Fourth Vector Ch. 05


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Thankfully, Luke had pulled through. Jack had visited him in the ship's infirmary upon their arrival in West Sorella and despite some mild lacerations and some contusions, he would survive. He also had no doubt too that Kim would do her own part in nursing the man back to good health.

On the evening of the second day, Jack gathered together his own war council to decide on the plan for attacking the East Sorellan fort. They had been cleared to move out in the morning for their attack and now that the West Sorellans had their stocks of food and ammunition, a great number of them boarded theDestiny to be dropped off on the coast in the morning. The other half of their number would be traveling lightly by foot, hoping to cross the distance through the night and be in place by the morning for the attack.

Joining his council were the senior officers from all the ships as well as the minister Nikias and the king's daughter Elektra. Electra herself cut an especially impressive figure, her wavy, auburn hair and long legs catching the attention of every sailor who happened across her path. Yet Jack could tell by her steely disposition that she was just as committed to attaining revenge for her father and would perform well in the coming battle.

"Thank you all for coming," said Jack while standing close to a map of the Sorellan coast. Displayed prominently on the map was the location of the eastern fort as well as the position of the local prisoner camp nearby. Jack had sketched in the positions of the coastal artillery that he had seen on their sail by several days ago and had drafted his own plan of attack.

"Tomorrow will be the big day that we kick off the offensive against Daimanos and this is our target right here." Jack tapped at the map where the icon of the fort was located.

"As you can see, this fort is the center of Daimanos' power in the interior of the island. Nothing else like it exists on any part of the island from here all the way back to his capitol. We know that the recent attack on West Sorella originated out of this fort, and we know it to be a major staging area for his forces. It is more than likely that the forces who escaped the battle have taken refuge here."

"So we know all those bastards are holed up in there," said Luke, the only one who remained seated because of his recent wounds. "What are we going to do about it?"

"Two things," said Jack while pointing back to his map. "We're going to put it under a combined land and sea offensive. In the early morning hours, we are going to drop the marines off just down the coast and have them rendezvous with the West Sorellan forces that are headed there now on foot. Once they combine together, these ground forces will surround the fort and await the start of the sea bombardment."

"How are we going to do that, Jack?" asked Vicky. "It looks like they have a lot of artillery on the coast."

"They do," said Jack with a nod. "When we sailed by, I counted at least ten coastal guns, all looking to be larger caliber weapons. What's worse is that they can easily pivot in their placements and bring rapid fire to bear on just about any direction from the sea."

"This sounds like the harbor battle again, just on repeat," said Luke.

"Not necessarily. Because this time, we are going to have bait," said Jack.

"I don't like the sound of this," said Abigail.

Jack smiled and then continued. "One of our ships is going to sail in close and draw the attention of the guns while the other two dial in their positions and prepare to fire. I need a fast-moving, highly-maneuverable ship that get in close and stay one step ahead of their gunners."

Vicky shot him a knowing look. "It sounds like you're asking for a destroyer, Jack."

He began to nod his head. "That's exactly what I need, Vicky. Only theTiger can perform the way that I need it to for this ruse to succeed. You'll get in there fast, and keep your five inch guns trained on the shore to act as covering fire. My thoughts are that they'll be so focused on keeping you busy that they won't have time to go after the cruisers."

"What about the land forces, Jack?" asked Elektra. "What will be our signal to attack."

"We'll go as soon as the bombardment starts. We'll catch them right at daybreak and with a heavy artillery shelling. They should be easy pickings at that range."

"What if we need reinforcements?" asked Nikias. "What do we do if we don't have enough men to take the fort?"

Jack pursed his lips. "Unfortunately, every man that we can spare is committed to this operation. But I will say this—if you find any position being too hard to crack, stand back and radio your commanding officer. We'll have direct communication with the ships out at sea. Once the coastal artillery is destroyed, we can soften up any remaining targets for the infantry."

"Why do we even need a naval bombardment?" asked Vicky. "Why can't we hang back and let the infantry assault and take out the guns and then move closer when it's safe?"

Jack shook his head. "The infantry will need all the support it can get. Despite the victory we had two days ago, Daimanos' forces still outnumber us. We'll need the extra firepower from the ships to tip the scales."

"And if the coastal artillery takes out the ships? What then, Jack?" asked Anna.

Jack gave her a knowing look. "Then we'll have bigger problems. This whole plan hinges on the gun crews taking out that artillery and then striking deep into their position to assist our infantry. So Bill, Kyle, and Lance, I'm counting on the three of you to get the job done."

"You can count on my guys, Jack," said Kyle proudly. "We'll get them taken out quickly."

Jack nodded his head in appreciation before turning back to the assembled officers. "Any questions?"

"What do we do once we take the fort? What then?" asked Kim.

"Then we hunt down Daimanos and bring him to justice," said Jack firmly. He cast his eyes toward the Sorellans in their midst and Nikias gave him a nod of the head and Elektra wore a small smile of satisfaction.

"If that's all, let's move out. I want us all to get a good night's sleep and be ready to go in the morning. I'll need the best from all of you. Thankfully, there's never been a better collection of officers assembled anywhere. No matter what happens tomorrow, I remain eternally grateful to have you all fighting by my side," said Jack. "Dismissed."

As the rest of the room began to file out, the only remaining attendees were Nikias and Elektra, who had stayed seated until the end. Once the last officer left, Elektra was the first to open up.

"What do you think our chances are tomorrow, Jack?" she asked, looking up at him with bright blue eyes. "Do you think we'll be successful?"

He studied her for a moment before answering. For the first time, Jack could see shades of her father contained within—the same worry and doubt he'd seen on Heron's face during the war council.

"It's a solid plan and the best shot we have, I think," said Jack while dancing around the question.

She smiled and called him out immediately. "That's the biggest nonanswer I've heard yet."

Jack returned the smile and rubbed his chin. "I don't know if I can give you the answer that you're looking for. We'll do our best. That's all we can do."

"I know you will," she said firmly while rising from her seat. "I need to avenge my sister, Jack. Our family has suffered for too long. Tomorrow we will triumph or we shall perish. That's all that I can accept."

Without another word, the feisty redhead left the room, the door latching shut behind her.

"Is she always so . . . spirited?" asked Jack to Nikias.

"You can say so. Her sister, Hera, wasn't like that at all. More docile if that's a better word for it? I think Hera would have made a good mother but not a good ruler. Elektra on the other hand would make a spectacular queen," said Nikias with a proud smile.

"She is passionate for sure," agreed Jack. "I just hope she doesn't do anything foolish tomorrow."

"I haven't known her to do anything foolish," said Nikias, looking back at the door that she had just left from. "She's been just as controlled as she has been beautiful. A deadly combination you might say."

Jack smirked and gave a knowing look to the minister. "You like her, don't you?"

Nikias coughed and sat up straighter in his seat. "What gives you a crazy idea like that?"

"The way you talk about her," said Jack with a smile. "You look like a man who only has one thing on the brain. Or one person rather."

Nikias sighed heavily. "She is above my station. Almost nothing could happen between her and I. Elektra, if she survives this war, will marry a member of royalty like it always has been. While I may be minister now, I come from a lowly station. My father was a fisherman and my mother was a midwife. Such aspirations are not becoming of me."

Jack chuckled. "Heron looks at you like a son, Nikias. I can see the trust and admiration he has for you and the respect for your opinions. Have you made known your intentions to the king?"

The minister shook his head. "It's not the king's response that worries me. It's hers. I have no idea if she even knows I exist beyond being a simple minister. While I may be in the government for West Sorella, this is more to me than just being a minister. There is more to my person. Could Elektra ever see that?"

"Not if you don't put yourself out there to her," advised Jack. "If she doesn't know to look for you, she won't."

Nikias laughed nervously. "You seem to have a lot of answers. You do all right yourself with women?"

It was Jack's turn to laugh as his mind drifted back and forth between the two sisters. In measured breaths, Jack could see both of their smiles, both of their laughs, and feel the softness of their lips on his. "There's one thing about women that I've learned at this point in life that always holds true. Do you want to know what it is?"

Nikias nodded eagerly.

"That we really know nothing about them. The great secret to women is that there is no secret. All we do is stumble forward and hope one of them likes us back," said Jack with a gentle smile.

Nikias pursed his lips. "I liked you better when I thought you had all the answers.

Jack laughed and clapped the man on the back. "To be fair, I like you better now that you're not fighting for Daimanos."

The minister visibly shivered. "You have no idea what it was like to work for that monster. To carry such cruelty in your heart for your own flesh and blood, I'll never understand it. I don't know what happened to him as a child to turn Daimanos into this creature, but I've come to pity the man. He sees the world in such simplistic terms. Black and white with no shades of gray. Working for him was like being stuck in a nightmare without the use of your limbs. It just felt like there was no escape."

"You're free now, though. You're here with us and ready to strike back at him for that," said Jack.

"I take solace in that answer," said Nikias. "The only reason he sent me here was to have me killed. Alcydes was to have been the executioner."

Jack frowned. "How do you know?"

"You don't get to that position in his government without picking up a few tricks," said Nikias with an uncanny smile. "I had to develop my own network of spies alongside the servants in the palace. Never a huge amount, mind you—my coin only went so far—but enough to figure out news and the talk that occurred behind my back."

"Did he figure out who you were?" asked Jack. "Why else would he want you dead?"

Nikias shook his head. "Not to my knowledge. As far as I know, he still thought of me as his loyal minister. My thoughts on the matter are that I might have done my job a little too competently. You see in East Sorella, no one is allowed to outshine Daimanos. To do so is to write your own death warrant. Perhaps he was finally on to me, but I know for sure he gave Alcydes the order to kill me during the battle. It was given the night of our banquet."

Jack's eyes drifted upward. "Was that why you looked so surprised at being sent to battle?"

Nikias chuckled. "Do you know of any other economic ministers that go to war?"

"I suppose you got me there," said Jack with a laugh.

Nikias then looked at the time. "It's late. I should get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day."

"Please let me know if you have any troubles in the quarters I set aside for you," said Jack. "It's not much but then again we don't have much to work with on theDestiny."

"It'll be more than adequate, I assure you," said Nikias with a smile. "Besides, we're used to spartan conditions anyway with the war." With that, he turned to leave.

"Nikias, before you go," started Jack. "Talk to Elektra. You might be surprised at what may happen. Sometimes we never know the answer to a question unless we ask. The answer may just be worth the time spent asking it."

Nikias nodded to show his understanding and then left Jack's quarters shortly after. Jack took a deep breath at finally being alone and went to look out the portside window of his chambers. The moon was particularly full that night and there was a surprising amount of visibility across the water. Jack watched waves crest right next to the giant cruiser, and even at this distance, he could just barely make out the dark line of shore that marked the coast. Tomorrow morning they would begin their assault. He just hoped his plan was a good one. And that it wouldn't get them all killed.


The next morning's preparations went almost too quickly. One moment, Jack was still in bed, although awake at the prospect of the coming battle. The next moment, he was sitting with a squad of marines in the launch boat and approaching shore just before dawn. Thankfully, he was with Greg again, the major already sitting in the boat and wearing a grin as soon as he settled inside.

"You know, as the commander, you have to actually fight a battle at sea sometimes. You can't always come ashore and have fun with us marines," said the smirking Greg.

Jack chuckled. "Ordinarily you may have a point but the West Sorellans need every man they can get. That includes men like myself with actual combat experience on land."

"I thought you were purely naval," said Greg. "I didn't know you had land experience."

"I picked it up in the Desert War," said Jack. "It may have been a short conflict but it was a nasty one at that."

"Some day, you'll have to tell me more about that experience," said the major.

"I will if we get out of this alive," said Jack with a grin.

Their launch boat drifted closer to shore and the darkness of the coast steadily became more defined as they neared. Jack turned to look around him, seeing all of the launch boats in steady waves making their way from theDestiny, their silent invasion force ready for this showdown with the remaining East Sorellan forces.

Jack's boat was one of the first to hit the sand, and unlike their Lishkerran adventure, the marines were able to disembark and hit the tree line without any enemy fire.

"This way, men," said Greg with a low call. The marines shuffled forward in an organized line, representative of their intense training and comradery. By the time their first boat had completely entered the tree line, others were staging across the beach and soon the entire company lined up just beyond the foliage.

"All right, I'm sending the launch boats back in to pick up B company," said Jack with a wave of the hand. "We need to find the West Sorellan position so we can link up and coordinate our attack."

"Where is the rendezvous point? Nikias said something about a low ridge but he pointed it out too quickly on the map," said Greg.

Jack pulled a small map from his shoulder bag and pulled it out. He grabbed the flashlight from his belt and shined it on the small sketch that Nikias had made for him the night before. "Right here on this low ridge on the west side of the fort. There's plenty of clearing in this one spot but it's surrounded by heavy foliage on either side. It's a great staging place for our attack."

"How far are we from this spot?"

Jack looked back at the map. "No more than a quarter mile from the beaches according to Nikias."

"Let's get moving then."

"I need you to stay here," said Jack while holding his hands up. "We need to stay linked together with our group and the incoming group from the ships. If we get separated in the dark, then this whole attack could fall apart."

Greg pursed his lips, looking disappointed. "What if you run into any trouble on the way there?"

Jack pointed to the troops surrounding them. "That's why I brought back up," he said with a grin.

"All right, but don't keep me waiting too long."

"We won't. I'll come back here and link up with you by the time I get these first men in position. Hopefully by that time, we have the second group inbound from the ships and then we can link up with all the forces."

"Good luck and see you soon," said Greg with a determined look.

With that send-off, Jack led the rest of A company deeper into the coastal forest. Based upon his map, he knew he would have to head in a northwesterly direction to find the small hilltop clearing, and using his compass with the light of the moon, he cut a path through the heavy bushes and trees in that direction. Thankfully, the meeting point wasn't far from the coast and after about fifteen minutes of leading the company through the forest, he stumbled upon the low rise that Nikias had described to him.

With easily enough space to fit the two Javan companies of marines and the West Sorellan forces, the hilltop clearing offered the perfect staging point for them to prepare the attack. Getting A company situated at the clearing, Jack then made a beeline back to the coast in preparation to link up with the next assault group from the ships.

"Back already?" asked Greg as he emerged from behind a thick bush.

"The clearing was easy to find. How's the second group managing?"

"They're coming ashore now," said Greg while pointing his finger to the nearest launch boat. This wave not only had the majority of B company but also a heavy portion of the West Sorellan forces. It was quite the odd sight to see the fully camouflaged marines emerging to fight side by side with the more plainly dressed and armed West Sorellans but Jack liked to see the camaraderie demonstrated by fighting together. Their teams were created and nurtured for the same reason—to bring an end to Daimanos' tyranny.

Also aboard this second group was Nikias and Elektra, and the two of them hopped off the launch boats and trudged over to meet with Jack and Greg.

"Are we all set up at the clearing? Were you able to find it okay?" asked Nikias as he rested his musket against his shoulder.

"Easy as we can be. If you'll follow me, we'll lead this group to the clearing and then try to link up with the rest of your land forces," said Jack while already walking away from the beach.

Once the second group was inside the clearing, Nikias began to set about looking for the rest of the West Sorellan army before daybreak. The sky was no longer its predawn pitch-black color but now showed a shade of dark purple as the sun prepared to crest over the horizon. With the attack slated for a daybreak start, they had little time to get into positions.

Fortunately for the group, they stumbled upon the rest of the land army of West Sorella almost by accident and the nearly two hundred soldiers who had sped along the coast over the night linked up with their brethren who had sailed. At this point, Jack, Greg, Nikias, and Elektra began to get their forces into attack positions to await the coming bombardment. Each of them took a force, with Jack grabbing A company led by Captain Reynolds and positioning them on the west side of the fort closest to the coast.
