From Terra Ch. 21

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The happily ever after for Zyander & Chryssa.
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Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/17/2006
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It took three days for Chryssa to recover from the incredible sexual marathon with Zyander and Brik. She spent part of that time dealing with a much more possessive than usual Zyander, which seemed to be one of the after-effects of sharing her. The Licken no longer seemed as interested in fucking her in front of his crew, even to show his dominance over her. Chryssa was relieved for her pussy, but a little disappointed that he didn't even demand a blow-job with an audience, considering how much time she was spending on her knees while she recuperated. Instead, they spent a lot of time in their quarters, sometimes playing games, sometimes just talking, and even cuddling. Not that there wasn't a lot of ah... other things too, but quite a bit of time was just relaxing and enjoying one another's company.

The rest of the time she spent with her brother. The initial reunion was as joyful as she could have imagined, even though her brother looked different and now had a dark hardness to him that he hadn't before. Then again, he'd been spending his time fighting, injuring others and being injured. Most of Chryssa's fighting skills had gone by the wayside during her time with House Exotica.

She spent a lot of time wanting to smack him upside the head, as she found herself caught between him and Zyander. Jed was incredibly suspicious of the Lickens, which she could understand since it was Lickens that had captured him in the first place, but his close-mindedness was driving her nuts. It was like he thought every single Licken was the same and didn't realize that individuals could be different. Chryssa was starting to wonder if maybe he'd been hit on the head too many times during his fights. If he wasn't careful, she was going to start adding to those hits because he was really pissing her off.

"How do you know he didn't have ulterior motives for coming to get me?" he demanded, pacing back and forth while they were alone in his room. Chryssa rolled her eyes from her seat on his bed.

"Of course he had ulterior motives, he wants to fuck my brains out and he knows I would be a major pain in the ass unless I knew you were safe. Nobody wants to fuck a whiny, bitchy pain in the ass."

"Ugh, shut up and don't talk about that. I mean, what if he has ulterior motives besides that?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, well then of course I see your point."

"You aren't thinking clearly Chryssa... maybe he has something that he needs me for."

"What would he need you for?"

"I don't know."

"And you're going to accuse ME of not thinking clearly. Get over yourself, Jed. He went and got you because I wanted him to. You're letting the fact that it was Lickens who captured us blind you. Not all Lickens are assholes."

"They caught us and made us into slaves, and now he's keeping us as slaves," Jed said darkly.

Chryssa let out an exasperated noise and waved her hand. "Oh yeah, you totally look like a slave, in this amazing room - which you have to yourself, unlike the Licken soldiers - with the door unlocked, all the food you can eat, and everyone doing their best to welcome you even though you're acting like a total ass. Whereas on Terra, we had a tiny house, no one to help take care of us, and the Elders were more likely to feel me up and then NOT take care of me afterwards."

Somehow, Jed managed to kind of swell, taking up more space than he already had. "Who felt you up?!"

"No one! I'm just making a point! I know other girls who had problems with the Elders though. It could have happened eventually. My point is, would you rather be here or would you rather be back fighting for your life?"

"I'd rather be free! Wouldn't you?"

She snorted. "If I wanted to be free, don't you think I would have at least tried by now? The only reason I even considered trying to escape was to come and save you, and even then I was planning on coming back here. Seriously, Jed, when was the last time you remember anyone successfully making me do something I didn't want to do?"

"But he's made you his property!"

"You can't MAKE someone else be your property," Chryssa snapped back. "If I felt like fighting, I would fight. I don't feel like fighting it, because I want to be here, with him. He's just as much mine as I am his."

Something, she didn't know what, drew her attention to her left. Jed's gaze followed hers and he cursed under his breath, giving her a dirty look and stalking into his bathroom. Standing in the doorway, which she hadn't even heard open, Zyander was studying her with something hot and possessive in his silvery eyes. Arms crossed over his chest, he looked deceptively relaxed, but there was something about him that made her think of a predator on the hunt. The bathroom door snicked shut behind her brother, leaving her alone in the room with Zyander.

"How much of that did you hear?" she asked, blushing furiously. For some reason, although she didn't care who watched them have sex (as long as it wasn't Jed), anything to do with her emotions made her feel embarrassed and vulnerable. Maybe because she just wasn't used to expressing them at all.

"Enough," he said, sounding smugly satisfied, like the cat who'd gotten all the cream. Her words dried up in her mouth as he started prowling towards her. She let out a happy little shriek as she found herself lifted up and draped over his shoulder, ass in the air.

Squirming, she tried to wriggle away as he carried her out of the room. "You can put me down, I'm not going to go running, as you might have heard."

The sharp smack on her ass made her pussy tighten. She never thought she'd miss those exposing loop dresses that he'd had her wearing at first, but she'd been dressed more modestly since Jed came on board. Part of her wish the smack had been to her bare skin. Not that the fabric did a whole lot to protect her, but it just wasn't the same.

"Would you just let me do as I please without mouthing off, for once?" he asked, his tone aggravated, but Chryssa could tell he wasn't actually annoyed with her. Just playacting. She could always tell how he was actually feeling now. Close quarters on his ship on the way to get Jed had given them plenty of time to spend together, both in and out of the bedroom. Their relationship seemed to have settled into a pattern of her doing her best to annoy him, and him pretending that he was annoyed instead of amused. Which was often followed by a spanking or a seduction.

Of course, the past couple of days there had been less of the latter. He'd been infinitely gentle with her while she was recuperating from all the sex; especially tender when he played with her to get her to orgasm. Chryssa appreciated the effort, since she still got horny, even though her pussy had been so sore. What could she say; being around Zyander kept her permanently turned on.

"You wouldn't know what to do with me if I stopped."

There was a slight pause, as he turned into their room. "That's true enough, I suppose." He sighed heavily, as if resigning himself to a life of labor. "Does your brother know how lucky you are that I want you at all?"

Giggling, Chryssa pinched his butt, which got her two sharp smacks on her sit-spots in return. She couldn't help it; she loved it when he went all dominating alpha-male on her. Not that she gave into him easily, but the fight was fun. One of these days, maybe he'd even let her win.

She squealed as she was vaulted off his shoulder and onto the bed. Trusting him completely meant that she could enjoy flying through the air when he tossed her around, knowing that he would never do it without ensuring her a soft landing. Like the hunting cat that she'd compared him to before, he was atop her almost as soon as she landed, his arms and legs caging her into place underneath him.

Wriggling, Chryssa slid her arms up above her head and stretched, thrusting her breasts up at him. Typical male, his eyes immediately left her face to enjoy the cleavage that was being presented. Given that kind of motivation, it took him less than ten seconds to undress her.

Apparently, Zyander's current idea of undressing her consisted of literally tearing the fabric from her body. Good thing she hadn't been attached to that dress, because she doubted there was a seamstress alive that had the skill to fix that kind of carnage.

"So, you are mine, are you?" he asked slyly, lowering his head to nuzzle his lips over one hard nipple. Chryssa undulated like a cat beneath him, rubbing the sensitive bud teasingly across his bottom lip, until his tongue flicked out to taste it.

She found her fingers into his hair. "And you are mine," she said, somewhat fiercely. He chuckled in response, opening his mouth to suck her nipple between his lips, rolling it with his teeth.

Chryssa moaned, the slightly sharp bite throbbing straight to her pussy. She tried to spread her legs, but his knees were caging her, forcing her to keep them closer together than she wanted. What she wanted to do was wrap her legs around his body and pull him down to her her... she'd gone for three days without proper sex and her pussy was aching with emptiness.

He lifted his head, pulling her nipple with it and making her pant, until the tender bud fell from his mouth with a slight popping noise.

"If your brother does not want to return to Licka with us, he does not have to. I can set him free, with enough credits to do whatever he likes, at the next station."

The needy desires coiling inside of her were so distracting that it took her a moment to realize what Zyander was offering. "You can?" Emotions clashed inside of her... she wasn't sure how she felt about that. After all, she'd just gotten her brother back.

Zyander nodded. "If that's what you want."

He was leaving her brother's freedom up to her. Because he could tell that she wanted Jed with her, wanted to know that he was safe and protected... but she also knew that wasn't what Jed wanted. Being on Licka, part of Zyander's guard, wouldn't make him happy, even if he did come around on realizing that Zyander wasn't at fault for his being a slave, and that he was just trying to help. Looking up at Zyander, Chryssa was struck again by just how much the Licken was willing to do for her.

Everything he'd done had been to protect or take care of her, not just physically, but also emotionally. He'd taken her from House Exotica when he'd realized she was being overworked - although, to be honest, there was definitely some selfishness on his part with that too. But he'd given her an honored position on his planet, rather than keeping her as a whore. He'd promised her fidelity, even though he didn't have to. When the location of her brother had become known, he hadn't hesitated in doing everything necessary to make a place for Jed. And he'd even shared her, when he definitely hadn't been overjoyed about the aspect even if there had been some parts of it that had been seriously hot, in order for her to have her brother with them. Now, after making that sacrifice, he was willing to let Jed go. With money, no less. And Chryssa had no doubt that it would be a substantial enough sum for Jed to get a new start on life.

She hoped her ungrateful brother realized just how unbelievably awesome Zyander was. No wonder she had no interest in leaving him. As demanding, dominating and occasionally frustrating as he was, at his heart, he was also a protector, a care-giver. The demands he put on her body, his sexual dominance, and his constant need to be in charge was definitely balanced out by the lengths of which he was willing to go in order to make her happy. Chryssa didn't need to demand anything from him - as soon as she made her wishes known, he was already figuring out how to make it happen. Not that she could say she was in charge, but it just showed how much he truly cared about her.

Reaching up, she gently touched the side of his face, hoping that he could see the gratitude and wonder in hers. Then she gave him a mischievous little smile. "What if I want to go with him?"

The Licken smacked the side of her breast, making her nipple pucker even more as she let out a surprised gasp. "Too bad. I told you, I will hunt you down and take you back to Licka. If I have to chain you to my bed to keep you with me, I will."

Despite the swaggering confidence of his tone, Chryssa detected just the slightest hint of something vulnerable and maybe a little hurt that she might consider leaving him now.

Cupping his face with both hands now, she rubbed her legs against the insides of his thighs. "I love you."

The admission made his eyes flare hot, shock and something like joy streaking across his expression, just before it was covered with smug, male satisfaction.

"Of course you do."

Her outraged sputter was cut off by a kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as his body came down atop hers. All that smooth, hot skin over hard muscle, pressing down on her, and she couldn't even get her legs open to welcome him. Chryssa whimpered against his lips, wriggling as she looped her arms around his neck. His cock was digging into her pussy mound, pressing against her so close to just the right spot and yet not close enough.

As usual, she wanted him NOW and he wanted to draw it out. Pressing her breasts into his chest, she used her mouth and hands, her erect nipples, her pinioned legs as much as she could, to try and incite him. Even though they'd been pleasuring each other in other ways, he hadn't been in her pussy in three days. Surely he was as eager to have his cock in her as she was to receive it.

At least, he should be, but so far, not noticeably.

Zyander's self-control always made her feel more wild as he tormented her back, making her own lust flare. Rocking against her body, he teased her with his hard cock, sliding it between her closed thighs, making the rings buzz against her pussy lips. Wetness coated the top of his dick as he fucked her legs and she realized that by keeping her legs completely closed, he was probably getting more stimulation than she was.

It felt good against her clit, but she wanted him inside her, dammit.

When she tried to open her legs, to disperse some of the pressure, his own legs tightened around hers, and he chuckled against her mouth. Chryssa bit his lower lip.

Their foreplay was becoming a fight for dominance, as she tried to tussle with him. To her surprise, Zyander let her. The bed was big enough. They rolled back and forth, and she knew that he was allowing her on top on occasion, but only because it amused him. Which just pissed her off more.

"Put your cock in me," she hissed, as he flipped her onto her back again, this time with her legs spread wide... but instead of impaling her, he was rubbing his dick all over her splayed pussy lips. Chryssa arched, sliding her wet folds over those buzzing rings and trying to direct the tip of him to her aching sheath.

"When are you going to learn to slow down and savor?" he asked, amused.

"Never. Who wants slow?"

She reached for him, but since he was kneeling upright, his hands holding her legs wide open, there was no way to reach him. Flexible as she was, the Terran body just didn't bend some ways.

"Very well, greedy little Terran," he said, smirking at her as he leaned over her. Chryssa immediately grabbed him around his neck, her pupils dilating with excitement as she felt his cock shift into position at the entrance to her body. His lips came down on hers, moving against hers. "I love you too."

Her lips parted in surprise, and he thrust his tongue between them just as he shoved his cock inside of her, swallowing her cry of passion. The empty space inside of her was all filled up with his thick rod; it pulsed and vibrated against her walls and she clenched tightly. The stint of abstinence, brief though it had been, had primed her body and she felt nearly blissful just having him inside of her again, having this connection. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, wanting to feel every inch of him against her body, wanting to take him as deeply into her as she could.

When he moved, it was hard and slow, a perfect combination of their demands, making her moan as she felt every inch of him receding and then thrusting back in. Her pussy clung to him, hating the withdrawal, but loving the return. Their tongues tangled, the slower pace allowing him to kiss her more deeply, his hands sliding under her upper back and coming over her shoulders. The pressure forced her body further onto his cock, his fingers coming to rest over her mark, and she shuddered as pleasure burst through her.

There was tenderness in the way he moved, and yet he was dominating too, taking her exactly how he pleased and pleasuring her with every stroke, every thrust. Chryssa gave in to the sensations, letting them consume her. As many orgasms as he'd brought her in conjunction with Brik, nothing compared to the ecstasy she felt just being alone with Zyander, in his arms. There was an intimacy, a bond, that no amount of merely physical pleasure could match.

She undulated beneath him, rubbing herself against him, taking him into her. Running her hands between their bodies, she touched every inch of his upper torso, feeling his muscles flex beneath her palms. Her breasts ached and she squeezed them, playing with her nipples. The soft chuckle against her lips said that he knew what she was doing, and she could practically hear his thought - greedy little Terran.

Greedy for pleasure, but also greedy for him.

No one else in all the galaxy had made her feel this way, almost from the very beginning. She'd seen him, watched him... been aroused by him. When he'd actually come to her, it had been beyond her wildest imaginings, and he'd touched something inside of her that no one else at House Exotica had. Now... she'd be violently against sharing him with anyone else. She didn't really know how he'd managed it with Brik. If he never wanted to share her again, she wouldn't mind.

She was his. And he was hers.

This time, when his mouth came down on her mark, she bit him back. She felt him jerk inside of her, his cock vibrating so fast that it felt like her pussy was clamping down on a rattle. Chryssa screamed her orgasm, her teeth releasing, as hot liquid poured into her pussy, filling her with a steady stream of his cum.

Apparently Zyander liked to be bitten too.

His body moved against hers, grinding, as he rode out his orgasm, and she sobbed with the intense ecstasy that rolled through her, a full body orgasm that left her gasping for breath.

Everything felt limp and sated as he finally, slowly, collapsed over her. Not his fill weight, but most of it. Chryssa liked it. Her feet slowly slid down this thighs to rest in the backs of his knees; her fingers stroked his shoulders. Sleepily, she blinked at where she'd bitten him. She'd left teeth marks.

It wasn't the same as the mark that he'd left on her, but she suddenly understood why he liked looking at his mark so much. She ran her fingers over the indentation in his green skin, the slightly darker grooves.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not," she murmured.

Vibrations rumbled against her chest. He was laughing. "I didn't expect you to be."

Hot breath caressed her neck and then he was pushing himself up to look down at her. Which only lasted a moment before he was kissing her. It didn't take long before she could feel him, growing inside of her again, starting to rock his thickening cock back and forth in her slick tunnel. Chryssa smiled against his lips.

She hadn't chosen this path for her life... but if she'd been given a choice, she couldn't imagine taking any path but this.

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MymindisauniverseMymindisauniverseover 1 year ago

You are such a great writer!!!! I love this story so much I have read it multiple

times!! Keep them coming please!

Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99almost 3 years ago

Absolutely the a great read all the way through !!! Strong sexy characters that stay consistent. Great storyline that stays on track. Only thing I’d have liked more of was when she found her brother and their reunion. But other than that it was fantastic!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

You are so gifted

Shy_DesireShy_Desireover 5 years ago
Great Read!

I loved the story too, the testicles can be easily explained away... the story is from Chryssa's point of view, no one explained anything at all to her at the beginning and they are aliens, so visible testicles could have had something to do with hierarchy, status, situation, temperature, diet, lighting, month, or a million other factors.

However, I also noticed a few other small, albeit less easy to explain continuity errors but I just assumed they came from the 8 or so years that lapsed between the author writing the first few chapters and the rest of the story.... it's rather understandable how that wasn't a perfectly seamless transition. I was just very grateful that she returned to it at all after such a long hiatus, which I'm sure that was not an easy undertaking...

Was Jed's story ever written?

Nightwolf1221Nightwolf1221about 6 years ago
Most Fav Series Of All Time!!!!!

It took me two days to finish this series and I can't say how much I love it!!! Is there going to be another story featuring Brik?

lovelyhillslovelyhillsabout 6 years ago
Couldn’t stop!

Read the whole series in one sitting! New favorite that has me craving more alien love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great Read!

What a fun, crazy sexy story! Loved it. Thank you!

GemmaGreyGemmaGreyalmost 7 years ago

I don't think I've ever read a story so fast, I loved every second of this one! Can't wait to read some more of your work! This story is one of my favorites

MuseOfTheBardMuseOfTheBardover 7 years ago
Enjoyed it!!!

Very enjoyable! The erotic scenes, especially the variations between the aliens, were well written and quite imaginative. Thanks for the good time.

bigdaddygr33nbigdaddygr33nover 7 years ago

You cant just leave it like that i must know more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
No balls/has balls

As noted by daywalker, there was a slight continuity issue with Zyander's physiology.

GA forgot her alien was nutless.

As one of my favourite authors here, it almost seems ungrateful to mention it.

Thanks for a great read. I've seriously paid for lesser grade books on Amazon numerous times and really enjoy your work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

What happens does she let her brother leave or force him to stay

DayWalker13DayWalker13about 8 years ago
I think I may have confused myself.

I thought in the past the licken was said to have no balls. Then in the three some he had some? Did I confuse the race or was that a slight mix up on the story? Either way I loved the story. Thank you for the awesome read. :)

SnowRevolSnowRevolabout 8 years ago
Amazing overall!

Great Set up, Build ups, and Climaxes too, all while still keeping it going! besides one hiccup I had found before the whole story flows very well, I probably only noticed it lol cause I read em all in one sitting. Amazing Story, Good Background for more in this Realm(allways harder to set up) and Good and Variable SexScenes that didn't end up with me Skipping Sex for more Story lol(happened afew times)

Keep Up the Great Work and Don't Lose the Fun from the Writing!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great "greedy little terran" perspective!

Hey Goldeniangel, I wanted to let you know what a refreshing change your writing is from the usual "I'm a harem gathering stud who gets the willies when I think about someone else with MY women, much less *sharing* them."

You could probably put at least this chapter in the romance category as well...

Keep up the good work; I look forward to reading more of your fine crafting.

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