Friends like These


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Lisa crawled on the bed over to her brother and then she snuggled up to the other side from Regina.

"You ok?" he asked.

"They've known about us from the beginning."

"I think everyone is going to be ok with it now. Right?" he asked as he turned to Regina.

"Yes. Right."

Lisa wiped her eyes and then she put her hand on Charles' knee and got him to extend his leg. She did the same to his other knee and then she got hold of his half erect dick. She started to stroke him.

"You're really ok with me doing this?" Lisa asked Regina.

"Who am I to judge?"

Lisa propped herself up and then she put her mouth on his dick and started to suck him. Then she lifted up her head. "And this?" she asked.

"You two are adults and no one is forcing anyone." Regina said.

Lisa got her panties off and then hiked her skirt up and climbed on top of Charles' growing erection.

"And this?"

Regina was about to respond when Mona came back to the door. "Do you guys have any ... Lisa. We just talked about that."

Lisa grabbed Charles and held on as Mona came back over to the bed.

"You can't stop us." Lisa said.

"He's your brother."

"He's your brother, too."

"False start. Back to phase one." Charles said to a stunned Regina.

"They shouldn't be allowed to go back a phase." Regina said.

"Fine, if you get to fuck him then I'm fucking him to. Everyday. All day, everyday." Mona was yelling at Lisa.

"Oh, I'm having flashbacks." Charles said as Mona started to strip out of her clothes.

Mona pulled the dick out of Lisa and then started to suck on it. Lisa flipped herself around and started to get in to suck it as well.

"Please be careful you guys." Charles said.

"He's mine." Lisa said.

"You're just going to have to share." Mona said.

"Stop." Regina screamed. Then she grabbed each twin by the ear and yanked them to their feet. "Stop this, both of you."

"What are you going to do? Huh? Lesbian."

"You take that back."

"You are, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah. You know what I'm going to do. This. You are going to eat her pussy. And you are going to eat her pussy. And Charlie isn't going to fuck either one of you until both of you cum."

"Says who?" Lisa objected.

"Says me." Charles said as he came to stand next to Regina. "Now I have to put my foot down. You two were yanking me all over the place and it did not feel good. So I agree. Do as Gina says or no more of this."

The two twins looked at each other and then each slowly slid away.

"Come on." Regina said. Then she started to grab them and pose them on the bed so they would be in the best position to start to do it. They hesitated. "You don't need me to go down there and show you both how to do it, do you?"

"No, no." Lisa said.

"We got it." Mona agreed.

The twins each started to lick each other. It was slow going at first but then they picked up speed. Naked Charles and naked Regina gave each other a high five and then they stood arm in arm and watched.

"Who do you think will cum first?" she asked.

"I don't know but I'm putting this down as phase five. Best way to end an argument."

As his sisters got more and more into the mood of actually fucking each other, Charles lost track of which was which and honestly couldn't tell them apart. There was only so long he was going to watch this kind of display or Regina fingering herself without need to jump in so he grabbed one of the twins, and he didn't know which one, and started fucking her.

Regina grabbed the other and brought the girl between her legs and had her lick pussy. They were going like that just fine for a bit and then swapped seemingly for the hell of it.

Lisa had an orgasm from Regina going down on her.

Mona had an orgasm from Charles fucking her from behind.

Even Regina had an orgasm when she had one girl on one side of her sucking her breast and another girl on the other side making out with her and Charles' dick, or at least the tip of it, inside of her.

And Charles, when he was finally ready to cum, it had been when Lisa was riding him. She quickly got off and then all three of the girls were around his cock as he blasted cum into the air and it came back down. They each slurped some up and then kissed each other to pass his semen back and forth between them.


The next morning, the four of them found that they had all gone to sleep in Regina's bed and it was later than usual so they all had to rush to get to work. There was no time for arguing or discussing or anything. Run, hurry, move, go.

Mona discovered that they'd left their door unlocked the night before and low and behold, "Someone stole our tv." Lisa looked over where the tv should be and then just laughed.

"I hope they can get it to work."

Mona laughed as well and then they were in good spirits as they each got ready and left for work. They didn't even think to search the house for what else the thief might have stolen since there was literally nothing else of value in the house save for the furniture which was all still there. They would learn later that several pair of underwear were missing as well as the travel scrabble game with the letters for 'incest' glued to the board.


Charles was a bit sluggish at work after all his nightly activities. His boss jumped on him within ten minutes of him coming in and telling him not to go celebrating big deals so soon and to save it for the weekend. After all, that's what the weekend was for.

He was doing his job, or what he thought was his job since he still didn't know what his routine was supposed to be or if he'd even really have one. He was operating off of, see something, do it.

At about mid day, this very strange thing started to happen where the same company was calling over and over again. Not the same people at the company, but different people at the same company all wanting to know the same thing. Charles had half a mind to make a memo and go run it over there.

He was on one of those calls and listening politely when his former boss came into his office. Miss Evans put a document on his desk and then waited for him to get off the call. Charles hung up the phone and then let his head fall to the desk he was so tired.

"How's your mother?" she asked.

Charles lifted up his head and tried to smile. "Better. She's well enough to yell at me again."

Miss Evans seemed to like that. "Good to hear it. And Regina?"

"Oh, she's gay."


"But don't call her that. She hates that."

"Aren't you two supposed to be getting married?"

"Yeah, we're still talking about it."

The phone rang and the receptionist told him who was on the other line. Again! Charles dreaded picking it up. He looked up at Miss Evans. "I don't supposed you could please go get me some coffee, could you?"

"Right away, sir." she said with a smile as he answered the phone and did the same thing again.

Miss Evans brought the coffee and she not only somehow knew how he liked it but had prepared it that way too. He sipped as he listened and then did his magic to make the other person understand and also have positive feelings about doing business with them. Hang up. He looked up and there was Miss Evans smiling back at him.

"This is good. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Oh, and I brought the numbers from yesterday. Normally I don't run them up so quickly but I thought you'd want to take a look at them."

He looked down at the form. It was all Greek to him. "Is there anything specific I need to watch out for?"

She stood up and leaned over his desk with her cleavage showing. She pointed. "Here. That's you."

"Me? What am I looking at?"

"Follow the line. Here."

"Oh. Yeah. Ok."

"You made a hundred and fifty thousand dollars yesterday." she clarified.

His eyes sprang up. "I did?"

She nodded. "So your mother won't have anything to worry about."

He nodded. "Thank you."

"Now, just so you know, you won't actually get that in cash on a paycheck. If we paid you that way, you'd only get to keep the last four thousand dollars. You can thank Madame President and her 98% tax rate on men for that."

"So I won't get paid."

"You will but nobody up here draws a taxable salary. We funnel your money through a series of complex commodities. When I have time I'll walk you through it later."

"Thank you."

"And Regina, well, if she doesn't get her act together and marry you, I'd say you're about to be one very eligible bachelor."

"Ah, Regina. I do love her."

"If things don't work out, I can call Janice."

"No. Ok. Hear me on this. No. I'm putting my foot down."

"What's wrong with Janice?"

"She called the cops on me. Ok, there should be like a rule that everyone has to follow at all times. Any time the police have to get involved, those two people can never date again. Ever. They should put it in the constitution."

"Janice says she didn't call the police. Someone else did."

"I don't care. After having a cop pat me down and threaten to have me raped in prison, I'm officially scared of Janice. I'm as scared of her as my fiancée is of penis. Look I know she's your friend but No. It will never happen."

"Well, what are you going to do about Regina?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk. Talk. Talk. That's all me and Regina ever get to do. Oh, but now she's decided that since I have permission to sleep with other women it means she does as well and it turns out she really, really likes sex. Not that I'd ever know that based on how often she had sex with me but now there are women, sometimes multiple women coming and going from my apartment. And are any of them interested in me? No. So, gee, thanks for that."

"It sounds like maybe you're in the right kind of mindset to take a nice pretty girl like me out for a drink."

"And who are you trying to set me up with now?"

"Me, silly. If you get lonely with all that sex happening around you, give me a call."

Step one of his plan to reestablish himself as single at the company was done.

He watched as she left and then his phone rang again and he had to deal with an emotionally temperamental designer who didn't understand that the technology the product relied on would not fit inside the case he envisioned.


When Charles got home at first there didn't seem to be anyone home. That was weird because Lisa got off work way before anyone else and even Regina should be home at this hour. He called out for Regina in his apartment and then heard her voice from her bedroom. He went over and found Lisa and Regina naked in bed together.

"Oh. Starting without me?"

"I made a deal with her." Lisa said as Regina got off the bed and knelt down in front of Charles.

"She taught me how to lick pussy so I'm teaching her how to suck dick." Lisa informed. Then she tied a blindfold around Regina's eyes and Regina got Charles' dick out and opened her mouth. Lisa was on her knees as well, right there next to Regina, encouraging her and giving her direction as Regina took the cock into her mouth and did what little she could.

They were all still going at it when Mona got home and then Mona took it over to 'really' teach how to suck dick. They sucked on Charles until he covered their faces in white jizz and then it was time for Mona to make dinner.

Over dinner there was a long conversation about everything and it went around and around a few times. Everything seemingly came out into the open. Well, everything except for more clear specifics on mgtow. After the narwhal misunderstanding and Lisa starting to buy stuffed plush toys of the creatures, he was not going to utter anymore mgtow terminology.

Mona insisted that even if sex was happening, words like 'girlfriend', 'dating', and 'fiancée" needed to be left out of their vocabulary or it would be very hard to keep the secret. Everyone agreed but then as soon as Mona looked away, Lisa did a thing where she gestured and mouthed the words that she was his girlfriend. Regina saw that and as a joke did the same thing. They didn't stop until Mona turned to face them again.

When it was time for bed, Mona told everyone to just go to their own rooms and not start anything up. Yeah, that lasted for all of about three minutes. Then it was Mona who was the first one to sneak over to Charles' room and try to have sex with him. Lisa caught her in mid strip and in order to keep them from arguing, Charles started to fuck both of them, with Regina coming over as soon as she heard the ruckus.

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BK25BK25over 3 years ago

hmmm i thought about F.R.I.E.N.D.S where Rachel and Pheobe tried to force Monica and Chandler to admit they were doing it, a LOT of resemblence the lotion part, the 'you go get some' and . . . hahaha

but all in all had fun reading, thanks for the story

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 4 years ago

M.G.T.O.W - Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a "man" is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 4 years ago

Page 10: Emaciated?... or Emasculated??

Yes, a few typos or MSFT auto erections.

But a very good story with a lot of complexities to keep it interesting.

What I suggest is that the author might invest 30 minutes to learn how to correctly punctuate dialogue... and how to correctly use commas. Those are essential in writing text that is as readable as if one were watching the scene, or involved in, or listening to, the conversation.

The really critical parts of a good read are to be able to read continuously by seeing all the punctuation that indicates ends of sentences, pauses in dialogue, separations in words belonging to different clauses, so the reader doesn't have to go back and parse the text to understand it. Or to phrase it less tactfully, your punctuation really stinks.

shyspudshyspudover 4 years ago

I struggled around page two and three and so glad I did....Bloody brilliant story!

I am so into Lisa too, thanks.

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 5 years ago

would be better if regina wanted to fuck hi too

England91England91over 6 years ago

This has been the first that is set in this world and time period(sort of as in Hillary instead of Trump and the other stuff)

I had to read this over two nights. I haven't read anything this good in along time. I'm am hoping you write a part 2 that is this long and good. Yes there were spelling/grammar mistakes here and there but overall very well enjoyed it

keobanion0keobanion0over 6 years ago
I hope you continue this

First off, I want to say, 'Well done!'

This one has it all: a real story-line, great dialogue, lots of humor (and my kind of humor, too; so extra points for that).

But there is one major, elephant-in-the-room, loose end, and I hope you continue the story to address it; in fact, it's what kept me reading, the hope that you would. But you didn't. So you need to.

I am, of course, talking about the parents, and why their mother threw Charles out of the house for refusing to submit to Nancy's attempt to seduce him. What's the story behind that!?

Please enlighten us....

The_HypeThe_Hypeover 6 years ago

I enjoy some long stories when the story, aside from sex scenes, turns interesting. Most stories that I've read, seem to go overboard with details about its sexual situations. Yours did not. Personally, I would have liked to have more descriptions of the characters (I only remember Regina having blonde hair). On the down side, there were a few spelling/grammatical errors as well as some of the views expressed in previous comments. Also, you should have given a description of mgtow (at least what the acronym means). I just so happened to stumble upon it 2 days prior to reading this story. Looking forward to reading more work from you.

AmbrosiasterAmbrosiasterover 6 years ago
A great story with political flaws

OK, this is definitively not a bad story, but I have mixed feelings about it.

First, the great things. You like to write, and we can see that. And you're right: you're good at it. It's not just some random people blood-related screwing each others, it's true characters with background and... hum... character (how to say that more elegantly in English?). These characters are placed in an actually interesting context, about which we learn just enough. I like the references to the <em>Friends</em> series. And, last but not least, the sex is good. Sometimes, great erotic-stories' writers forgot that even if an taboo intercourse is interesting because of the context, the intercourse in itself is not to neglect. You did not.

However, some things bothered me a lot. Firstly, I thought that this "mgtow" thing was something you made up, and I was not able to decide if the part about the "feminazi" (I hate this expression) boss was a way to denounce the absurdity of sexual harassment in the actual world showing the absurdity of the inverse situation in a fantasy world or if you truly believed that women are seizing the power to emasculate all men and "gold dig" them. But I made some research, and I found that "mgtow" really existed, and what I found was a bunch of teenagers ill at ease who share these fantasies of an anti-male world under construction. This story is feeding the troll. And secondly, I did not liked the way you thought the inner debates of Regina. A lot of lesbians have troubles to name themselves "lesbian" in the beginning, because of all the prejudices you drew in this story, and that run in the society. But after a little time, they understand that lesbians are just normal girls who love girls (as yourself say somewhere), and so are they. After more of forty dates, Regina should have understood that, and called herself a lesbian without shame. Yeah, everything is possible, and in our society being homosexual is hard, so the psychological reactions can be very different. If there wasn't a general chauvinist ethos, it could be acceptable; but it's there.

To put it in a nutshell, the fact that your story has a background is great, but the background itself is far too much chauvinist.

CrimsonForceCrimsonForceover 6 years ago

Three pages in and got bored of the asinine political views.

Happyreader74Happyreader74over 6 years ago
Great story!!

Loved the story. Keep it going I’d love to see how things end up.

SWIM21SWIM21over 6 years ago
Great story. Just have one question.

What the hell is mgtow and how are you supposed to pronounce it?

HillfrogHillfrogover 6 years ago
A magnificent romp

Loved it big-big. Gotta check out the rest of your stuff. Three thumbs up from here!

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Thank you

for writing

sleepy49sleepy49over 6 years ago
You seem to always....

throw a different twist in at times. This one had me ready to walk away on page 2, but I held in there! Damn, I'm glad I did..thank you!!!

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