From Simplicity to Complicated Ch. 03

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Beth's story continues following after dinner with Jacob.
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Disclaimer: No characters are under 18 as it pertains to any sort of sexual activities. While the fictional MC's LI does afford her champagne at 18 years old, I do not condone or encourage anyone from doing this in real life.

Chapter links are in my profile.

Chapter 03

Dear Diary,

What a time we had since Jacob came to dinner.

To start, as I said before, David keeps up with all kinds of things that people have interests in, so he can be the best at his job. One of those things are hobbies that involve collecting items, such as coins. He knows someone who is a respected appraiser for such collections and he took the bills Jacob gave me to him the next day.

He verified that the bills were authentic which wasn't a surprise, but what did surprise us was they had just been sold in an auction the day before.

David called Jacob and invited him out for afternoon drinks. After they met up, Jacob laughed and brushed off David's apology about having the money authenticated. Jacob confirmed he had just bought them about an hour before he met up with David yesterday. He said he was so glad he had, because he had nothing else on him that even came close to expressing his appreciation for what I had allowed to happen for his enjoyment.

David offered to give them back, but Jacob refused. While Jacob said he wanted them desperately for his collection, he wanted us to understand how much he enjoyed what we did for him. He said he could write a check or go to the bank and take out double what he paid for them and give that to us. And even if I'd love more money, the value of that money would pale to what the gift of those bills meant for him to sacrifice his desire for them and give them to me.

David told him he understood what he was saying and thanked him for his generosity. Jacob told him if I didn't want to keep them, he'd be happy to buy them from me. I thought that was so sweet. David said he gave them to me and it was up to me to decide what to do with them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, I don't want Jacob to think I don't appreciate the gift of his sacrifice. So for now, I had David get special gloves to handle them with, along with extra protective sleeves and we put each of them into their own protective sleeve as his friend recommended and put them in the safe.

David had been a bit different during this time, not in a bad way though. For one he left my "Spoiled Rotten" collar on for quite some time. Normally the collars only stay on for the night. There were a few times he replaced it with the "My slut" collar and a couple of times he just removed it.

Thursday's investment dinner was very boring. I found myself actually missing the nervous excitement we had with Jacob here. I really needed something to make up for what was missing so I played with my nipples through my top a good bit while finishing dinner. Bradley, David's client, was a bit of a stuffy shirt. So I had to be careful, but it was kind of fun flirting as discreetly as I could with David. I missed David's fingers playing with me as we ate. I did my best not to seem bored following dinner as David went over his investment portfolio. Bradley seemed to appreciate everything and thanked me for being a wonderful hostess before he left.

After Wednesday night's activities David was a bit worn out and I didn't feel like getting off by vibrator, so we just retired after Bradley left. I was tempted to get the video out of the safe, but I didn't want to pressure David if he was that tired.

Friday morning I woke up and was need. I quickly became frustrated because David told me he had an early client so we couldn't indulge ourselves.

After seeing David off I walked around the house before I decided to take a bath. With it being almost time for the cleaning staff, it was the best option to try and take care of my growing need. As I soaked I grinned as I thought to tease David a bit first. I pulled my phone over and snapped a picture of me in the bath, the bubbles just barely covering me in the right spots. I grinned wickedly at the picture and then sent it to David.

"Holy FUCK!" Popped up in response.

I grinned as it was just what I apparently wanted to see back from him. I sat the phone down and relaxed a bit more in the hot water. My fingers had just started to swirl about my clit when my phone chimed. I put my wet hand on the towel I had on the small table next to the tub and then picked up my phone.

My eyes opened wide seeing David sent me back a picture of him...and by him I mean the head of his cock. He had unbuttoned part of his shirt by his waist and the head of his cock was sticking out of the top of the waistband of his slacks.

"See what you did?" David accused.

I giggled at that. And then a new message popped up.

"Now I've got to calm down so I can go into my client's office. You better not be doing what I think you are. Keep your hands off my pussy, except for normal hygiene. I want you more than ready for tonight." David told me.

I sighed as I typed back. "That's mean and torturous. I could do what I want to do and still be ready for you tonight."

"No, you can't." David sent back.

I grumbled a bit, not that David knew.

"And so you know, the wait won't be so bad, the investment dinner tonight is canceled. I just heard from Claire and the client had called and told her a problem came up and he couldn't make his connecting flights so he won't be back in town until Monday." David said.

Well I agreed with David, that was actually good news.

"I know you hate when they cancel on you like that, but that gives us more time for us tonight." I included an eggplant and the cheesy grin emoji.

"Love you sweetheart, see you later." David said with a pair of red lips.

"Love you too." I replied and sent several pairs of red lips with an eggplant in the middle and a winking emoji at the end.

The rest of the day was going to be rough if I couldn't make myself orgasm until after David got home.

Rather than fixing something, I decided to wait until David got home to see what he wanted to do for dinner. Part of me was hoping it would become a date night. And then David came home with a "present for me." Even though he was early, the cleaning staff had fortunately already left for the weekend.

I grinned as the gift was considerably bigger and heavier than a typical gift from David. So I knew it wasn't lingerie or jewelry, and I excitedly tore the wrapping from the box. I was truly in the dark on it, since it was just a generic cardboard box under the paper. He stopped me from opening the box and he left me sitting there while he went to the bathroom. Or so I thought. He returned a few moments later and kissed me, as he did he put my slut collar on and removed my spoiled collar.

I swallowed with nervous excitement at that and what it could possibly mean was in the box. There was also some dread coursing through me. He grinned at me and looked at the box since I hadn't continued yet. I smiled and opened the box and my excitement went down as my dread rose higher.

"It's a Canon EOS-1D Mark 3 camera!" David said excitedly as he reached into the box and pulled a box out of it. "I even signed up for a beginner's class on photography."

As if that meant anything to me beyond the word camera. When we first started getting video cameras for vacations, it had never entered our minds of us recording intimate times. Or if it had for him, he never expressed it before Wednesday night. But somehow I knew that this camera was going to mean something besides vacation pictures. Don't get me wrong, if David wants pictures of me that are sexy, nude or other...I'm okay with that. I worry a bit about how excited we're both becoming over this exhibitionism we seem to be getting deeper and deeper into. Because from my perspective, we went from zero to one hundred instantly. Sure, we skinny dip in our hot tub outside. But unless someone was to actually trespass and walk into the garden there, we wouldn't be seen. Heard is a whole other story...

There was still a metallic, maybe aluminum, case in the box. The weight of the box hadn't changed a lot since he took the camera box out. I looked at David and he smiled.

"There are various lenses and filters for the camera inside of the case. Most of them are beyond me at this time, it was just part of the deal." David explained as he sat the camera box to the side. He pulled the case out and I saw a tripod stand had been packed under the case. David opened the case so I could see each of the items, snugged down inside of the cushioned material.

I pointed to the empty spot in the cushion.

"That's for the camera body." David explained. "I even got a small travel bag to take just the camera and a few other components with me. And there are some small flood lamps and diffusers to go with them in the bottom of the box. I'm going to convert the spare room between our bedroom and my office into a studio to take pictures."

"Of me? Naked?" I asked softly. With this collar on I would be obliged to do it, even if I was against it. Unless I used our safe word.

David frowned at me and then put the case down and moved the box from my lap. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Of course, of you, there is no one else I'm interested in." David kissed me. "Naked, clothed, partial clothed, bikinis, lingerie...whatever really comes to mind. Are you against the idea?"

I shook my head no.

"I'm willing to do anything I can think of, for you." I told him. "I'm just...I don't know where this is going with the exhibitionism we keep getting into. Maybe you a little more, but both of us obviously have really enjoyed it, while in the moment. Especially the other night, Jacob was a completely different type of person from Tom. Overall I really enjoyed it."

"Does that mean you'd love to let Jacob watch us again?" David's eyes opened wide.

The grin on his face made me laugh.

"I'm not saying that." I tried to stop laughing. "In the right situation, I might welcome it." My cheeks felt so hot. "But even knowing what my dad showed you, I'm still so worried about this, about how he'll see me if he finds out. But..."

"But?" David asked before he kissed my nose.

I smiled weakly at him.

"I'm a little worried...about" I tried to explain. "I love you so much, I love my life with you. I don't ever want to do something that hurts you. That makes you question me, or my value to you, if you want me to be truthful. While I know I can always go home to my dad if you were to kick me out, that's not what I want. I want to be here, beside you, always."

David smiled and then kissed me softly.

"Sweetheart, you aren't like Jacob's first wife. And I can't kick you out, you own half of everything." David smiled so sweetly as he gestured out with his arms. "I didn't need one so we never signed a prenup. And Jacob's marriage wasn't doing too good before he persuaded her to have sex with someone else. She didn't leave him because of some other guy's bigger cock. That's what she told him to get the divorce. She opened up to me after she came to me for stock market investment advice. I told her I'd have to talk to Jacob first, but Jacob called me later that day and said it was okay. She just got tired of the whole voyeur thing, but she knew that about him to begin with. If it had just been him watching her with other guys, she'd probably have stayed. But Jacob loves the clubs, any chance to see a new woman naked." David laughed. "Or as he said, he has a special group of other rich associates who pay really good money for live sex shows. Not to mention he could have been getting some on the side from those women."

"Have you seen one?" I asked, surprised at his detailed knowledge of Jacob's business.

David laughed.

"I've known Jacob for almost twenty years, sweetheart." David kissed me. "I've been his primary investment advisor for most of it. It's kind of weird, anytime we get a new broker, he'll apologize but he'll always switch over to them for a few months just to see if they might mesh better. He's always come back so I don't even think about it anymore. But I've had to go to a couple of his parties over the years. I even picked up a few clients that way."

"You weren't the guy his wife had sex with were you?" I asked cautiously. I know I was not David's first, but something about that struck a sour note for me.

"No." David laughed. "He never saw me naked until the other night with you."

"You're not going to tell one, or more, of your clients they can have me, and make me do it wearing this collar, are you?" I asked what was probably my worst worry about this situation.

David grinned and shook his head.

"Are you kidding? Even if I had a desire to see you with another man, I don't know where these people have been, who they've had sex with and what diseases they have been exposed to. Or what other sick fantasies they might possess. I wouldn't want you to catch something that could hurt you. Why do you think I didn't want Tom cumming on you? He's one of the shadest jerks out there. Back in the moment, I just didn't think he'd tell people what happened." David sighed. "I should have, but I let my excitement in the moment and the desire to close the deal influence me. And no, I won't ever be so caught up as to offer you to one of them in any moment."

I was so relieved hearing him say he wasn't going to try and make me have sex with other people.

"So...were you wanting to take some pictures tonight?" I grinned up at David.

"Would my little slut like that?" David said as he perked up.

"As long as it is for you, your little slut will be the biggest slut you want." I growled at him.

David grinned and I watched as he removed the camera from the box. He said he was going with the 70mm to 210mm zoom lens.

I shrugged. Whatever that meant.

"Is what I'm wearing fine?" I asked.

"Perfect to be honest. Because we'll start with photographing you changing clothes." David told me as he checked on two small components in the body of the camera.

"What will I be changing into?" I asked with a lilt to my voice.

"Your four inch stilettos, your green thigh highs and garter." David said as he worked connecting the flash to the camera.

"Will that be all?" I dragged out the word all for an extra three syllables.

David nodded.

"Oh, until we get into the kitchen, you can put on your apron while you fix dinner. And one more thing for tonight only. The requirement of you having to keep your eyes down, is null until I remove the collar. I want to be able to look into your eyes anytime I want, without ordering you to look at me." David told me.

That shocked me to be honest, but I was also happy about it.

"I see, and just what would my master like for me to fix for dinner?" I asked as I ran my hand along his shoulders.

"Your choice." David looked up at me and smiled.

"You seem to already know what you are doing with the camera. When did you get it?" I was highly curious now.

"After you sent me that picture this morning, I contacted a photographer I know. He had this outfit he was planning to sell as he had recently moved to another camera system. He had it charged and the settings set before I got there for lunch. He walked me through a lot of it over lunch." David told me before he looked up and smiled. "I'm going to go get ready in the bedroom. When I call you, I want you to just walk in and try to be your normal self. Try not to look at me or the camera, other than in passing, do not focus on me. I'll position the chair at your vanity so you can just sit in it when you are ready to put the thigh highs on."

I smiled, still a bit nervous but I nodded.

"I'll give you further instructions if needed as we go." David gave me a little kiss before he walked off.

As I sat in the family room waiting, I eventually heard the small motors on the windows engage. David must have overridden the normal time setting for closing the curtains I thought as I watched the curtains close. I don't think we have any peeping Toms around here, but that made me feel better.

"Action." I heard David call out after some time passed.

I blew out my breath as I stood and began walking through the family room to the dining room and then into the hallway that led back to our bedroom. The door was mostly closed so I pushed gently as I walked into the room.

David was lying on the bed facing the door. The chair at my vanity was turned away from the vanity so that I would be facing his position when I sat down to put on the stockings.

David and I both jumped and then I broke out laughing as David began taking pictures. The camera sounded like some kind of bad machine gun.

"I'm so sorry. It didn't seem that loud when I used it earlier at Ron's." David apologized as he pulled up the settings looking for the shutter sound setting. "Okay, I think that took care of it." David finally said and then tested the camera. He smiled as it was quiet now while taking pictures.

"I should have done this first." David turned on the TV and turned the satellite to a romantic music channel. He smiled as he took a moment to delete the photos he snapped and then he had me step back out into the hallway.

Just before I stepped into the room, I heard "My Heart Will Go On" begin playing. Keeping my eyes away from directly looking at David, I still saw through my peripheral vision as David followed my steps. As I moved across the room, I unbuttoned my blouse. When I stopped by the clothes hamper I pulled it off, he said to be myself so I didn't try to take it off sexily.

I paused for a moment after putting my blouse in the hamper and fluffed my hair, since I was braless, it caused my breasts to shimmy a bit. I flipped on the light as I walked into the closet and opened my stocking drawer. I heard David move on the bed as I got my emerald green stockings and garter out before grabbing my black stilettos. As I turned I saw David had moved enough so he could shoot me from straight on, inside the closet. I did my best to ignore him as I walked out.

It was a bit nerve wracking as David followed my steps to my vanity. But it was still turning me on. I put my lingerie on top of the vanity and my stilettos on the floor. I inhaled as I stood back up and then worked the button on my slacks before unzipping them. I pushed them down and took them off facing David. I put them on the edge of the bed after stepping out of them. My fingers played a bit with my bracelets as they dangled on my wrist.

After inhaling slowly, I turned back around away from David and bent over, so I could push my thong down my legs. My ass was maybe two feet from the bed and I froze as I was bent all the way over.

David's hand had reached out and caressed up the inside of my right thigh until his fingers brushed against my exposed sex. His fingers pressed into my flesh and then I felt them separate, spreading the lips of my pussy open. David was obviously going off script already.

"Damn, you little fucking slut, you are already good and wet." David said. His words, the excitement in his voice and the way he said it, coupled with the feel of his fingers touching me, caused me to moan in desire.

I stood there, bent over, letting him fondle me freely. This was going right to where I had wanted it to be earlier. My hips started rocking a bit and then his hand changed position. His fingers moved down and over my clitoral hood. I felt his hand rotate before sliding his fingers up along my pubic mound. I was puzzled, wondering what he was going to do. And then I felt his thumb make contact with my clit. His hand stopped and he kind of pinched down with his thumb and fingers. Squeezing my sensitive flesh.

I moaned as my hips began rocking as he alternated the pressure of his pinching. As I rocked back towards him, he loosened the pressure and his thumb slid between my labia and nudged into my vagina. His thumb continued to slide deeper inside of me, and when my clit pressed into his purlicue, his fingers pinched down tightly.