Freshers Ch. 01


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He kept up his teasing of my vulva for several long minutes while he kissed me and took a few moments to lick and suckle my stiffly engorged nipples. And then, without any warning...

"Hahh!!" I gasped as Tommy suddenly thrust his hips forward and his penis entered me.

Together we made soft yet passionate love for what felt like an age. Tommy's lovemaking skills and his staying power had really come along since our first time together when I took his virginity, and the occasions we made love during our amazing holiday in France. He had really tuned himself into how my body reacted to him, and in turn I had tuned myself into his body - I knew exactly how to make our lovemaking feel as good as possible for him and likewise, he knew exactly how to make it feel wonderful for me. I often wondered if it was because we were twins or if we were simply just exactly the right person for each other and that we'd be tuned into each other like this even if we weren't so closely related.

"Oooooh... Ohhh Tommy... Ohhh Tommy-bear... Mmmmmm..." I purred lovingly as he gently rocked his hips back and forth, slowly sliding his erection into and out of me.

Slowly, the passion within and between us built and built and with every passing moment I felt myself being pushed closer and closer to the edge. Nearer and nearer towards the precipice of orgasmic bliss. I looked up at Tommy, his face a picture of concentration as he put all the skills he had learned over the couple of months since we first made love together into practice. My heart leapt as I gazed into his eyes, he was such a beautiful person - so kind and thoughtful, so handsome and athletic, so gentle, but at the same time, so powerful. He made love like an absolute pro - with such passion and focus and determination to ensure that I was satisfied. Sometimes I had to remind him that he should not have to feel like he has to give me an orgasm every time we make love - I want him to be able to enjoy himself as much as I do so that he can enjoy the moment rather than concentrating too hard on not coming too soon.

Simply being with him, feeling him inside me, feeling our naked skin against each other, feeling the warmth of his eruption in the depths of my vagina, gazing at the look on his face as he allows his orgasm to consume him - that's what I love whenever we have sex. Having my own orgasm is wonderful of course and Tommy had learned exactly how to hit the nail on the head 9 times out of 10, but it wasn't the be-all and end-all for me. Even if he never made me cum during our lovemaking I would still be satisfied.

But on this occasion I was headed towards a very satisfying orgasm indeed!

I felt my whole body stiffen, every hair follicle on my body stood up covering my skin with goosebumps. Gradually my body was beginning to be consumed as though I was a tree in the path of a raging inferno about to be engulfed in flames. I began to yip and yelp as above me Tommy thrusted himself into me with gradually increasing rapidity. He knew I was close... he knew I was about to cum. And it was at that moment that our hitherto soft and gentle lovemaking became a rapid and rampant rutting as though we had suddenly transmogrified into two savage beasts mating atop a wild and windswept mountain.

"Oooh-h-h-h-h-hhhhh... Oooh-huh Tomm-mmmyyy-bearrrr!! Ooooooohhhh... Ahhhh... Oh... Hoh! Ah! AH!! AH!! AHH!! AHHHH!! AHHHHH!! Oh fu... Oh fuck Tommmmyyy!! Hahh!! HAHHH!! HAHHHHHHH!!" I screamed and panted as my orgasm erupted.

And in just a few moments the eruption became an explosion.

"UUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!" I roared up at the ceiling as Tommy rutted into me with hard, fast thrusts as he let himself go.

"Uh... UH... HUHH!! Oh fuck... Oh, here I go Beth! Here... I... COME!! UNNNNGGGGHHH!! URRRGGGHHH!! HHOHHHHH!! URRRRGGGHHH!!" Tommy exulted and panted as I felt him erupt inside me, his warm cum painting my insides with his passion.

Feeling his orgasm inside me suddenly had the effect of prolonging my own, towards a second peak. Tommy was giving me a multiple orgasm! I reached down and grabbed hold of his naked, flexing buttocks and pulled him into me. I dug my fingernails into his soft skin and I wrapped my legs around him to hold him right where I wanted him. I wanted him to enjoy his release, to prolong it for him as much as possible - I knew male orgasms were typically shorter in duration than female orgasms but I was in no doubt about how strong they could be.

"Come on Tommy-bear!! Unnnggghhhh!! Come in meeeee!!" I cried exultantly, imploring him to enjoy his release for as long as possible.

"Hahh!! Oh Bethhhh!! Ohhh-holyyyy!! Unnnggghhh!! AH! UGH! UGH!! UGH!! UGH!! UNNNNNGGGGHHHH!!" Tommy gnashed and grimaced and thrusted into me.

My enthusiasm to keep him inside me for as long as I possibly could had resulted in him having a multiple orgasm of his own! He shuddered and shook and I could feel his erection throbbing and pulsating inside me. We were both still wet and clammy from our earlier shower, but we were also sweating and panting and it became clear we would probably need another shower to cool off after this incendiary bout of lovemaking!

Gradually, after both of us had enjoyed a wonderful and deeply satisfying multiple orgasm, our bodies came to a gradual rest. I still held Tommy within me for a minute or two while we kissed. Eventually I opened my legs and allowed him to slip out of me, and suddenly I felt cold and empty. If I could have had my way I would've kept him inside me forever.

"Oh Beth, that was... that was incredible." Tommy panted tiredly in my ear as we cuddled together in a warm post-coital afterglow.

"You have done well, my lover!" I replied theatrically.

We were both tired but utterly relaxed - our lovemaking sating our desires and delivering us into a state of utter contentment, casting aside the trials and troubles of a long day. But there was an elephant in the room. My stomach growled, much to Tommy's amusement - we had both worked up an appetite and neither of us had eaten since arriving home.

"Well, I guess I know what needs to be done!" Tommy announced as he sat up and got off the bed, "I don't know about you, but I fancy a fry-up!"

And so he went and padded naked down the stairs and into the kitchen to cook us up a hearty repast. Well, as hearty as our meagre student budget would allow, that is!

The Signing (Tommy)

It was an exciting day for me and the other staff members of Castle Records in the bustling heart of York city centre. Steel Hammer - one of my favourite bands - were in town and signing copies of their new album 'Cannon Fodder' at our store. I hadn't been on the staff very long so my role in the signing session was to be pretty minimal, but I was stationed within only a few yards of my idols so I at least I would be able to see them. Of course Mark, the branch manager, had ample opportunity to talk with the band and several of my co-workers had the opportunity to have a brief chat with them. I however, would have to wait until after the signing before I would get to talk with them - that was, assuming they didn't have to leave in a hurry. The guys had to be in Newcastle for a gig in the city that evening and they had a sound check to do.

While the band sat behind a long table signing LP's, t-shirts and even various body parts of some of their female fans, I had to content myself by working the cash register. I had to admit I was a little pissed off about this, about being within touching distance but unable to be anything more than a bystander. I rang people's purchases through the till as though I was merely going through the motions - a far cry from my normally cheerful and chatty demeanour with the customers.

"That'll be £8.50 please." I said monotonously to an excited looking customer who had just purchased his signed copy and a t-shirt which depicted the band's emblem of a hammer wielded by the fist of some demonic creature.

I took the guy's money, gave him his change and then sighed heavily, longing to be nearer to where the real action was. As the morning wore on I became increasingly frustrated about not getting to talk with the band - the clock was ticking toward the time when they would have to leave.

Just as I had finished serving another customer, excitedly clutching his brand new signed copy of 'Cannon Fodder', Mark sidled up to me behind the cash desk.

"Oh, er, hi Mark." I said, suddenly standing straight and trying my best to seem enthusiastic about being stuck behind the cash register when I really wanted to be nearer to the band.

"How's it going?" The manager asked.

"Fine. Everything's... fine." I replied.

Mark followed my gaze towards where the four members of Steel Hammer were sat behind the long table signing copy after copy of their new album and chatting with the fans as they went by.

"Good. You're doing a brilliant job Tommy." Mark said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Their manager tells me band said they could do with some refreshment - we have some bottles of water in the fridge in the stockroom. Could you pop back and take them to them? Don't worry, I'll take over here." Mark said.

All of a sudden my mood brightened in an instant!

"Er... Yes, of course." I replied, "Thanks."

I left Mark to serve the next customer and headed through the doors into the stockroom at the back of the store. I found the bottles of water in the fridge and excitedly made my way back into the store towards where the band were busily signing LP's and meeting their fans. Well, Phil, Brett Bozz and Keith were about to meet another fan!

I tried to act as calmly and professionally as possible as I approached the table from behind. My heart was pounding in my chest as I leaned in and set a bottle of water next to each band member in turn.

"Cheers mate!" Brett, the rhythm guitarist and lead singer said as I set a bottle of chilled water on the table for him.

Brett Stride, one of my absolute heroes, actually spoke to me!!

"No problem Mr Stride." I just about managed to reply. Right then I could just have done with some of that water myself - my mouth was suddenly dry!


The signing session went on for another hour or so after that, during which I had been tasked with running back and forth into the stockroom to keep the supply of copies of the band's new release coming. We had all worked our socks off that morning - it was certainly the busiest I had seen our store since I had started there a few weeks earlier. In order to help things along so that the band could get away on time, the band's manager had positioned a couple of security guys at the door to stop any more fans from getting in and so the queue in store gradually became shorter and shorter. Outside, a large group of obviously disappointed fans who had not made it to the store in time and had missed their opportunity to meet the band, gazed longingly through the plate glass windows at the front of the store.

Finally, as the last fan had his new album signed by the band, Mark temporarily lowered the shutters at the front door and closed the store to give the band a chance to get away and for us to clear away the table and chairs where the band had been sitting and to reinstate the racks of cassettes that normally resided there. Of course, that was when I finally had a chance to grab a copy of my own and at last I had that brief moment with the band that I had been longing for all that morning.

"What's yer name dude?" Brett stride asked me as I handed him my copy of 'Cannon Fodder' for him to sign."

"Tommy." I replied.

Brett set about scribbling on the cover of the album with a thick marker pen. After he had finished, he handed it to his band mates for them all to sign in turn. As he handed it back to me I took a moment to look at my now personalised copy of 'Cannon Fodder'.

'To Tommy - thanks for looking after us dude! Brett Stride'.

Just below his autograph the other band members had also written their own little messages.

'Rock on Tommy!!' Bozz the band's drummer had scribbled above his signature. 'Rock on Tommy' was the catchphrase of a popular comedian of the day.

Phil, the lead guitarist and the other half of the band's songwriting duo, wrote simply 'Cheers for yer support!' While Keith the bass guitarist wrote 'You guys rock!!'

There then followed a few moments for the staff of the store to pose for a few photos with the band - Mark got a great picture of me stood in the middle of the band as we all roared at the camera and made the traditional metal salute, the 'devil's horns', with our outstretched arms. And then, with one final goodbye, the band slipped out through the back entrance of the store to where their limousine was waiting to whisk them up the A1 towards Newcastle for that evening's show.

I spent the rest of my shift on cloud 9 - I must've looked like a demented idiot to all the customers that afternoon! I was grinning from ear to ear with an expression on my face that made me look as though I was on some kind of medication! Needless to say, I was itching to get home and tell Beth all about meeting my heroes and of course, getting out my brand new personalised copy of Steel Hammer's new album, getting it on my turntable and rocking the night away to the pounding drums, screaming guitars and screeching vocals! ROCK 'N' ROLL!!

Stormy Night - Part One (Beth)

It was the 30th of September, the end of our first month in York. By now Tommy and I had really settled in to life in the historic cathedral city. Tommy was excited about getting his first opportunity to take part in his first dig at a site where a new block of apartments was due to be built just outside the old city walls a short distance from the National Railway Museum. I, meanwhile, had been hard at work with my own coursework - with the exciting prospect of attending a fashion show down in London being put on by a former student of the York Institute of Art and Design who had made a name for himself on both sides of the Atlantic.

Outside, as the night drew in and darkness replaced daylight, a squally weather system had set in and it was blowing a gale outside with near horizontal rain that spattered against the windows of our flat. The weatherman had forecasted that the storm wouldn't die down until the following day and there was a threat of flooding in parts of the Midlands. Inside our flat however, it was warm and cosy. We had lit the gas fire in the fireplace and our living room was softly lit with only a couple of table lamps providing illumination. Of course Tommy and I were, as we were now fully in the habit of being when we were at home, completely naked. We sat and cuddled up to each other as we watched an old movie on BBC2 as part of a season of old Ealing comedies. This particular one was a sort of 'battle of the sexes' story about two rival taxi firms, one traditional firm run by middle aged men and the other, a newer upstart run by an all-female team of glamorous looking young women. The comedy was bawdy and filled with saucy double-entendres that so epitomised the typical 1960's British comedy film. Such a film could never be made in this day and age! But it was an enjoyable film and helped us to pass such a stormy night.

When the film came to an end, to be replaced with BBC2's nightly in-depth news programme, Tommy flicked through the other channels (there were, of course, only four channels to choose from in those days - oh how times have changed!) and couldn't find anything else worth watching. So he simply turned off the TV with a loud sigh.

"A mug of tea and then bed I think!" I suggested.

"Or..." Tommy said with a glint in his eye.

"Or what?" I replied.

"This!" Tommy said wickedly.

He shuffled himself off the settee and knelt on the carpet before me. With his hand on my knees he suddenly parted my legs and then buried his face in my gaping vulva. So... he was obviously in the mood for being naughty!! I was only too happy to let him have his way with me!

The saucy comedy film had clearly enflamed his ardour - it wasn't pornographic or anything like that, but the film had included several shots of the rival taxi firm's all-female drivers in somewhat revealing lingerie whilst Sid, one of the 'dirty old men' of the taxi firm next door, spied on them via a small hole in the wall with plenty of barely contained 'Phwoarrrs!'

I had to admit, even though it was a bit sexist, it was all pretty innocent really, and the leering Sid got his comeuppance later on in the film when the young ladies he'd been spying on teamed up to exact their revenge by coercing him into taking his clothes off with the promise of sexual favours before promptly ejecting him from the premises out into the street outside in only his underpants, much to the hilarity of the women and the passers by outside.

I gasped and moaned as Tommy's tongue slurped and slithered around wetly between my legs and all over the moist fleshy folds of my vulva. He softly kissed my labia and teased my clitoris by suckling on it as though it was a third nipple. As the minutes ticked by I felt my arousal begin to build and build. I absolutely loved it when Tommy decided to do something like this totally out of the blue - I always felt, and still do to this day, that spontaneous sex is often the best kind of sex. I knew of course that later on I'd be returning the favour to Tommy by taking his cock into my mouth and giving him a wondrously exciting blowjob, before moving on to the bedroom for yet more sexual hijinks, but for the time being I was more than content to allow him to drive me towards a state of heavenly bliss.

Outside, the wind gusted and the unrelenting rain slammed against the window - I certainly was glad we were warm and cosy indoors. It was most definitely not a night for being outside!

"Oooohhh... Oh Tommy-bear... you're getting soooo good at this!! I have... oooohh... clearly taught you well!!" I purred appreciatively.

I looked down between my legs to see Tommy smiling back at me for a moment before turning his attention back towards my dripping vulva. I was being driven into a near delirious state of arousal as Tommy continued to perform cunnilingus upon me - something he very clearly enjoyed doing, if his rampantly engorged penis was anything to judge by! I felt my skin tingle as the first stirrings of impending orgasm flashed across my naked body. It would take a while yet, and Tommy still had some work to do before he carried me to the summit of my sexual ardour, but he was well on the way to getting me there. I was hypnotised by the sound of him softly slurping at me - his tongue probing into my vagina.

Closer and closer Tommy drew me towards the tipping point. Nearer and nearer I came towards the edge of orgasmic oblivion. How he could manage to keep it up for ten minutes and more escapes me!

"Ohh-h-h-h-h Tommy-bear... so close! Sooo clo-o-o-ose!!" I gasped, imploring Tommy to coax me towards that glorious and eagerly anticipated orgasmic conclusion.

Tommy responded immediately, as he buried his tongue yet further into my vagina and pressed his nose up against my clitoris - I was no nearly there! My orgasm awaited me!

I suddenly felt an intense wave of electricity course through my veins and across every square inch of my naked skin.




But then...


What the hell?? Tommy still lapped away at me - his head still bobbing back and forth.


There it was again. This time it caused Tommy to stop dead in his tracks.
