For Alice

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Alice gets what she wants, with the help of some friends.
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For Alice...

All depicted characters are over 18. All characters events and places are fictional.

Just one phone call, I was later told that is all it took.

Alice and I had talked quite a bit lately about spicing up our love life again. But the how, with what or who had never really gone past the conversations. I knew her deepest, shall we say, darkest or naughtiest secret desires and she knew mine. We had friends over for dinner and soaks in the hot tub. But we had never gone further than the rare occasion of being nude with friends who were willing to do that sort of thing. Those nights had led to some fantastic sex between us and opened us up to talking about our wild sides.

Our marriage was great and neither of us wanted to ruin that. We just seemed to want more and were either reluctant or uncertain about how to begin. Some of our friends wouldn't even dream about opening up their lifestyle. But we knew others would. How do you start such a conversation with friends without offending or scaring them off? I was clueless.

Alice surprised me one night with an announcement that she had invited Blake and Misty for dinner. We had not known them long as Alice had met Misty at work and they had become fast friends. The two of them had started doing everything together. I jokingly called them the "gruesome twosome". At least until Misty introduced Alice to Sasha and the twosome became the three musketeers! I didn't mind the time the three spent together. It produced some very sexy lingerie that Alice couldn't wait to wear for me after some of their shopping excursions! Those nights always led to great uninhibited sex and long deep pillow talks. I had always wanted to thank Misty and Sasha!

Blake and I had become friends too. He and I shared a love of golf and found we had a lot in common. After Sasha was added and the three musketeers would run off together, Blake and I started including Ken in the golf outings. He and Blake were several years younger than me with Blake the eldest and Ken in his late 20s. Often I felt like the old man but they were great to be with. I seemed every time the 3 ladies were off, one or both of the lonely men would come around.

Our small group had been out to dinner several times. We genuinely enjoyed each other's company. It was natural to ask Alice to include Ken and Sasha for the evening. So when I did Alice responded with, "Oh Matt honey, I already have..." Her voice sounded lusty and deep as she seemed to trail off in thought. I couldn't help but wonder.

The table was set. The catering truck made its delivery. Everything was ready. Alice entered. She wore a halter top dress that hugged her body close from just under her boobs to down just past her hips. The halter top hung loose, draped open and hung low giving a sexy wonderful yet sophisticated accent to those perfect mounds it barely contained. The lower skirt part was slit up to the top of her thigh. It was white and just opaque enough to make it take your breath away while you lingered staring at the body within.

"I like it! You will blow them all away!" I let her know the truth, WOW!

I took that vision in my arms and hugged her close. One big kiss and was then reminded that our guests would shortly be arriving. She stepped away one leg completely bare through the long slit as she moved. The top didn't just show off her cleavage. The sides gave a nice view of her swaying breasts! Naughty and daring yet sexy sophisticated!

She went to the table as the door chimed. Final touches, she lit the candles. Ken and Sasha arrived. He was dressed casual like I was. Sasha, blond curls, short wrap-around skirt and a fuzzy pink cropped sweater was perfection! Her navel jewel glistened. I froze for a second. She blushed.

"You like?" She asked.

"Like, that is an understatement! Wow, I like very much!" I returned then extended my hand to Ken, he took it returning my greeting. "Come here you!!" I threw open my arms. Sasha threw her arms around my neck. We hugged. Ken just smiled.

When Blake and Misty arrived I again froze for a moment when I saw her standing there. She had opted for a halter like Alice but was bare to her skirt like Sasha.

"I think you ladies will give me a heart attack tonight! You look incredible Misty!" I announced regaining my composure.

"Thank you." She beamed!

Again I extended my hand as Blake took it. When we stopped I opened my arms and Misty wrapped her arms around me as Sasha had done. This was starting out to be a great evening!

This dinner was our first private evening as a group but only one of many times we had been together. Alice and I seated ourselves at opposite ends of the table. She had Blake and Ken on either side. I had Misty and Sasha at mine. That way we could easily act as hosts but also share eye contact and watch each other. Considering how she was dressed, she was not being careful, but neither were the other two women.

Boobs flashed without even a small effort to cover. Sweet young Sasha's little sweater had rode up her breasts far enough that the underside of those perfect globes were beautifully on display. She seemed comfortable and at ease. Alice and Misty were the same. I stood after a nod from Alice and made the rounds refilling the champagne glasses. Misty looked up and thanked me. From this angle she may as well have been topless. Breathtaking! I'll admit I was enjoying the situation as much as the other men. Not one of us said a word or even hinted to the women that anything was wrong. In fact, everything was right, wonderfully right!

Dinner, catered by our group's favorite restaurant, was over and we had all slipped into easy conversation. Despite the wonderful show of feminine beauty, I had never been in a group that so easily talked and laughed while sharing ideas and experiences together. And that is what Alice was looking for. She lightly struck her champagne glass and stood. Leaning over as she did. I heard a soft "Wow!" and a whispered "so sexy!" but it was the women who softly thought out loud.

"A toast," she said, "to good friends, dearest trusted best friends!"

We drank. She sat but continued to speak,

"We girls feel that as a group we have something very special."

Misty and Sasha readily and vocally agreed with her.

Again she continued, "We, us girls, have become the closest of friends and have really appreciated and loved the way you, Matt, Blake and Ken have become closer also. We have discussed becoming even more, (a pause) intimately closer but have some deep concerns."

The other two women slid in closer to their respective mate taking their arm or hand and holding it tight.

Alice looked intently at me and paused, "We love each of you dearly and do not want to harm or ruin that. At the same time we each want, well, crave something more."

I watched the other men as they put an arm around their lover and held them closer.

"We want to know if you can shed all jealousy between each other and allow us to become closer, much more, well..." she paused looking again directly onto my eyes.

"Intimately closer?" I said.

In a calm soft manner as if asking a question she breathed out and said, "Yes."

"I can, easily." I started, "These men, well all of you I have grown to like, no, love a lot over these past months." I rose while speaking and moved to be close to Alice. Alice sighed and let out a small "Mmmm..." when I wrapped one arm around my sweet beautiful woman.

"How do you feel? What do you think?" I nodded at the other two men.

"I have enjoyed each of your friendships and learned I can trust you with anything." Blake said. He looked into the eyes of his Misty who smiled, then buried her head into his shoulder.

"I love you." She whispered.

Ken looked first at his lovely Sasha who was smiling with excitement at us then at him, "No jealousy here." He said.

Sasha kissed him deeply. We waited a moment.

"Perhaps then it is time then to take a first step." I said.

I held Alice in my arms and kissed her. She melted.

I continued after looking and receiving a non-verbal ok from her, "Blake and Ken, like you I have very much enjoyed the beauty and relaxed nature of these, our lovely wives tonight. But Alice normally is even more relaxed and natural at home. To show you each this trust and my lack jealousy, I would like you help me?"

I stopped, looked at each of my guests, then at Alice's little grin. She knew what was about to happen.

Blake and Ken nodded. Misty and Sasha looked as if expecting what I was about to do.

"Blake and Ken, please help Alice become even more naturally beautiful." Alice kissed my cheek and I took a couple of steps away from her.

The other girls moved away from and almost pushed their mates into action. Blake and Ken looked a bit confused or at least uncertain of their next move. When they reached Alice I announced to the group that she normally wore very little or even nothing at all when home. Blake and Ken both smiled.

"Please gentlemen, remover her top." With that I took another step away from her.

Each man looked first at their mates who looked excited and nodded in the affirmative. They wanted this to happen.

It didn't take Blake and Ken long to untie the top and let it hang down bringing Alice's' wonderful breasts into full view. Both men looked on with delight! Alice softly shook them from side to side relishing the attention and finally being able to bare them. I think she loved her breasts. I did!

It was Sasha who voiced, this time loud enough for all to hear, what we were all thinking when she said, "That is so sexy!"

"Yes it is! Ken, Blake what do you think?" I was grinning at the two's reaction.

"Well, touch 'em!" Misty was giggling as she urged them on.

Those two knew exactly what was going to happen. Blake and Ken both looked at their wives then at each other. Alice took one hand of each in hers and guided them to her breasts. They touched stroked and kneaded her to the glee of the other women.

"Soft aren't they!" Sasha let out.

"Part of our job as men, Blake and Ken," I tried to sound instructive, "is to give these beautiful women the security and trust that allows them to freely give all of themselves to us. And I think that love, trust and security is what we have here amongst the six of us tonight. So let's continue." I paused. "As you can see Alice is comfortable now but is just as happy with even less on. So if you will..."

I didn't need to go further. The two now very willing men began to unzip the back of her dress and in a moment it slid from her pooling at her feet. I stepped up and took her hand. She stepped out. Ken reached the dress and handed it to me.

"Thank you for your willing assistance." I said.

They took the clue and returned to their chairs. Both their women took the same stance wrapping their arms around and leaning on the men's shoulders not wanting to miss what was next.

"Those are very pretty lacey panties you have on Alice." I complimented her.

She actually blushed! The panties were barely covering her pussy and only lacey string held them on. I had her twirl around as if we were dancing. She did this twice. The second time she turned more slowly letting her audience see her wonderful shape and beautiful ass. From the back she looked as if she were nude, but not quite.

"Now what is for dessert, my lovely nearly naked darling!?" I asked.

"Well we are!" she grinned, "B..But part of it is in the kitchen." She paused and again took charge. "If you two," nodding at Misty and Sasha, "will escort them to the patio, I will get the cups. Oh, take your champagne classes!"

She kissed my cheek and we all watched her walk off to the kitchen.

"Wow!" Ken let out!

"Oh, yes!" added Blake.

"Come on you naughty little boy! Sasha was up dragging Ken by the arm.

She got to me and took my arm too leading us both to the patio. Misty was up and leading Blake who was still looking towards the kitchen as if trying to catch another peek at Alice.

"She'll be back, don't worry!" Misty was giggling out loud.

They led us to the chairs that Alice and I had arranged earlier. There was a kind of a small semi-circle of only three chairs. I wondered at the time, but didn't say anything about there being only three. The two other men each took one. I was starting to get the feeling this evening had been very well planned by these beautiful women. I kept walking to the hot tub and turned it on. It was a warm summer evening and I figured we would all eventually end up in it. Returning I took the remaining seat. Misty left for the glasses we had forgotten. When they returned Misty held the door for Alice who carried a tray with three large goblets filled with a fruit pudding. Each woman took one.

I stood, "You know, I think she is still wearing too much. What she has on isn't much anyway. Ladies, could you put those down for a moment?"

I took the one Alice had and Sasha took Misty's. We placed them on our nearby patio table. I put an arm around Sasha and then Misty. Alice stood at Misty's side.

"I need to voice my other concern." She said. "Matt and I can no longer have children. He shoots blanks and I can't become pregnant. I don't want to dampen the mood, but if this leads where I think it will, we need to take precautions. Ok?"

Blake and Ken nodded.

"Agreed," Ken said, "I had thought about that too."

"Ok, we are all on the same page then, good. We have provided for that. Packets are over by the window sill as needed." I said.

Blake and Ken looked behind them seeing the small box. While they did so Alice moved in front of me and turned to face the men. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her breasts with my hug.

"With that understanding I give you, Misty and Sasha the final choice. If you want us to continue, complete her transformation and present her nude to your husbands?" I looked at both of them then released Alice from my arms.

Misty moved close and kissed Alice on the lips. A small gasp came from Blake. Sasha went to one knee which caused her little sweater to ride over her breasts but she didn't seem to care. I moved so I could hold Alice's hand giving her added balance. Sasha gently slid Alice's little thong down her legs as I helped her step out one foot at a time. Sasha stood and placed them on the table then helped slowly spin her around. She was nude and smiling.

It was Misty who spoke, "Alice said we were your dessert earlier. She was right. We want this too."

Blake stood as Ken got up. Each came to his own then looked at each other. Blake led Misty to Ken and Ken led Sasha to me. I gave Alice's hand to Blake. He held her close to him for a moment then looked at Misty. She nodded. Then he looked at me. I nodded. He and Alice kissed a loving accepting beautiful kiss. Alice remained in his arms. Not even a hint of jealousy rose inside me.

"I think you two should unwrap your dessert too mine is looking very tasty!" Blake said with a bit of a smile in his voice.

He then led Alice back to his chair and she sat on his lap. Blake's hand rested on Alice's thigh for a moment then he began gently rubbing it along her leg. She parted her legs and he took the hint. His fingers didn't hesitate and he began stroking and exploring her pussy as she again kissed him. Sasha had rested her head on my shoulder, my arm around her. Misty was wrapped around Ken. We all watched Blake side a finger into Alice as they kissed.

"Well, what are you waiting for!" he urged us on.

"Here we are!" Sasha and Misty chimed in at almost the same time. They giggled.

I faced Sasha who raised her arm over her head. I slid that wonderful tiny sweater up and off. She was glorious! I turned to Ken and Misty. She was toppless also and just as glorious! Ken had stepped away stetting the top on the table. Misty grinned at me and shook her tits! Sasha leaned in and kissed my cheek. I lowered a hand to her skirt and in a moment it slid down. I went to one knee; she put a hand on my shoulder, steadied and stepped out. I looked up. Ken and Misty had stopped to watch.

"Keep going baby!" Sasha was purring.

I placed my hands on the little barely there panties and slid them down. Her perfect soft young beautiful pussy was so close. I moved in. She spread her legs with anticipation. I kissed those sexy lips and let my tongue lick between them.

"Oh perfect!" She purred.

I stood turned and placed her clothes on the table. She took my hand and led me to my chair. I stopped for a moment looked at Alice and with a finger under her chin raised her gaze to mine. Blake now had two fingers up her pussy softly and slowly stroking her sex. She looked up at me closed her eyes for my kiss. It was wet lusty yet soft and sensuous. I sucked her tongue as our kiss broke. Turing I sat and Sasha took her seat on my lap. She leaned down and greedily kissed me while guiding my hand directly to her waiting pussy. Our kiss broke. Her head rested on my shoulder, her hand stayed with mine as she helped my fingers glide in.

Ken and Misty had stood watching. Misty was still only topless with Ken's arm around her, his hand fondling her breast. Misty craned her neck to kiss Ken. He responded with his lips meeting hers.

"So sexy, so beautiful..." escaped Sasha's lips in a whisper. "Oh, just like that...mmm!"

Her arms were draped around my neck. Our foreheads were against each other. Our eyes were locked. Her pussy tightened as my other arm held her around her back allowing that other hand to find her breast and began softly fondling it. Our attention returned to Ken and Misty. Ken began on Misty's skirt. It slid to the ground and a moment later her panties were there too. He picked her up and carried her to his chair. He sat and she like the others was on his lap. She reared her head back. His fingers slid into her.

The petting, the kissing and the heavy breathing repeated through our small group for several minutes. Each of us got to know another's mate intimately. Each woman gave herself to another man who freely explored her warm pussy while kissing and fondling her. We each openly enjoyed our first exchange. Sasha snuggled in close and kissed my ear lobe whispering her love of what I was doing to her. I returned those kisses by sucking each of her nipples and told her how intensely beautiful she was.

"Really," she whispered. "Do you like my boobs?"

"They are incredible!" I returned.

"Really, I always feel they are too small..." she sounded honestly concerned.

"Really, Sash! I love them!" I guess I whispered a little too loudly. Alice was looking our way as Blake sucked on her nipples. He didn't seem to care.

"Look Sasha," I drew circles around the base of her breast. "Look at how full and round they are."

Her chin was tucked down watching my finger circle and draw imaginary lines on her perfect young breasts.

"They cover your entire chest; build to a beautiful round dome and then your nipples! Oh, your nipples stand out to amazing sexy points that really crown your perfect breasts! So, really, I really do love them and have wanted to just see them for a long time now!" I was honest.

She bit her lower lip, probably one of the sexiest things a woman can do, and looked into my eyes.

She snuggled in closer, "Thank you! I love you. I love this whole group!" was whispered in my ear and more lovingly sucking my ear lodes kiss began.

I turned her head softly with my finger and kissed her warm wet luscious lips then kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled.

"Alice," I said after planting a deep kiss on Sasha "I am not complaining, but when do we get the other part of our dessert?"

"Hmmmm...Oh," came her reply. She undraped herself from Blake and took his hand from between her legs. Sexily sucked and kissed her moisture from his fingers. "'Mmmmm... Right now." She stood.