Flight to Paradise Ch. 15


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"You want me to come back and help?" Kate asks.

"No, I've got it. I won't be long," Mac says, giving her a quick kiss.

"See that you're not," she says before motoring away toward the house.

"Here we are," Kate say less than a minute later, tucking the tug into its corner of the garage.

"Damn, Mac's got some nice toys," Todd says, admiring the sleek lines of the Mercedes. "What's under there?" he asks with a nod of his head toward the shroud covered car as he begins to set out the bags.

"It's Mac's grandfather's car. A BMW... uhhh... shit. I forget what he called it. It's green if that helps," Kate says with a grin.

Todd snickers, picking up the two largest cases, two of Kate's, leaving Kate to take her other bag and Charlie to get their one suitcase. "Are you sure you're not moving in?" he grunts as he muscles the cases up the steps and into the house.

"No, not really," Kate says. "I'm just tired of packing and unpacking, so I'm leaving some stuff this time. The door's open," she adds as Todd stops at the top.

Todd sets one of the cases down and swings the door open. "Holy shit. Charlie, you've got to see this place!" he exclaims as he enters the house, drawing out the first word in amazement.

"Turn right, down the hall, last door on the left!" Kate calls so Todd knows where to go.

"Wow!" Charlie says as she follows Todd in. "This is..."

"Stunning? Breathtaking? Amazing?" Kate asks when Charlie grinds to a halt, stepping in behind her and shutting the door.

"All the above," Charlie says, looking around. "You are definitely going to have to give me a tour," she adds before proceeding down the hall after Todd.

"You're the last door on the right, Charlie," Kate says from behind her.

By the time Kate reaches their room, the idea that she thinks of Mac's bedroom as theirs giving her a moment of pause, Todd had placed her bags on their bed and meets Charlie in the hall, taking her bag from her.

Kate is almost finished with her first bag when Charlie and Todd join her, Charlie helping her unpack while Todd looks out of the massive window that forms the wall. "You must feel like a princess living in a castle," Charlie says quietly as they work.

"I do, but not just because of his house," Kate admits. "Mac is a real prince charming. I can't believe you didn't want to go out with him, but I'm glad you didn't. Have you ever wondered...?"

"No. Not once. He was just as sweet back then too. But no, I couldn't be happier than I am now, and I don't regret a thing."

"Charlie, I can't thank you enough for introducing Mac and me. I went looking for a fuck and found..."

"Found what, Kate?" Charlie prompts as she hangs more clothes.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but love."

"Have you told him?"

"No, not yet."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Just haven't. It feels so weird."

"Kate..." Charlie scolds gently. "Does Mac feel the same way?"

"I think so. I have a feeling that he was going to say so a couple of times but didn't. Maybe it feels weird to him too."

"The first time is hard, I guess. It's been so long I can't remember. You may have to make the first move. Maybe he's afraid of how you'll react. Afraid he'll scare you off."

"Maybe. I kind of feel like that too."

Charlie smiles. "I guess I can understand that. Just don't wait too long."

After unpacking, Kate takes Charlie and Todd on a quick tour of Mac's house. Todd and Charlie live in a 1925 California bungalow they restored, so they have a greater appreciation of the craftsmanship in Mac's house than Kate does, pointing little details that she hadn't even noticed. By the time the tour is over, Kate feels as if she had been given the tour instead of the other way around. The three are on the deck, elbows propped comfortably on the rail as they look out over the lake, when Mac comes in.

"If you find a strange pair of socks lying around, those are mine, the ones your house knocked off," Todd says as they reenter the house. "What an amazing house. And that view!"

"I asked Kate if she felt like a princess living in a castle," Charlie adds.

"What'd she say?" Mac asks.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

Mac looks to Kate expectantly. "I said yes, but not so much because of the house," she says softly, unable to meet his eyes.

Mac smiles before leaning in and giving her quick kiss. "I sure have her fooled, but I'm still not digging a moat." He waits for the snickers to quieten before continuing. "I thought we'd go out tonight and I'd grill tomorrow, if that's okay."

"Sounds great to me," Todd says. This is the night you wanted to show off the ladies?"

"That's what I'm thinking. I thought we'd go to the best steakhouse in town and make all the guys jealous."

"Not to mention all the women," Charlie says.

"Amen to that, sister," Kate says, taking Mac's arm and leaning in close.


"You know, one of the nice things about owning part of Immersion Playground is I don't have to dress like this anymore," Todd fusses quietly as Charlie straightens his tie while they wait on Mac to park the car.

"But you look nice," Charlie says patting Todd on the chest. "Besides, I can't remember the last time we dressed, really dressed, for dinner."

"I don't either, but it would be the last time you made me," Todd says, giving Charlie a quick smooch on the lips.

"Well, I think you look nice too," Kate says. "I don't think I've ever seen you in a suit."

"If I'm lucky, you never will again," Todd replies with a grin, just as Mac steps around the corner of the building.

"Ready?" he asks as he takes Kate's arm.

"Come on Charlie, let's go knock 'em dead," Kate says with an evil grin.

Mac had pinged ahead, and while he talks with the hostess, Kate and Charlie subtly works the crowd. Kate is dressed in a dress of the deepest blue that accentuates her curves perfectly without being too revealing, while Charlie is wearing a black dress that shows a bit more of her fuller curves, with a string of pearls around her neck, and both are heart-stoppingly beautiful.

"About 10 minutes," Mac says returning to Kate's side.

As they stand, waiting for their table and talking among themselves, Todd leans over to Mac. "Is it just me, or do you feel invisible?" he asks just loud enough for him to hear.

"It's not just you," Mac answers with a smile.

"If you'll follow me, Mr. McMillan," the hostess says, picking up four menus on her way past. The hostess leads the four through the crowded restaurant to a table near the back, both Mac and Todd noticing that all the eyes on the nearby tables turn in their direction as they walked past.

The four spend a leisurely dinner, laughing and talking, enjoying each other's company, and Mac can't remember enjoying a dinner with friends more. Mac and Todd especially enjoy watching other tables as husbands and boyfriends struggle to pay attention to their significant others and ignore their table. He suspects that Kate, and probably Charlie as well, are very aware of the effect they're having on the men in their immediate vicinity, though both act as if they're completely oblivious to the fact.

When the waitress places their check on the table Mac reaches for it, but Todd is quicker. "Todd," Mac says, "it's my treat. I can write it off as a business expense."

"That may be true," Todd replies, "But we've got this. You flew us up here and you're putting us up in your house, the least we can do is pay for your dinner."

Mac is about to protest when Kate's hand lightly touches his arm. He quickly glances at her, reading her expression, then relents. "If you're sure."

"Very sure, but thanks for offering. Besides, Immersion Playground is paying for it anyway," he adds with a smile.

They linger a bit longer over their wine before Kate looks at Mac. "I hate to break up this very enjoyable evening, but I'm ready to go, if you know what I mean," she says with a grin.

"Yes," Charlie says with a giggle, "I know exactly what you mean."

Todd and Mac look at one another before Todd says, "I guess we're leaving."

"I guess we are," Mac says, pushing back from the table and helping Kate with her chair.


After arriving back home and changing into more comfortable clothes, Mac builds a fire in the fireplace, autumn putting a bit of a nip in the air. Though Mac's house is comfortably warm, the glow and crackle of a real wood fire makes the house cozier still. Charlie and Todd snuggle on the couch, Kate and Mac taking the chairs, the conversation pleasant, wide ranging and free flowing, until Kate can feel her eyes beginning to droop.

"Jesus," Kate breathes as she finishes yet another jaw stretching yawn. "I'm getting sleepy. It must be the wine."

"That, or the fact it is nearly midnight," Charlie says, suddenly matching Kate's yawn with one of her own.

"I think the ladies have had it," Todd says, pushing Charlie off his shoulder so he can stand. "I think we'll turn in, if that's all right," he says as he holds his hand down to help Charlie up.

"We'll be right behind you," Kate yawns again.

"What do you want for breakfast in the morning?" Mac asks.

Charlie makes a face. "Ugh... I don't do much breakfast. Coffee and toast is about it for us. Maybe a piece of fruit."

Kate begins to snicker as she stands. "Boy, are you going to be in for a surprise in the morning then. Mac doesn't do coffee and toast. Did you buy some coffee?"

"Yes. It's beans, so we'll have to grind them in the morning, but how does Omelet McMillan's sound?" Mac asks with a wink at Kate.

"Oooh, yes, please," Kate says before looking at Charlie. "I'm not much on breakfast either, but you'll want these."

"Okay, omelets are fine. But don't go to a lot of trouble on our account," Charlie says.

"No trouble at all," Mac replies.

"He eats like this all the time. I'm going to have to start working out with him or I'm going to weigh 300 pounds," Kate says. Seeing Mac leering at her comically she grins. "More than that I mean."


Kate is already in bed when Mac joins her. After everyone had made their way to the back of the house, he'd dampened the fire and set out the espresso machine for coffee the next morning, spending a couple of minutes relearning how the thing worked.

"I had a great time tonight," Mac says cuddling in close. "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an evening more."

"Me either," Kate says before sighing. "The only downer is they're across the hall."

"Yes, I know, but just having you here is good enough," he says with a kiss on her neck.

"Yes. But Sunday night, you had better be ready."

He chuckles softly. "I shall do my best to hold my end up."

"It's not your end I want up," she says as she slowly rubs his thigh.


In the guest room, Charlie and Todd are in their own cuddle, listening to the quiet of the house and the occasionally audible whisper and giggle of Mac and Kate. Charlie sighs, her eyes heavy as sleep drags on her while Todd gently caresses the valley between her breasts.

"I think they're going to make it," Charlie says.

"Who? Mac and Kate?"


"I think so too. They seem very happy."

"Yes they do. I'm glad I introduced them. I thought they'd hit it off, but I had no idea this was going to happen."

"It's just some more of that Charlie Rose magic," he says, tugging her in just a bit tighter.

"I've had a wonderful evening. I'm so glad Mac, invited us up here. It is so peaceful. It's good to get away for a while," she says quietly.

"I agree. Now that I've gotten to know Mac, I really like him."

"I like him too," she says before heaving a huge sigh. "And Kate, it's like she's a different woman. So happy. So at peace."

"Yes, I noticed that too."

Charlie is quiet, thinking about Kate and Mac. "I wonder if they're thinking the same thing I'm thinking?" she finally asks.

"What's that?"

"I'm thinking that it's too bad they're the across the hall."

"I don't know if they're, but I have been," he chuckles.


"Who wants to go to the most beautiful spot in California?" Mac asks over breakfast the next morning. "We'll have to walk the last five or six miles, but it's worth it. It's my thinking spot, the place I go when I just need some peace and quiet."

"I'm game," Kate says after the three look at each other for a moment.

Three hours later Mac leads his panting and sweaty trio up a barely discernible path. They'd driven as far up the trail in his SUV as they could and then started out on foot. About three miles in Mac turned off the hiking trail and led them over a rough path.

"How much... farther?" Kate pants.

Mac smiles. He knew it would be harder on Kate and the Roses because they're not acclimatized to the altitude as he is, so he's been taking it easy and is carrying their water and lunches in his backpack. "Not far. Probably less than a mile now and then we can take a break, but trust me, the view is worth it."

She believes him, because they've been steadily climbing, and they've had glimpses of the potential views. "I'm so... out of shape," Kate huffs as she scrambles over yet another large boulder.

"It's the altitude."

"I knew there was no air up here... because I can't see it," Todd gasps from the back of the line.

"How did you... find... this place," Charlie asks, struggling to get the words out.

"A friend showed me this place once. She was an avid hiker. It took me almost a year to find it again."

Twenty minutes later Mac stops. "We're here. It's just around this ridge," he says, pausing dramatically. "You can hear the waterfall... listen." He pauses for a moment, and then waves them on. "Come on."

Three minutes later, as Kate follows Mac around the hill, she forgets her tired legs and shortness of breath as the view stops her in her tracks. Before her is a waterfall, perhaps ten feet high, splashing into a pool that then rushes and burbles over rocks as it flows down the mountain. Beyond the waterfall is a valley, brightly lit by the sun, showing no sign of human habitation. The path divides, one heading down to the pool below the falls, the other sharply upwards. Mac takes the upward path, and in a few moments, her breath is taken again as a small lake appears, smooth as glass, reflects the surrounding mountains.

"Oh my God," she murmurs as Mac sets the backpack on a large flat rock.

"Not a bad view, is it?"

"I'm speechless," Charlie says, stepping up beside Kate.

"Pretty nice place... you got here," Todd pants looking around as he tries to catch his breath. "To be honest with you... Mac... I was beginning to cuss you... for dragging me... up here... but you're right... the view's... worth it."

Mac hands out bottles of water, then takes six more and chucks them into lake after tying them off with a string. "That water is barely above freezing," he explains.

After the group catches their breath Mac leads them down to the lower pool to see the waterfall. When Todd inches close, allowing the water to splash on his hands to use water to wash the sweat from his face, Mac notices Charlie watching. He nudges Kate and nods his head, indicating she should watch Charlie and Todd.

"How's the water?" Charlie asks innocently.

"It's nice and cold. Tastes pretty good too," Todd says.

"You're drinking it?"

"No, but I can taste in on my lips. Why? It's probably cleaner than the water we drink at home."

"Probably," Charlie says. "Why don't you find out?" she asks gleefully as she gives him a shove.

His arms spin madly as he tries to keep his balance, making a desperate grab for Charlie before tumbling off the rock he's standing on.

"Shit!" he shouts as he pops up out of the water. "This water is freezing!" The water isn't deep, only about five feet, so he can stand on the bottom. "What the hell Charlie? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Charlie can't answer at first for her laughter, laughter mirrored by Kate and Mac. "No," she gasps out between bouts of laughter. "I just thought you needed to cool off."

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Fuck, this water's cold," he says has he struggles to get out of the pool. "Charlie, give me a hand," he says, holding his hand up. "There is nothing to get a grip on."

"Oh no..." Charlie says.

Todd tries a couple of more times to crawl up on the rock, almost making it once, then moves a little farther down the pool to try again, but has equal success. "Charlie, come on," he begs. "A little help here." He holds his hand out again to her. "I'm starting to get hypothermia."

Charlie is torn. At first she suspects Todd just wants her to take his hand so he can pull her in too, but he really does seem to have trouble getting out of the water. Todd can swim like a fish, but if the water is that cold... Pushing him in is only funny so long as he doesn't get hurt.

"Okay, here," she says couching down and reaching to Todd.

"Thanks Charlie," he gasps, taking her hand to haul himself out of the water.

She's ready to let him go in an instant if he tries to pull her in, but as he pulls himself out of the water, she digs in to help, just before he leans hard back and pushes with his legs, overbalancing her and pulling her in with him.

The shock of the cold water knocks her breath from her, but not before she screams. Once again there are three people laughing, Todd's laughter joining with Kate and Macs.

"Damn you Todd Rose!" Charlie shouts, splashing him with water. The water is deep enough that she has to balance on her toes to keep her face out of the water. "You're such an asshole!"

"Goose, meet gander," he laughs, as a shiver passes over him. The water is damn cold and they're going to have to get out quickly. "Kate," he calls. "This water is too cold. Can you help Charlie out? You pull and I'll boost her from behind."

"Hurry, Kate," Charlie calls. "I can't feel my fingers already."

Like Charlie, Kate is torn, but decides to help. "Don't you pull me in, Charlie," she warns as she reaches down to her.

Charlie says nothing, shivering with the cold, wondering how Todd has stood it as long as he has. As Charlie takes her hand, Kate begins to haul backwards, but she doesn't feel secure in her footing.

"Charlie, wait. Wait! Charlie!" she calls as her foot slips. Charlie lets her go, but not before she crosses the tipping point. She doesn't go in with a splash like Charlie and Todd did, but it didn't matter, by the time she finds her footing on the bottom she can't be wetter.

She bobs back to the top, spitting and sputtering. "Holy shit, this water's cold!" she shouts. "Mac..."

Mac can't breathe from laughing so hard. "Huh-uh..." he gasps out before laughing even harder. "No way in hell. I'll fish your drowned carcasses out before I let you drag me in."

As Mac laughs, wiping at his eyes, Todd boosts Charlie out, then Kate, before ducking under the surface and shooting out of the water like a breaching whale. He finally drags himself out with Charlie pulling on his arm.

"Goddamn! I'm freezing!" he says, shivering.

"Come on," Mac calls, still laughing, leading them back up the trail. "Let's get you three dried out."

Back on the large flat rock where they'd left their pack, the three strip out of their tops and spread them on the rock to dry in the sun. Because they'd dressed in layer, layers they had slowly shed as they struggled up the trail, they at least had warm and dry tops to put on. The day has warmed nicely and the sun warmed rock leaches the worst of their chill out of them in short order.

While they warm Mac passes out plastic bags of trail mix and bottles of water he pulls from the lake. As they eat, they laugh about the experience in the pool. Kate thought Todd, or Charlie, or both, would be mad, but they seemed to take the event with good humor, and Charlie apologizes to Kate for getting her wet. She knows Charlie hadn't pulled in her on purpose, but she'd been annoyed with her just the same. As Todd and Charlie tease and laugh, she lets her annoyance go and enjoys the camaraderie. By the time she finishes her lunch she's feeling nearly normal, her sweatshirt, jacket, and Mac's jacket providing enough warmth to pull the chill from her body, except for her legs. Her jeans were taking their own sweet time drying.