Founders Ch. 83

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The first colony mission to Mars, 2043 CE.
3.6k words

Part 82 of the 97 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/25/2020
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83: Tuesday, Taurus 10, 231. 0900 hours OST: Landing

The crews held their goodbye breakfast at 9 AM on the big day, Taurus 10. By the end of the day, they would be down on Mars. Berte had brought extra tables into Galley A. Everybody would have a place to sit.

Zach arrived on the dot with Charisse and baby Vrishika. Almost everyone was already seated. Mateo was the only other man. He was sitting next to Colby and baby Mina, talking and holding hands. Good for her, Zach thought. He'd been worried about Colby's reaction to Jason being missing on the eve of the landing.

"Zach, you're barely on time," said Colleen. "Where's your lovely wife-of-the-day Anming? It's unlike you to forget your dessert." This brought laughter from the crew. She was referring to their practice of him bending the "official" wife over the dining table at meals. Usually it wasn't done so publicly, but everybody knew about the practice.

There was a round of applause when Jason arrived, and cries of "You're late!" Everybody knew he'd undoubtedly had company last night. There was a buzz of conversation. Only one other of their crew was still missing.

Colby looked up from her sweet nothings with Mateo and beamed when Anming showed up a minute later, with her huge belly. She expected to be inconspicuous. What she got instead was a loud cheer from the women and cries of "You get it, girl!" She turned beet red, hid her face in her hands, and put her head down on the table. That was all anyone needed to confirm their suspicions. Clearly, Jason had spent the night between Anming's pale delicate legs. Everyone was buzzing about this. A few were poking Jason and asking pointed questions. Being a gentleman, he didn't confirm or deny anyone's suspicions.

"Now that everyone is here," Colleen said, looking at Jason pointedly, "Let's go over a few logistical things. Our six drones will undock within a minute of each other starting at 1240 hours. The mining crew is next, and will undock at 1257 hours. The colony crew, the rest of us, will undock at 1307 hours.

"This means that the mining crew must be strapped into their excursion vehicle no later than 1220 hours. The colony crew must be strapped in no later than 1230 hours. That includes babies swaddled in slings with neck braces on.

"Does every mom have her neck brace? Good. The g-forces should never exceed one Earth gravity. But that's two and a half times the weight we've been feeling for the last six months. And our babies have never experienced that. Plus, only a few are barely holding their heads up yet. That's why a properly adjusted neck brace is so very important. If you have any questions or concerns about the neck braces, see Berte after breakfast.

"Reentry will be quick. If everything goes according to plan, we will touch down at 1329. That's a twenty-two minute trip from undocking to touchdown. The mining crew will touch down at their base three minutes after us. Remember to adjust your watches, gentlemen. You'll be on Elysium time rather than Olympian."

Everything was packed into the excursion vehicle by noon. The colony crew began taking their seats shortly thereafter. Colleen, hugely pregnant, was in the pilot seat. Colby was next to her with baby Mina on her chest in a sling. Behind them were Berte and Khushi at the engineering panels. Ayana and Zach took up the third row. Alexis and Michaela were behind them. Then came Anming and Colette. Aanya and Charisse were in the back two seats.

The clock counted down as Colleen and Colby checked systems. The drones detached and headed down like clockwork. At T minus ten, the mining crew undocked. Then ten minutes later, in was their turn.

Reentry was fast and rough. It felt worse than reentering on Earth. The babies fussed a little, but were suckled to calm them.

Right at the peak of reentry, Anming cried, "Water leak! No, not water! Salty!"

"My cunt is exploding!" Alexis cried. "Oh motherfucker! It hurts! My water musta broke!"

Anming looked green and hyperventilated into her barf bag.

Alexis was one row behind Zach diagonally. She yelled, "Give me the special sauces! The gas! Anything!"

He looked back at her. "This should help with the pain. I'm afraid it's not very strong. We don't want to risk harming your child. Lay back, now." A robotic needle appeared at the neck of Alexis's chair and injected her.

"Oh! I'm crapping! I'm shitting everywhere! I don't want to get shit on my baby!" Alexis complained. "Oh motherfuck! N-nuh! Jerfuck? Cocknosel! Mothaffer cung sniggoocksmuntraingin! Shollshorenilk?"

Alexis continued to spout gibberish. Anming was holding it together, nauseous, breathing into her airsick bag. They were moments away from touchdown.

The gravity went back to normal. The vibration stilled. There was a bump as they landed and then stillness.

Colby left Mina with Colleen. She climbed down the ladder and put on her space suit.

Zach unbuckled and went to examine Alexis. Her vitals and those of her baby were strong. The drug had made her a bit dissociative, a common side effect. "Fucknuttit," she said to him lovingly. She would have to be more aware to disembark. He gave her an injection to clear her system of the first drug.

A moment later, Alexis asked him, "Who the fuck are you?!"

"I'm your doctor and the father of your child."

"Come closer so I can kill you!"

"We're going to unbuckle you and climb down a ladder in a few minutes."

"What the fuck do I have?!"

"You're giving birth, Alexis."

"I can't do this! I can't do this! I'm going the fuck home!"

"Calm down, Alexis. We'll be in the dome soon."

Colby went out through the airlock onto the dusty Martian surface. The dome was fifty feet away. There was a flexible tunnel attached to the side of the dome. She climbed aboard and drove it to mate with the excursion vehicle. She tested the seal as the corridor filled with air. It was a good seal with no leakage. She took off her helmet and tested the air with a sniff. "Good." She radioed Colleen, "The corridor is sealed to the hatch. I have my helmet off in the corridor. It's safe to disembark."

"Could you bring up the gurney, Colby?" Zach requested. He climbed down the ladder to the hatch. Alexis was positioned directly above him on the ladder and came down it as he came down. He lifted her and laid her down on the gurney. He gave her an injection for the pain.

"Dipenilk?" she said, and closed her eyes.

He rolled her into the voluminous dome airlock. The construction of the dome required only one of these doors to be open at any given time. He shut the door leading to the pressure corridor and the excursion vehicle. He opened the door leading into the dome.

There was a medical bay adjoining the airlock. Zach examined her as the others disembarked and carried in supplies. She had made a small BM. It was easily cleaned up. She was eight centimeters dilated. He felt the baby's head crowning the cervix.

Alexis's eyes popped open. "I'm not a cow! You don't need to put your whole arm up there!"

"Chill, Alexis," said Zach. "How do you expect the baby to get down? More importantly, how are you feeling?"

"Much better, now that I'm not giving birth while getting crushed by two and a half times my weight."


"I want to push."

"Don't push yet."


A few wild contractions later, she was fully dilated. She pushed. Soon, a baby girl was crowning, and slid out as easily as babies are ever born. He cut the umbilical cord and handed baby to mommy. The baby looked startled. They cooed at each other. Alexis sniffed and said, "She smells like she's from my cunt, all right." She weighed eight pounds, seven ounces.

Soon the placenta was born, and appeared to be intact. Alexis said, "Be honest. Did one of my kidneys just fall outta there?" He had to tell her about the placenta.

The birth had been abrupt and sometimes violent. Alexis's vaginal opening had torn. He gave her a local and a few stitches. She said sleepily to him, "Don't make me a virgin. I don't want to go through that." She and her baby fell asleep.

The excursion vehicle had gotten partly unpacked. Most of the women were resting after the stressful journey. Ayana jumped in while he was busy with Alexis. She gave post-flight checks to the babies first. They were fine. She checked the moms. Zach checked Ayana and then helped her check the others.

When Zach got to Anming, they found an out of the way medical bay where she would have privacy. As he checked her, he asked, "How was last night?"

"I performed as you asked me to. Jason was virile. Not as virile as you. Less excitable, as befits a mature man. He enjoyed me several times. He assured me this morning that he was completely satisfied."

"That's wonderful. How was it for you?"

Anming blushed. "It was mortifying at breakfast that everyone strongly suspected."

"How was the lovemaking?"

"He was far too solicitous, though I suppose that's part of western culture. It didn't disturb me."

"So, he was 'not annoying.' Hardly a rave review."

"It's embarrassing to discuss. He performed well. Can we leave it at that?"

"You fantasized about making love with him. Did the reality live up to your expectations?"

"Oh, greatly exceeded. Except all the 'may I?' this and 'how are you?' that. In my fantasies, hmm, he forced me quite violently. But in real life, it would be unacceptable. And it's not in his nature."

"Are you yearning for a mock-rape like Aanya gets?"

"Certainly not, my husband. There's a difference between fantasy and reality. Objectively speaking, his concern was actually quite sweet."

"Wow, 'greatly exceeded.' That paints a whole different picture."

Anming smiled enigmatically.

He returned to check in on Alexis. Colby grabbed his hand and led him to the main building in the dome. It was a concrete building six stories high. Zach knew it was only three real stories. It had three floors of high-ceiling split-level apartments. From seeing the diagrams, he knew it had a water plant and a swimming pool on the roof. The thick glass triangles of the geodesic dome provided enough shielding to more or less shield them from radiation. The "less" part was that more high energy particles got through than on Earth. The swimming pool on the roof helped to alleviate this, at least indoors.

Colby and Zach went into the building. It was organized around a central courtyard. The bottom of the swimming pool was made of glass, just as the dome panels were. Muted light filtered down through it, giving the inner courtyard a calm feeling. Here children could play with much less radiation exposure. Around this central courtyard were the entrances to the various apartments. These buildings were designed with the intention that crews would be mixed fifty-fifty and pair up into couples. Each apartment had two large bedrooms, one for the couple and one for their future children.

"Instead, we're going to combine four of these apartments, Zach. We'll knock down some walls separating them, which are not structural walls." They walked into one of these apartments. They were split-level affairs, with both bedrooms and a master bath and communal bathroom upstairs. A stairway and landing overlooked downstairs. Downstairs, in the front, facing the courtyard, was an open area intended to serve as an entryway and dining area. In the back, with bay windows on the outside of the building, was the living room. In the middle, against the same wall as the bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs, were the kitchen and utility areas.

Each apartment was a mirror image of the one next door. For the apartments with adjoining kitchens, they would open the downstairs wall separating the dining rooms and living rooms. This would leave a long communal corridor of space along the fronts and backs of the four units. For the two apartments in the middle, they would knock down the entire split level wall between the two living and dining rooms, leaving just two structural pillars. This would provide a large open split-level communal living and dining area in the middle of the group of four apartments.

"I hope you love it baby. Berte and I are going to start knocking down walls tomorrow."

"I love it."

"And me, too?"

"Absolutely you. I should be getting back to Alexis. Ayana is watching her for me, but she shouldn't be working yet."

"I was wondering whether I could tag along. Could we look for a spare moment to be alone together?" This was Colby's way of telling him she was horny and wanted to make love.

"Didn't Mateo satisfy you last night?"

Colby scowled at him.

"Did I just say that? It must have been my evil twin."

"Yes, Zach, he did. Since you're so anxious to hear, I'll tell you it feels real, real good to be under Mateo. He's nearly a decade younger than you, Zach. And, sure, you're in good shape, but he's a real athlete, serious fucking astronaut corps. He could have easily been a star professional athlete, and you'd better believe he stays in shape.

"He fucked the ever-loving bejezus out of me, with barely a pause, all night long. Literally. I think I got an hour of sleep. Thank you Jesus for coffee and post-coital highs.

"And he gives unbelievably good head. He made me want it, need it, time after time. It seemed as though whenever I just couldn't take any more pleasure, he would put a great big steaming hot batch of semen up in me, and I would cum again.

"It was so good, I contemplated stowing away on the mining crew excursion vehicle. Well, I wouldn't have had to stow away. They had eight empty seats. I'm sure they would have given me a lift if I'd asked. Now, is your curiosity satisfied?"


"Then I'll see you around." She walked out of the apartment and shut the door.

With Colby, it wasn't tit for tat. It was tit for nuke. Well, he deserved it for that numbskull comment. Hopefully, by the chocolate hour tomorrow, it would be forgiven on both sides.

He walked to the medical bay next to the airlock. It was full of arguing Breeding Bitches. "It is perfectly fine name if she wants to call," Michaela was arguing.

"Zach, perhaps you can talk some sense," said Charisse. "Alexis is going to name her little flower Anarchy."

"That's the most original and cool sounding name I've heard yet."

"You see!" said Alexis. "Zach, I present you, Anarchy Carson Warren."

Zach took the amazed-looking tiny bundle of wrinkles. "Hello, sugar boots!" he cooed. "Is baby going to stick it to the man? Yes she is!" Then, to Alexis, "Have you been able to nurse her?"

"Not yet. My milk hasn't come in. It was definitely earlier than my body expected. Ayana says soon."

Tiny Michaela reached up and grabbed his arm. "I must show Breeding Bitch Saloon. You will visit often, yes?"

Zach handed Anarchy to Alexis and looked at Ayana. "Sure, go," she said. "Really, I'm just sitting here relaxing with Gaia. I'm letting Khushi do the heavy lifting. I'm fine."

Zach walked with Michaela until they came to a two story concrete building. The buildings in here were concrete. They walked inside, and he got an idea of the scale of the place. The ground floor was huge, twenty-one meters by fifteen meters. It was intended to be a factory with offices upstairs. Offices ringed an upstairs walkway. The few dozen offices were small, but they could be bedrooms. There were two restrooms downstairs and two upstairs. The great big empty factory floor was going to become a saloon.

"You'll serve drinks here?"

"Yes, drink, food, place to sleep for weary traveler. There will soon be many such travelers. Adult entertainment downstairs and upstairs."

"You mean prostitution?"

"Such a harsh word. Nobody does anything they don't want. Some people want comfort, have money. Others want money, have comfort to offer. Simple."

"Do you think that's a good example for our children?"

"As long as every people is happy and is fun, da."

Zach knew this was historically a successful business model for a frontier town like theirs. "We need regulations and regular testing to keep everybody safe. Let's have no STDs on Mars, okay?"

"Yes, regulation, like any good capitalism." Michaela looked around. "Not any table in here yet." The tiny redhead pulled down her stretch pants and panties and braced herself against the concrete wall. She wiggled her ass at Zach. "Am horny from flight," she said simply.

Zach got on his haunches and lovingly tasted her pussy. She was already excited and climaxed easily. He had to take a very wide stance to match her height from behind. It amazed him every time that despite the size disparity, his cock fit into her. After several thrusts, it fit all the way in. It was like a magic trick. The tight, lively feel of her stretched impossibly around his cock was its own kind of witchy magic pleasure. He slapped his balls on her dripping mound as he railed her. She moaned low in orgasm. He was not far behind.

Zach hadn't done it in hours. He came hard and long. He shook and shuddered as he gripped her tiny hips and filled her. She loved catching him pent up and full of cum like this. She orgasmed hard as he filled her.

After a minute, he started again, churning his first batch out onto the concrete floor. He lasted twice as long this time, while Michaela came several times. Then he put another big hot batch in her. She loved getting her pussy filled with cum and almost always orgasmed when she felt it.

They didn't have anything to wipe up with, but there were the restrooms that had running water. They tidied up as best they could and headed back to the others arm in arm.

Khushi grabbed him next to show him the place she and Ayana had picked. It was the upper floor of an unused auxiliary power station at the edge of the dome. She and Ayana had thought about just taking one of the apartments, but the couple wanted a distinctive place of their own like Trigonometry and the Breeding Bitches had. And so, the substation.

Khushi and Berte had started up the 3D printing machines. These machines would be used by the colony when they needed to make only a few articles of something. One machine was at work turning out hard black plastic furniture parts. One machine wove and sewed blankets, sheets, and pillow cases. A third turned out foam mattresses and pillows. Khushi was already at work on a comfy bed for herself and Ayana. She had already printed comfortable cribs for Aaron and Gaia.

Khushi kicked off her shoes, slipped out of her pants and undies, and climbed onto the bare mattress. "Help me bless it, Zachary."

"I'll do anything you want if you show me those titties."

She did. Now that they were full of milk, they were at least double D's. The low Martian gravity made them look better than breasts could ever look on Earth. He kissed them, teased them, and licked them, all of which got Khushi hot and horny. Sadly, he shouldn't nurse and steal milk from Aaron, who was growing fast. Then again, hungry babies got routinely passed around to full-titted moms in this crowd. All the babies always had abundance. But even so.

His idiot exchange with Colby had stung, and this felt like healing. He kissed Khushi all over. He did all the things he knew she liked. Earlobes as well as labia. Then there was that deep, warm penetration they both enjoyed. She rode him, which was her favorite, but they also did missionary. They took their time and enjoyed each other.

Late that night, Alexis and Anarchy were asleep and doing fine. Charisse and Vrishika were cuddled up on a waiting room couch next to them. Everybody was now asleep, it seemed. Zach crashed out on a surgical table nearby.

Berte gently shook him awake half an hour later. She led him, half dressed, to the apartments, to a bedroom. In it were a great big black plastic bed with all the trimmings. It had sheets, pillows, even bedside tables and reading lights. She'd apparently made them all in the 3D printing machines over the last several hours. Then she'd dragged the manufactured parts up here and assembled them. It was a magnificent gift.
