Football Widow Ch. 04


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Christa came down just as Sue was getting the eggs going. When she turned around, she was seized with a fit of the giggles. Christa looked like a child, totally swallowed by layers of clothes, a parka and thick rubber boots.

"What you laughing at bitch? It's fucking frigid out there!" Christa said with a smile on her face.

"Nothing," Sue quickly replied, but just couldn't stop laughing. The small woman looked just like her son when he had to go out in the cold to wait for the bus. Christa swatted Sue's bare ass as she walked past and out the kitchen door. The blast of cold air nearly knocked Sue over and she ran upstairs to get on some clothes.

She returned to the kitchen and busied herself making breakfast. In the pantry, she found a box of hot coco packets and made one for Christa for when she came in. When Christa finally finished, she was shivering and soaked to the bone. Sue rushed over to her and helped her out of the wet clothes and thick gloves. She pushed Christa into a chair, handed her the steaming mug of coco and then bent to remove the woman's boots. After Christa stopped shivering, Sue put breakfast on the table and they both began to quietly eat. Sue felt comfortable. It was nice to be playing wife to Christa, but she was also beginning to feel melancholy. She knew this would have to end soon.

The day passed away quietly, with the two of them watching old movies and snuggling under a blanket before the fire Christa built. Outside, the weather turned off bad, heavy snow started to fall and the wind picked up until its mournful wail could be heard even over the television.

When the fire burned low and the last movie was over they made their way hand-in–hand, up to the bedroom. It was their last night together and Sue expected something wild and unusual, but instead they just curled up in the bed and Christa held her.

At first, Sue was slightly disappointed, but in a while she realized that there had been hundreds of times in her life where she had wished Bernie would do this very thing. Hold her close, be with her, share the warmth of their bodies and not have it be a prelude to sex. It was comfortable and the mournful howl of the wind seemed a perfect compliment to the mood. Sue faded off to sleep with her head still nested in the crook of Christa's arm.


Sue woke up and stared at the canopy above. Christa's alarm was going off and the red numbers told her it was only four o'clock. It was Monday and she knew she had to get up and awake Christa. They would have to get back to her place so she could get dressed and make it down to the office before eight.

Sue looked around the room and felt a deep sense of loss. She didn't want to leave, especially knowing she would probably never come back. Bernie would be home later that day and the kids were due back from her mom's on Thursday. This brief erotic fairy tale would have to end then, as real life intruded. The really sad part was that she didn't want it to end. She knew that she would be happy coming back to this house, this bed, this woman, for the rest of her life. Christa rolled over on top of her and kissed her soundly, forcing her tongue into Sue's mouth and temporarily driving the morose thoughts from her mind. When the kiss broke Christa smiled down on her.

"Good morning lover," she said. Sue smiled wanly and then nodded before pushing her head up to kiss Christa's nose. The black woman smiled then glanced at the clock and frowned.

"I was hoping for a good morning fuck, but I don't think we are going to have time are we?"

"I don't think so," Sue said ruefully. Christa sighed and rolled off Sue. For a few brief moments more they both lay there in the warm bed, enjoying each other's closeness. Christa rose first and went to take a shower while Sue packed her bag. She was just pulling on her boots when Christa emerged from the bathroom and dug a pair of boxers out of her dresser. Sue sat and quietly watched as Christa dressed. Black boxers, gray thermals, heavy jeans and a raider's sweatshirt. Nothing at all sexy about her clothing, but just sitting and watching her was somehow erotic to the older woman.

Christa grabbed a pair of leather gloves off the chest of drawers and smiled at Sue.


"Yes," Sue said as she rose, but in her heart, she knew it was a lie. She wouldn't ever be ready to leave here. In a few short hours it had become more like home than her home. Only the lack of her children kept it from being complete.

The world was still dark and a chill wind was blowing, as Christa stowed the bag and Sue hurriedly got into the car. It actually felt colder in the little sports car than it did outside, but being shielded from the icy blast of the wind made it infinitely preferable. The roads were nearly deserted and once the heater kicked in, the small cabin became comfortable. Christa was humming along with the song on the radio while Sue stared out the window at the trees flashing by.

It was starting to get light outside by the time Christa pulled up in front of her house. Sue hurried to the door and opened it, leaving it open behind her as she headed upstairs. She quickly stripped and showered. When she came out of the bathroom she could smell breakfast being prepared.

Sue dressed quickly in her favorite business attire. It was a sharp skirt and blazer in dark green with a white silk top. Stylish and professional three years ago, it was probably hopelessly out of date now, but since she went to work so rarely, keeping up with current fashion trends would have been needlessly expensive. Feeling more dejected than naughty, she chose simple cotton panties, an old bra and black pantyhose as well as black two-inch heels, to complete her outfit. She came into the kitchen just as Christa was putting two plates of bacon and eggs on the table.

"Milk's gone sour, so the eggs are a little flat," Christa said as she sat down and began to eat. Sue picked at her food, spending more time watching Christa than eating. The clock on the wall was almost to seven and she knew this all had to come to an end now. She was fighting back tears, even though she thought that was silly. Christa finished her eggs, pushed back from the table and glanced at the clock before standing up.

"Well, guess we both better get on the road."

Sue nodded and they both made their way to the front door, but when Sue's hand closed on the handle Christa jumped, pressing Sue against the door.

"Hey!" Sue cried, laughing as she felt the little woman's hands pulling the hem of her skirt up.

"Fuckin pantyhose, I hate these bitches," Christa said, her hands fumbling with the waist of the hose and Sue's panties.

"What are you doing?" Sue moaned, feeling her body respond. Christa didn't reply, but managed to drag the panties and hose down to Sue's knees. Her upper body was still pressed into Sue's back, pinning the tall blonde to the door.

"Making sure you don't forget me," the small woman said. Sue was about to reply, but lost her voice when she felt something warm, smooth and hard, being pressed between her nether lips.

"Oh my god! Christa, no!" she cried as she felt the first of the Ben-Wa balls stretching the muscles at her entrance. Sue tried to turn around and fend her off, but the muscles gave in, and the little bundle of joy slipped into her already damp pussy.

"Christa, Please," Sue begged, but it did her no good and soon the second ball was firmly pressed home. Sue was biting her lip as Christa pulled her panties up tight and then her hose. The smaller woman released Sue, opened the door and practically shoved her out with a resounding slap to her derriere.

Sue felt the familiar sensations as she stumbled out to her minivan. Christa followed her and with exaggerated politeness opened the door for her. Once Sue was inside, she rolled down the window. Christa's smirk was gone, replaced with a very serious, almost sad expression.

"It's been great girl. I hate to see it end," she said, her voice cracking a little near the end.

"I know. It's been wonderful...I'll never forget it," Sue said, feeling her heart break as she accepted that Christa knew it was over too. The small woman looked down and then kicked the ground. When she looked back up there was a tear in her eye.

"Fuck, I swore I wouldn't do anything girly or cry," She said, forcing a smile. Sue could feel the tears in her own eyes and for a long moment considered just saying Fuck work, fuck her comfortable life, fuck it all. Christa dug into her jacket pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper, which she shoved into Sue's hand.

"That's my cell. Call me if you ever get the urge," she said, before turning abruptly and stalking off to her car. Sue started the engine and backed out, and as she drove away, her eyes were fixed on the forlorn figure in the little sports car.

The roads were packed and soon the very act of driving in the press of cars took her mind off things. Once she crossed the GW and headed towards Manhattan, she had to give every bit of her concentration to driving and it wasn't until she parked in the garage across from her building that her mind was free to roam again.

In the lobby, she ran into Denise. They both smiled at each other, but neither said anything. The walk from her car to the lobby had been freezing cold and her mind had been elsewhere, but as the elevator arrived and she stepped in, she was forcefully reminded of the two little round intruders Christa had left her with.

Once they reached the office, she hung her coat up and walked down to the conference room, each step causing the balls to stir gently within her. Sue sat down and squeezed her legs tightly together and then crossed them and tried to relax.

The meeting was tiresome and Sue could only pay attention with great effort. She didn't care about marketing's fuckups. She didn't care about protecting the company's resources. She didn't care about her job or being here. She could feel an extremely deep depression taking hold of her and at times she was on the verge of tears. When Wilma surreptitiously moved her hand to Denise's lap, the gesture wasn't lost on Sue. Even Denise's blush didn't deter her from wishing her own girl was there, playing the dangerous game of arousing her in the boardroom.

Once they broke off into their groups, Sue was able to immerse herself in work. Figures always had a way of engrossing her. It was very much like a puzzle and she loved puzzles. Sue was so absorbed in it that she didn't notice Wilma stick her head in the office. Sue looked up when she heard the door close and saw Wilma leaning on it with her finger over her lips.

"What?' Sue said in a whisper.

Wilma quickly came over to Sue's makeshift desk and pushed the keyboard away. She sat on the desk before the startled blonde and began to quickly undo the buttons on her blouse. Sue was shocked and nervously glanced at the door. She could see figures moving down the hall through the opaque glass. Wilma quickly pulled her blouse open and deftly unsnapped the front closure on her racy red bra. Sue stared in wonder. Through each of her small nipples there was a golden hoop.

"What do ya think?" Wilma said, shaking her upper body so the hoops bounced against the soft orbs of her breasts.

"Didn't that hurt?" Sue asked, feeling a sympathetic twinge of pain in her own nipples.

"God yes, but Denise loves them!" she gushed. A noise outside the office door drew both their eyes and Wilma quickly refastened her bra and started to button up her blouse. Sue tried not to stare and Wilma smiled as she finished and moved off Sue's desk.

"You should consider it. I bet that hot girlfriend of yours would love to see those beauties you have with a little decoration," Wilma said.

"Wilma, how do you do it?"

"Just go down to the body piercing place. I used the one over on Christopher Street in the Village,"

"No, I didn't mean that. I meant how do you stay with Denise and still manage to work here with no one suspecting?" Sue asked. Wilma looked at her and cocked her head. Sue could almost see the wheels turning.

"It's a life skill really, I guess. I love Denise. Oh, she's a little old fashioned and stuffy sometimes, but she treats me good and god can she fuck me. I know she's older than I am and a lot of my friends tell me I need a younger lover, but I'm in love with her and I don't want anyone else. On the other hand, papa would be crushed if he found out I prefer eating pussy to sucking dick," she laughed. "So, I let all the guys here think they have a chance with me and I flirt with the senior partners and they all tell daddy what a lovely girl I am. I act a part for 8 hours every day. It's worth it to me. Besides, it makes Denise so jealous and that means I get extra attention at home," she finished with a wink and left the small office.

Sue pondered that for the rest of the day. Would it be worth it to her? Could she pretend eight hours a day she was just like everyone else, and then go home to Christa? Why was she even considering that? She shook her head and went back to work, but somehow the figures no longer engrossed her. Her mind drifted back always to a four-poster bed, leather restraints, and a small woman who could fuck her like no other. With each hour away from her, Sue's depression grew. At lunch, she decided to go down to the cafeteria. Out of habit, she grabbed her coat. Two years ago someone had stolen the leather London Fog Bernie had given her and she never left anything unattended in the office anymore. She was just getting in line when Wilma caught her arm.

"Denise and I are walking over to Preston's, Harry told everyone to scram for a long lunch. The big guys are all in and this audit is ruffling some feathers. Why don't you come with us?"

Sue put down her tray and readily followed Wilma out to the hallway, where Denise was waiting.

"Hey, Sue," Denise said as she held the glass door open for Sue and Wilma.

Preston's was a nice restaurant a few blocks away. The wind had died, but it was still bitterly cold and Sue was glad of the long coat she wore. After a few steps the little balls began to move gently within her. Wilma and Denise were keeping up a brisk pace and Sue found that moving faster only increased the wicked little device's insistence that she pay attention. By the time they reached the restaurant, Sue could feel the slick stickiness in her panties.

Lunch was nice and several of their co-workers joined them, and at around three, they all made their way back to the building. By the time Sue had returned to her desk she was fully aroused. Her nipples were hard pebbles and her pussy was demanding attention. She found herself constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs and was actually relieved when five o'clock rolled around.

The drive home was chaotic, with two wrecks and more snow falling. Visibility was nearly down to nothing by the time she reached her neighborhood. Bernie had parked his truck in the garage, so Sue left hers in the driveway and trudged up the walk, through knee-deep snow. She opened the door, let herself in, and was just hanging up her jacket, when Bernie came out of the kitchen with a TV dinner.

"Hey, hon," he called as he crashed on the sofa and turned to Sports Center.

"Have a good trip?" Sue asked. She was actually kind of glad to see him. She would have dreaded being alone in the house.

"The best. How bout a welcome home kiss?" he said as he rose and approached her. Their lips met as they embraced and Bernie jammed his tongue into her mouth. His rough hands dug into her behind and Sue realized he was in the mood, and an unreasoning panic assailed her when she realized the Ben-Wa balls were still buried inside her pussy. Bernie's hand pressed against her soaked cunt from behind and Sue moaned despite herself.

"Damn, hunny, you must really be wanting it bad," Bernie said enthusiastically.

I do, but not from you, she wanted to say, but instead just smiled and tried to pretend he was Christa. It was an abysmal failure.

Bernie turned her around and shoved her back on the sofa, pushing her skirt up as soon as she came to rest. He was unbuckling his belt with his other hand and Sue began to really panic. Summoning all her courage, she giggled and pushed his hands away.

"At least let me go to the bathroom first, you big lug," she said, hoping it sounded playful.

"You girls and your small bladders...All right, but hurry up. I got something you will love to play with," he said, indicating the bulge in his pants.

Sue raced upstairs. Once in the bathroom she removed her pantyhose and panties, and found the loop of string that held the balls together. Biting her lip to keep from moaning, she gently pulled them out. Sue nearly came, they had been teasing her all day, but a more immediate concern was where to hide them. She could hear Bernie stomping up the stairs and knew he would be waiting for her in the bedroom.

Sue decided to try to turn her lust to her husband. She stripped off her clothes and approached the bed with the most provocative wiggle she could muster. Bernie was already naked, holding his cock in his hand and stroking it as he watched her approach. Sue had always thought of her husband as being adequately endowed, but after the assortment of pussy pleasers Christa had used, she found herself wondering if she would even feel him.

She lay on the bed and reached down to take over stroking him, but Bernie didn't give her the chance. He rolled over and pushed his thigh between her legs. While making a stab at kissing her, he lined his cock up and entered her. He began to pump while roughly squeezing her breasts and chewing on her shoulder. It lasted only a few minutes, and his face contorted as he came. Bernie rolled off her body and lay there, panting.

Sue stared up at the ceiling, wondering if this was all her life held for her.


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Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

Shame you've finished it there and stopped writing apparently. So many unanswered questions? An excellent story.

AButchCassidyAButchCassidyover 2 years ago

I know the author doesn’t write anymore but I need to get this comment out. The lack of aftercare in this story unnerved me a little. This was some serious bondage play with some degradation too. And when they’re done they jut go to sleep. That kinda behavior isn’t healthy for a kinky relationship.

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 8 years ago

this part was not so good, I said it was alright except for page 2, I did not like all the restraints Christa had put on Sue and just for a painting no less but the rest was good

RawHumorRawHumoralmost 20 years ago

This has been an awesome series!

What about the PI who was tracking her husband? If he found something, then the story wouldn't have to end the way it did...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
It cant end there!!

Loved the story, have have spent the last 4 hrs reading it.

If that isn't the end please hurry and finsh it for us !!

I will be eargerly awaiting more submissions.


NicriteNicriteover 20 years ago
Great new part of the story

Thanx for the next part - now I have read it and reread the others I would love to read more and more...



AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
great series, needs a lesbian ending

You have done a great job. But I would love to see her leave her husband and move in with her true love. This story begs for a happy "lesbian" ending.

Colleen ThomasColleen Thomasover 20 years agoAuthor
Not the end

It seems odd to be leaving a public comment on my own work, but it's much faster than resubmitting with an author's note attached. The finis referrs only to the chapter being finished, not the story. For the many of you who have written or been concerned this is not the end of the story. Sorry for the confusion.


maltormaltorover 20 years ago
More please

If that '-finis' means what it implied, all I can say is: Please don't end it here.

As someone else has mentioned, the story you have crafted is more complex than most others found in this catagory, let alone this site. Given the level of detail you've given us so far, it almost seems a cruel torture on us, your fans, not to continue the story.

Hernes SonHernes Sonover 20 years ago
Great to see you back here!


It's great to see your newest submission. I faithfully check every morning hoping to see something new. Always glad to see the name of such a creative genius on the list, and, as always, it's a wonderful story!

RebeccaLeahRebeccaLeahover 20 years ago
I LOVE this series!!!!

Thank you Colleen, I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for more about these two. I honestly think it's the best series I've read. If this isn't the end (and I hope it isn't) please please please PLEASE let it be a happy ending for Sue and Christa together. Keep writing because I'm going to keep reading and there's no one I'd rather read than you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
I hope there is more to come

This is a wonderful story, and I hope there is a part five, six, and maybe even a seven. I love how the story plays out, and I love the realism put into it. It isn't like most stories of a woman and her lover. There is actualy thinking from the main character, thinking about here life and what would be best for her.

It kinda felt like it is building up to either be the end, or that the ending is coming soon. Hopefully there will be at least another installment in the story.

All and all I think this is a great story, and that Colleen is a wonderful author. I hope she posts more work soon. Especialy another chapter of football widow.

The Nameless Fan

minsueminsueover 20 years ago
Ooh! I get to be first!

You already know I loved it and am anxiously awaiting FW5, but I couldn't resist being first to comment. You are a gifted writer, Colly, and I always love your stories.

- Mindy

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