Fourteen Days


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She turned to the small group that had followed their progress through the house. "Nisha, you and Paul are in charge, don't let things get out of hand before we get back. How much have you had to drink?" she asked Greg.

"Just the one, I was pacing myself," he seemed confused.

"Good you drive, he's not thinking straight at the moment. Let's go I will give you directions," Tabitha said taking control of the situation.


She returned to the table and made small talk with the others who were seated with them, who consisted of Damien's sister and her husband as well as several of his work colleagues and their partners. They each took every opportunity to point out how well Damien was doing at work and how he hadn't had a girlfriend since Kristy left him.

Kristy seethed inside with each passing comment; she hadn't just left him. She had put herself through hell trying to fix their broken relationship before she finally moved out and severed contact with him. Unable to take it anymore Kristy stood after the dessert claiming to need fresh air but she found Damien had grabbed her wrist in a tight hold, "I'll come with you," Damien smiled but it did not reach his eyes.

Kristy went to walk towards the building entrance but Damien steered her to the back deck almost strong arming her and murmuring, "You at least owe me tonight, after all the trouble I went through."

"I owe you nothing," Kristy said quietly. "Why couldn't you have just left me alone, did you think I would still have feelings for you after all that happened?" She felt her indignation at what his friends had been saying rise in her. "You told them all I left you as if I had no reason!"

"You will stay for the rest of the auction announcements and dessert," he said menacingly. Still holding her wrist tightly Damien dragged her back toward the banquet hall, stopping in his tracks as he neared the door.

"Let go of my daughter now!" Neil's voice was barely above a whisper but the threat it held could not be mistaken.

"Daddy!" Kristy gasped and wrenched her hand free of Damien's hold, and all but running to her father. It was only then that she noticed the two large gentlemen that had escorted her father through the venue to find her.

"Nobody is supposed to be permitted entry without an invitation," Damien accused the two men.

"These gentlemen were kind enough to help me find my daughter after I explained that there was a family emergency and showed them my ID," Neil took great pleasure in the look of chagrin on Damien's face and could not help but press his point. "This was a very real emergency." He stepped close to Damien and lowered his voice, "We will be filing a restraining order against you, if you come near my daughter again, you will regret it."

Neil linked his arm through Kristy's and walked back through the room followed by the two men who had escorted him and Damien. "That dress is amazing; I feel like the luckiest man in the room right now having you on my arm," he smiled at her, and she moved closer feeling the safety of him being so close.

"I thought so too before I realised who sent it to me," Kristy shuddered.

"Ah, I see, seems a shame to send it back but there will be other red dresses," Neil consoled her as they made it into the reception area where Tabitha waited, relief flowing into her face as she saw then appear in the doorway.

Kristy ran and hugged her, "Thank you! I knew you wouldn't leave me trapped here."

"I should have known," Damien sneered from behind them, "the busy-body friend who can't keep her nose out of everyone's business."

"You are lucky it's me standing here and not my brother, or you wouldn't be so smug right now, haven't you hurt her enough? Had to come back and take everything from her all over again," Tabitha gave him a level stare.

"I have given her nothing but the best, that dress alone cost me a fortune," Damien snarled.

"Give him the dress Kristy," Tabitha said calmly, "You don't want anything to remind you of this nightmare."

Caught up in the moment Kristy reached back and undid her zip. As she lowered the dress her father took off his suit jacket and held it in front of her so she could slip it on as the dress fell to the floor. Tabitha picked up the dress and threw it at Damien, "Enjoy your date," she laughed and taking Kristy's hand walked out of the door followed by Neil.

Darren stalked near the car they had parked illegally in front of the building. Relief flowed into his features as the trio emerged and he opened the car door for them. Tabitha took the front seat letting Darren sit beside Kristy and her father.

"If there is a dress under that coat, it's not exactly long enough to be a ball gown is it?" Darren smiled looking at her legs as she sat between himself and her father.

"I gave it back to him," Kristy blushed and covered her face, "Tab made me do it."

"I'm not complaining," Darren said. "It's only the fact that your father is sitting beside you that is making me try and ignore your cleavage." He laughed with genuine humour as did Neil.

"I am really sorry you had to come and save me Dad, did I ruin any plans you and Mum had?" Kristy looked up at her father in the dark car.

"Of course not. Actually I was more than happy when Tabitha showed up and demanded I get dressed in a suit," he laughed.

"She can be a bit bossy," Kristy nodded her head.

"You should have called me though, I miss being super Dad who can fix anything," he hugged her to him.

"You go to the party with your friends where you should have gone tonight instead of the ball and Darren said he would bring you over for lunch tomorrow," Neil said as they pulled up in front of Kristy's childhood home, and she prepared to get out and face her mother with him. "I'll fill your mum in on all the gory details, they told me what happened this week on the way to get you," he kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, Dad," Kristy smiled and held his hand for a moment.

"Make sure you have some fun, don't let him pull you back into the slump you were in," he cautioned.

"No chance of that now, I have no intention of letting her be a recluse again," Darren laughed form behind her.

"Good man," Neil grinned and turned walking to the house and his waiting wife.

"I would say we could stop and get you something to wear to the party, but I am quite liking this look on you," Darren lifted the lapel of the jacket and peaked at her breasts chuckling as he did.

"Don't worry I will find you something to wear," Tabitha laughed and reached back to smack her brother narrowly missing.

The short drive to the party only took minutes, and as they all got out of the car, Kristy took the opportunity to hug Greg, "Thank you so much for coming with them to get me, I know you would rather have stayed and partied."

"Are you kidding? I think you under-estimate how much all your friends care for you Kristy," he returned her hug, "Plus it's pretty cool to watch Tab be all in control and take charge, don't you think?"

"It's one of her many charms," Kristy admitted, "She is good in a crisis."

"I'll have my boyfriend back now, thanks," Tabitha said with mock jealousy, "Bad enough my brother can't think straight around you."

"Indeed, especially in that ball gown," Greg teased.

"I'm gonna go raid your closet, Tab," Kristy grimaced.

"As much as I like it too, maybe it would be better if you changed, then I would have some chance at getting some time alone with you tonight." Darren laughed and picked her up carrying her through the party as people called out to him to stop for a minute.

Tabitha was taller and broader than Kristy, and she had difficulty finding something that fit her without gaping in the chest or being so long she tripped over it. She settled for a flowing halter neck dress which would have been short on Tabitha but on Kristy it fell to her knees. Darren had sat back on the bed watching the whole process and enjoying himself immensely. When she was finally dressed, he stood up and caught her in his arms.

"No more excuses," he said softly and kissed her, "We are going to start dating properly, seriously even. I have wanted to be more than your friend for so long now that I can't let you go out there without knowing exactly how I feel and what I want."

"It sort of crept up on me slowly," she said softly, "but I would like that very much," and for the first time she tangled her arms around his neck and kissed him back pressing her body up against his feeling happier than she had in some time.

"Another kiss like that and we won't make it out to the party at all," he murmured and leaving one hand wrapped round her opened the door and led her out into the crowd of their friends.

The night was great; Kristy had to admit. She and Darren had not been more than an arm's length apart at any time and even then the gap closed quickly. Even when talking to different groups of friends they had stood back to back their hands finding each other's.

People started to leave shortly after midnight and with just a few last people hanging around sitting, chatting quietly, Darren swooped Kristy up in his arms and carried her to his room with a smile, murmuring, "Third date rules, and all," grinning wider as she didn't argue or try to correct him.

Instead, Kristy wrapped her arms about his shoulders wanting what she knew was about to happen as much as he did but unable to bring herself to say it out loud. He sat on the edge of the bed and turned her, so she straddled his lap facing him, and pulled off his shirt. She wrapped her arms about his neck once more and leaned into his kiss staying within his strong embrace for what seemed an eternity her lips locked to his. His hands moved up and down her back as if soothing a skittish kitten before pulling away slightly to look at her face making sure this was what she wanted, as much as he did. He began leaning back his eyes locked to hers as he rolled slightly positioning her on her side kissing her again.

"I have dreamed of you and this moment," he whispered and she smiled nodding, her eyes bright, her arms reaching toward him once more wanting the closeness of his body. He smiled dipping his head to her neck and kissing below her ear before working his way up her jawline to kiss her fully again, rolling her to her back and hovering partially over her.

Darren moaned into the kiss, his hands slowly exploring her body as a blind man might read braille. The dress slowly sliding up her thighs as his hand moved up her body, his mouth devouring hers in a long passionate kiss.

He stopped reluctantly to catch his breath pulling the knot of the halter-neck dress free and exposing the silk and lace strapless bra she wore and watching the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Kristy shivered as he stared at her taking a finger and running it from her neck down between her breasts, making her sigh in pleasure and arch slightly toward him. She felt his hands move beneath her and undo the small garment leaving it in place before looking up at her hesitantly despite his obvious arousal and need.

Feeling his reluctance to do anything she wasn't ready for she lifted her hand to take his, smiling she covered her breast with it and pulled the bra away. She felt his fingers enclose around the soft mound of flesh as he rolled on top of her, his chest to her tummy as his head lowered to capture the tightening pink bud of her nipple between his lips. She felt his lips teeth and tongue tease at one breast as his fingers rolled and tweaked at the other and she lowered her hands to run her nails lightly over his back as she murmured husky sounds of appreciation.

"Do you know how beautiful you are to me," He raised his head and whispered moving back up to kiss her as his hands covered both breasts fanning out to capture the mounds and pull them up until only the nipple was between his fingers. At her appreciative murmur he kissed her again unable to get enough as if he had been starving for the last month, and finally she was here to feed him.

Unable to hold herself back any longer Kristy reached for his belt, pushing her hands between them to undo the large buckle and pull it free. Darren propped himself up on his arms watching her with a smile as the belt slid away loop by loop. She threw it to the floor and tugged at the button and zipper of his jeans, leaning down he kissed her as she struggled to undo the fastenings and push down on the denim. Growling he lifted back up again and kicked the jeans away kneeling up between her legs. His hands stroked slowly up her legs brushing over the lace tops of her thigh high's making him smile and murmur, "very nice," as he continued to push the dress up her body finally pulling it free.

"Very, very, nice," he breathed his eyes taking her in as he knelt over her. His hands moved from her shoulders down over her breasts and tummy finally hooking into the tiny triangle of silk that was her thong. She stared up at him as his eyes fixated on the spot between her legs, he slowly lowered the scrap of material down her legs, depositing it beside the bed with the other clothes. Breathing deeply, he brought his hand back up to her pussy, finally looking up at the face of the girl he had dreamt of having just like this, determined not to rush it.

Kristy was so hot and horny by this stage, the feel of his finger stroking into her wet pussy made her whimper in pleasure and raise her hips to him, showing how much she desired his touch. She felt his finger slide easily into her and become coated with the evidence of her arousal, the second finger moved in slower, inch by inch as her hips rocked to his movements. He smiled as her body begged without words for him, and she let out a large breath followed by a whimper as her muscles contracted around his moving fingers.

He watched as she moved below him enjoying the quickness of her breath and the sounds she made as she rose in pleasure to his teasing hands, moving back on the bed he lowered his head to her and flicked his tongue over her clit making her arch up and cry out. He placed his free hand on her belly and continued the assault until he heard her whimpering cry and the gush of fluid over his hand. Unable to hold himself back any longer he crawled up her body, kissing her deeply as he drove into her open pussy with a hard thrust, taking her and possessing her. His arms wrapped around her tightly as he pounded in and out, satiating his long held need.

Kristy wrapped her legs up around his hips and raked her nails over his back, cooing into his ear, "Oh yes, more, yes." She rocked her hips to meet his every thrust and sailed on wave after wave of pure pleasure as her initial orgasm continued to roll through her body. She tightened the muscles surrounding him meeting his thrusts with more resistance and enjoying the low groans and growls he let out as he took her hard and deep. This first time was all about him staking his claim on her body. There would be time for more another time and he buried himself deeply into her and came hard. His cock pulsing for what seemed to him an eternity as she held him tightly to her body.

He didn't pull out of her but rather rolled to his side still embedded deeply within her and held her gently kissing her breathlessly and murmuring, "You are amazing."

"I was going to say the same thing about you," she smiled and kissed him happy in his arms, "Thank you for making this disaster the best Valentine's Day ever."

He grinned at her then, "The nights not over, give me a few minutes, and I can maybe improve on it even more." He waggled his eyebrows at her, and she giggled. Neither could stop smiling such was their happiness at being together.

"A few minutes, huh? I think I can probably speed up that process a little for you," she kissed him and then slid down his body enjoying his deep groan as she took his cock between her lips.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy5 months ago

Yes being careful and awareness will save you from terrible decisions …. She may should have asked about this “charity” and getting some knowledge, to spare her this horrific experience ….. BUT those sick dumb idiots like ex whatever, this counts for women and men ex partners, are just around like the fly on a brown something …. A restraining order is definitely needed , bastard …… ok back to the happy ending, perfect ….. so yeah 10 hearts for this 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨☘️

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow big thank you I read this story couple years ago couldn’t remember what it was called or who wrote it so I’ve had to go through a lot of stories to find it again

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story but AWFUL END

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

Besides a good story, you really know how to describe lovemaking (and not just fucking). 3rd story in a row that I read from you, and they all have wonderful sex scenes.

mommylovestoreadmommylovestoreadabout 6 years ago
I knew it.

As soon as her ex's name was mentioned. Good think Jump had Kanga's back. Really cute story and lots if interesting info.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago

I think the same as the previous comment. I spent almost the whole story trying to imagine who was the one who sent her Valentine's gifts to her. I thought it was Darren until he said it was not, I also thought about Daniel, but I did not imagine it was Damien.

A great story, I really like your Romances!

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

elu69elu69over 7 years ago

Kept me trying to guess who it was, never dreaming that it would be the ex!

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Nice Romance

The stalking was well executed. It is shame, that, the guy was not of the same quality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice Australian story with just enough ocker on the nicknames.

5 stars.

sesren11sesren11over 10 years ago
Good Story

Though I did guess it was Damien after she mentioned feeling stalked I liked this story. Continue writing and good luck.

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