Following the Sun


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At first Nellie was miffed and Peter was embarrassed but both of them soon got over that.

Nellie's mom Cathy always asked, "Are you looking after my daughter properly?" while Neville the father would talk about road conditions, beer and sport and ask was his daughter getting fat. All this gave Peter the impression he'd found himself accepted by a new family, or so it seemed. Total acceptance was unlikely because they had never met him and if they ever did things could change abruptly because compared with their adult daughter he was old.

He and Nellie zigzagged across Texas and they'd become part of the RV family. Pete bought two CB radios so they could keep in touch with folk they'd met in RV camps and were likely to meet up with again. Their camper was a mini-RV and they'd been in some monster RV fitted out like palaces.

Then came the day, that inevitable day, when it was time, time for Nellie to return home. They were in New Mexico by them, camping on public land, and went to Albuquerque for Nellie to board her direct Southwest Airlines flight to LA.

Pete couldn't believe how tightly she was holding his hand and tears were running of course when the call came for final boarding.

"You must promise you'll come to Sacramento to see me and my family."

"Yes, for the fifth time I promise."

They had their final kiss and before entering the security area Nellie waved for the final time and yelled, "I love you."

Jesus, what was this? Pete thought. He had become pretty sure in recent days she'd realized just how deep she was in with him but she kept that thought to herself. Now she'd expressed it aloud and very publicly.

He headed off to Silver City to camp at an RV ranch that had been recommended to him, intending to stay over night on public land on the way south on I-25 but decided to drive straight through as he was not looking forward to spending a night without Nellie. They had an agreement she'd call him once a week, every Sunday morning.

Pete reached the impressive campsite shortly before 8:00 that evening. He ate a thick meat sandwich, drank most of a bottle of wine and went to bed most unhappy but thought such is life.

He'd just turned off the light when his phone rang. He cursed and went to where he'd left his phone.

"Hi Pete."

"Hi Sharon," he said in surprise. "What's up?"

"Nothing. A real sad sack arrived here and she drank too much wine over dinner and has been crying and saying she feels her life is over. You must be really a good guy to have her feeling like this?"

"Thanks, let me talk to her."

"No she's asleep. I though if she feels like this you probably do too so I called to say goodnight. Kiss-kiss."

"That's lovely of you Sharon. I suggest you don't talk about me and any upset will soon dissolve when she gets back to her work and friends and boyfriend."

"He came round to night and she told him to fuck off. God, mom had a fit hearing Nellie talking like that and thinks you and she must have been taking drugs. Were you?"

"What do you think?"

"I think not."

"Correct and believe that Sharon."

"I almost wet myself when I saw mom looking at Nellie so fiercely and that's when the tears came and mom realized Nellie was hurting and all was well again."

"Well thanks for bringing me up to date. I'm in a super camp near Silver City in New Mexico. But don't tell Nellie that as she could become homesick, er missing being on the road."

"It's you she's missing and your dick. Goodnight."

"Good night Sharon. And thanks, you are very kind."

God what a sweet kid, Peter thought and felt much better. He finished off the wine and slept till 10:00 am.

Peter stayed three days and met two families who were traveling together. A 20-year daughter kept giving him the eye but he was not ready for anyone else just yet. They ate together, played cards and he went hiking with them and they appeared genuinely sorry he was leaving.

At his next stop, two days later, late afternoon he said hi to a woman sitting outside a big RV. They had waved several times and but this time she was talkative. "Come join me for a drink."

"Okay, thanks," he said, thinking her husband was inside but when he entered the big RV she said, "John has gone off for three days on a fishing charter, visiting three lakes and staying in lodges with fishing fiends."

"Fiends? I gather than means you don't care for finishing Carol."

"Dead right Peter."

After three glasses of wine she said, "Stay for dinner."

"Thank you. I guess you are lonely."

"Yes indeed. It's just cold chicken pie with salad and then ice cream or fresh fruit if you'd rather."

"Well I'll concentrate first on the pie. I might not need anything after that."

Carol was in her early forties, slim with tiny tits and a mouth never far from a smile.

When they were sitting back with coffee she asked, "Would you like to stay the night?"

"You can't be that lonely. John has been gone only a day."

"Well it's not loneliness I've been thinking about when I began looking at you yesterday."

"You like a bit of sex on the side do you?"

"Yes, and you."

"I'll fuck you if that's what you want Carol."

"Oh great. Let's throw these things into the sink and get at it."

After they'd kissed and pushed into one another a bit, Carol pulled off her panties and leant over the bed and Pete dropped to his knees and ate her out and had her practically purring.

"Do you do butt?" she asked.

"Very rarely but if you have condoms and lube yes."

They were in no hurry and it was almost an hour later before Pete pulled out and shot over her back. Carol had been working her clit and judging by the grunts and noise she must have got off at least three times."

Pete thought it was only sex and was grateful Carol had lured him because there had been temporary benefits to both of them and she really was a nice woman. But was she comparable to his Nellie? Hell no.

His Nellie? Pete was almost astonished he thought of Nellie like that. That was supposed to be a thought he'd only held momentarily somewhere in Texas when she'd gone off to get her hair cut and for the first time they'd been together she'd not been within calling distance and the thought he missed her had shocked him, almost scaring him. He'd dropped the thought like a hot rivet.

In the morning Pete took Carol doggie and then she said that was enough. He guessed she didn't want him to take her front on because her husband was a missionary man. Some women were like that.

Carol cooked him breakfast and a couple of hours later Pete hit the trail again, feeling that little bout of naughtiness had put dear Nellie farther back in his mind because he knew he'd not been true to her, although he had no obligation to her. He wondered if she'd marry her boyfriend or find a replacement for him if he'd failed to improve his act.

* * *

The night before Pete was due to cross into Southern California and have a few days around San Diego, he was at a wilderness camp on public land with no facilities. Camping like that and having to be self-sufficient is known as boon docking (dispersed or dry camping without hookups) to the RV fraternity. He'd been directed to this one using his GPS device that he know regarded as one of his best investments ever.

A couple camped a hundred yards away waved him over, the guy holding up a bottle of wine. Peter, feeling lonely, headed over licking his lips at the thought of talking to somebody rather than downing booze.

Sam and Sarah were very hospitable and asked him to stay on for lunch. Sam went off for a post-lunch nap and Pete sat with Sarah in the shade under the striped awning. It was so hot they were sipping cold beer.

"Tell me about yourself Pete."

"Well there's not much to tell," he said be found himself being expertly drawn. Well soon after meeting the couple in their late seventies, Sarah had told him she and Sam met when working together in a hospital where Sam was an administrator and Sarah was a psychologist.

Well he ended up blabbing about Nellie, didn't he, despite having decided to say nothing about Nellie? But he would have to concede it was good that he did.

"So this young woman has been calling you every Sunday as arranged."


"So why did you restrain her to one call a week?"

"I didn't want to be pestered receiving too many calls from her."

"Is that right?"

Sarah sat quietly on her lay back chair looking across the jagged canyon. She didn't have to wait long for the response she'd been fishing for.

"The truth is I wanted her to get on with her life."

"And in these weeks since your separation has she called?"

"Every Sunday without fail."

"And what does that tell you Pete?"

Sarah said she didn't understand that mumble."

Pete said clearly, "She feels obligated to call me."

"Are you happy with that choice of word 'Obligated'?"

There was a little pause while they watched a Golden Eagle flying along the far rim of the canyon.

"Because she wants to call me."

"Yes and I would agree with that. Has she ever told you she loves you?"


"Are you certain about that."

Peter sighed. "Well just the once when we had separated at the airport when she was passing into the secure area. She called out she loved me but you must understand she was highly emotional."

"Oh believe me I can understand. She called that out ignoring all the other people around her?"


"Would you term love as an emotional feeling?"

"Hell yes, it can't be anything else. Ah, I see where this is going."

"Are you heading up the coast to go to LA as planned or will you continue on to see her."

"I was so sure at doing that at first but now have been thinking I could mess up her life."

"I see. You have this young woman separated from you who loves you and you've thinking about not seeing her again?"

"Um yes. She might not think of me like that any more."

"And you believe love can be turned on and off like a tap and..."

"You don't know that, I haven't told you that."

"That's true but it doesn't mean I haven't accurately accessed how you think about this."

They talked on about it for another few minutes until the flow of questions stopped and Pete looked and saw Sarah was asleep.

He grinned and left.

When leaving next morning on the loop he stopped, walked over and handed Sam a bottle of his 'special occasion' red and shook his hand. "Thanks for your hospitality guys.

"Christ this is top shelf wine."

"Yeah, for top shelf people Sam. Attempt to hand it back and I'll thump you."

They laughed and Pete hugged and kissed Sarah.

As he stepped back to leave Sarah said, "Make me a happy woman Pete. Call me on the day you call on Nellie."

Pete looked at her, swallowed and said, "I promise. It could be another month before I get up there."

"Great. We'll be home for a while by then, back in Kansas for a breather so the phone connection is assured, not like out here in the wilderness."

"Who's he seeing?"

"It's not of your business Sam. What Pete told me was in confidence."

"What's her name Pete?"


"Oh great old name. I bet she'd beautiful with great legs?"

"Everything about her is great Sam. Bye guys and thanks for the mothering Sarah."

Pete waved as he drove off and they waved, Sam holding his wife who had her head on his chest.

Pete sniffed and sniffed again.

"Fuck emotions," he grinned and wiped an eye with his finger.

* * *

Nellie Stevens mom said as Nellie came into breakfast on Wednesday morning, "You are losing weight darling. I don't want you looking scrawny when he arrives."

"When who arrives?"

"Your man Pete."

Nellie looked ready to panic. "You can't know that?"

"Oh but I do. It's how love works."

"Love? Are you mad? He's never said he loves me."

"And you have told him you love him?"

"Well yes. Just the once at the airport." Neville and his younger daughter Sharon witnessing this exchange both held their breath, wondering if Cathy had broken through at last. But as usually Nellie appeared on the verge of shutting the door.

"Peter told me last night he expects to be here in a month but then said to keep my mouth shut because he didn't mean to tell me that."

Nellie spun round and screamed at her sister, "You little bitch. Why are you calling him?"

"It's only the fourth time. There was no embargo placed on me about calling him. He entered California yesterday."

"Oh god, Ohmigod," Nellie screamed.

Sharon jumped up and ran to her and Nellie clung to her desperately.

"Nellie," called Kathy but Neville jumped up and held her. He said leave it; Sharon had everything under control.

"I like him Nellie, that's all and I want you to be with him to be happy again. These days you are acting like a old maid without any fun in your body."

"Well I'm sad."

"Yes I know. Come through and we'll call him."

"But the agreement was I'd call him Sundays."

"Fuck that arrangement darling. It was probably said to hold you away at arm's length/"

"But why would he do that?"

"He thinks he's too old for you and wanted you to continue on with Andy or to get a new guy or a succession of guys until you find the right one."

"B-but how could you know that?"

"It's call logic darling," Sharon said, picking up her phone and pointing to the chair and told Nellie to sit.

Sharon made the call.

"Hi it's Sharon. My sister is hugely unhappy. I'm making this call for her. Here she is," Sharon said and left, quietly closing the door.


"Oh hi Nellie. I welcome this call."

"Pete speak to me like a lover. That doesn't mean you have to love me."

"But I..."

"But what?"

"Nellie I want you to get on with your life."

"You are my life Pete and I'm pining for you."

"For me? God Nellie."

Ten minutes later Nellie waltzed into room, smiling happily. "He's packing up now and will stay somewhere over night and be here tomorrow evening for dinner."

Nellie's mother and daughter hugged her.

"He says if you guys approve of him I can be his girlfriend. If that happens he wants me to resign my job and we'll go up north and cross into Montana and then slowly head south and winter over in New Mexico or if we have tired of camper life he'll winterize the camper somewhere and come back here and he'll look for an opportunity."

"What sort of opportunity?" her father asked.

"A business opportunity I guess. He has more than three million bucks to invest. He wants to settle around here so he doesn't take me too far away from you guys because he says family is important to anyone."

"And he has no one?"

"He has a married sister-in-law in LA and a married half-sister who lives in England."

"Sounds fine to me," said Neville, a physician.

"Well I don't know..."

"Sorry mom, you're outvoted," Sharon said, standing beside her father and grinning.

"Well I suppose one step at a time," Kathy a public accountant said cautiously.

"Oh come on mom, which is the more important to you, seeing my happy or being pedantically conservative," Nellie smiled. "He confessed on the phone he loves me."

"Oh well, that makes a big difference," Kathy laughed. "I'm so happy for you Nellie. Well I must make up the guest room for him."

"Mom!" laughed the two girls.

"Oh god, this is going to take getting used to," Kathy mumbled.

"Well if they must have sex they can sleep out in the van," Neville said solemnly and his two daughters looked at him shaking their heads until they saw his stupid teasing expression emerge.


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