Friends First


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Now as usual, "all over the place" did not go below the belt, even after she pushed her jeans and panties down. He lay her back on the bed and played with her breasts to her heart's content and he kissed and rubbed her face, her neck, her belly...and as usual, that was it. Dawn was wonderfully aware of her pussy getting utterly wet and hungry for his touch, and she did her best to enjoy the frustration of knowing it would be ignored until he was ready for the main event. She had even tried placing his hand between her legs a few times in the past, only for him to give her the most cursory of rubs and then reach back up to her breasts or higher. Just what was he afraid of?

Now wasn't the time to ask. Dawn lay back and gazed at the ceiling and rubbed his back and cooed appreciatively as he kissed and fondled her breasts - at least that felt lovely, even if it wasn't all she wanted. No point in telling him she wanted him inside her now; he always just took that as a hint to put it off longer. He had explained himself once. "I know the rules, Dawn, always listen to how much foreplay she says she wants, and then give her three times as much."

All that foreplay did give her plenty of time to think about some of the exes she really had been in love with, and how wonderful their lovemaking had been. Tonight it was Tommy, her freshman-year boyfriend in college. They were but one of dozens of couples she knew of who hooked up in September and didn't even make it to Christmas, but Tommy had been young and eager and wonderfully attentive to Dawn's likes. She suspected he'd probably been a virgin - as had she - but she'd never asked.

When Geoff did finally spread her legs and climb on top of her, Dawn made sure to keep her eyes open and grin at him as she felt him pushing inside - she did not want to risk calling him Tommy. "Oh, Geoff, feels wonderful!"

And it did. But in her mind, it was Tommy stealing a furtive hour with her in the freshman dorm while her bookish, nerdy roommate was in class. It was a warm autumn afternoon instead of a chilly March night, and a rickety single bed instead of the modern queen-size frame all the hotel staff had. And she was gazing into the eyes of a boy she loved with all her naive young heart as she guided him into her welcoming vagina.

"Ohhhh...Geoff!" She felt relief mixed with her arousal as he humped away at her. At least he was gentle, and certainly more experienced than Tommy had been. Once again she reasoned, as she gazed upon his adoring face bobbing just above hers, at a moment like this she did feel something genuine for him.

"Come for me, babe!" he grunted, bringing Dawn very much back into the present - Tommy had never been a talker in bed, and he'd been astounded at her own proneness to calling out encouragements, which was why she suspected he'd never been with another woman before her. In any event, she was more than happy to give into Geoff's directive and to grunt and moan and yelp as he worked her up to it, careful as always to avoid calling out his name.

As she felt the dam burst, she yelped as loud and lusty as ever, and for the moment the love in her eyes was utterly real. He came a moment later, and she knew just when because he stopped as deep inside her as he could reach and opened his mouth but said nothing.

"Oh, that's beautiful, Geoff." And it was.

The big moment over, he relaxed and settled on top of her and kissed her gently. "See, wasn't that worth waiting for?" he asked.

Dawn laughed to keep from crying, and she kissed him back and closed her thighs tightly around his receding erection. But she didn't answer him.

* * *

For the rest of that week, the weather was befitting the end of March - rainy and chilly and most encouraging for everyone to stay inside. It didn't get Robbie down at first, as the memory of how Mary Beth had felt in his arms was still enough to make him feel wonderful. But the April Fool's conundrum hung heavy as the day approached. Only to talk, Robbie? Are you sure? What if she really had meant that? Mary Beth wasn't the type to play games...or was that simply what he chose to believe because he was smitten with her? And Jed had been so encouraging at a time when he should have been furious, and he was the type to play games...

Robbie just didn't know what to think. And so a diplomatic stalemate held sway through most of the week. Always ready with a smile and an encouraging word, never pushing Mary Beth away when they got to chatting during breaks or after hours, but never letting her too near for the time being. He promised himself he'd explain himself to her after April 1st if necessary, but he doubted it would be necessary. Tender moments like they'd had in the pool came easy for women, after all, and for her it probably hadn't been anywhere near as significant as it had been for him. Odds are she wouldn't even notice.

Notice, though, she did.

When Thursday afternoon brought another visit to the pool for everyone but Robbie, Mary Beth was fed up. "What was Robbie's excuse this time?" she asked the others during a lull in the splashing around.

"Too tired after breakfast duty," Geoff said.

"Breakfast was awfully busy this morning," Dawn reminded them.

"Sure it was, but all week he's been keeping me at arm's length." Mary Beth looked near tears. "We had such a nice time here the other day, but ever since then..."

"Dawn did tell you what was up with him, didn't she?" Jed gave Dawn a firm look as he asked it.

"Of course I did, and he told her himself," Dawn said. "Isn't that right, Mary Beth, about his past?"

"Oh, he told you about that too?" Mary Beth said. "Yeah, he told me all about her. But why would a guy open his heart like that and then not let you in again?"

"Robbie's smarter than I gave him credit for," Geoff declared.

"Man, not this again!" Barry piped up. "Come on, Geoff..."

"Quiet!" Jed snapped at him. "I want to hear this. Do tell, Geoff."

"Me too," Mary Beth said uncertainly. Dawn cringed but said nothing.

"Women love a man they can have really deep, intimate conversations with, just like one of the girls," Geoff explained. "And they also respond to a challenge, a guy who isn't so easy to catch. Robbie gave you a sweet taste and now you're after him, aren't you? So it worked!"

"No!" Mary Beth shook her head. "Robbie's not like that, Geoff. He's not like you!"

"Maybe not, but it sounds like he's got you hooked whether he wanted to or not," Jed said. "So if you're going to hold up your end of the deal here, you'd better play harder, kiddo."

"My end of the deal?" Mary Beth was flummoxed.

"Jed, not now!" Dawn said. "Come on, Mary Beth, let's swim and not worry about Robbie for now."

"You'd better worry about him soon, though," Jed said.

But Dawn had her by the wrist and was dragging her off to the deep end before she could answer. "You know how men are, sometimes you've got to force them to communicate with you," she said. "What do you say we do that to Robbie after we're done here?"

An hour later, Mary Beth did just that. "Robbie?" she said when he picked up the phone.

"Hi, Mary Beth. How was the pool."

"Lovely, but we missed you!"

"Oh, sorry, I was just so tired after breakfast duty."

"Is that really all it is?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look, Robbie, you can talk to me. Especially after our talk in the pool the other day. I really thought we had a breakthrough there, but ever since you've been awfully standoffish."

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, Mary Beth! I didn't think..."

"What didn't you think?"

"That you'd notice."

"Why wouldn't I notice? It was so nice, and ever since then it's like you barely know me!"

"Oh, I didn't mean it that way! I just...I guess I just didn't want you to think I was pushing you too hard -"

"I didn't, Robbie. Didn't I let you know how comfortable I was? And you said you were too!"

"Mary Beth, I'm sorry! If you don't understand, I promise you will soon, okay?"

"Understand what?"

"I can't explain, not yet. But I am sorry, okay?"

"Okay," Mary Beth. "You on dinner duty?"

"I'm afraid so. I'd better go. See you at breakfast tomorrow?"

"Looking forward to it, now. See you then!"

"Me too. Bye."

Mary Beth stared at the phone in silence for a moment after hanging up. Dawn patted her on the back. "What did he say?"

"He said I'd understand soon. I sure hope so."

"So do I," Dawn said. "But I think he will."

* * *

Friday brought more lunch reservations than usual, so it was all hands on deck. True to his word, Robbie welcomed Mary Beth next to him at the staff table and gave her thigh a playful squeeze once she was seated. "I'm sorry!" he whispered.

"Let's talk about it later," replied Mary Beth, who now had a plan of her own up her sleeve. She saw Jed smirking at her and returned the look as best she could.

As usual, Barry and Chad were the last to arrive. As soon as they were seated, Geoff jumped up. "All right, guys, listen up," he said.

"Geoff, sit down!" Pam was in no mood for his nonsense, the others could hear it in her order, and thus were careful to stifle their laughs at his expense. "This just might be the busiest meal we've had since you guys joined us. I want everyone to focus on their tables and nothing else, understood?"

"Pam, I've got some ideas about that," Geoff piped up.

"If you want to keep your job, you'll keep those ideas to yourself, Geoff," Pam said. "Now then, here are your assignments..."

Robbie wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or relieved that he and Mary Beth were assigned to opposite ends of the room. As he was standing up, Mary Beth touched his hand and said, "Let's talk after the shift."

"Sure." Robbie hoped he sounded reasonable as he said it without sounding overly eager. Only one more day, after all.

Pam was right, it was the busiest shift he'd worked so far. Robbie welcomed it, since it meant he was far too occupied to give in to his concerns about what Mary Beth might be up to. She was also usually too far away for them to even exchange looks, although he did steal a few longing glances in the few moments when he had a moment to do so.

By the time his last guest had finally gone, Robbie was a tired, sweaty mess. But, remembering Mary Beth's request, he lingered in the kitchen with a tall glass of sparkling water and, for the first time since the pool, allowed himself to look forward to seeing her.

He wasn't quite halfway through the drink when she appeared, looking as exhausted as he was but happy to see him. "Thanks for waiting," she said. "Shall we get out of here?"

"Where to?" Robbie said. "I really need a shower before we go anywhere."

"Hold that thought," Mary Beth said. "Let's go to my room, there's something I want to show you."

"Sounds promising," Robbie quipped as they made their way through the empty dining room. "Listen, I really am sorry I haven't been friendlier this week..."

"I get it," Mary Beth said. "But I do hope you're not scared of little ol' me!" She couldn't help laughing a bit.

"Getting less so all the time," Robbie replied, joining in on the laughter.

"Less so? Well, I hope it stays that way." Mary Beth felt her skin prickling everywhere with anticipation, just as she always had when a moment like this was closing in. She'd never initiated it before, but there was a first time for everything.

She'd had the foresight to draw the curtains that morning, but as she opened the door it occurred to her that Robbie might wonder why. He didn't, though, and as she turned the light on and shut the door behind her, he simply looked around the now-familiar room. "Feels like years since I've been here," he said. "Awkward week, huh?"

"It doesn't have to be that way, Robbie!" Mary Beth said, taking his hand in both of hers and tugging him toward the bed. "I mean, I appreciate you taking it slow and I know it can be scary at first, but there's no sense in dragging it on forever, you know."

"I didn't mean to do that!" Robbie said. "Honestly, it's just..." He very nearly told her, but he just couldn't do it.

"Oh, Robbie!" Mary Beth looked crushed all of a sudden. "Look, if you don't like me that way -"

"I do!" Robbie felt his face flush and wished he could melt into the floor. But now that it was out, there was nothing to do but hope for the best.

"You do?" Mary Beth felt the most joyous relief she could ever recall feeling. "Well, that's good, because I do too." She took his hands again. "Doesn't it feel better to have that out in the open?"

"Yes." Robbie nodded sagely. "Yes it does. I'm sorry, Mary Beth, it's just, the guys and their mind games..."

"To hell with them!" Mary Beth said. "Let them think whatever they want. No games here, am I right?"

"I sure hope so."

Mary Beth gave him a probling look. She didn't know what to make of that comment at all, but Robbie looked so adorable standing sheepishly before her, having just confessed his feelings, that she just couldn't hold it against him. "Come here," she said, and she put her arms around him.

"Careful, I must smell awful!" Robbie said, though he did return the embrace.

"Don't worry, I smell the same way, no doubt!" She squeezed him for a few seconds before drawing back. In that tender moment, Robbie gave in. If she was in cahoots with Jed and the boys, it'd break his heart, but it'd be on her conscience. He would settle for that.

"I guess we both need that shower I mentioned, huh?" Robbie said rather than dwell on the risk.

Mary Beth giggled and tightened her embrace. "Why do you think I invited you back here?"

Robbie returned the favor. "I like the way you think! But, you said there was something you wanted to show me?"

"Yes, and if you're going to join me in the shower, you'll see it all right!" She laughed and drew back, and in the same motion she spun around and held her hair up out of the way so he could undo the clasp of her dress.

Now Robbie laughed. "All right, you got me on that one." HIs fingers trembling with anticipation, he undid the clasp. Once it was open, Mary Beth raised her arms and he pulled the dress up and off.

Mary Beth was glad she'd had the foresight that morning to make sure her bra and panties matched, although she had little doubt she'd have been treated to the same awestruck, adoring look no matter what. In any event, she welcomed that look as she turned around and busied herself helping Robbie off with his jacket and shirt.

She didn't have to tell Robbie not to be shy as he helped her off with her bra, nor did she feel the qualms she'd felt last week as he admired her body from head to toe. His endearing silent gaze and gentle touches made her feel beautiful, and she could only hope he knew she found him the same. He was hard, and she was tempted to play with it before they even got in the shower. But she settled for a long look up and down his body, and when she finally looked back up into his face she saw he was doing the same to her. They laughed together.

"Like what you see?"

"Love it!"

"So do I. Now come on." And they were off to the shower.

Robbie had a million questions, and still a touch of suspicion, though in the beauty of the moment he didn't care. He didn't ask any of them. Instead he busied himself with soaping up Mary Beth's breasts, which she more than welcomed. "I guess this is the time to say we don't want any mind games, huh?" he asked.

"A little late for worrying about that, I think," Mary Beth said as she finally did help himself to a gentle tug on his hard cock. "But I think we've both had enough of that, haven't we?"

"What would Geoff say?"

"That's the last thing I want to think about right now!" Maggie laughed, and they shared their first kiss under the steamy water.

"Mmm, a wet naked hug," Robbie said when he came up for air. "Just what I needed."

Five minutes of scrubbing and rinsing later, they stepped back out into the room. "Maybe we should've taken care of that before the shower?" Robbie said.

"I'll be happy to wash your hair again if you're worried about that." Mary Beth yanked at his towel and it slipped to the floor, and just as quickly she did away with her own.

"Which hair would that be?" Robbie quipped, unabashedly gazing at Mary Beth's thick, jet-black triangle.

Mary Beth laughed and ran her fingers playfully through her bush. "Are you only going to look at it?"

"Not if I can help it!" He reached in and she let his fingers take over while she threw her arms around him and they kissed.

In Mary Beth's experience, a man either knew his way around a vagina or he didn't. She'd had shy Robbie pegged as one of the latter. But now she found herself proven wonderfully wrong, as his gentle teasing had her worked up into all sorts of pleasure even before he gently parted her vulva and reached one finger ever so slowly inside her.

"Oooh, you're good at that!" She could barely get the words out.

"Surprised?" Robbie pulled back and grinned, still rubbing her wet inner flesh in delicious slow circles.

"A little," she admitted. "Sorry!" Honesty seemed the only possible policy in such a tender moment.

"I'm sure you can make it up to me," he whispered. With that he reached farther inside and pressed harder, drawing a gasp from Mary Beth as she grabbed hard onto his shoulder for balance. He kissed and nibbled her neck gently, and slipped a second finger inside her.

"Oooh! Ohmygod!" Mary Beth threw her head back, giving Robbie more room to tease her neck as he rubbed faster still. She thrust her hips against his palm in rhythm with his strokes. "Gonna come!"

"How hard?'

"Ohnnnnnnnnhhhhhh, yesssssss!" She grabbed him in a fierce embrace that forced his hand to come to a stop, but he kept his fingers nestled inside her. "Thank you!"

"Beautiful," he whispered in her ear, and gave it a quick kiss.

"Your turn!" She pointed at the bed and he finally withdrew his fingers and lay back, still looking adoringly at her as she climbed onto the mattress and then onto him.

She had never heard a man moan as loudly as Robbie did as she eased him effortlessly inside her. He gazed up at her, utterly vulnerable and delighted, as they both took a moment to savor the intimate sensation.

"You have a wonderful touch," she said, taking both his hands in hers. "But you haven't used it nearly enough on these." She placed them both on her breasts, and was presently rewarded with the same loving caresses she'd felt in her pussy a few minutes before. "Oh, perfect!" she cooed. "More of that!"

She didn't have to tell him anything again, and there was plenty of noise from both of them but no words from either for the next several minutes. His hands felt perfectly delightful on her breasts, but she was mostly focused on the delicious sensation as she humped him to oblivion. She ground into him with abandon, always expecting him to come any second now. But he didn't, although he voiced his shared pleasure in no uncertain terms, and she felt her own second orgasm building into an unstoppable force.

"Gonna come!" she squealed, pressing into both his hands so they mashed her breasts just right. She ground into him harder than ever, and let out a joyful roar as it washed over every inch of her body. When she had caught her breath, she came to a stop and squeezed him as tightly as she could within. "Your turn," she whispered. She slipped him out and rolled over on her back beside him.

Robbie felt like he ought to apologize. But he held his tongue as he climbed on top and let her guide him back inside. "Oh, still feels amazing, doesn't it?" he whispered.

"Either way!" she agreed.

She did not expect to come yet again before he did. But within seconds of his hard and fast flailing, she felt another one building. "Oh, yes, do it to me!" she exhorted, slapping his hip playfully as he humped harder and faster by the second. "Make me feel it!"