Fourth Vector Ch. 37


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As the music continued to play, both women walked along the aisle toward him, holding hands together and wearing matching smiles. Jack couldn't help but catch their eyes as they walked toward him, and he enjoyed seeing the expressions of sheer joy on their faces.

This marriage was a long time coming, and with every step closer the two women took, Jack couldn't help but think how right this was.

When they arrived at the altar, each woman took a spot on either side of Jack, linking their arms through his. Kat was on his left side while Abigail took the right, and the three of them turned toward Bill to let him begin officiating.

If there was any doubt at letting Bill perform the role, it soon dissipated. Bill's voice boomed out from the crowd with a carefully rehearsed speech about the duties of each partner and the reasoning for marriage. He gave a short sermon about love that was genuine and heartfelt and didn't leave anyone in the room with dry eyes. Then it was time for the vows.

First, he focused on Jack and Abigail.

"Jack, do you take this woman, Abigail Wainwright, to be your wife and queen? Will you honor and love her for as long as you both should live?"

Jack managed a deep grin. "I do."

Bill then turned to Abigail.

"And do you Abigail take this man, Jack Kincardine, to be your husband? Will you honor and love him for as long as you both should live?"

Abigail let out a loud and crisp, "I do."

From there, Bill pivoted to look at Jack and Kat.

"Jack, do you take this woman, Katherine Rosdahl, to be your wife and queen? Will you honor and love her for as long as you both should live?"

Once again, Jack let out a clear, "I do."

When the vows were given to Kat, she gave the same response, a smile never leaving her face for the entire ceremony. Then, just like Kat had promised, a similar vow was given between each woman.

"Katherine, do you embrace Abigail as your sister for all time? Will you support her, love her, and treat her with respect, honesty, and devotion for the rest of your lives?"

Kat's acceptance of the vow was just as loud as the one she shared with Jack. So was Abigail's once she gave the same vow a moment later.

With the vows given, rings were then exchanged. Jack felt a small gold band slip over his ring finger while he performed the same with the two women. With that being done, there was only one thing left to do.

"By my power as the Lord of Hemswell, I now pronounce you husband and wives," said Bill with a small chuckle. Behind the couple, most of the audience had a small laugh at the word "wives" too.

"Jack, you may kiss your brides!"

For a split second, Jack wasn't sure which one to kiss first, but the girls seemed to have that planned out as well. Abigail was the first to grab him while Kat waited patiently by their side. Abigail's kiss was deep and passionate, and Jack felt the stirrings of arousal that he'd had to repress for the last week.

When her kiss ended, Kat's began. It built up slower but it ended with a serious amount of heat that had him wanting to skip the reception and head back to their room at that moment.

Behind them, all of their friends and family clapped together at witnessing the newly married couple.

"May I present to you, the Galician King Jack Kincardine and his new wives," said the booming voice of Bill. "Queen Abigail Kincardine and Queen Katherine Kincardine!"

The clapping in the room only intensified as Galicia received two new queens. It was only once that cheering died down that the second couple were allowed the same chance. Jack, Kat, and Abigail took a seat in the audience as Luke and Kim received their own wedding, allowing Bill to officiate for them as well.

As they stood at the altar, Jack could only note that the two seemed to be totally and fully in love. He could even sense the same impatience in Luke that he had, the same desire to get to the night of their wedding. Their ceremony was just as beautiful, and Jack clapped the loudest when they were finally declared man and wife.

With the actual weddings now over, it was now time for a reception. All the same guests moved to the next room over where the Castle staff were able to serve dinner for everyone. There were two tables of honor. One for Jack, Kat, and Abigail while the other was for Luke and Kim. Judging by the amount of visitors, not one table ever lacked for someone to talk to.

It was only a couple of hours later that the couples were able to dance. Jack took a turn with each of his wives while Luke did the same with Kim, and soon enough, more people were streaming onto the dance floor.

While Luke was passed around the other officers of theValiant, Jack took his chance to dance with Kim.

"I was hoping for the chance to get to dance with you," said Kim once they started moving. "It just occurred to me that I didn't get to tell you congratulations yet today. It's just been too busy."

Jack chuckled and nodded his head. "Likewise to you as well. I feel like I haven't stopped moving all day."

"I also think you've broken a lot of hearts today," teased Kim. "I know of many women within the force that once hoped to catch the eye of the dashing young admiral. Now that you're married, you're off the table for them."

"Bah," said Jack dismissively. "They'll find someone else to give their fancy to. Truth be told, I've been off the market for a long time. Today was about making it official."

Kim gave him a long look. "You're happy, Jack."

"I am," he replied. "Very happy. And from my conversation with Luke this morning, I can tell he's very happy as well."

She let out a satisfied sigh. "I certainly hope so. This has been a long time coming for us. I didn't know if Luke would ever get to this. Our relationship was so casual for so very long."

"I remember it well," teased Jack. "He was your late night booty call."

Kim giggled. "Yes, yes, he was. And then something extraordinary happened. He stopped being my booty call and he made me fall in love with him."

"And I've wondered about your mental state ever since," he joked.

Kim poked him. "Oh, he's not that bad!"

"No, you're completely right," agreed Jack, turning serious. "He's been one of my best friends. And seeing his happiness today has been nothing short of amazing. Your happiness too, Kim. You're one of my oldest friends too. You and Luke belong together, and I know you'll have a long life together."

Kim smiled. "We've come a long way, haven't we? Even after those dark days after Aberdeen?"

Jack nodded his head. He didn't need to be reminded that both of them had almost died after the Battle of Aberdeen. They were the only survivors on theValiant's bridge after the ship took a direct hit. It was also the same hit that killed Abigail's sister, Anna.

"We certainly have," replied Jack. "And I know our course isn't finished just yet. We still have a lot of fighting in front of us but more than anything, I'm thankful that you and Luke are here with me, especially considering our circumstances."

Jack wondered if she would pick up on where he was going with that statement, clearly referring to Java. Like usual, Kim didn't disappoint.

"Well, I consider us fortunate to now be honorary Galicians," replied Kim. "Even though we'll always be Javan, it's a blessing to know that Luke and I will always have a home in Galicia if we choose it."

Jack nodded his head emphatically. "You're exactly right. As long as I'm here, you'll always have a place by my side. I can promise you that."

Kim smiled. "You've come a long way from that commander I met a long time ago, Jack. From one old friend to another, I'm extremely proud of you. I know Luke is too. He would never admit it out loud but he talks about you all the time. I can tell he thinks of the world of you, and he treasures your friendship above many things."

"As I do him," replied Jack before a grin grew on his face. "Although I'd never tell him that either!"

Kim giggled and soon Luke appeared before them, patting Jack on the back.

"What's so funny?" he asked as he looked at his new wife. "Are you two having a laugh at my expense?"

"Something like that," replied Jack, the smile never leaving his face.

"Well, do you mind if I have a dance with my new wife?" asked Luke.

"Not at all," said Jack as he let go of Kim and watched the newlyweds take off. He wasn't by himself for very long until Evelyn came to see him.

"You know, you don't get to have a wedding without getting to dance with your grandmother for one song at least," she said as the tiny woman offered out her hands.

Jack started to chuckle and soon they were off, dancing along as well.

"This has been such a wonderful day, Jack," said Evelyn after a moment. "I mean, everything was just lovely. The ceremony, the vows, the reception--all of it. I haven't been a part of something so grand in a long time."

"I'm ecstatic that you were able to be here," replied Jack. "I've thought about you a lot in the last year. I've also thought a lot about our family and our links to the past. I feel the weight of our family riding on my shoulders in everything that I do." Jack took a moment to touch the Galician star pin on his chest. "I just want to make you proud of me."

Evelyn's eyes turned misty. "I already am, Jack. I'm so proud of who you've turned out to be. And your grandfather would be proud too. Your mother and father would be immensely proud. And I know they are here with us today. Maybe not a physical presence, no. But they are here with us in spirit. I can almost... feel them. You may think I've lost it totally but I mean it when I say that. They've witnessed the whole day, and we all couldn't be prouder of you."

A lump grew in Jack's throat. "That means the world to me, especially coming from you."

Before Evelyn could say another world, the sound of metal on glass rang out through the room. Near one of the head tables, Bill could be seen trying to get the attention of all, and all activity soon stopped to focus on him.

"I think I can speak for everyone by saying what a beautiful day it was," said Bill above the crowd. "Having the pleasure to watch two different unions for people who are utterly devoted to each other was certainly a sight I won't soon forget. For Jack, Katherine, and Abigail as well as Luke and Kim, I wish you all the happiness in the world."

Bill paused briefly as the crowd clapped to that notion but as soon as they died down, he continued speaking.

"Today makes a very important day for Galicia. Just three short months ago, we welcomed back our king after so many years without. Many of us couldn't dream of having such wonderful news again in such a short time but here we are today with just such news. For on this day, Galicia receives not one buttwo queens. And on behalf of myself and my family, I'd like to say welcome to Queen Katherine and Queen Abigail! Galicia truly welcomes you, and we look forward to many years of love and as many children as your union can provide!"

The crowd roared with a deafening response.


The rest of the reception was quiet and intimate. There was much dancing to be done and the drinks flowed easily for the rest of the night. All too soon, it was time for the newlywed couples to retire back to their own accommodations. For Luke and Kim, that meant borrowing a room in the Castle for the evening, and they disappeared just after the sun was down.

Jack's departure was a little more noticeable to the crowd, and there were many cheers and whistles as the trio finally left the reception room and made their way back to their bedroom.

"I haven't had that much fun in ages," said Kat as they arrived at their quarters minutes later. "I could have danced for the rest of the night!"

"I would have kept dancing too but Will Calland has two left feet and he stepped on my foot the last song," replied Abigail as they entered their bedroom.

Jack started to chuckle. "I'll be sure to tell Lindsey to arrange some dancing instruction for him."

"You'll be doing women everywhere a favor," muttered Abigail, making the other two laugh.

Jack sat down on the bed and turned to watch the other two women. The first thing they did was kick off their shoes and take off their jewelry but he was looking forward to the festivities to come. They'd been teasing him about this night all week, and there was nothing he wanted to do more than undress both of them and ravish them until the sun came up.

That's why Abigail's next statement nearly made his jaw drop.

His lovely brunette wife stretched her arms high above her head and let out a yawn. "Well, I think I'm about ready for bed. I'm exhausted after today."

Picking up on her cues, Kat readily agreed. "We really should get some rest." She then turned to look at Jack. "What do you think, Jack? Bedtime?"

The shocked and somewhat angered look on his face made both women grin.

"You better be fucking joking," growled Jack.

Both women started to giggle. "Yeah, we are. We just wanted to see the look on your face," said Abigail as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kat was still content to ham it up though. "Did you want to do something special tonight, love? Why don't you want to go to sleep?"

Jack playfully smacked her ass, making her yelp.

She grinned again. "Did you have something you wanted to do with us?"

"I have a lot of things I want to do to you," he growled again.

Kat bit her lip. "We're all ears."

"You've been teasing me all week and you both know damn well that we're not going to sleep until I've fucked both of you," said Jack.

Abigail looked at Kat. "I like it when he's like this. He's making me wet."

Kat nodded. "I've been wet since the ceremony."

Jack looked at her. "Prove it."

Kat reached her hand under her dress. With a quick swipe of the hand, she pulled it out and showed off her glistening fingers. "Enough evidence for you?"

"I'm definitely going to need a more thorough search," said Jack, feeling aroused at the sight of her wetness.

Kat giggled and kissed him. "That we can happily arrange, baby."

"I can't wait to have you inside me tonight, Jack," said Abigail.

"And I can't wait to give you my special gift," added Kat.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Can you tell me what you're planning now? You've had me on edge ever since you first told me. What do you have planned?"

Kat smiled and shook her head. "Not just yet. You need to wait a little longer first."

Jack was about to smack her ass another time but he was distracted when Abigail began to lower the straps on her dress. She grabbed a fistful of material on either side and began to pull it down her body. The first thing to pop into view were her lovely breasts, capped by her dark pink nipples. The dress followed lower still, sliding across her taut tummy and then over her small thatch of pubic hair.

With that last tug, it fell completely to the floor, revealing his new wife in all her glory. Despite having watched Abigail undress hundreds of times, he never tired of seeing her flawless body.

Abigail gave him a sultry look. "See anything you like, Jack?"

He nodded as he beckoned her to come forward. His hands wrapped around her hips as he placed a kiss right between her breasts, making her shudder. Abigail slid her hands through his hair and when he looked at her next, she placed a devastating kiss on his lips.

Abigail wasn't the only one to give him a show that night. After their kiss broke, he realized Kat was doing the same thing. Her blue dress slid lower until her heavy breasts popped into view. They were still larger than before the pregnancy, and already her nipples were stiff and begging for attention. The dress moved lower still until it reached her lower half, falling to the floor quietly.

Having both of his wives nude before him was something out of a dream. How these two women could be so beautiful was one thing, but the biggest question was what he'd done to earn their love? It was one thing he would never question, and as long as they gave their hearts to him for safekeeping, he would do everything in his power to keep their trust.

Kat walked closer and pressed her nude body against him. She turned to look at Abigail. "I think he likes it when we get naked."

Abigail grinned. "Then he's really going to like what we have planned next."

"What is it?" asked Jack. "What's next?"

Both women looked at each other and then back at him. "We're going to suck your cock together," said Abigail.

A small groan escaped from Jack's lips. He felt a hand from each of them push back on his shoulders. Jack fell back against the bed as their hands went to his trousers. He was already hard and they had a difficult time getting his pants down because of it, but once his cock popped out, both women looked at it like it contained the elixir of life.

"I hope he's ready for us tonight," said Kat as she reached out to stroke him.

"Jack never disappoints us in that department," replied Abigail as her tongue snaked out to tease the tip.

"If you two keep talking like that, you're going to make me blow early," he warned.

Abigail grinned. "You're not allowed to cum until you're stuffed deep in my pussy, Jack. I thought you knew that already."

Kat raised an eyebrow. "Or stuffed... somewhere else."

Both women giggled together but before Jack could ask what she meant by that, they'd already started to suck. Jack groaned as they made contact, and both women seemed to know exactly what to do to work in tandem with the other. At the tip of his cock, Abigail's lips gently massaged the head. She started to suction it with her lips, making her cheeks cave in during the attempt. A bit lower, Kat's lips were sliding just under the helmet where she was alternating between delicate caresses and long licks of the shaft.

Jack was already in heaven but the girls seemed dedicated to enhancing his pleasure, especially when Abigail's lips eventually found Kat's. They were content to kiss each other with his shaft right in the middle, their tongues moving up and down teasingly.

It wasn't long before all teasing ended and the girls were alternating to find out who could take more of his length down their throats. Kat would go down nearly to his base before Abigail outperformed her, not stopping until her nose pressed against his pubic bone.

As his cock slid out of her mouth, it glistened with the remains of their saliva.

"I need him inside me right now," said Abigail as she hurriedly stroked him.

Kat nodded eagerly. "Go ahead and take him. I want to watch him fuck you so good." Kat's eyes then turned to Jack. "Just save up some energy for me. I have serious plans for you, Jack."

Jack had barely replied before Abigail was crawling on the bed. She threw her leg over his torso and steadied herself in his lap. With one smooth motion, she leaned forward and notched the tip inside her body.

She slid down slowly, moaning the entire time as his length filled her.

When she finally had all of him, her eyes flashed with excitement. "I can't believe I'm having sex with my husband."

Jack grinned and thrust against her gently. "You better get used to it. We have a lifetime of sex ahead of us."

Beside them, Kat settled next to Jack and reached her tongue over to tease Abigail's nipple. Abigail's eyes closed as she grinded against Jack. She leaned forward slowly until only the tip remained inside her and then rocked back, taking his length fully inside.

From there, the newlyweds started a steady rhythm. Jack's hands went to her ass and helped to moderate the pace while his cock pistoned in and out of her body.

"Oh, yes, fuck me, Jack!" cried Abigail as her mouth fell open.

His fingers gripped tighter on her ass as their pace increased. Soon, Abigail was panting heavily which caused her breasts to jiggle with every forceful thrust. Between them, Kat was still sucking on her nipples but she was alternating between them and it was starting to have an effect on Abigail.
