. For that matter, HOW was she having sex with you? I mean it isn't like she had a dick or anything."

"I didn't know at first. I thought it was a guy between my legs licking me. He made me climax and then I felt him put his dick in me, only it didn't feel right. It wasn't right because it was a fake dick. Tania was fucking me with a strap-on dick!"

"What the hell?" I asked.

"You heard me. I wasn't being fucked by a guy, but by a girl!"

"Now I get it," I said quietly. "After that night you always seemed a little irritated with Angela and you didn't want anything to do with Tania. But everyone was watching us?"

"Angela admitted a few days later that since we were the most reserved of the group, that they figured once you and I had crossed that line, that we wouldn't have a hard time doing it again, and they wanted to do a lot more than just touch and tease," my wife said quietly. "They knew I'd never agreed to have sex with another girl, so they cooked up the blindfolded thing. They were all getting off watching me get fucked by a girl for the first time. I felt so, so, so, used! And you just lay there and let my best friend ride you until the two of you came!"

"How was I supposed to know it was Angela? I was blindfolded. For all I knew, it was Tania riding on me."

"But it wasn't, was it? Tania was fucking me!"

"So not wanting to do it anymore was more about what happened, than having sex with other people," I said just barely loud enough to be heard over the engine. I turned and pushed the switch to shut off the kicker and we floated in silence. We looked at each other for a long time.

"I wasn't ready for something like that, and if they were going to do that kind of thing, I didn't want to have to sit there and watch. I knew that it wouldn't bother you at all to have sex with them. I mean, let's face it, you didn't bat an eye at the thought of being blindfolded and having sex with someone you couldn't see."

"It was all people we already knew. Hell, I'd already stripped, finger fucked and licked every one of them. Why would sticking my dick in them be difficult?"

"How would you have felt if one of the guys decided to come stick HIS dick in your mouth?"

"I'd have been disgusted," I answered honestly.

"That's how I felt. I mean, the farthest I'd gone with another woman was teasing her clit with a little vibrator. I hadn't done anything else. So, getting fucked by her was more than I was ready for."

"I doubt you'd have ever been ready for that," I answered. "But before that, before that happened, we had a lot of fun, didn't we?"

"Yes and no."

"You better explain that."

"I was always a little nervous, even after we'd done it for weeks. I just kind of felt like it wasn't quite right. But after I started getting turned on, then it was different. I didn't mind being undressed or teased, and yes, a few times even played with until I climaxed in front of all the guys. But it was all people we knew and had seen naked. It was different than some stranger staring at my tits."

I reeled in my line and stowed it and then stepped to her, taking her rod from her. I stood there, my hard-on waving in her face as I reeled in her line and stowed it as well. Without another word I stepped to the kicker, pulled it up and then moved to the driver's station. I started the main engine and started us out. "Where are we going?" she asked as I knelt on the seat looking over the windshield as I headed out of the flats.

"You'll see," I answered as I opened up the throttle. I dropped into the seat, not really wanting everyone in the lake to see that I was naked. If they happened to see Trina, well, if she didn't put her suit back on, that wasn't my fault. I took about five minutes for me to run up the lake to where I wanted. I heeled the boat over and cut a wide sweeping turn down into a long finger cove. I'd fished this cove dozens of times, and knew I'd need to drop to idle speed in a few moments. I eased the throttle back until I was just at fast idle, and then tipped the motor up until the prop was thrashing the surface. There was a LOT of flooded timber lurking just under the surface in this part of this cove, but to anyone that had fished it before, they also knew that there was a smaller cove off to the left that had almost no trees at all in it all, and a nice gravely bank instead of the usual mud one found in these shallow fingers.

I felt the boat ride up and over a couple submerged stumps and drop off again as I made my way deeper. I saw the entrance to the cove I wanted and eased over towards it and eventually into it. I shut down and let the boat float deeper before moving to the bow and dropping anchor.

I stepped back to my wife and held my hand out.


"Stand up," I said.


"I think you know why."

She frowned at me and stood up. I unzipped her suit, and she didn't stop me from pushing it off her shoulders. I slipped it down her body and let her step out of it before picking it up and tossing it onto the seat. I grabbed several pool noodles from beneath the passenger side seat storage well in the bow and then stepped to the stern. I climbed over, standing on the platform. "Come on," I said, stepping down the ladder and dropping into the chest deep water. I stood there, holding my hand out for her. "Come on. No one can see you here. It's just us."

She rolled her eyes and then acquiesced. She climbed over and I helped her down into the water. I helped her settle onto the pool floats, one under her knees and the other around her back and under her arms.

"You should have told me that that night!" I said as I stood and stroked her body, my hands sliding up to her big soft tits.

"I'm sorry. I was ashamed. I didn't want you to think that, well, that I was, well."

"You didn't want me to know that you climaxed at the hands of another woman?"

"Something like that."

"You think it would make me feel different about you or something?"

"No. I was actually more worried that you'd want to watch, or worse, join in."

I chuckled. "I probably would have wanted to. I think it'd look pretty hot with another woman's head between your legs. Especially if I was standing behind her pumping into her at the same time."

"See, that's exactly why I wouldn't tell you," she said with a frown.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"No. You're just being honest," she said with a soft sigh. "You always did have a bit more inclination to do those dares. I mean I can remember the first time you had to pull your pants down and show the girls your stuff. You didn't just pull it out, you stood there and stroked it until you were hard as a rock. For a few moments, I thought Sue was going to crawl right over and suck it for you."

"That would have been nice."

"You always did enjoy a good throat stroke."

"Yeah," I said with a shrug, knowing that sucking me was NOT high on her list. In fact, I could count on one hand the number of times over the years she did it.

"You want to have sex with me right now, don't you?" my wife asked quietly.

"I was thinking about it."

"I think you were more than thinking about it. Sorry lover. I'm not really interested in that now. I'm okay with being here naked with you for now, but not sex."

"Okay," I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

"You want one now?"

"One what now?"

"A blow job," my wife said quietly.

"You want to give me one?" I asked with a smile.

"Not me," she answered. She turned to look up towards the boat where Trina was sitting on the stern her legs hanging over the stern, giving us some space as my wife floated a few yards away from the stern, with me still standing chest deep next to her. "Trina! You wanna suck his dick?"

"What? For real?"

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it," my wife called back.

"Well, hell yeah!" she answered quickly, climbing back into the boat from where she was sitting. "You want me to come down there?"

"No. he'll come up," my wife answered before turning her head to look back at me. "I know you're horny as hell, but I'm just not there right now. Why don't you let her have her little fun."

"You're sure?" I questioned. "After what we just talked about?"

"Difference is that I'm giving permission, not having it taken under false pretenses," my wife said. "Just don't get used to it. Right?"