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Florence trades up.
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British English. Don't worry when it seems a character's name suddenly changes. All will be revealed.


"I've volunteered for a secondment." said Florence.

"Yeah, where to?" said Duncan.

"I'm going to do six months at Princess Anne's Hospice."

"That doesn't sound much fun; waiting for patients to die."

"It's to cover for pregnancy leave and you're right; it isn't what most nurses would choose. But there will be a lot of advantages. Firstly it's closer to our house than City General, so less cost to and fro, less strain on my old mini, and more time at home. And secondly, it'll earn me brownie points. I'm a Band 7 Nurse Practitioner. When I return to base, six months at the hospice will look good on my resume. And it will put me ahead of the competition for the post of Band 8 Chief Nurse, which should come up next year. That will be a good payrise and get me a much needed new car."

"All sounds good to me - go for it then babe."


With a name like Florence, she was destined to become a nurse. Her mother had followed the same path. So at nursing college she'd got her head down and made sure she was good at it. At the moment she was glad to get away from City General for a while. A new doctor had started there a couple of months ago and he was not good news. Many females tend to lean towards the bad boy type, and Florence was no exception. Harvey was handsome and he knew it. Many of the females in the hospital were fluttering around him, but he perversely ignored them all. His sights seemed to be set on Florence. Her husband Duncan was an area sales manager. He mostly worked behind a desk but occasionally had trips away from home when completing major accounts. This gave her a golden opportunity to give Harvey the green light, but she never succumbed. A secondment to the hospice would remove her from temptation.


She'd been working at the hospice a month when she sat down with Duncan.

"I want to talk about Mr Gough; he's in the final stages of cancer."

"What about him?

"Well he's only 60 and in good shape for his age. He'll start deteriorating soon, so this is the last time in his life he will look and feel reasonably well. He twisted his ankle in the shower last week; could have happened to anyone. One of the girls was giving him a bed bath. She made a point of reporting to me that he's got an enormous penis which is still working."

"She had sex with him?" Duncan asked.

"No, but she was tempted. He offered her £500."

"I suppose he has that much cash stashed away in his bedside locker!"

"No, what he has is a solicitor / accountant who is organising his will and finances for when he's gone. The guy visits him every other week."

"I think I know where this is headed."

"I told the nurse she did the right thing in telling me. Then I admonished him for harrassing her; squeezing her arse made him hard. A lot of the old men do it; and they get away with it of course. What have they got to lose? Most of them are just dirty old men that get too free with their hands. They're annoying but harmless - most of them couldn't get it up if a nurse did encourage them. But Mr Gough seems to be in a different league. He's rather sad and got talking to me."

"What did he say?"

"He told me how he missed his late wife. But to get straight to the point, he's offered me serious money for sex."

"How much is serious?"

"He offered me £5,000 to have my arse; he's never had anal sex in his life. It would only be the one time, so he doesn't go to his grave never having experienced it. He's prepared to pay in cash, or can transfer the amount directly into my bank account. If I were to go through with it, cash is obviously the better option. I can use it for a new, or good, second-hand car. Then there'll be no trace for the taxman to investigate. What do you think sweetie?"

"Wow! That's quite an offer."

"That's what I thought. He knows he's on his way out of course; they all are, and anal sex is something he always wanted to try. I'm not going to tell you some sob story about a dear old widower's dying wish; he's probably exaggerating anyway. To be honest, I'm not really interested in the whys and wherefores. I'm just trying to be practical. We both know I'm not a whore but it is very tempting don't you think? And five grand would make a big difference to us - better than him leaving his money to some cat's home."

"I have to agree."

"I know you hear stories of one and done where the spouse then reneges on the deal. You hear about women who 'just want to try' something. It might be a black man or another woman or a gangbang. Then they find they like it and want more. But if we went ahead and did this, it really would be only once. You and I like anal so that aspect is no problem for me. Mr Gough sees it as his last chance and is hardly in a position to demand more afterwards. Neither is he in a postion to set up hidden cameras and blackmail me. And I'm not likely to want a return match with a 60 year old whose health will soon deteriorate. It really would be just one fuck and no more."

"And now you want to know what I think?"

"Of course; I would never do such a thing behind your back."

Duncan had worded his question carefully. If he appeared to behave as if he was in a postion to give or refuse permission - it would come across as if he owned Florence. And she deserved better than that. Whether she defied him or agreed with him, any hint of ownership would put her back up. So telling her what he honestly thought was a genuine response. They were both adults and could certainly do with the extra money. So he told her.

"I've also heard the stories of unusual marital deals, and there are often plenty of opportunities for them to go wrong. But this really does seem to be a case where we can get it over and done with and go straight back to normal afterwards. I think you should do it."

"Thanks, I was hoping you'd say that. There are a couple of details you need to know first."

"Let me guess. He wants you to call him daddy, and wants me to join in and do the double!"

"Duncan, sometimes you amaze me with your insight. But no, he hasn't suggested what I should call him anything in particular. But he does want me to dress as what he thinks of as a 'proper' nurse. He means not scrubs or civvies. He wants the traditional one-piece button through white dress, and black stockings, no other underwear. I'm probably going to have to adapt a fancy dress costume. And as for you, he wants to see you before we do it. He's an old-fashioned chap and wants to know you're ok with it. He comes from an era when the bride vowed to obey her husband."

Now Duncan felt relieved about how he'd responded. Florence would never have vowed to obey, so steering away from ownership avoided a potential mistake. She might tolerate that attitude from old Mr Gough, but not from him.

"I'll go and reassure him."

"One last thing Duncan; I intend to enjoy myself. He may want me to wear a porn-style uniform but he doesn't want an actress oohing and aahing and faking it. I'll want him to believe I'm there for some sexy fun; not just for his money."

"I agree babe."


He liked Mr Gough instantly. He made a great play of thanking Duncan for this opportunity, as if it was his arse on the line. The old chap looked quite tearful; this really would be a dream come true. Now the ankle was healing, he looked healthy and almost seemed out of place in a hospice. Not a serious rival for his wife's affections though. Duncan noted Florence had arranged to move him into a private room with its own bathroom. Visiting hours were always informal in the hospice, for obvious reasons. Florence said there would only be three people on duty between 10 pm and 7 am. And she had left a message at reception warning that Mr G might have a late visitor.


On the night it was easy enough for her to slip back in unnoticed around 10.30, and she got changed in Mr Gough's bathroom. Duncan arrived 10 minutes later and claimed he was the expected visitor.

"It's all right, I know the way." he said, signing in, "I'll check back here as I leave."

The receptionist smiled her apprciation and went back to her computer game. He looked round the door and Florence emerged. Her 'nurse' outfit was accurate enough not to look stupid. It was the old-fashioned style but with modern hold up stockings, and the dress buttons undone. Duncan was somewhat turned on by her appearance, and thought it would be fun if she wore it again for him. But he had no desire to watch her having sex with an old man; especially one with a much-discussed big cock. He gave Mr Gough the thumbs up and stepped out of the room. Florence drew the screens around the bed and Duncan checked the corridors were clear before going to find a coffee machine.

Mr Gough had taken off his pyjama trousers and the bed was propping him up slightly. Florence had decided to give him his money's worth; she had warned Duncan that she fully intended to enjoy this experience.

"I've lubricated the most important place." she said. "Would you like to check it for me?"

She passed him a tube of lubricant.

"I've heard you're very big, so apply some more if you think I'll need it."

She kicked her shoes under the bed and squatted over his face; immediately going to work with her mouth. Her first thought was her colleague was not exaggerating; this man was very well endowed. It had been ages since she'd worn stockings and the feeling of his bristly chin on her thighs was wonderful. She'd have to wear all this again with Duncan. She felt her anus being stretched and hoped he wouldn't finger too much lube out. But he contented himself with a good look and began an excellent oral job on her cunt. Soon she stopped as his dick started throbbing in her mouth. She'd promised him anal sex and wasn't sure he'd be able go twice. She was enjoying herself but didn't want to risk coming back a second time. She lifted her head and pulled herself away from his tongue; it was time for the main event.

"How do you you want me?"

"Just sit your arse straight onto me please. I want to watch it going in."

Florence shuffled her knees down the bed and positioned herself over him. He lifted the white uniform to her waist, while she leaned forward and pulled her buttocks apart. He helped, putting his hands there too. Her anus now confirmed what her eyes and mouth already knew. She was no stranger to anal sex but this was the biggest thing she'd ever had up there. Mr Gough asked her to slide up and down his dick so he could fully appreciate the view. After a dozen strokes she bottomed out and he said "Stay there a moment."

He pulled her back across himself till his mouth was on her ear. Then he undid the rest of her buttons. She helped with the bottom ones and her uniform flopped open. He flexed his monster dick in her arse and squeezed her tits. Florence reached behind, held his hips and clenched her sphincter rhythmically. He tweaked her nipples and kissed her ear. It all better than she'd expected.

"I'm nearly there." he whispered. "Can you get off and turn around?"

Florence was there to oblige, sat up and carefully lifted her arse off his dick. She turned to face him, straddling his hips again and slid backdown it. Mr Gough pulled open her dress and admired the view as she bottomed out. He was here to get everything possible out of his one chance so he played with her breasts and the dug his thumbs into her labia to reveal as much as possible of her vagina. She leaned back to accommodate him; thighs quivering with the effort.

Finally his moment arrived. He reached up and pulled her face onto his. He opened his mouth as his lips mashed against hers. There had only been two things Florence had worried about. One was kissing a 60 year old. And the other was faking an orgasm. She got a big surprise. Mr Gough was a great kisser and did not have false teeth. Their twirling tongues set off his orgasm and he exploded into her bowels. It also set off hers. It was the most intense anal climax she'd ever had and she had to push his hands off her head and lift it to draw breath. She gasped and sweated. And as her sphincter gripped his dick like a fist, she cried out loud. They stayed in place as they both subsided.

Their panting slowed down and she climbed off him. Her first sex since her husband had been fantastic. A last kiss and she slipped into the bathroom to wash her arse and change into her normal clothes. Then she said goodbye and set off to find Duncan. He'd probably found the coffee machine. Florence knew she would have to tell him how it had gone. But he was not the sort of man to get off on a detailed description. So she decided not to say that the outstanding orgasm she'd had was far better than any he'd given her. Better skip the size of his dick as well - and the fantastic kissing.

"How was it babe?"

"Not so bad sweetie."

They went home. In the gloom of the car, she was grinning all the way.


The next Thursday night Duncan was treated to a superb home-cooked dinner; Florence also opened a bottle of wine. He tucked in, waiting for her to tell him what the occasion was. She'd been subdued since since her session with Mr Gough, though it certainly didn't look like regret. He hoped she wasn't planning a return match with him. There were limits after all.

"I need a small favour"

"Yes I know."

"Did Jackie tell you?"

He grinned at her: "Maybe."

She laughed. "You know because of the special dinner!"


"Well Jackie drove over from City General for a long lunch today and came with me to look at second-hand cars. She wants one too and thought we might get a good deal if we bought two at the same place. Yes, she was a bit surprised at how much I had to spend. And no, I did not tell her where the money came from! Anyway, we found two good cars."

"Where did you go?"


"Good choice, they're usually reliable."

"What did you get?"

"Jackie got a Renault Clio and I got a Ford Focus."

"Also good choices; so what's the 'but'?"

"I need a lift to work tomorrow and another lift to Marshall's when I knock off. They have just taken on a new mechanic who doesn't have a car yet. My old Mini would be perfect for him - he can do it up in his spare time. But I didn't have the cash on me and left it as a deposit."

"Couldn't Jackie help again?"

"No, she changes shifts tomorrow and goes on lates."

"OK, but I'll have to drop you off a bit earlier."

"Thanks sweetie. And could you stop off and see Mr Gough? He said he wants a quick word with you. I don't know what it's about but if he wants to have my arse again it'll be another five thousand!"

Next morning Duncan left Florence at reception and went along to the old man's room. It seemed like a waste of time as all he wanted to say was thank you. He'd probably already said that to Florence. Duncan couldn't help but notice he looked younger than their previous encounter.

'Yeah, a good anal session does that to me too!' he thought. 'You're a lucky old man.'


Florence's time at the hospice passed quickly enough; though it was not pleasant when patients went to meet their maker. She kept in touch with the gossip from City General through occasional nights out with Jackie, who only lived a block away from her and Duncan. But she stayed well away from the main hospital building and Doctor Harvey Lawson. Jackie reported he was more subdued these days anyway. The near new Focus was a dream after her stop/start mini and there was still a little cash left over. And sex with Duncan seemed to have gone up a notch. Life was good.

Her secondment was completed and she was back at base, and delighted with her new shift patterns. She was given some new responsibilities and was on almost permanent day shift weekdays. The break at the hospice was already paying dividends. Her first Friday night finish, she and Jackie and a few other friends who could make it, went to a nearby pub to celebrate her return. They did it in style, moving on to a nightclub.

"Sorry I was so late last night; big homecoming session."

"I did notice you came back in a taxi," said Duncan, "I heard you paying the driver about one o'clock. Now I suppose I have to help you find your car."

"Yes please sweetie, though I know where it is. I left it at The Great Escape."

"The pub; did they have a lock-in?"

"No. We moved on to the Night Owl."

"Are you going to make a habit of this?"

"We may have a night out on a Friday when Jackie's shifts allow - around once a month. But we won't finish as late again; last night was special. Why, is it a problem?"

"No, of course not, but if you organise it beforehand you should take a taxi to work next time."

"Good idea; last night's was more spontaneous."

Life returned to normal. Duncan and Florence were both doing well and the Focus proved to be reliable. They'd kept the small amount of cash they'd got for her Mini and put it in a holiday fund. Her drinks after work were always on Fridays, but only occurred every four or five weeks.

Then the late nights began. Half an hour here, an hour there - and on different days of the week - Florence said it was necessary to improve her promotion prospects. A little discreet checking and Duncan confirmed several things. Doctor Lawson was still at City General and still seemed to be pursuing Florence; though to the outside world he was behaving himself and she was discouraging him. He was not in a position to influence Florence's promotion. But he did occasionally go to the get-togethers after work.

"So who usually attends your girls' nights out?"

"They're for anyone who wants to go, if they're at the end of their shift. But it's all the available staff - not just girls. We also have male nurses."

"Doctors too?"

"Not very often, but it does happen."

Duncan started to get suspicious and knew what signs to look for, but there was precious little to go on; no changes to her underwear or to the the quality of their sex life; only the girls' nights out and the late finishes. Yet he felt sure she was playing away from home and Harvey Lawson was the one who had set his sights on her. He wondered - if she was indeed having an affair - was it just sex or romance? Either way, it would be divorce. It would be very difficult to check her late nights in real time. City General was hot on security; cameras everywhere. Visitors attracted far more attention than they did at the hospice. He could look in on the after work drinks but she'd already admitted Lawson might be there. Duncan would probably get spotted anyway and they would close ranks. Jackie for one would always cover for her. He'd read that the classic way to catch a cheating wife was to hand her a false opportunity. Then he should find some method of tracking her whereabouts, or fake a night away from home. It seemed adulterers always fell for that kind of thing.


There hadn't been a Friday night out for four weeks when Florence phoned Duncan at work. She said she'd stopped off at the shops on her way in that morning and forgotten something. She'd bought some shower gel in Boots but left the shampoo behind.

"I called them and they said they will hold it for me. The old guy I spoke to knocks off at lunch time so he'll tell his replacement to watch out for you this evening. We've run out and I'll need it in the morning. Could you pop in on your way home and pick it up please?"

"You can't do it?"

"No, I'm also ringing to tell you a gang of us are going out tonight. We just found out today is Estelle's birthday. She wants to try a new club so I'll be back late. Sorry for the short notice."

"No worries, I'll get it."

Duncan was sitting in front of the tv. The evening news was on but he was not really watching. A late night after a club visit usually meant she'd be home between one and two in the morning. He'd have been tempted to go and check on her, but she hadn't said the name of this new club; it could be anywhere. He was still brooding when he went for a piss - and stopped mid-flow. He was staring at the near empty shower gel. Shit! He'd forgotten the shampoo, and Boots closed at seven. Rather than get the car out, he jogged up to the shops, arriving at ten to seven. It was starting to drizzle so he pulled the hood of his jacket up.