Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch. 02


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Regan snorted and swatted at my chest, "You're terrible."

I nipped at the top of her ear, "And you're still delicious."

"ACH!" she grabbed the remote and pulled up another race. We watched a NASCAR race and talked a bit here and there. Mostly logistics, nothing about what happened earlier today. She would tell me when she was ready. We cuddled on the couch, and we cuddled in bed, but no sex just holding her until she went to sleep with her head on my chest.


Monday was call the lawyer, then see about renting a truck for moving and a trailer to haul her Mustang. I was going to say 'and a quick trip to the lawyers office', but we both know that would never happen on this planet.

Mr. Scott was giddy at the prospect of going after the Milwaukee PD. He had some kind of history with them that he wouldn't allude to, but if he was going to do it then I didn't want any shy newbie. He was like a kid at Christmas when I told him about the pictures I took, and I thought he would pass out when I showed him the four report attempts to NOT say what happened. That led to taped depositions for both me and Regan lasting over an hour each.

While I was doing mine Regan was on the phone to Chi, and then online to the college, she was asking for a waiver of the transfer rules due to psychological trauma. First her collapse, and then her near death experience at the restaurant. She was leaving the state and had no plans of coming back.

We had to get a slightly larger truck than we needed for moving to pull her Mustang on the trailer, but with the insurance company off setting most of the cost in lieu of my rental car it took the sting out of it. And with spreading out her boxes to keep things from moving on the trip we didn't have to stack but two or three of them.

We watched TV again that evening, cuddling and caressing a bit more than last night, but I could tell her mind wasn't in it and didn't push it. What ever had happened at her parents had really gotten into her head.


We got on the road, with admonishment from mom to make as many trips back up as possible. Of course I got my bear hug, Regan went wide eyed when she got another one too along with the cheek to cheek ladies kiss.

We chatted a bit, but just like yesterday and last night, Regan was a bit preoccupied. She would cuddle and kiss, sitting in the middle of the seat against me with her arm in mine, but then she would drift off gazing into the distance in thought.

Even when we stopped for lunch she was still off in never never land. "Are you okay babe?"

"Hmmm? Oh yeah..."

"Do you want to ummm, talk about it?"

Regan just looked at me a bit, "Not yet, maybe later."

I took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. "Well as long as you're okay. We can talk whenever you're ready."

That at least got me a smile and seemed to bring her mood up a level or two. We talked about more on the house. She was starting to get excited to dig into the project.

We pushed through Nashville at the end of rush hour and plugged away for an extra hour or so to make sure we were plenty clear for the morning, finally pulling into a Red Roof Inn.

A bite to eat next door, a dip in the pool with Regan's smile coming back more and more, followed by some cuddling and groping in the spa and we headed for the room. DAMN she looked good in that little bikini! She grinned at me looking at her.

Regan stopped us just short of the bed and put her arms around my neck plastering her body to me. She gave me a soft kiss, "I'm sorry about these last few days. I've been a bit..."

I put my finger across her lips, "Like I said, as long as you're okay and with me that's all that matters. Everything else we can work through."

Regan looked at me a bit, then grinned and slid her lovely tits down my belly, grabbing my trunks and sliding them down as she went. Leaning in to trap my hard cock in her cleavage before dropping completely to her knees and taking me in her mouth.

Licking and sucking and stroking, looking up at me out of the corner of her eye while I watched her dark lips take me in when I had to grab her head to keep standing, then pulling off me with a pop and pushing me back onto the bed.

Regan stripped her bikini off in a hurry, "You're mine now," and knee walked up the bed to straddle me, lifting my cock to her dripping pussy.

"Fuuuuccckkkkk," I groaned as she slid down on me. Settling in and grinding her hips against me to get me as deep as she could. "I wouldn't have it any other way," as I reached up to cup her tits and tweak her nipples. Totally turned on by the sight of my tan hands on her chocolate skin.

Regan started riding and I was hanging on for pure pleasure. She was riding me like a bucking machine on a Saturday night. Hard and fast and as deep as she could get. All the tensions of the last few days were coming out in an animal fuck, cave WOMAN style! A dribbling pussy slapping wet thigh fuck, Regan kicking her head back screaming in orgasm setting me off. My doing my best to pound her from underneath as she began slowing down setting her off in another screeching orgasm.

Regan finally collapsed forward on my chest and I just hugged her to me, her tits and firm nipples pressed into me as I was slowly softening and shrinking from her pussy. Hearing her moan as I finally slipped from her and she rolled to her side and reached out for my t-shirt to stem the flood.

"I... love... you..." I panted.

Regan brought her hand up to my jaw, "I love you too.

We laid there a bit more, then she made her trek to the bathroom stopping for a bottle of water before crawling back in to sit up beside me. We drained most of the bottle between us, and I felt Regan sigh and cuddle under my arm a bit more.

"I'm sorry Larry, I didn't expect that from my father."

"Expect what?"

"Well I've always know my family was a bit prejudiced. There was always an 'us vs. them' attitude lurking in the back ground like every white person was out to get us. But I never really thought much about it. I mean I've had a few bad experiences because I'm black, but nothing like that."

I held her close and kissed her forehead, "Like what?"

"When I showed mamma the ring she started screaming about 'how could I do this to them?' that brought daddy running and it just spiraled out of control from there," she took another sip of water.


She wrapper her arm around mine, "Daddy was yelling, momma was yelling, my brothers started yelling. Calling me all sorts of names, even calling me a race traitor, saying you were just using me and no white boy would every love a black woman right."

Regan chugged the last of the water then took a deep breath, "Then he said... he said..."

She was trembling so I held her tight, "You don't have to say it."

"Yes I do... Daddy said, he said that, that as long as I was going to be a nigger slave to a white man I was no daughter of his and not to come back." The last part coming out in a rushed dribble.

She started crying a bit and wrapped her arms around my chest. I held her until she settled back down. Then I kissed her forehead and then her nose, "Well then I guess we'll just have to be two slave descendents living in harmony."

Regan's head came up quick almost catching my jaw to look at me, "What?"

"Yup, my great great great, well how ever many greats back were slaves."

"Bull shit, you're white."

I just chuckled a little and kissed her palm, "Regan, you really have no idea do you?"

"Of what?" getting her dander up a bit.

"Have you ever really looked up the true start of quote unquote slavery in the U S?"

"Well no, just what we were taught in school."

I kissed her palm again, "That's the tail end of the story with half truths mixed in by those that want to obfuscate the truth as usual. Hell, half of writing history is hiding what they don't want told. Suffice it to say that the original 'slaves' were just indentured servants paying off their passage to the America's, most of them were white well into the mid 1700's. In fact the word slave actually comes from the word Slavs, referring to the whites of Eastern Europe. In reality most blacks in the US now can't even trace their roots to what they think are slaves, even if they really tried. What is taught as slavery in the schools didn't happen until later in the development of the colonies when what we would now consider Democrats wanted cheep labor and devised a way to keep uneducated people, black and white alike, as almost permanent indentured servants. Ever heard the term Dixecrats?"

"No way!"

"Yup, we'll look it up when we get a chance. In a lot of ways it will remind you of our current government, but with prettier names now. But that's the other part of the white folk, black folk, an' niggers conversation I got from Granny when I got older. Right along with the knowledge that the school teachings don't tell you Pocahontas was a prepubescent girl. Or that Paul Revere was arrested and never finished that famous ride."

"Uh UHHH!"

"Regan, you should know from experience that not everything in print or the news is true. Oh there are bits and pieces of truth sprinkled in there, just like the Paul Revere story that the kids are taught." She just looked at me like she didn't believe me. "Okay, here's one that will really blow your mind. I bet all your life you've been told that the Democrats are the ones looking out for you, blacks or women. Right?"

"Well duh!"

I grinned at her, "They fought the hardest against the civil rights for blacks and equal rights for women in the US. It was more people they didn't have control over if they got their independence, more people that weren't going to be dependent on them. But they needed your support so they scream the loudest that they are helping you. You know the old adage, say a lie enough times and people begin to believe it's the truth..."

Regan tipped her head back laughing, then grabbed me and pulled me on top of her, "Oh you are something else!" she wrapped her arms and legs around me and drew me against her.

This time we made love. Very passionate, enthusiastic, love. Doing all we could for the other, each trying to get the other off first. Regan was pulling me in with her heels and squeezing her lovely pussy down on me pinching her own nipple in front of me while I was stroking deep and trying to keep her other nipple between my teeth. I'm not sure we'll ever know who won, but it sure was fun trying from the wet spot we made. Damn I'm glad this room had two beds!

Eyes, I need an editor, are you volunteering?

I was a Math kid, not an English kid, and rely HEAVILY on spell / grammar check.

Don't forget to vote.

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SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Reread several years later and still enjoyed it despite the little spelling errors pointed out by others (and I got a laugh out of the deserts, remembering that from the first time). Well done, looking forward to the reread on the last part. Still 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
History lesson? ...okay then

That little history lesson at the end was oddly placed, albeit very insightful. Things have changed, but people don't even know for sure how things used to be, so it's very important that these things are taught. I wasn't expecting to read it in an erotic short story of all places. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Right on Wordcraft!

While there is still some racism all over the world, a good portion of it today is those LOOKING for it. Those that PROFIT from it. Do you honestly believe Sharpton and Jackson could survive if they truly eliminated all 'racism'. They spout all sorts of ideas and philosophies, but no realistic solutions.

WordcraftWordcraftalmost 7 years ago
@ Rightbank

Not an agenda, but a history lesson. The point acup was making is the fact that every race on this planet has been enslaved, indentured, or conquered at some point in history or another. Acup also rightly highlighted that no matter their skin color, some people are still racist. The main character was trying to show Regan despite their skin color, it didn't matter to him, and it shouldn't. Wordcraft stands and applauds acup for a great story. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
"liberals that went against slavery"

Can't quite see that one. The Dems back then were just a different flavor of what we have today and were VERY much FOR slavery. Voting several times against the Republican effort to abolish slavery. And don't let the old wording confuse you, Servitude, as in indentured servant, was completely different from slavery. Stop and think about it, until just recently we had a kkk grand kleagle DEMOCRAT in the US Congress.

Now I will admit that not all Democrats are alike, just as not all Republicans are alike. But as a general rule the Democrats have always been the more liberal / big government type. Democrats have always been ones of great ideas, but usually with the taxpayers money.

Almost to a fault, city, state, and federal economies that have went bad have almost exclusively been under Democrat control. The first thing many will shout is how bad things got under Bush, but fail to take the reason to it's conclusion that he was operating under a Democrat controlled congress that he couldn't stop.

Here's one to make you think a bit. Why are Democrat arguments filled with emotion and partial or out of context information and Republicans almost exclusively just facts?

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