Fourth Vector Ch. 10


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Jack looked at her and smiled. "Remind me to take you with me when I get court-martialed over this."

"You got it," said Stephanie with a giggle.

Jack turned serious once more. "You've come a long way, Lieutenant. You've already grown a lot from the person I met back in Quiller's Cove."

Stephanie smiled. "You can say I've had a good role model. Someone to show me how an officer is supposed to act. I owe that to you."

She reached out to squeeze his hand. Jack mouthed a silent word of thanks as the lump in his throat grew. Struggling to find the right words, she came to the rescue one more time.

"Now that's out of the way, how about we get something to eat? I'm famished," she said while pointing to the door.

"I can eat," said Jack. "But would you mind if we stopped to see Vera on the way? I haven't seen her since this morning, and I want to make sure she's doing all right."

Stephanie shook her head. "Not at all, let's go see her."

The two of them left the bridge shortly after, leaving Stephanie's deputy in charge. It was a short walk down to the nearly empty infirmary. Most of the marines that had been wounded during their battles in Sorella had long since recovered so most of the beds were empty. Those that had been too wounded to fight again were sent home along with the supply ships before they left Sorella. That meant that Vera only had one other occupant to keep her company, another sailor who had the misfortune of not being able to keep any food down. It could be a bit depressing having to stay in the infirmary, a fact that Jack knew all too well. Still, it hadn't prepared him for the sullenness of Vera's mood when they arrived.

"Hey, Jack," said Vera quietly as they entered the room. "Hi, Stephanie."

"Hey, Vera," said Stephanie. "How are you feeling?"

Vera shrugged. "All right, I suppose. My head still has this nasty bump on it, but that's the worst of it."

"I doubt that's going away any time soon," said Jack with a chuckle. "You might still have that when you're old and gray."

Jack hoped to get at least a smile out of her but Vera's lips remained stationary. Instead, her gaze swept down to the floor, and she said nothing further.

Jack took the opportunity to sit on the foot of the bed. "Vera, what's the matter? You're not usually so quiet and withdrawn. What's wrong?"

She looked at him briefly. "You know what's wrong."

"This whole thing with Kat and the trading ship?"

Vera nodded silently.

He reached out to comfort her, his hand rubbing against her back. "Vera, it's okay. We'll rescue Kat and bring those Swabians to justice. I don't want you to dwell on this."

Tears started to well up in her eyes. "How can I not dwell on this? I-I abandoned her, Jack. If I had stayed with Kat, she never would have gotten captured."

"If you had stayed with her, you'd both be gone," said Jack.

"And we wouldn't know where to search or who was responsible," added Stephanie.

Vera didn't seem to be having any of it. She shook her head fiercely. "It's all because I had to hide in some closet like a child. All of them are dead except me. Why should I be the one to live? Especially when I couldn't even save my friend."

Jack's gaze darted to Stephanie for a brief second before returning to Vera, whose hands were now holding her face in frustration. He knew she was struggling since yesterday with being the only survivor on the ship, save for the captured women, but he hadn't expected her to develop so much guilt over it. She seemed to be blaming herself for most of the tragedy, even if her role in the whole thing was minuscule at best. Jack had seen it before with some veterans from the Desert War, notably men who had toiled for months in the heat while enemy fire took away their comrades. Those that survived always questioned why they were the lucky ones and not the countless others that had fallen.

It was no thought for anyone to dwell on for very long simply because it never had a good outcome. If he wanted Vera to be herself again, he had to find a way to pull her out of this grief. Otherwise, she'd start to waste away just like all the others until there was nothing left of her.

"Vera, look at me please," said Jack while taking a more commanding tone. It was one he usually reserved for the enlisted sailors, a subtle yet firm request that wasn't meant to be disobeyed. Predictably, Vera turned her attention his way and locked her swollen eyes on his.

"You had nothing to do with that situation. You survived because you were smart enough to hide and stay away from those men. Kat was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you were with her, you'd be just as far away as she is right now. I need you to stop blaming yourself for this."

Vera started to cry harder. "It's s-so hard to stop, Jack. I just keep reliving the situation over and over again. I just wonder if there's anything else I could have done."

"There's nothing else you could have done," interrupted Jack. "You did what you could and that's to survive. That's all we ask of you. Because you survived, we know where to find Kat, or at least where to look. Don't you dare doubt yourself for that."

"What if we don't find her though?" whispered Vera. "What if she's gone forever?"

Jack swallowed the lump in his throat. Right now, there was no place for honesty. "It won't come to that. We will find Kat. Do you trust me, Vera?"

Her eyes looked so vulnerable and so upset but she nodded anyway. "I do, Jack. You know I do."

"Then trustin me," he said firmly. "We'll find her."

He pulled Vera in for one long hug while he patted her back. She cried for so long and so hard that she eventually ran out of steam, falling asleep shortly after. Thankfully, Stephanie stayed with him, almost sensing that he needed the extra strength to be strong for Vera. Once the blonde girl was sleeping, he let her down easily and pulled a blanket over her frame.

"We should let her get some rest now," he said to Stephanie once she was fully covered. "I'm sorry that took so long, but I'm still hungry if you are."

Stephanie smiled and nodded. "Starving still. Do you think she'll be okay?"

Jack shrugged, feeling entirely helpless right now. "I don't know. I hope so, but I really don't know. She's a tough girl and she's been through much worse. I just hope this isn't what takes her down."

"I'll watch out for her," said Stephanie. "It can't be easy right now and I think the biggest thing is she misses her friend. Maybe having another friend will help her somewhat?"

"If you would do that, I'd be extremely grateful," said Jack. "I'm sure she could use a friend right now more than anything. Although our relationship is a good one, I think she just needs a woman to talk to. It might make it easier."

Stephanie grinned. "No problem whatsoever and I understand completely. Sometimes you just need a little girl talk to feel better about life."

Together, they left Vera sleeping peacefully while the two of them went to one of the mess halls. After dinner, Jack left Stephanie while she went back to her own quarters while he headed down to the marine barracks. It wasn't hard to tell when you stumbled into the marine area as the roughness and disorder seemed to take precedence over everything else. Jack pushed through and came to a stop outside the open door of Greg's quarters.

Greg looked up from his desk as soon as he sensed another presence. "Jack, there you are. What's going on?"

"Not much," said Jack while he entered the room and sat down on the free chair. "Just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing."

"Any sight of the Swabians yet?" asked Greg.

Jack shook his head. "Not yet. Hopefully we can catch up to them at some point tomorrow. Hopefully we catch up to them at all. It's a big ocean out there."

"I hope we do. The boys could use action," said Greg while pointing back to the main portion of the barracks. "It's been too long since they had a fight."

Jack started to chuckle. "If we do catch up to them, it's just going to be a sea battle. I don't think there will be much for them to do unless you plan on boarding them."

Greg shrugged. "We might be able to board them. Who knows? Especially if their ships are similar to the Sorellans."

"I don't think they are, Greg. From what I've heard, they are rather similar from ours. All metal according to Heron. I don't think it'll be as easy of a fight as you may think."

"It doesn't matter. One way or another, we'll be fighting soon," said Greg. "Even if we find them and blast them out of the water, this won't be the last of it. Sooner or later, we're going to have to assault Swabia."

Jack held up his hands. "Wait a minute now. Swabia is a big place and there's only about a hundred and sixty of you. If it comes to that, we're going to need backup."

Greg started to grin. "Those aren't bad odds—for a marine."

Jack found himself chuckling along with his friend. "Man, I'm glad you're with us. If you were with the Occies or the Swabians, you wouldn't be nearly as much fun."

"I have to keep things interesting somehow," said Greg with a hint of pride. "Besides, I'm eager to fight. I think I'd have the same reaction as you had if they took someone like Brittany."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Come on, Jack. I was there. I know how you feel about Kat and that's why I don't blame you for chasing after her now. If they stole my woman, I'd move mountains just to get back to her and punish those responsible."

Jack took a deep breath. "Part of me wondered if I was being foolish for chasing after her, for stopping this trip to Picardy to look for her. We're in a very precarious situation right now and it's all because of me. Because I'm not willing to let go of Kat so easily."

"I understand, believe me," said Greg. "I saw the way she looked at you. A woman as sexy as that with that type of look in her eyes; I'm surprised we're not sailing at full steam all the way to Andalucia."

"Andalucia," said Jack with a long sigh. "I had hoped that we would stay away from that place with everything that we'd heard about it."

"It's probably best that we do go there, Jack. Especially if those assholes are still using slaves. It only seems right that we intervene for keeping up such a savage tradition."

"That's assuming that they're taking her there," said Jack. "In reality, we have no idea."

"No, but we can guess. And we already know that blondes fetch a high price with them, thanks to Vera's background. It's the logical thing to do."

Jack nodded. "You're right. It's what I would do as well. I just hope we're making the right decision. I've had a lot more self-doubt the last two days than I've had in a long time."

"Well, for the record, I think you're doing the right thing. I also think that these fucks need to be punished, and we're the ones that are in place to do that. I also think that I'd follow you just about anywhere."

Jack nodded. "You sure about that? Even if I'm about to lead you into a war?"

"Just tell me where and when and Major Greg Vaughn will be ready for action," said the marine with a laugh. "My boys too. Even if we have to assault Swabia on our own, we'll do it damnit."

Jack started to laugh. "I appreciate that, my brother. Times like these are when I'm extra grateful to have your presence on this ship."

Greg started to grin. "Someone has to be here to kick ass. That might as well be me. Besides, with Luke now gone, I'm probably next in line for the craziest son of a bitch in the whole task force."

"I have no doubt about that," said Jack with a laugh. "Especially if you want to assault an entire country alone."

"Not alone," said Greg while putting his hands on the table. "Just with one hundred and sixty of my closest friends too!"


The next morning, Jack woke later than usual. Abigail was starting to stir at his side as the first rays of the sun started to enter his portside window. Normally one to rise long before the sun, Jack took a deep breath, inhaling Abigail's sweet scent as his fingers idly played with a lock of her dark hair.

"You must really like my hair to be playing with it first thing in the morning," she said quietly, even though her eyes remained closed.

Jack smiled. "Maybe I just wanted to find the easiest way to wake you?"

"You know, there's much better ways for you to wake me. Need I remind you of the other morning?" Her eyes popped open and her gaze settled on him.

He decided to play along. "I don't think I remember what you're talking about. I may need a reminder."

Abigail purred as she pushed her ass against his crotch. "What about now?"

"Still nothing. My memory has just been really shot lately."

She rolled her eyes playfully and reached between them, finding his cock and squeezing it gently. "And now?"

Jack almost hissed once she grabbed him. "I think we're getting somewhere now."

"I'mso excited," she said sarcastically as she started to stroke him.

"Not yet but give me a minute." Jack reached between them as well, forcing her legs apart and sliding his fingers over her wet sex. She shuddered as soon as he made contact with her clit. "I take that back, you do seem excited already."

She smiled at him coyly. "I always did enjoy morning sex."

"Maybe I should indulge you in that?"

"Perhaps," she whispered just inches from his face. Her lips brushed against his, but just as her tongue slipped into his mouth, Jack's command radio went off.

"Jack, are you there?" The voice was Cory's.

Jack took a deep breath as the sexual tension fled. Disengaging from Abigail's lips, he reached over to the night table and grabbed the radio. "I'm here. What's up?"

"You better come up here," said Cory. "I think you're going to want to see this."

Jack's adrenaline started pumping. "Be right there."

"If you see Abigail, will you let her know too? She didn't answer her radio."

Jack bit back a smile while Abigail started to turn red. "Will do, Cory."

"You didn't want to tell him?" she said as she rolled out of bed.

"Not my place. Besides, I figured you'd want to do the honors on your own terms."

"Smart man. I knew I liked you for a reason."

They got dressed together, a frantic rush to see who would be fully dressed first. Jack won, but only by a hair, and he rushed out of his quarters and headed to the bridge with Abigail hot on his heels. They made it there almost together, finding Cory the only other occupant. He was searching the horizon just to the east of their present condition, which was difficult enough with the sun rising in the same direction.

"What's going on, Cory? What did you see?" said Jack as he grabbed his own binoculars.

Cory pointed out just a few degrees from the sun. "There's some kind of smoke over there but I can't tell where it's coming from or from what. I just noticed it now but it's so damn hard to see right now that I can't make out anything else."

Jack joined his side and stared in the same direction. Cory was right—it was extraordinarily hard to see the single plume of smoke against the backdrop of the sun, but it was definitely there.

"What's our current speed?"

"Twelve knots overnight," said Cory. "Standard procedure."

"Kick it up thirty," instructed Jack. "Get word to theTiger as well. Whatever that is, I want to catch up to it sooner rather than later. Where are Stephanie and Kyle?"

"They're coming, Jack. I sent the word right after I spoke with you," said Cory. "I'll put the orders in. You might want to hold on, this ship is about to take off!"

Sure enough, theDestiny soon lurched with speed as she set off to chase the distant smoke on the horizon. Jack stayed glued to the window, watching carefully for the plume of smoke and trying his best to see what was producing it. They were still a good distance out to sea so it had to be a ship of some sort. The only question was if it was from another trading ship that had been attacked or whether it might be coming from the Swabians. Or worse, another unknown people or vessel.

They chased after the smoke on the horizon for a little over two hours before Jack had the chance to make out what it was. Soon enough, he could just make out a silhouette on the horizon, especially once the sun rose high enough in the sky that it didn't hinder their efforts. The silhouette was extremely narrow, and it was obvious that it was heading in the same direction, making their efforts to catch up tedious and slow. It was just before ten o'clock when Jack was able to make out enough of the structure to take a guess at what it was.

It looked like warships that he'd seen as a boy. The heavy cloud of smoke reminded him of the old coal-fired boilers the Javans used to have on old battleships, always recognizable by the dark tower of black smoke overhead. The vessel was coated with a heavy dark gray color and moving at a speed that suggested a sleek metal hull and modern propulsion. Once they were close enough, he could make out the long gun barrels on the aft deck, currently pointing to the sky.

As long as Jack had been in the navy, he'd learned to identify all the major warship classes of the eastern nations. There wasn't a battleship or cruiser anywhere in Java, Occitania, or Ruthenia that he couldn't identify given enough chance. The ship that they were chasing didn't fit a single profile for any of the three countries.

"That's got to be the Swabian warship," said Jack out loud. "Nobody else has anything close to it."

"So we've finally caught up to it," said Abigail by his side. She then turned to look at him. "What do we do now?"

"That might be decided for us," said Jack as he pointed back to the ship. "It looks like it's starting to turn."

Sure enough, the warship was now turning hard to port. Soon it would be following a direct southerly course, and in doing so, the ship was now exposing the rest of the guns on its deck. Jack could count no fewer than four different turrets, two each split on either side of the superstructure.

"Kyle, I need you to ready the guns," instructed Jack. "This doesn't feel right. They're going to do something stupid. Get the men to their battle-stations right now. Let Vicky know she's to engage with torpedoes if they try anything hostile."

"Jack, what's that on the horizon?" asked Abigail. "Just beyond the warship?"

Jack pulled his binoculars back to his face and looked beyond the wake of the Swabian vessel as the signal for battle-stations started to roar all around the ship. From what he could see, there was a much smaller vessel a greater distance on the other side of the warship. The vessel seemed to turn in the opposite direction of the warship, and at the moment, Jack could make out what appeared to be a dark mass on the main deck.

They were cages.

"That's got to be the slave ship!" said Jack. "Look at what they're doing. The Swabian vessel is hoping to draw us off so the Andalucians can get away."

"It's not a bad idea," said Abigail. "But we have to keep after the warship."

"Agreed," said Jack. "Cory, how long until the guns are ready?"

"About fifteen more seconds!"

"Get them trained on that ship. I want all three turrets on—"

At the exact moment, a roaring explosion came belting out from the guns of the Swabian warship. Every pair of eyes on the bridge watched as a wave of fire shot up into the morning air, rising like a colorful arc until it came crashing down all around theDestiny. Jack braced himself for the hit that never came, his eyes closing until he heard the telltale sound of ordinance hitting water, later seeing the remnants of great jets of water from where they hit.

Everything on theDestiny changed in that moment as all their training activated in the course of the first enemy blast. All the officers began to issue a stream of orders as war footing went into full effect.
