Former Princess


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My eyes kept following Aaron around the room. He smiled at me whenever he saw me looking, making me flush with pleasure. I just had to learn more about this mysterious man. I didn't know exactly what it was about him, but he'd caught my attention more quickly and deeply than anyone ever had before.

I found myself surrounded by a group of my old high school friends, and I drank another glass of champagne while chatting about old times with them. A while later, I scanned the room again looking for Aaron, and I couldn't find him. I excused myself, and began searching for him. He was nowhere to be found. I couldn't believe that he had left without saying goodbye!

This felt worse than being ignored by David. I was amazed at how profoundly Aaron had affected me. I had only just met him, and here I was depressed that he was gone! I actually felt like I wanted to cry.

I had to get myself together. This was my party, and I had to maintain appearances, no matter how I felt. I decided to go upstairs briefly for a few moments alone to regain my composure. So much had happened in such a short span of time, I needed a minute to think about it.

I went to my bedroom, and closed the door, drowning out the sound of the rock music from downstairs. I stepped out on the balcony through the french doors on the outside wall of my room. It was a typical April night in Chicago, and the air was cool and crisp. I leaned on the balcony railing and tried to gather my thoughts as I looked over the swimming pool on the back side of the house.

I stood there, feeling lonely and a little confused. Who was Aaron D'Alero? Why did he affect me so powerfully? Would I see him again? I desperately hoped so.

I was lost in thought when I felt hands lightly touching my shoulders. I turned around, and there he was. What on earth was Aaron doing in my bedroom? This was an inexcusable violation of propriety. I opened my mouth to protest, but he silenced me with a kiss.

Not just a kiss. A deep, electric shockwave passed through me as his lips met mine. His arms encircled me, crushing me against him. My resistance to his boldness at entering my bedroom uninvited evaporated without a trace. I kissed him back, shamelessly locking my arms around his neck. I felt his tongue probing at my lips, and I parted them, allowing his tongue into my mouth. My tongue darted out and discovered his, and our tongues began to dance just as we had danced earlier.

The sensation he gave me with that one kiss was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. His hands began roaming over my bare shoulders, raising goosebumps everywhere he touched. Oh, I definitely wanted more of that. I could feel myself growing wet between the legs. I briefly wondered if this was an effect of the champagne I'd drunk, or if this man just truly felt this good.

He broke the kiss, staring deep into my eyes. His gaze was probing, as though he were reading my mind.

"W-what are you doing here?" I managed to ask, my voice shaky. "You shouldn't be in my room." It sounded so absurd given the way I'd just kissed him and the erotic thoughts I was having, but my "proper" upbringing forced me to say it anyway.

"I knew you wanted to see me again, Heather. I saw you looking at me all night. I'm just giving you what you wanted, or am I wrong?"

My first thought was, such arrogance! I opened my mouth to voice the thought, then abruptly closed it again. He was right. I had wanted to see him again. My eyes had been following him all night. His nearness made me feel so warm.

Instead, I asked him about what my mother had said. "My mother says I should stay away from you. She says you have, um, an eccentric taste in women."

He threw his head back and laughed heartily. "What a delicate way to put it! Apparently my reputation precedes me." His dark eyes glittered with humor.

"What do you mean?"

"It sounds like your mother has heard, probably through your father, about my sexual preferences. You see, Heather, I am a dom. It's sort of a game I like to play with women I'm attracted to."

"A dom? What is that? I don't understand, Aaron." This was getting even more interesting. First, this man had come into my room and kissed me until I was dizzy, then he starts telling me about his sexual preferences. And I was too intrigued to care that he wasn't supposed to be in my room.

"I'm a dominant man. I am attracted to submissive women, women who will do whatever I ask. I get off on being obeyed," he said frankly.

"A game? You mean you like to order women around? You want a meek little woman who has no mind of her own? Then what do you want with me? I'm not like that at all." I was worried that we had misjudged each other.

"You don't understand, Heather. The women I like aren't meek or weak at all. They crave being told what to do. They get off on pleasing me and it's completely their choice to do so. And as for what I want with you, you are a beautiful young woman, Heather."

He paused, as if to let the weight of that to set in, then continued. "You're too young to truly know what you want from a man, especially since you've been sheltered here in this mansion all your life. But I thought I'd give you the chance to find out. The choice is yours...I can leave now and you'll never be bothered with me again, or I can stay, and I can begin to teach you what I'm talking about. I can feel that you want me, but it must be on my terms."

My heart was thudding heavily in my chest. I was afraid of what he was saying. I really didn't understand. I really did want him, but all this was so confusing. "I don't know, Aaron. Maybe you should go and let me think about it for awhile." My voice was unsure. The thought crossed my mind that might be because I badly wanted him to stay.

"Indecision is really a decision in itself. Maybe someday when you're older and wiser and have learned a few things, we can discuss this again. Good night, Heather." His face was stone serious. He was leaving, just like that. He had been upfront about what he wanted, and he expected an immediate decision about it.

A kind of panic pressed down upon me. I knew I'd never see him again, and I very much wanted to see him again. That kiss alone was enough to convince me of that.

As he released me and turned to leave, my heartfelt choice broke through like a wrecking ball crashing through an old wall. "Wait! Please wait, Aaron. I want to understand. Please help me learn what you want!" My tone was pleading. I couldn't let him leave.

That must have been exactly what he wanted to hear. He turned back to face me, a smile brightening his face like the sun breaking through the clouds. His smile melted me where I stood, and I smiled back.

"Good girl, Heather. If you don't like the lessons I teach you, then at any time you can just drop out of school. But I think you'll like it just fine. Now, we need to get a few things clear before we begin."

"What things?" I asked, with an uncertain fascination.

"Unless we suspend the game of dominance and submission, you must agree to do everything I say. To obey me. And when you do things that please me, I'll please you in return." He punctuated his point by reaching out and caressing my face. His touch made me shudder with pleasure. "Do you think you can do that, Heather?"

"I-I'll do my best, Aaron. I will. I want to please you. But what do you mean by 'suspend the game'?" I couldn't believe what I was saying. I had just promised this man that I scarcely knew that I would obey his every command. I thought I must be losing my mind, but I meant what I said. I wanted to please him. And I wanted the reciprocated pleasure that he'd promised me. I felt a peculiar thrill run through me at the idea of pleasing him and earning pleasure for myself. I'd never had to earn anything in my entire life.

He patiently explained. "What I mean by suspending the game is that before we begin, we will agree on a 'safe' word or phrase that you may use if the game becomes too uncomfortable for you, or if I ask something of you that you find morally repugnant. But Heather, if you don't do as I ask at all other times, you'll need to accept whatever punishment I choose to give you," he said solemnly. "Remember, the choice is always yours. If you suspend the game, then punishment is also suspended."

Alarm bells began clanging in my head. "Punishment?" I asked. The question had to be asked, but in the back of my mind, I replayed what he was telling me. I could stop the game. There was always a way out. He wouldn't be forcing me, the choice would always be mine. I felt that pleasantly odd thrill again.

"Punishment can take many forms. I may choose to spank you, or tie you up. Or if it turns out that you like those things too much, then there are many other things. I can tease you mercilessly. Don't be afraid, Heather. I won't hurt you, unless you want me to," he said with a sly smile.

Like being spanked and tied up? Enjoying pain? I was confused and a little frightened, but I was also inquisitive at the same time. And I felt the unmistakable swell of sexual excitement growing within me as I listened to him. Nobody had ever spoken to me like this before, and the ideas he presented were new and totally foreign to me.

Somehow though, he made it all seem so appealing. Could I really dare to try this? Yes, my mind answered. Oh yes, my body confirmed. I once again thought about how his kiss had felt.

"All right, Aaron. I agree with that. But I can't imagine wanting to be spanked or tied up, or enjoying pain."

He laughed again. His laughter was music to my ears. "Well then, Heather, one of your first lessons will be on open-mindedness. We'll begin tomorrow evening. As for tonight, you need to get back to your party, and I need to leave. Do you have a pen?"

I fished a pen out of my bedside table, as he took one of his business cards out of his pocket. He scrawled a number on the back. "Call me at this number at eight o'clock tomorrow night. Eight o'clock, Heather. No earlier, no later, please. I'll give you further instructions then."

"I'll call at eight sharp," I replied. That sounded like such a long time away.

"Before I leave, I'd like to give you a little birthday present," he whispered. Somehow the whisper made it seem all the more important.

"Oh? And what present is that?" I asked, my voice low and husky.

He took me into his arms and kissed me again. My legs went weak. His hands began wandering over my body, stopping to cup my breasts through my gown and bra. Even through the fabric barrier I could feel my nipples hardening, and I moaned into his mouth.

Aaron took a step forward, forcing me to back up in order not to lose my balance. He backed me up until my back was pressed against my bedroom wall, without ever breaking the hot kiss.

When his lips did leave mine, it was only so he could kiss the sensitive skin of my throat and shoulders. As his mouth excited me further, I could feel him gathering up the hem of my gown and pulling it upward. I could feel my legs being exposed, bit by bit, until be had the gown's skirt gathered up at my waist. It was held in place by his weight pressed up against me.

His lips returned to mine, and he reached down and began caressing my thighs. I could barely control my breathing, and I knew that I was panting into his mouth. I was so excited, and I could feel my wetness tickling me as it trickled over my outer pussy lips. Oh god, I wanted him to touch me there.

He read my mind. His hand moved upward, and with one finger he parted my moist labia. I moaned, the sound muffled by his mouth on mine. He slid one finger into my pussy, then pulled it back out again. Next I felt him do the same thing with two fingers. He began pumping his fingers in and out of my wet slit, and my hips began moving forward to meet them with each stroke.

He broke the kiss and said, "I can tell you have a tight pussy, Heather. I'm going to enjoy your tight hole very much. And I can tell how much you like to fuck." I could only moan in response. I loved hearing his nasty-naughty words.

He pulled his fingers back out of me, and I made a mewling sound of protest. He smiled, and he found my aroused clit with his index finger and began caressing it. "Ohhh yesss," I hissed, feeling completely out of control, and loving it.

His finger began moving more urgently over my hardened clit. My hips continued to slide back and forth as I sought to increase the friction on my clit. He rubbed and rubbed, all the while staring intently at my face.

Soon I could feel the waves of pleasure intensifying and I knew that I was going to climax soon. "Oh, Aaron, I'm going to come!"

At that moment, Aaron switched tactics and began rapidly pinching my clit between his index finger and thumb. The incredible sensations pushed me over the edge, and I couldn't help but to cry out as I came. The orgasm was the most powerful I'd ever had, and his fingers kept working until the sensations began to subside and my body quivered all over.

He kissed me briefly, and said, "Happy birthday, Heather. That's a small sample of what you can expect when you properly please me. And don't forget, eight o'clock tomorrow. Good night."

He released me slowly, and left the room. My legs, turned to rubber after the intense orgasm, collapsed beneath me. I slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, pleasantly dazed.

A broad grin spread across my face as I realized that David Kershaw hadn't been the next to feel how wet my pussy got after all. And that I couldn't be happier about it.

I didn't realize until much later what a generous gift Aaron had given me.



The day after the party passed by with excruciating slowness. All I could think about was Aaron, and the things I had agreed to, and the out-of-this-world orgasm he had given me. I thought about how much I wanted to please him, and how the thought of submitting to his will appealed to me in a way I didn't quite understand. I hoped he was thinking about me too.

David Kershaw only crossed my mind once that day. I couldn't believe how hung up on him I'd been all these years. Sure, he was good looking, but he was nothing like Aaron. After a couple of brief hours with Aaron, I no longer wanted David at all. It was liberating.

As the clock crept nearer to eight o'clock, I began to get nervous, yet I was excited at the same time. What was he going to ask of me? Did I really have any hope of being able to say and do what he wanted? Would I make a mistake, causing him to punish me?

My heart was beating like a jackhammer as I dialed the number Aaron had given me. The phone began to ring just as the clock in the hallway began chiming eight.

He picked up on the second ring and said, "Thank you for being so prompt, Heather. Here is what I would like for you to do now. There is a shop at the corner of Altum and Majors called Miranda's. I want you to drive there and pick up a box that I've left for you. Open the box before you leave the shop and inside you will find further instructions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Aaron, I understand." The mere sound of his voice caused my stomach to do a happy flip-flop.

"Good. Do as you're told and you'll see me later tonight. Now get going, please." He hung up before I could reply.

I raced downstairs and called out to my mother, telling her I was going out for the evening. Before she could start asking questions, I slammed the front door and headed for the garage. I climbed into my car, a '96 Jag coupe, painted midnight blue.

It was a half-hour drive to the shop, and I was somewhat distressed to find that it was in a less-than-desirable Chicago neighborhood. I parked at the curb as near to the shop as possible, locked my car, and hurried toward Miranda's. When I reached the shop and peered through the large plate glass window, my mouth dropped open in shock.

There was a sign in pink neon script that read, "Miranda's. Fantasy Clothing, Adult Toys, XXX Magazines and Videos." The window display consisted of a female blow-up doll wearing a black lace teddy, surrounded by a variety of jars and tubes of various lubricants and scented massage oils.

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage before I opened the door and tentatively stepping inside. I was relieved to find that the store was almost empty of customers. In the entire shop, there were only a couple of guys looking at the video selection, and a pretty, petite Hispanic woman working behind the cash register.

I stepped up to the woman and said, "Excuse me, ma'am? I'm supposed to pick up a box from Aaron D'Alero."

She smiled knowingly at me and replied, "Ah. So you're Mr. D'Alero's latest lady friend. He does have taste, I'll give him that." She looked me up and down, appraising me. I didn't know whether I should be offended, or flattered. I chose flattered.

She pulled a large, flat box from behind the counter and handed it to me. I opened it, my hands trembling slightly. Inside the box, the first thing I encountered was a note. It read, "Heather, inside you will find an outfit that I want you to put on before you leave Miranda's. Only wear the items in the box, nothing else, please. When you're dressed, drive to the following address and use the enclosed card key to access the building's private parking lot. Enter the lobby, and tell the security guard that you're there to see me. He'll call up to announce you, then he'll send you up to my apartment where I'll be waiting. Aaron."

I pushed back the tissue paper in the box and peered inside. Something red, and silky. I grabbed a spaghetti strap, and lifted it out of the box. He's got to be kidding, I thought. But I knew better.

It was a dress, sort of. It was red silk, and it looked like it was made of less fabric than an average handkerchief. It had the thinnest of spaghetti straps, and appeared to be outrageously short. Also contained in the box was a pair of black thong panties and a pair of black thigh high stockings.

I only hesitated for a moment before asking the saleslady if the shop had a dressing room. She grinned, and gestured towards the back of the store. As I began walking towards the dressing room, she said, "Miss? I almost forgot. What's your shoe size? That's the only size Mr. D'Alero wasn't sure of."

I smiled, looking down at the tiny dress in the box. "I find it hard to believe that wasn't the only size he wasn't sure of! My shoe size is a seven, though."

The woman giggled. "Go ahead on back to the dressing room and I'll bring the shoes he chose back to you, in a size seven."

In the dressing room I stripped out of my clothes and slipped on the thong panties and the black stockings. I pulled the dress on over my head and peered into the mirror. Oh my, I thought. It was strange. I had never seen myself dressed in such a way -- slutty.

The dress was very low cut -- one more inch lower and my nipples would have been exposed. As it was, the outlines of my braless nipples were completely visible through the clingy fabric. The dress's skirt barely covered my ass. If I bent over even slightly, the thong panties and my bare ass would be clearly visible to anyone who happened to be looking. I mentally began ticking off a possible list of people who were going to see me dressed like this before I even got to Aaron's -- store customers, people on the street, whoever was in the lobby at the apartment building.

I was still gaping at my scantily clad reflection when the saleslady knocked on the door and said she had the shoes. I was almost afraid to see the shoes, but I opened the door anyway. She grinned and whistled at me, and I blushed. "Ooh, he is going to be pleased, honey. You should be too. Here are your shoes." I liked her more and more all the time.

She held out a pair of red pumps, shiny leather, with five-inch stiletto heels. I slid them on, and my first thought was wow, these are hot! They made my long legs look even longer. I looked at my reflection one more time, and I decided that if this was how Aaron wanted me to look, then I liked it too.