Follow Me, Follow You


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"You don't, but it's your only option." Damn, this guy was a hard ass.

He began to talk. "I met Zoey while I was stationed in Kuwait. It was love at first sight for us. You probably know her parents were killed. She asked for a visa to go to college here. I still had almost a year to go before I would be coming back. I missed her so much when she left, but I knew it was the best thing for her. I promised her that I would find her when I got out.

"I found her at college when I came home on leave. We spent time together whenever we could but I was sent back on a second tour of duty. She told me she would wait for me. God, I didn't want to leave her but she was in college and I still had my commitment in the service.

"When I located her a couple of months ago she told me she was married. I was really hurt but she told me she still loved me. The only reason she got married was so she wouldn't get sent back to Kuwait. She told me she would get a divorce after she got her citizenship.

"I got a Private investigator license and worked for myself doing small jobs. I joined the gym so I could be with Zoey, I love her so much. After she got her citizenship papers I asked her when she was getting divorced?"

"She said that she had talked to a Lawyer named Bob and he told her if she could prove that you cheated on her that she would get a million dollars through the divorce.

"I told her I didn't want the money, I just wanted her but she said it wouldn't be that long. That's when I told her I would follow you and hopefully get the evidence she needed."

"So, what did you find? How much evidence did you get?" I asked.

"You know I didn't get anything. I know you found the GPS bug and sent me on a useless trip. I also know you removed the bugs from your phones. How did you know?"

"I'm not here to answer your fucking questions. I have ways of finding out a lot of things like you fucking my wife last Friday." Kent looked surprised.

"So is this where you have your friend kill me?" asked Kent.

"You've seen too many old movies. Actually I'm going to let you go. I know where you live and work. I'll be going home to have a talk with Zoey."

"Don't you hurt her or I'll..."

"You aren't going to do Jack Shit. So shut the fuck up with all this or you'll get me mad. If Zoey tells me the truth and that she loves you I might just let her go. Of course she won't have anything but the clothes on her back. I also might need a couple of favors from her."

"What kind of favors?" asked Kent.

"None of your fucking business but you might get to see her then. If I find out that you contact her before I talk to her I promise you her life is over. Is that understood?"

"You won't hurt.."

"I said is that understood?"

"Yes, when can I talk to her?"

"I'll let her call you if she chooses too after I talk to her. If you contact her anytime before, you will be responsible for the results."

"Joe, uncuff the man and let him go. He has a lot to think about."

Kent left the office. Joe asked me if I was doing the right thing in letting him go.

"He knows Zoey's life could be in his hands. I think he'll at least wait a few days to see what happens. I have to go home and have a talk with Zoey. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know what happens next."

Chapter 3

It was all about to come to a head now. I headed home to deal with my cheating wife and hear her side of the story and then I had to decide how I was going to deal with this whole matter. After all I was somewhat the leader of the family and it's quite different from being an average Joe, no pun intended. I have to make decisions that keep the family's reputation strong and not lose the respect necessary to hold my position.

When I arrived home Zoey was already there. I asked her how come she was home so early. She usually stays at the gym longer. I figured her lover Kent wasn't there and it bothered her. She said she wasn't feeling like exercising and came home early.

"Zoey, we have to talk. Sit down in the living room and I'll be right back."

Now she looked very nervous as she went into the living room. I came back into the living room and brought my previous recording and the new ones that were recorded today.

"What are those?" asked Zoey.

"Zoey, I found that someone had come into our apartment and set two bugs on our telephones. Before removing them I went to the trouble of planting my own listening devices in the house and near the phones to find out who broke into our apartment."

Zoey looked scared now. "Is there anything you want to tell me before we listen to these tapes together?" She just sat there looking down at the floor.

"So you know, these bugs I planted are voice activated and pick up any sounds that happened in the rooms they are planted in. I put one in my office, one in the kitchen near the bugged phone and one in our bedroom."

Zoey still had not said anything as I put today's tape in. I fast forwarded it till we heard voices. It was Zoey making a phone call. "Kent where are you? I just came from the gym and you weren't there. I tried calling you on your cell and left you messages. Please call me, I'm worried." Zoey was crying now.

The next message she was leaving for Bob at his office. "Bob, you haven't gotten back to me. I did what you wanted, I need a copy of that pre-nuptial agreement. I'm worried that John knows something. Please get back to me as soon as possible."

"Well Zoey, do you want to tell me what this is all about? If you like I can play the tapes from Thursday, Friday and Saturday for you."

With the tone of my voice she knew I probably knew everything. I guess she was wondering if I had the recordings about her having sex with Bob and Kent on our bed. Before she started talking I told her I should let her know that the sex we had on Saturday was on the tape.

"You didn't hurt Kent did you?" were the first words out of her mouth.

I laughed. "You marry me and then go fuck around on me and the first thing you ask is about Kent. I ought to have him killed just to teach you a lesson."

"Please don't hurt him John, I really do love him. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I should have told you the truth from the beginning but I was sure you wouldn't marry me and I would have been sent back to Kuwait."

"But, then you decide that you're going to try and blackmail me for a million dollars. I want the story from the beginning and if I find out you're lying to me your boyfriend is dead. This isn't a threat, it will be a fact."

Zoey was still a pretty smart woman and she saw I had all the tapes sitting there. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what I knew. Zoey started out by telling me about her life in Kuwait.

"I know about your past, I know Kent was your boyfriend in Kuwait where you met him. I want to know what happened when he found you here in our fair city."

She told me everything. They had sex at the club most every time they were both there. Kent had told me the truth. He wanted her to tell me and just forget about the money but when Bob suggested it she got greedy.

Her story was almost identical to Kent's. They really did love each other but Zoey had some pretty loose morals. Maybe it's what she learned from childhood. She had the looks, brains and knew how to get what she wanted. Usually it was by using her body. She did tell me that the only men she had sex with since she met me was me, Kent and twice with Bob. She also mentioned that Kent didn't know that she was paying Bob for his lawyer work with sex.

"What now John? I've told you everything. Are you going to kill Kent and me or can we work out some kind of deal to save our lives?" asked a very dejected Zoey. "I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry, please find a way for me to make it up to you. I'll do whatever you ask. Just let Kent and I go. If not me, please let Kent go."

I told her that I had a way that she could make it up to me but if she didn't go through with it, she would never see Kent again.

"Anything John, I'll do anything to save Kent."

"Tomorrow you and I are going to go talk to a judge friend of mine. We are going to have our marriage annulled. It will be as though it never happened. You have to tell the judge in your own words that you married me under false pretenses and that you did it to stay in this county.

"I won't file any charges against you and you are now a citizen so you will be free."

"Oh John, I promise to tell him the truth. I'll say whatever you want me too."

"That's the first part of this oral contract between us. The second part is retribution for what you did to me."

"What do I have to do John?"

"I'm throwing a private party Saturday. You will be one of the girls to work the party. These are my special customers and they get pretty much what they want at the party. You will do what is ever asked of you. The other girls are getting paid but you will be doing it for nothing. If you get any tips you can keep them except for my twenty percent take.

"I know many of these men have wanted to have sex with you since they first saw you dancing. I expect you to oblige my customers by keeping a happy face. Just so you know, you will not be hurt. You will be having sex most of the night but I never let anyone abuse my girls. You'll be given the same courtesy. If you do this I will let you and Kent go. You will take nothing but your own personal things and I want you out of the state the next day."

She knew I meant business and her body would get more sex in a night then it usually gets in a month but she didn't have much choice. She used her body to get where she was today and now she would have to use it to be free of me.

"Can I call Kent and tell him about the annulment? I don't want him to know about the party but I will tell him I have to work at the club Saturday and we can leave town Sunday."

"There's the phone, call him and tell him whatever you want. Also tell him if he sees or calls you before Sunday, all bets are off. You know what that means."

I walked in the kitchen and got myself a beer. I could hear Zoey talking to Kent. I could only hear her side of the conversation and she was almost whispering. "Yes, he told me to call you." "Honey I love you too." "He said if I do what he asks he will let us both go." "We're going to go see a Judge friend of his tomorrow and get our marriage annulled." "I don't have any choice but trust him."

"I have to work for him at the club on Saturday and he said we could leave Sunday." "Kent, I have to, it's the only way he will get the annulment and let us go." "One other thing, he said for you not to contact me in anyway till Sunday or all bets are off." "Kent, if he was going to kill us or do bodily harm, he would have done it by now." "I better hang up now, I love you Kent and by Sunday we will be together forever."

She hung up the phone and was crying. "John, you are going to let us go if I do what you ask, aren't you?"

"If you don't double cross me in some way or your boyfriend tries to get involved, I'll keep my word. By the way, until tomorrow you're still my wife and I'm going to expect a lot of sex tonight. Don't disappoint me."

That night I fucked her every way I could. Blowjob, anal, missionary and her on top. I made sure she saw that I took a blue pill before we started. At first she acted like she was doing her wifely duty but then she really got into it. It almost felt like I was fucking someone else's woman. In a sense I was but she was my wife.

The next day we were a lot more serious. She heard me call Joe and ask him to keep an eye on Kent. I wanted her to know that this wasn't a game she was playing.

"He'll do what I asked him, John. Please don't hurt him," asked Zoey.

"If he does what he was told, there will be no problem. I even told Joe to let your boyfriend know that he is being followed."

The comparison between Joe and Kent was like a Pro against an amateur. No one knew Joe better than me and he wasn't one to fuck with.

To say Zoey was nervous would be an understatement. I introduced her to the judge and he asked me to wait outside of his chambers while he talked to Zoey. About a half hour later the Judge called me back into his office. He said that after talking with Zoey he was signing the annulment papers. He told me in front of Zoey that I had a legal right to press charges.

I told him I just wanted it over with. He told us the papers would be delivered to the courthouse that day and that the annulment would be effective in twenty-four hours.

When we left the courthouse, Zoey thanked me. "It's not over yet, you have another night to sleep with me and then there is the party on Saturday. I won't be taking part in it but I will be there."

I pulled into a Red Lobster Restaurant. "What are you doing?" asked Zoey.

"You're still my wife for twenty-four hours and we do have to eat," I replied. It got a slight smile from Zoey.

I stopped by the mall and picked up some extra luggage for Zoey. She asked me why I was being so nice to her after what she had done to me.

"I don't know, I really don't. My grandfather and father would have had you both killed without blinking an eye. Maybe I had some feelings for you. Maybe what you did isn't bad enough to be killed for. Then of course I try and keep my word and you have been doing everything I asked so far."

When we got home I told her I had business to attend to. I didn't want her going anywhere or talking to anyone but me. I let her know my bugs were still planted and she had better not go looking for them.

I left and went about my business. I stopped by the club and told Brad about the special party for Saturday. I gave him a lowdown on what kind of party it was going to be. We had them maybe three times a year. Admission to them was a thousand dollars a person.

It was pretty much special invitation. We almost always had at least fifty men. Once they found out Zoey was going to be one of the girls we expected at least seventy-five or more. Brad let everyone know that the marriage between Zoey and me was annulled.

I had Brad call around to make sure we had enough girls willing to be guests at the party. When I got back to him later he had twenty-five women so far willing to be part of the party. They each get a thousand dollars and any tips they made on the side. They knew to pay me twenty percent of the tips.

I got a call from Joe. He said Kent came up to him and asked if he could leave town till Saturday. He had to follow a man cheating on his wife. How ironic life is. I told Joe to let him go but we wanted him here Saturday.

Joe came back to the club and asked me how come everyone was getting off so easy.

"It's not as easy as it seems. We'll be making a ton of money from pimping Zoey out Saturday, with her approval. What she doesn't know is we are going to cuff Kent to a chair behind the two-way mirror. He's going to get to see his lover fucked time and time again by strangers."

"What about Bob? He shouldn't get away with no retaliation. It's like he's getting off Scott free."

"That's about to change. I wanted to get some of our other problems out of the way before dealing with Bob. Here are the tapes of Bob fucking Zoey. He says in them how much he hates his wife and calls her a pig. He even says he wishes she were dead.

"I want you to edit the tapes. Take out any mention of Zoey or my name and see to it that his wife Flo gets them. Let him try and explain his way out of them. He knows better than to contact us. Let's see what happens there. She could make his life miserable."

Zoey spent her day packing her suitcases. She had bought a lot of clothes in the short time we've been married. She had five suitcases and four boxes full of clothes. I had Joe get a mover to come over and deliver her clothes to Kent's apartment since he wasn't home. She had one suitcase left for the remainder of her clothes that she needed till Saturday.

When we had sex that last night I knew I was going to miss her. She was one great piece of ass. I probably shouldn't have ever married her but just fucked her on the side. But, at the time we were worried about her visa.

We did fuck again that night and I think she did everything she could to make me come. It was like in the back of her mind she wanted me to miss her. She was one hot exotic woman. How she could fuck me like she did and still love another, Kent in this case, I'll never understand.

Saturday came and I drove her to the club. She met with all the other women upstairs in the party room. There were thirty women in all. The party started at nine. If any woman wanted to leave after midnight, she would be allowed to go. Anyone leaving before midnight would forfeit their thousand dollars. Zoey had to stay because of our agreement.

Brad said the men were showing up. There were over a hundred men saying they would be there once they found out Zoey was going to be part of the mix. I guess it's like fucking a celebrity. She was my wife and I guess some men felt it was like getting a woman they weren't able to touch.

Brad said he got a call from Bob but told him he was no longer a member of the club. Hell, he was lucky I let him live.

We had enhancers for the men that wanted them. There was ecstasy and other drugs available to enhance the libido. It was for both the men and women. A couple of the women told Zoey she should take it. Come about mid-night she would be glad she did.

The party started out with some women dancing and others were serving the gentlemen. I made sure Zoey was one of the dancers. The men wanted to see her do her belly dancing. I have to say she was good.

Joe showed up with Kent. He took him to the room with the two-way mirror. He told him as long as he was quiet he could sit and watch the show. If he started to cause any trouble he would be cuffed to the chair. We also had a couple of bouncers in the same room to keep an eye out for anyone abusing the girls.

When he saw Zoey up on the stage he asked if he could leave. The bouncers told him no and decided it would be better if he was cuffed. They felt he wouldn't take it too well when his woman started fucking anyone that asked her.

At first Zoey was being a little offish but I reminded her of our agreement. She had to act happy that she was there. After the sexual inducement drugs Zoey looked like she was having a good time. I watched as the first few men began to feel her up and began rubbing her pussy.

It didn't take much for her to start getting turned on. The Judge was one of the first members to take her to the side room and have sex with her. After that she was fucking and sucking anyone who wanted her.

I watched a couple of guys fucking her and I really didn't get any enjoyment out of it. The way the party room was set up was that there was a main room in the center where the main party took place. There was a corridor going around the outside all the way around the room. There were basically cubicles with beds in them and a curtain for some privacy.

Every cubicle had a two way mirror in it. That way the bouncers could see all the action without bothering the guests. Kent was set up by the cubicle with Zoey in it. He spent the whole night watching his woman getting fucked every which way but loose. The bad part was she seemed to enjoy it.

I walked up to Kent during the party and said, "Now you know what it feels like to know your wife or girlfriend enjoys fucking another man. That's what you did to me. Payback is hell isn't it."

"When this party is over I'm going to let you take Zoey with you. I never want to see either of you again. Just be glad neither of you are in a body bag. She held up her end of the deal. So far she has gotten over four grand in tips. She'll end up with a good chunk of change."