Fourth Vector Ch. 48


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Victor studied Michael's eyes for what felt like a small eternity before he asked the faithful question.

"How though? How would you gain their allegiance, Michael? And would you even want it? These men have mutinied and killed their senior officers. You see how they treated their previous leaders. Would you really want to be the next one?"

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," whispered Michael. "If we don't take the shot while we can, the opportunity might pass us by. And someone else might try to take advantage of the situation. What have we been talking about since this group has been formed? A toppling of Bancroft and a restoration of all the things Javans used to take for granted, right? There's our sole purpose for doing what we do. It's those very beliefs that caused H to find the first of us. What if this is our way of seeing his dream come to fruition?"

Victor put his finger to his lips as he thought about it. "We would need a plan," he conceded a moment later. "A way to do this without risking our lives more so than they already are. And at some point in time, you're going to have to persuade them to fight for you. Are you really up to that task?"

Michael felt the stirrings of anxiety in his stomach. "If not me, then who else?"

Victor gulped heavily. "I don't envy the task you've put in front of you."

"No, I agree," said Michael, shaking his head. "But if we can do this, the end of our struggle is in sight. That reason alone is enough to try."

Victor nodded his head slightly. "Then in the spirit of that notion, let's put together a plan."


"Well, you can very much imagine the look on ten-year-old Will's face when I told him he couldn't accompany me to Apulia. You would have thought I'd crushed the boy, but I couldn't pull him away from Lisa. He was too young!"

Jack chuckled as he listened to Bill Calland recount a tale from years ago. On long trips such as this one, sometimes the only thing to do was swap stories to keep from being driven mad by boredom. In today's case, Jack was sitting in his personal quarters with Bill and Ambros as all three of them took turns trying to keep the others entertained.

"Knowing Will like I do, I imagine he probably stormed off and wouldn't let the subject drop?" asked Jack with a hearty laugh.

"Worse, Jack! Even after I got home from the routine trip, he still didn't talk to me for a month," quipped Bill. "The boy has a stubborn streak in him that's a mile wide. Makes it impossible to deal with him at times, but then again, my wife says the same thing about me."

"I'd say the same thing about you too," shot Jack with a wry grin. "I think Will's temperament comes in good proportion to his father's."

Bill's head tilted back and forth before finally nodding. "You're probably onto something after all, Jack."

"It's all in good fun, my old friend," said Jack. "I'm sure we all have our personal qualities that we could do away with if possible."

"Speak for yourself, Jack," joked Ambros, the man's eyes twinkling with mischief. "I wouldn't change a thing about me if given the chance. You can't improve upon perfection."

All three of them were still laughing by the time Russ showed up in the room. It soon became apparent though by Russ' pale face that something was wrong, and all the laughter quickly ceased.

"Jack, the Javan fleet is turning," said Russ as he removed his admiral's cap. "It's turning north as we speak."

Jack felt the color drain out of his face. Both Ambros and Bill now looked somber as well as all three grappled with the news.

"Are they moving to intercept us?" asked Jack. "Have we figured out what their intentions are?"

Russ bit his lip. "Jack, they've sped up greatly. With their change in course, they are going to overshoot our main battle fleet at our current speed."

"Do they know that? Are we still seeing their planes regularly?" asked Bill.

"As regular as it's been before, if not more so," said Russ. "They know exactly where we are, which means they are trying to get around us."

"The transports," said Jack quietly. "He's found them. Reynolds thinks if he can move quickly enough, he can strike at the transports before we have a chance to do anything about it."

"And in doing so, they knock out the bulk of our army in the process and make it so that we can't land in Java," added Ambros. "We might even have to turn around if that's the case."

Jack swallowed hard. "We can't allow him that chance. We can't let Reynolds strike at the transports unmolested."

"What are your orders, Jack?" asked Russ.

"We knew this day might come," started Jack. "We knew that it was likely we wouldn't get across the ocean without a major engagement. That time has now come. Give orders for the entire fleet to move with all possible speed to the point of interception. We have to put ourselves between Reynolds and the transports."

"What about the transports, Jack?" asked Bill. "Surely we ought to get them out of harm's way?"

"Agreed," said Jack. He brought up the mental map of his position in his mind. While he didn't want the transports to move west if he could help it (and add onto their total transit time), about the only other viable option was to move the transport fleet due south.

"Get word to the men up there," said Jack to Russ. "Have them move south toward our current position and then reduce speed until they hear otherwise. If Reynolds knows where they are, we have to get them out of the way while also making it tough for him to be able to find them again. By moving them south and slowing them down, we keep them out of his grasp as much as possible."

"I'll get the orders out right away," promised Russ before his face assumed a somber expression. "It seems like we're going to get that battle we were talking about, won't we, Jack?"

Jack started to nod. "It appears that way, Russ. I think it was always fated that this day would come. Now we just need to make the best of it."

Russ saluted and left the room, leaving the three men alone once more. This time though, the attitude had changed completely.

Everyone knew that any kind of major battle between the fleets would put all of their lives in jeopardy. Suddenly, no one seemed to have the stomach for exchanging lighthearted stories anymore.

Now all thoughts were going toward how to survive to make it to Java in one piece.

Bill and Ambros left soon after, and the fleet soon started to pick up speed, making for the intersection point with the Javan fleet, which would be reached the next day by all current predictions. News spread throughout the fleet rapidly, most notably by the officers in charge and then down to the lower ranks. By the early evening, everyone shared the same somber mood.

In the morning, there was a good chance that the two largest fleets in naval history would engage with each other in battle. Everyone was fearful of their chances of surviving such a fight, and the usual nightly conversation was remarkably quiet that evening.

Jack's night was just getting started when he received a light knock at the door. He had just sat down with Russ to plan for what would happen in the morning, but he quickly beckoned in the visitor.

It was Ambros at the door, followed by another man that was vaguely familiar to Jack.

"Jack, I'm sure you remember Admiral Al Sevolz from before," said Russ, introducing the familiar face.

"We had the pleasure of dining together back in Zarah," said Jack, shaking the admiral's hand.

"Hello, Your Majesty," said Sevolz with a curt nod.

Jack moved to sit back down. "What brings you to my quarters, Ambros?"

"Jack, I know our time is limited tonight so I won't mince words," said Ambros while remaining standing. "I've been discussing our situation with Al here and we have a proposal that we'd like to present to you. We propose to put the cream of the Swabian Navy at the forefront of our battle forces so that they are the first to engage with the Javans."

Jack looked over at Al first and then back at Ambros. "Why would you do that, Ambros?"

"Because my men are ready and willing to fight," answered Al, his Swabian accent heavy like there was something stuck in his throat while he talked. "We haven't seen any signs of danger on most of this crossing and my gunners are getting restless. They need to fight."

Jack's eyes flickered to Russ and then back to Ambros. "So what's the real reason, Ambros? Being at the forefront of the column is where most of the danger is going to be. What angle am I missing?"

Ambros pursed his lips and started to nod. "I think you can figure that one out, Jack. There are many in our alliance who say that we shouldn't be here at all. That the Swabians are not real members of the alliance. That we are here because we were beaten and that we do not have our hearts in the fight. I propose this measure to put to rest that question for all time. I want our battleships leading the forefront and getting the first strike on the Javans."

"It won't be easy for us to get into position," added Al. "We'd have to push our boilers even harder than they're currently being pushed to get the necessary speed to reach our target. But my feeling is if we can be the tip of the spear tomorrow, we can shock the Javans when they find out it isn't just transport ships that are waiting for them. It's the cream of the entire Swabian fleet."

"They'll be able to see you coming though," warned Jack. "Your smokestacks will be visible on the horizon. The Javans will know what's going on before you get into range."

"It's a risk we're willing to take," said Ambros. "Our men are on those transports too, and it's imperative that they get to Java. We need to do this for the sake of the fleet. I'm not opposed to putting my best ships in their way. And in doing so, we'll show the Javans that the Western alliance is one to be reckoned with. That we won't be so easily conquered."

Jack had to say that he admired Ambros' courage. What he was proposing was likely to cause quite a few losses in terms of ships, especially if the Javans continued to press home an attack. The Swabian battleships, while potent in their own right, would soon be outnumbered, and there was a good chance that a good many men would die tomorrow.

Alas, that was always going to be the case. Whether they be Swabians, Galicians, Picards, or Apulians, a good number of men were going to die in the morning.

More than anything, what Jack respected was the courage to lead at the front and to do so by choice.

"I have to say that I applaud the courage that it takes to make such an offer," said Jack after a moment's thought. "But I will let Russ weigh in on the topic as my top admiral. Russ, what do you have to say?"

Russ could only grin. He stood up and enthusiastically shook the hands of both Al and Ambros. "I'm honored to fight by your side, gentlemen. I give my wholehearted approval of your plan."

Ambros matched his grin as he looked back at Jack. "Seems like we have his stamp of approval."

"That you do," confirmed Jack. "But there's just one more thing. I'm not going to let you bear this burden on your own. I'm coming with you."

"Jack?" asked Russ.

Jack looked at his admiral. "Get word to my wives. TheDestiny will be joining our Swabian friends tomorrow morning. We will fight together, as it should be."

"As it should be," echoed Ambros. "I'd like nothing more than to fight at your side, Jack."


As could be expected, Jack didn't sleep at all that night. Thoughts of tomorrow made his usual nightly insomnia much worse but at least he was in good company. Both Kat and Abigail were restless as well. Jack spent a majority of the night cradling them against his chest.

Words were too much for all of them. They knew the likely danger they faced in the morning, and the only signs of affection were given by touch instead of speech.

At one point though, Jack broached the subject of them transferring to another ship for safety. He was met with the response he expected.

"If you think we're leaving, then you don't know the first thing about us," said Abigail, her gaze fierce and her tone unflinching.

"What Abigail said," confirmed Kat. "We're staying."

That seemed to put an end to it, and by the time all three of them finally fell asleep, the alarm went off in the morning. Everyone got dressed quickly because it wasn't long before the call to battle-stations was issued.

All three of them made their way to the bridge as the ship's personnel ran to their assigned posts. Once they had arrived, Jack found Russ on the bridge looking at the ship's radar.

"They're already here," informed Russ, pointing out the blips on the radar of the Javan fleet. "And they are just about within range. No doubt they'll be able to see us shortly with our smokestacks."

"And it's looking to be a clear day as well," said Jack, looking out the window. "We'll have to rely on superior shooting and a little bit of luck to get through the day."

"Aye to Jack. Give the order to load the guns?"

Jack nodded. "See it done."

Russ repeated the order to the other ships in the fleet. The only closest ones to theDestiny were a handful of other Galician ships as well as the bulk of the Swabian fleet, now at the tip of the spear. On the Swabian side, Admiral Sevolz was in command on his battleship,Warkiz, and he confirmed that his guns were ready to fire.

"Jack, we're now within range of the enemy's ships," advised Lt. Kyle Abrams, weapons division head. "Ready to fire at will."

Russ turned to look at Jack, waiting for the word. At that moment, Jack grabbed his binoculars and looked out toward the horizon. It was still too far out to see the Javan fleet just yet, but he wondered whether Reynolds knew just what he was about to blunder into.

"Give the order," said Jack clearly. "Open fire."


Across the ocean more than a handful of miles to the east, Admiral Nick Reynolds had no idea what he was about to sail into. His spotters had been on the horizon looking due west, trying to locate the Fourthie transport fleet for visual confirmation. His radar operators were doing the same, and only a little bit ago, they'd started picking up the signatures of many ships on the western horizon.

"Got you, Easterbrook," growled Nick, a thin smirk appearing on his weathered face. "It's only a matter of time until I sink your Fourthie army and send you fleeing home with your tail between your legs."

Just as the sun was starting to rise, the first visual evidence of dark smoke on the horizon was confirmed. It was one more benefit to Nick's position. The transports would have a hard time locating the threat once they were staring into the sun, and it would give Nick's ships the necessary cloak they needed to hit fast and hard.

Almost giddy with excitement, Nick directed Admiral Strange to set off the opening salvo from theRevenge.

"The first ship to sink an enemy transport gets a month of paid leave once we get back to Belfort," boasted Nick, eager for his men to see the transports as the slow, fat targets they were.

Just as the order was given to start firing, something happened that no one expected.

The sounds of something resembling extremely heavy artillery fire materialized seemingly out of nowhere.

And then heavy ordnance landed very close to theRevenge, not close enough to cause damage but close enough to strike fear in just about everyone on the bridge.

"We're being fired upon!" yelled Admiral Strange.

Those four words set off a bevy of activity. The scouts went out trying to confirm the direction of the fire (which seemed to come from the transports) while orders were given to all ships to remain alert and report any damage sustained. Thankfully, none of the Javan warships were hit, but that wasn't the case when the next salvo came in, causing some minor damage to one of the Javan cruisers in the force.

"Sir, those are not transports on the horizon," said Admiral Strange, handing his binoculars to Nick. "Those are warships! We've stumbled into a Fourthie battle fleet, not the transport fleet!"

Nick looked out on the horizon in the direction of the smoke. He was still far enough away that he couldn't make out the ships, but he knew his gunners could see what he could not.

"Cruisers on the horizon," confirmed Strange, relaying the message from the gunners. "Battleships too. All opening fire."

"Where the fuck did those transports go?" growled Nick, throwing his binoculars. "And how the hell did we stumble into the main Fourthie fleet?"

"Sir, do you want to engage?" repeated Strange. "Permission to return fire."

"Granted," replied Nick. "Open fire and sink those bastards. Let's give them a lesson they won't soon forget."


"Get our seaplanes launched at once," ordered Jack to Russ as theDestiny rocked with another salvo. "How far away is theCenturion presently?"

"Too far away to launch planes," replied Russ with a shake of the head. "The ship was too slow to keep up with us so it's still trying to catch up. Captain Roegart has orders to make for our current position with all possible speed and to launch his planes when ready."

"Good, let's make sure our seaplanes have those Sorellan fire canisters as well," said Jack. "They can drop them from the air and make better use of our limited supply than our gunners can."

"I'm still going to leave most of our stockpile for the gunners though," said Russ. "We can hit with both."

"Fine by me," said Jack as theDestiny rocked with another heavy salvo. By now, the sun was completely up, and all the Western ships were firing steadily at the Javan targets on the horizon. The Javans were firing back now as well and there had been a close call that sailed just over theDestiny's bow to land a few hundred yards on the other side.

For now though, theDestiny was turning into the wind in order to launch the seaplanes. Each pilot was given four bombs--three traditional explosives and one canister of Sorellan fire to make the most of their time in the air. Jack counted on the fact that so many of the Javan seaplanes had been shot down in the previous weeks that the Javans wouldn't be able to contest the skies above them.

If that was the case, his men were going to rain down destruction on Nick Reynolds and his fleet.

Once the seaplanes were airborne, Jack gave the order for the Sorellan fire ordnance to be loaded and made ready to launch.

Up until that point, theDestiny had never taken a serious direct hit from enemy fire despite Jack's many years in command of the ship. In every battle she'd participated in, she had a run of extraordinary luck that saw her emerge relatively unscathed in every major fight. When she did take damage, it was usually minor and able to be fixed the next time they entered port.

Suffice to say, theDestiny's luck finally ran out. Everyone on the bridge was brought to their knees as a Javan shell made a direct hit with one of the forward turrets. The ship creaked and groaned as twisted metal melted together in a fireball of hellish proportions. The windows in the bridge shattered due to the proximity of the hit, filling the air with thick, dark smoke from the remains of the turret.

Chaos reigned on theDestiny. The sounds of coughing could be heard from everyone as Jack tried to get back to his feet. His hands were nicked with small cuts from the glass and his ears were still ringing because of the explosion. Instantly, he set off to find Kat and Abigail.

He found them not far away, both coughing from the lack of air.

"Are you two okay?" he yelled, trying to overcome the ringing in his ears.

Abigail nodded her head and managed to pull herself to her feet. Kat had a tougher time, needing Jack's help. By the time they were standing, most of the bridge had managed to get back on their feet and the ship had turned, causing the smoke from the turret to stop filling the bridge.
