Four Year Itch 02

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Another take on yesterday's story.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/03/2021
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Bill Yates and his wife Joan lived in a rented apartment in center-city. They were both twenty-six. They had been married at twenty-two and had just celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary. Bill was slim, 5'9" tall and had thick wavy light brown hair. Joan was 5'5", not as slim, but with a good figure. She had light brown hair and looked like the girl next door, who was out of local guys' league.

Bill was a plumber. He made good money, because here in the city no one could even clear a clogged drain. Work was more than steady. There was always a backlog. Joan had just graduated law school, and had been hired by a medium large firm. She also made good money, although not as much as Bill. Their marriage was, by all accounts, a good one. Of course, both were busy people. But they made a real effort to see each other, in and out of bed. Bed was almost always very satisfying, sometimes explosive. Joan had had a few hook-ups before meeting Bill. Bill was a little more experienced. Women seemed attracted to him. He was taken with Joan, though, the first time he saw her at a club. They were twenty-one. Married about a year later.

The two of them had plans to start a family. Both were from large families, and wanted to make a large family. Joan knew that getting pregnant was not going to sit well with her firm, but she had her priorities. Their plan was to put aside some money, have her go off birth control, and move back to the western part of the state for her to have their first child. Bill was confident that he could always make money as a plumber. They decided that they would make the move in about six months, around the New Year.

As the year moved on, Joan became a little uneasy. Two things. She felt as if their plan would lock her in, in a way that could not be altered thereafter. And she had been hit on at work by another lawyer. Jake Beatty was thirty-six. He was tall, handsome and personable. He was working at the firm on loan from the main office. Joan was quite attracted to him. She loved her husband. So she made it clear to Jake that she was unavailable. Nevertheless, he persisted. He had gotten as far as a brief hug and kiss, after a lunch that they had, together, alone. Joan had been stand-offish until then. The kiss was revelatory. She didn't understand how or why she let it happen. She was in no doubt that if she gave in to Jake, she would have a spectacular time in bed with him. The rub was that Jake was on loan. He would head back in two weeks, a thousand miles away. After that, he might never return.

Bill was troubled by what he saw as a change in the marriage, just lately. Joan seemed preoccupied. When asked, she explained that she had a work problem.

Jake made a proposal to Joan. The weekend before he left, they would go off to a lake resort, have three days of sex, and that would be it. Jake, who was married with one child, would depart. Joan would continue with her plans for a family. Joan immediately said no. She simply said that she would not cheat on Bill, nor lie to him. She already felt guilty because she had not mentioned Jake to Bill. Jake said that she should simply ask Bill for permission. Tell him that she needed a fling before she settled into kid making. Just the weekend, then no more. She might learn new stuff that would help them in bed. She just listened to this. She was getting wet. If Bill loved her, he might agree. Jake knew that he had convinced her. He had no idea if her husband would go along. It seemed to him, though, that it was his only shot. He had tried all the tricks that normally worked for him, to no avail.

On Sunday night, the projected Friday departure to the lake with Jake was only five days away. Joan and Bill were heading for the bedroom, when Joan turned and gave him a super-hot kiss. That led to super-hot sex, with Joan having very intense orgasms, and Bill being pulled along by her. Joan was thinking about Jake the entire time. After they finished, they were lying in bed, with Joan spooned around her husband. She whispered in his ear.

"That was so great. You're so good to me."

"I try, thanks." He kissed her.

She started hesitantly, "Bill, I met a guy at work. He's a lawyer from the central office. He's been with us for five months." She felt Bill stiffen.

"Why are you saying this, especially now?"

"I was thinking how you have much more sexual experience than I do. I wanted...well the guy is hot. He's invited me to be with him at a resort for his last weekend here before he goes back to the main office. I wouldn't cheat on you. He said maybe you'd agree. I'd like a little fling before we settle and have kids. But if you say no, I won't do it."

Bill sat straight up in the bed, turned to look at his wife, really to see if she was serious. He did look. The searing pain he felt when he saw she meant what she said flashed across his face, for just an instant. His whole world destroyed in seconds. Joan saw it. She was horrified. His face became a mask. He bolted up and went into the bathroom, locked the door.

Joan was desperate, "Bill, I won't do it. Bill, please." She tried the door and found it locked. The shower went on. She went and sat on the bed, waiting for him to come back out. She thought that maybe he was thinking over his reply. She knew different, though. She'd seen that look. She was terrified.

Bill stood in the shower, his life as he knew it was over. He hurt so bad. Joan was his life, and first love. He washed himself, and it seemed that doing that washed away not only their sexual debris, but his love. Gone down the drain. He knew he needed to get away, before he ended up in jail.

He turned off the shower, dried himself. Brushed his teeth, and packed up his toothbrush, razor and floss into his kit he kept under the sink. He heard Joan sobbing outside. He wrapped his towel around himself, opened the door, went directly to his dresser. Joan rushed to him, and he pushed her back away from himself and onto the bed.

"Billy, I won't do anything. Billy, please, please. It's nothing. He's nothing. Please come back to bed."

Bill ignored her sobs as he dressed. He put his brush and comb into the kit. He got out a duffel bag, packed extra clothes into it. He zipped it up, put it over his shoulder. He took one more look at Joan, who was staring at him, in a trance. She had stopped crying.

Bill went and got his phone and lap top, a Pepsi, and walked out the door. He slammed it. He jogged away from his building, and hailed a cab. When he got in, he asked for a car rental place. The cab took him to the airport, where he got some cash, and rented a sedan. He started driving west.

His phone started buzzing, and he turned it off. He drove for two hours, pulled into a Motel 6. He slept fitfully. In the morning he paid off the room and was sitting in a diner for breakfast when he saw yesterday's paper on the seat. It was turned to the want ads. His eyes focused on the word plumber. It was a help wanted ad for a firm in Mountain City. He called.

On his way to mountain city, Bill took the battery out of his phone. He stopped at a convenience store and bought a cheap phone. He drove fifty miles to Mountain City, a town of fifty thousand. He found the plumber and got the job. It didn't hurt that the plumber was cute.

Bill used the new phone and the computer to do some business. He notified his boss that he was quitting, and had his last check sent to his parents' house. He emailed his parents about what he had done, and made arrangements for them to get the check.

He dropped by a bank, got a new account. Then he transferred money from his old account into his parents' account. He emailed them about what to do with the money. He also made it clear that he did not want any communication with Joan. He rented a room near his new work.

The next day he started his new job. That morning, he made an arrangement with a friend to have him monitor Joan's activities for the week. He noted that Joan was emailing him. He opened a new email account.

There were twenty emails from Joan. They started out apologetic. Gradually they got desperate, then angry. He trashed them.

Joan was frantic for a day or so. She spoke to Jake about what had happened. She told Jake that her husband had walked out on her without a word. He was amazed, sympathetic. He said that Bill would probably see the light. He asked her if she was still game for the weekend. She was flabbergasted that he would ask that.

"Are you nuts? My husband left me because I told him what you told me to say. I love him. I was out of my mind to do that. GO AWAY!"

Jake did go away. The two of them never spoke again.

On Saturday, Bill got in touch with his buddy who was tracking Joan. She hadn't gone anywhere except work and home. Bill spent some time identifying the man Joan had proposed to fuck. Jake Beatty. Married, a child. Bill got his address for future use.

Another week went by, and Bill's mother called. She wanted Bill to listen to Joan about getting back together. He declined.

"She says she told you she wouldn't go with the guy. Is that so?"

"Yep. That's what she said."

"Then why did you leave? You could have just said no."

"Think it through, Mom. How could I still be married to her when she wanted to fuck some other guy? Won't happen."

"But she didn't do anything with him."

"That seems to be so. I'll consider that, but my current thought is -- what about the next guy who comes on to her?"

"Guys come on to her all the time. Maybe this one was really good at it. Give her a break!"

Bill settled into his new job. He moved into a one bedroom apartment a little further from work and he got a motorcycle to get there. He loved riding it in the mountains. Two weeks passed. Bill's mother called again.

"Bill, I'm going to tell Joan where to get in touch with you. You need to settle things. You need to forgive her. She never screwed around."

"She would have. She still might. Obviously, she's dissatisfied."

"She's afraid of settling down, having kids. Lots of women have those feelings."

"I assume most of them don't ask to fuck a weekend away with a stud."

"At least she asked. She said she wouldn't do it if you said no. Anyway, she knows where you are."

Bill called his buddy, who had kept an eye out on Joan. He got a report that Joan was living like a nun. She went to work, she came home. She shopped for groceries. That was all that his buddy had seen. He'd roll by the apartment each day. Of course, he didn't go inside the building.

Joan was in a quandary as to whether to go to Mountain City, or just to call. Calling hadn't worked before. She took a week off from work. She rented a car and headed northwest. She had given a lot of thought about what had caused Bill to react so strongly to her request for a fling. When she had made the request, she thought he would turn her down, and that would be the end of it. Or, just maybe, he'd allow her to go with Jake.

When she thought it through, free from the influence of her strong attraction to Jake, she understood Bill's pain, if not his total reaction. If he had allowed her to go with Jake, she now thought that it would have killed the marriage. Bill would always wonder if he measured up. And nothing she could say would solve that problem. What if he didn't measure up? That was kind of the point for her.

If Bill had simply said no to her, he would always be wary of her, since she was so attracted to another man that she asked Bill for a hall pass. It now seemed to her that she had killed the marriage just by asking. Maybe, just maybe, she could restore the relationship if she had a chance.

Bill's mother had told Joan where he worked. She got to the shop just after 1:00pm. A young woman was at the desk inside the building. Joan walked in. The woman looked at her and smiled.

"Are you Joan? Bill's wife?"

"Yes. How....?"

"He said that you might show up, unannounced. He asked me to give you this."

It was only a slip of paper with an address. At the bottom was written '6:30.'

"Did he say anything else?"

"No, just, that's his apartment. I believe he was going to get pizza. Maybe beer."

"Okay, thanks."

"Good luck. Bill's a good guy. I think he was hurting a lot when he got here. He's also a real good plumber. I'd hate to lose him."

"I would, too." Joan smiled. "What's your name?"

"Holly Masterson. This is my business, from my dad. You know, I understand that Bill has to make some peace with his relationship with you. If you......if you fail, I'm going after him hard. So far I've held off."

"I hope you never get that chance. Just have to see." Joan was shaken by Holly's statement. She was seeing just how much she may have lost.

Joan ate a late lunch. She wasn't so fond of pizza. The she went over to Bill's apartment building. It really wasn't like the city. His place had parking, and a balcony. It was 4:30 pm. Joan sat at a picnic table and watched life around the apartment complex. There were lots of kids out, after school. It was relaxing to see them playing. She started to feel depressed, because she thought it likely that she had blown her shot at a family with Bill. And he was the only one she wanted...for that.

Bill drove up on his bike at 6:10pm. At first she didn't recognize him, because of the helmet. But it came off. She crossed over and called to him.

"Bill, Bill, over here."

Bill turned and saw her. His heart jumped. He had been nervous all day, not knowing what to do. As she walked toward him, he turned, ushered her into the building, opened the door to his apartment. He had cleaned it thoroughly when his mother told him Joan might show up.

When the door closed, Joan turned facing Bill. She was crying soft tears.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She sobbed it out.

"Why did you do that? I have never been so devastated in all my life as I was when you wanted him."

"I know. As soon as I saw your face, I knew what a huge mistake I made. If I could only take back that moment."

"But why? Did you think he would be so much better at sex than me, the thrill of a lifetime? Then back to boring old Bill?"

"I was just scared. I was scared of never....of just being 'Mom.'"

"Of never getting great sex from a stud guy? You were afraid you would miss out." Bill was bitter.

"Bill, I was really attracted to him. He was handsome, and older. He promised me the best sex of my life, ever. Something to remember always. I believed him. I'm sorry. The sex we had before I blew up our life was fantastic. Sex can't be better than that."

"That was sex with me, while you were fantasizing about him, right?"

Joan looked down. "That's right. I...I..can't deny that."

"If we get back together, will you be dreaming of Jake while we make it?"

"No. No, I sent him packing. I think everyone has their fantasies. You must have yours. What about your boss, Holly? She's so sexy, even in baggy jeans. I bet you dream about her."

"Maybe so. But I -- well, I know we all have fantasies. Holly has recently been in my thoughts. I never would have proposed to you to go off with her for a weekend of passionate sex. Better than you could do."

"Oh shit! I know you wouldn't. I fell under Jake's spell. I never believed that you would let me have Jake."

"But you had to ask....maybe you'd get permission. That's what you really hoped."

"Yep. I can't deny that."

"Lemme think. I'll order the pizza. There's beer in the fridge."

The pizza came in twenty minutes. They drank a beer while they waited. Joan asked Bill about his job, and the apartment. She also asked about Mountain City. She was especially interested in his motorcycle. She said she never thought about him that way.

"I like riding. I rode in high school. A smaller bike. Whatever happens with us, I'll take you for a ride."

They ate the pizza when it came. Joan was hungry, despite the late lunch.

"I'd like my ride, now, Bill." Joan stood up, held her hand to Bill. When he stood up, she circled her arms around him, pulled him into a kiss. A hot kiss, with tongue. Bill hadn't had sex since that night. Neither had Joan. Bill was a goner.

Joan stepped back from him and took off her dress. She wore only panties under it. She had dressed for success. Bill stared at her body, one he knew so well and loved. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her onto the bed. She clawed at his pants, tore them open. She fished out his hard cock, not being particularly careful. She swallowed it whole, all the way down her throat. She sucked, and then licked as he moaned, grabbing her head. He fucked her face. Then he tossed her on her back. She opened herself to him, and he fucked her as hard as he could. It was uncontrolled passion for each of them, ending in a mighty climax, as he filled her up.

They lay on his bed, in each other's arms, saying nothing, breathing hard. He got hard again. She noticed.

"I think you enjoyed that.....More!" She went after his dick again, licked it up and down, then straddled him and impaled herself on him.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh,' she was grunting as she fucked him as hard as he had fucked her. She started licking his face, his lips. He groaned. "Gonna come....."

She felt him spurt into her, and she had another big orgasm, before she collapsed onto him.

After a few minutes, he picked her up, sat up, and sat her beside him.

"Beer," he said. They got up as one.

He took a long pull, and so did she. Both were naked. He was mesmerized by her. She never looked so good, all flushed and wanton. Naked right out in the lighted living room.

"No need to get dressed just yet," she said. She gave him a wicked smile. "The woman has the advantage. I may fuck you to death's door." She took another swallow of the beer. She pushed him onto his own couch, straddled him again. They began a long, slow fuck, with lots of kissing. When he thought about it later, he was totally amazed that he could keep up with her. The third coupling was long and leisurely, until it wasn't. He suddenly stood right up, picking her up and standing there moved her back and forth on his cock, paying no attention to her weight. She felt overwhelmed with lust, started coming hard again, as he came for the third time. Then he fell back onto the couch.

"You win. There'll never be anyone like you for me." He said it, and he meant it. She had fucked away his pain, at least for the moment.

Holly was disappointed when Bill called the next day to take some time. He promised her that he would return the next week. The work schedule wasn't why she was disappointed, though.

Joan resigned her job at the law firm. She moved in with Bill in Mountain City, got a job with a real estate closing firm.

A year passed before Joan delivered their first child, young Mary, named after Bill's mother. After all, her intervention had gone a long way toward saving the situation.

The end.

(One for the RAAC crowd, just to balance the scales.)

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NoBullAlNoBullAl5 days ago

Yep!! RAAC all the way!!

Have to wonder if it is a possibility that the longer men go without f**king the lower their IQ becomes??

nixroxnixrox14 days ago

3 stars - the RAAC was way more believable than that other piece of shit.

BUT it should also come with a very tight leash and an extremely punitive post-nupt, if either one of them commit an infidelity. Neither one of them would ever get a second chance.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm27 days ago

Nope. She asked, she will ask again...or just cheat and hide it better. Divorce is the answer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Someday maybe you'll take a creative writing course and learn how to FTDS. Until then spare us all and quit posting your crap on LW..maybe find a new hobby.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Better. But still thr sex was a deus ex machina. Life is not so simple. Does any married woman who is not looking for a divorce or on a dominatrix power play actually ASK to have sex with another guy while married, especially before they are to have kids? I am sure it happens but suspect it is quite rare. There is literally no upside for the woman unless she is a classic NPD or she doesn't care about her husband or is trying to force him into being a voluntary cuckold and open the marriage. In thr latter case, she has already cheated assuredly before anyways.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Much, much better than the 1st one. However, I still don't like it that he just upped & left when she asked him - no discussion, no directing her to counseling, no nothing. Just up & go to a different city. However, she was an imbecile to ask his OK for a fling right after "great" sex with her husband. THAT likely produced his reaction. And I like that she didn't go with that bastard for the weekend.

She used sex as the basis for rekindling their relationship. They haven't had any since that night. But he should've told her afterwards, when they went for the beer, that he needed to think if he could trust her not to want to have a fling again, or worse have one behind his back. Either way, he needed to tell his mother that her giving his location without his knowledge was totally inexcusable.

I wonder, from the 1st story, if she did go with him as written, but had the events play out accordingly in this part, but with him becoming involved with his boss, would his wife still be able to have the marriage survive? At the very least, he should aske for a post-nup. If she refuses, he's got a good glimpse into what she's thinking. Just a thought.

4 stars on this much better story. Bob

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA8 months ago

Not a big fan of flirty by-play after a spouse kind of craps on their partner. It seems assumptive and "cock sure" no pun intended. She say blatantly obvious with her desire to fuck Jake...Why would a spouse water the seed they deceitfully planted, while pleading their undaunted love. Inconsistent load of crap, eating up the situation. Kind of poor and untrustworthy on her part.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You more than balanced the scales long ago . Your so called high self esteem MCs often got back together with the wives plotting to cuckold them.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The stupidity continues

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

"Bill hadn't had sex since that night. Neither had Joan." Uhhh, really? Soooo, Joan fucked Jake BEFORE that night. Before she asked...and then she never went with Jake on the weekend...but, she SAID that Bill was better than Jake so she must've fucked Jake...but, she SAID that she went with Jake because what the hey why not? I am so confused...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

“Bill's mother had told Joan where he worked.”

Hi, it’s Bill. I’m just calling to let you know that you’re not my mother anymore. Between what my wife wanted, you sticking up for her and saying that all women have those feelings, and then your final betrayal by letting the slut know where I am, I don’t think that I’ll ever trust another woman again. If by some miracle I do marry again, you’ll NEVER get to meet my wife, or your grandchildren. I wouldn’t want your influence to corrupt them. Remember, choices have consequences. Have a horrible life, cunt!


HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop. Wife gets away with asking but not cuckolding. Pretty lame story though.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Maybe more to real life than the first, but still a good story, you write well , you don’t beat about the bush, get right to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a pushover. No way he could trust her going forward.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wouldn't trust her for shit.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop. Poor transition.

l0ver0tical0ver0ticaover 1 year ago

Naw, he needs to end up with Holly. I like that you fleshed-out his ne life in Mountain City, but he goes from being a strong, decisive character in the first version to being a pussy-whipped wimp in the second...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No thanks. He can't be that weak-minded to give in to her idiotic logic and arguments? She never said she was wrong, only sorry. If she "fell under his spell" once how many more times would it happen in their marriage. He doesn't know it but he's a cuck and a fool. I don't mind a reconciliation story if it makes sense, this ain't it!

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