From Jenny to Mei Ch. 21


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Secondly, unlike any pornography he had seen, Mei and Ai were talking the whole time, mostly to one another.

"Perfect!" Mei said, getting a lick in while Ai busied herself with the head and turning her eyes to Philip.

"Umm hum," Ai grunted in agreement.

"The ideal cock."

"Umm hum."

Mei kissed his hip and stroked Ai's hair as her mèimèi massaged his pole with gentle pressure from her lips and flicked her tongue left and right.

"Just long enough but not too long, y'know? Thick but not too thick to swallow." Mei took her turn from Ai and demonstrated her deep throating skills which impressed her and delighted him.

As her lovers cock bottomed out in Mei's throat, Ai concurred, "Perfect." She looked at him with bright eyes and that dazzling JV smile and said, "Philip, you have the ideal cock."

"Shouldn't it be longer?" he offered.

"Why are guys like that?" she asked Mei Chun.

She withdrew it, panted a bit and said, "Dunno. Comes with the dick I think," then swallowed him whole again as Ai looked up at him and wiggled her cunt on the top of his erect foot.

"I mean, what would you do with more? You already hit my cervix when you go deep. Another inch and you'd bruise it. And let me tell you, that wouldn't be good."


"I'd rip your back to shreds. Your dick is perfect. Such a nice filling feeling, like... satisfying. Trust us when we say yours is absolutely the perfect dick."

"Still..." he said.

Ai and Mei stopped and looked at him with an impatience that approached annoyance. "Listen, Philip," it was Mei's turn, "lots of women go through their entire lives with guys who have a skinny four inch cock OR no cock at all. Think of all the... god knows how they do it... lesbians out there who have forsworn dick of any kind. We're lucky 'cause in addition to getting great girl sex, we get this great fucking... " she tugged on it, and not too gently, "... orgasm stick of yours. For Christ's sakes you sent me to heaven with this thing. I mean, modesty is nice and all but please."

"Ok... alright. I believe you," he said defensively, "I've got a great dick - got it. Thanks. Now fucking get back to sucking."

Mei smiled like a fox, "That's the man I know." She looked at Ai, took a quick trip up and down him again and said, "Love that tone of voice... gives me the willies."

Ai lay her head on his thigh to watch Mei for a while, admiring her technique and the way she would pause with it way deep and move her tongue in and out a bit. When she could she traced the vein that bulged prominently on her side with a single fingertip. She thought about pulmonary capacity and envisioned a single red blood cell as it passed under her finger, heading back to his lung for another O2 molecule and where it might go next trip around his body.

She gazed back and forth from Mei's lovely tight lips, struggling to keep a lock around it, to him, receiving the feeling with apparent sangfroid and felt everything was right with the universe. She said, "Having fun yet?" Her smile squinted her eyes.

Philip had very few phrases from which to choose and picked the first his distracted mind stumbled upon. "I love the both of you."

Ai's laughter was sweet. It rang rich with a sound of delight and happiness. "Of course you do."

Mei chimed in, taking a break from slow fucking her throat with his dick. "And it's not just 'cause his dick is in our mouths. That's the beautiful thing about him, Ai."

Ai concentrated on her finger as it traced the vein again and said, "Everything is beautiful about him."

"Umm hum," Mei concurred.

Ai moved up to his head propped on the pillow and hovered over him. She framed the curtain of her hair around his face to form a cocoon of intimacy.

He reflexively bent his elbows to take her breasts in hands but was stopped. "Uh uh." She took them away, held his wrists over his head and resumed her place over him. "This is about you," she said, then she kissed him - slowly. Very, very slowly.

It was one of those kisses that left its mark on a man's squiggly grey matter. The kind a guy could instantly perceive meant something, something wonderful and frightening. It was a silver bullet kiss, and it was devastating, the emotional punch held in the softness, the measured pace, the quite breathing and her gentle cooing.

He felt her breath being inhaled past his upper lip and into her nose, felt it exit out her mouth between kisses, and tumble warm and moistened by her lungs over his chin and onto his neck. She mewled or moaned or murmured or something. It was a sound of total open and naked enjoyment and between the touches and sounds he felt she was wrapping her essence around him like some tendrilled flower and feeding on him.

So slowly she kissed him and with such burning but tender passion that he forgot Mei was sucking his dick.

He was five minutes into this threesome thing and already he felt like he was drowning. Her presence above him held more overwhelming weight than ever before. Her concentration on him was like a bucket of warm honey being poured over his head. It was cloying and close and suffocating and delightful in a horrible way. He was sinking into her intimacy and he didn't know if he hated it or loved it. He was about to panic, unable to take more, when Ai backed off, held her head above his and looked down with eyes that seemed to show her soul. She didn't speak, only smiled and continued to stare at him, waiting.

'What's she waiting for? What's that look mean? Who the fuck is this woman?' He was becoming nervous and still Mei faithfully sucked his cock. He felt his skin start to crawl as she loomed over him, calm and self-certain. He could feel her confidence as though she had seen it all before, a man helpless, like an innocent butterfly pinned to a board about to be gently ethered to death.

She lowered again and as her eyes claimed his whole view she whispered, "Let go." She was upon him with those soft, vampiric lips, sucking something out of him and his mind interrupted his growing panic. It wanted a word with him. It foisted upon his consciousness a somewhat disturbing flash of insight, 'She's dominating me, just like I do with Mei, but with love.'

He wanted to squirm away, to push her off but she read his thoughts (he could swear he felt her digging around in his head) and just as it got to be too much she lifted then quickly sucked his neck for a five count, then went right back to the kiss.

He was being overwhelmed and just as he thought he could take no more, she lifted and looked at him. She loomed above him and stared into him for long seconds, then said, "How's the blow job?"

"The what?"

She giggled, elfin like, "Mei is blowing you."

"Oh... great. It's..."

He felt her descend again and girded himself for more overwhelming intimacy. He never thought he had a problem with it before but then again he'd never had Ai. He actually shivered as her lips met his then felt her soul being thrust into his mouth.

After what felt like interminable minutes, when the pressure got unbearable, Ai pulled upwards again to look into his eyes and giggled, "What is it, Philip?"

"I so love you," he said, sounding like a child confessing his love to his kindergarten teacher.

She giggled again, "Of course you do," and returned to dominating him with affection.

In a few moments she said over her shoulder, "Hold him there jiějiě. Just stop your mouth. I wanna make him come from here."

Instantly he knew she could do it. He knew that just with her mouth and her closeness she would get him to come but wasn't sure that was what he wanted. Not that he didn't want to come, just that being so totally at her mercy was unnerving.

Mei understood Ai's request and held his cock still in her mouth. She waited. She was dubious. She'd never heard of a guy coming from a kiss, no matter how hot the kisser, but if anyone could she bet it would be Ai.

Ai whispered in his mouth, "You're going to fuck me for the rest of my life. You know that right?"

"Yeah." He couldn't breathe. He felt his heartbeat flutter like a snare drum being toyed with by a three-year-old. He seriously wondered if he were entering cardiac arrest.

"Just yeah?" she said with another grin that seemed to illuminate her eyes.

"Fuck, yeah."

"That's better. Everyday. Gonna be just like this."

"Jesus, Ai. I'm dying here."

"Need to come my baby? Need to unload that white love shot on jiějiě's tongue? Hmm?" She kissed him, reached in his mouth to tease out his tongue and sucked it from him, then relented. "Lemme tell you a secret about our little Mei Chun I got out of her this afternoon." With glacial slowness she licked his left eyelid. "She's a cum slut. Loves your cum. Hated every other guy's nasty spunk but yours she loves. So you had better be ready, Philip, cause that makes two of us. Two chicks totally addicted to your semen."

She saw the wheels move behind his eyes. "Yep. Call me cum slut, Philip, for nobody's but yours."

She spoke over her shoulder again, "Start up again, jiějiě, but don't get him too close. Our boy here's eyes are starting to pop blood vessels."

She focused back on Philip who gritted his teeth and said, "I'm gone a get you back for this, Ai."

Her head fell to the side of his neck then tossed high in laughter. She laughed with such joy and amusement that he laughed too. Even Mei stopped her throat swabbing long enough to ask what was so funny.

"Philip is threatening me with the same treatment."

"Oh," she said and went right back to work.

"My dear, Philip, nothing would make me happier. Do this to me once a week and twice when I'm good. I'll drink you up, baby. It's a girl thing and you're doing great. You are so much a man that you can let me in like this and not be terrified."

"I'm fighting off panic."

Over her shoulder she called, "Ok... hold there, Mei Chun. Lemme take over."

She hummed her agreement and stopped mouth fucking him.

Ai smothered him again and whispered in his ear as her breast caressed his chin. "I know, baby, and that's like saying I love you in a way that really hits me deep. I adore you letting me in like this." She swished the hair out of his face and resumed the position, hovering above him and pointing those bottomless pools, the windows to her soul, at him. "Ready?"

He practically whimpered his agreement. She giggled and said, "Good boy. Let me in and come for me."

She pressed upon him the most penetrating, soul quivering, gut churning kiss of his life. He felt as if her essence was crawling inside him through his mouth. And it was sweet, overwhelmingly affectionate; it was loving and warm, excruciatingly personal and made him feel owned. Each nibbling at his lips made him feel like she was consuming him.

He was convinced now. All doubt was gone. She was totally serious. Everything she said he knew now was true. Her love for him was without limit and he felt that fact like the snapping of a lock around his heart. She was ultimate - pure - quintessential feminine love and he let her have him. With a last shiver of male ego he opened and felt her dive in.

Moments later Mei guggled as he let loose in her still mouth. 'Holy shit!' she thought, 'She did it. She made him come with a kiss.' She swallowed, loving how his cock muscle created a contracting wave that pushed his goo into her waiting, hungry mouth. Then, as he finished delivering what to Mei seemed like his most prodigious load yet, Philip's knees crept up and held her in a vice. She moved right and left as he rocked her like a rowboat on the ocean. She saw him push Ai off of him and say, "No! Stop! No more." It reminded her of when a guy would burrow after her clit after she came and was over sensitive.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, "Give me a minute." He scooted back to the safety of the headboard and gazed at Ai with a totally freaked out look on his face.

"What the fuck, Ai!?"

She lay giggling to his right.

"What was that?" He started laughing.

She slowed her mirth to a trickle and said, "Love."

"What was...?" he asked again.

"I was pushing my soul into you."

It was such a strange thing to say but said with such conviction that neither Mei nor Philip thought to protest that it wasn't possible.

"God!" he said then looked at Mei.

"It's kinda intense," Ai admitted.

"Damn right it was intense." He looked again at her questioningly.

"Did you like it?"

"I don't... I can't think." He paused to pant a bit and collect his thoughts. He knew now what it meant to be overwhelmed. The concentrated closeness, the searing intimacy of her over him like that, dominating but with tender affection.

"Like it, Philip?"

"Yeah." A tear came unbidden to his eye, surely a fleck of dust or a crumb or something. "I liked it."

"Good. You're gonna have to get used to it I guess."

"Damn," he sighed. He looked at Mei, silently eliciting her comment.

She shrugged and said simply, "She made me blubber this afternoon. I was a wreck."

Then he looked back at Ai with what must have been a question on his face because she answered, "No," quite firmly.

He couldn't quite form another question because she had just answered the last one without him being aware that he had asked it.

"No what?"

"No, I've never done that with anyone else."

"Who the fuck are you?" he blurted out without thinking. He was at his limit and the feeling of having his mind read again on top of the hyper-intimacy was the last straw. His question was saturated with an anger he knew he had no right to feel. But Ai wasn't offended, in fact she seemed rather pleased.

"I'm your lover, Philip. That's what you signed up for, right?" She felt some sympathy for him. She had been expecting this since that time in her tub when she practically scratched the enamel off the sides with the force of her orgasm and the revelation that Philip was 'The One.' Poor Philip was just being introduced to that reality and she figured there'd be some blowback.

"Jesus, Ai."

"Calm down. It's gonna be ok, you'll see. The Universe is never wrong."

Mei watched this exchange with more understanding than did Philip. In fact, having felt something quite like what he had just gone through this afternoon, Mei was expecting something along these lines. She pulled on Ai's wrist and dragged her over his legs to roll onto a different part of the mattress. She figured Philip needed to recover a bit.

Ai fell on her with giggles and they tussled for a few moments before settling down into slow burning kisses and strokes on bare skin.

He reflected as he watched Mei take off Ai's thong. 'It's my imagination. She can't read my mind. It's the stress of my first time maybe, or the scotch, even though I didn't have that much.' He watched Ai take off Mei's thong.

'I mean, I don't have a problem with intimacy. I'm not afraid of letting someone in like that. It was just so much so fast. Like cloying, like being gassed. It just hit me when I wasn't...'

He closed his eyes.

'Bullshit. That was so much more. So goddamned intense.' He began to smile at what he thought the whole thing meant and wanted nothing more than to keep Ai in his life.

He watched her lean back toward him, place her head on the mattress and raise her chin. She looked at him with upside down eyes as Mei also peered up at him from further down her body. Slowly she began to suckle gently on her pussy. Ai's eyelids narrowed and she said, in a dreamy voice, "Recovered, Philip?"

He turned his body so his head was above hers, a mirror of the position she had taken moments before. "Yeah," he said and began kissing her.

"Sorry to drown you like that."

He kissed her chin and enveloped the flesh covered bone with his lips. "Don't ever apologize, Ai. Not for that, it was..."

She purred and reached her hands to clasp the back of his neck. "Yeah... it was. This how you're gonna get even?"

"Yep. Once a week and twice when you're good."

As he kissed her, making love to her mouth as she had done to him, he had the presence of mind to ask himself, 'Why isn't this freaking me out. How can she be so... so familiar so quick? Like we've been dating for years? How can she love me like she says, like, at the drop of a hat? How many guys...?' He paused himself, unwilling to be disloyal with the thought, but it completed itself, 'has she loved?' And, like the answer sprung from inside his head, he heard his reply, 'She's comfortable. She fits. She's a goddess. She is everything you want. Does it matter? Do her loves before diminish what she means to you? Don't be a dick.'

They made love to Ai with affection and patience, taking her example. And while Mei gently lapped at her softest flesh Philip concentrated on kissing her neck and face. He knelt on the bed at her shoulder, leaned over and held her head in both of his palms. She murmured and nibbled him anywhere she could while stroking his hair and feeling the muscles on his back.

She felt his love for her in how he pressed his warm lips into her cheek and the gentleness he took around her closed eyelids and the bridge of her nose. Those touches of his lips were as exhilarating as Mei's sweet slow kisses to her labia.

No one had a thought for time. No one cared about anything outside of the bed. Even Mei let go completely of who she was and concentrated on the way Ai was responding to her, monitoring the wiggle of her hips when she drew her tongue up and over the sheath that guarded her clitoris. She had been so affected by Ai's immediate friendship and the way she had made love to her earlier that she had a real desire to bring her as much pleasure as possible.

She saw Philip move Ai's hands above her head and presumably hold them there in one of his. She could feel Ai's arousal mount. She noticed her enter a new stage that corresponded with Philip's restraint and she heard Ai gasp when he pressed her breast flat with his palm. Her movements became more sure in their direction and had shifted from a side-to-side glide of her hips to an arching, slow thrust into her mouth. Her belly collapsed as her chest heaved and her groans seemed to become more urgent.

She watched Philip's throat as he tongued Ai's mouth and thought it perhaps the sexiest sight she had ever seen. Her Philip, her lover, tormenter, teacher and blackmailer was wiggling his tongue inside his little Vietnamese prostitute and god it was sexy.

She noticed how Ai's wetness seemed to suddenly triple and her thrusts increase. She saw her struggle to get her hands free and felt her pelvis rise to push into her face.

'Oh wow yeah,' Mei thought. 'Fuck yeah... come in my mouth, Ai. Fucking come for me, mèimèi.'

The final proof, if Mei had needed more, was Ai's legs climbing around her shoulders and the sounds of her enjoyment stifled by her thin thighs as they grasped her head. Her little butt lifted from the bowl Mei had made of her palms and she thrust up in a one-two-pause pattern, humping into Mei's mouth.

'Fuck yes! Fucking yes, Ai. Come for me you sexy little bitch!'

"Ugumfh! Ugumfh!" Ai grunted into Philip's mouth but he didn't try to decipher. It was an orgasm and what more did he need to know other than to keep doing what he was until she rode it down?

It seemed, from his estimation, that it was a good one. She paused a couple of times about half a minute into it and then tensed up again and finally relaxed, spent and panting.

"Ooohhhh, gooood, so good," she purred and gripped his bicep and Mei's wrist at the same time while curling into a ball. "Thank you both."

Nothing was better for Ai than having a girl suck her clit while kissing a man but truth be told she came as much from his lips and tongue and closeness as the very fine job Mei had done.

And when she had stopped panting and had emerged from her fetal curl, she saw that Philip was over her and playing one finger through her hair. He lifted a few dozen strands and supported them as he moved his finger along their length and let them fall to her ribs.