From the City to Simmons


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"Fair enough. We do like to gossip about one another. Did you know that Cindy saw Hank go into a strip club last week?" Chris said shaking his head from side to side. "The kind where they'll give you a 'special dance' for fifty bucks in the back room."

Tina smiled a little. "That's not really gossip is it? I think I heard him bragging about it the next day."

"Damn. That's all I've really got. If I hear anything juicy, I'll let you know. The girls saying anything interesting about me?" Chris asked.

"I don't talk to them a whole lot. I don't think they like me much 'cause I'm hot and they're old."

Chris had to choke back his laughter, especially when he saw the puzzled look on Tina's face. She was serious. She wasn't all that far off from the truth, either. "Wow. You are very attractive, but I don't think either one of them are even thirty yet. I think they're still in their late twenties."

"Yeah, I know. I just said they're old," said Tina, amused at his reaction. Chris couldn't control himself; he had to let the laughter out. Tina watched him with a smile until he eventually calmed down.

"How old do you think I am? Like retirement age? How old are you?" he asked.

"I don't know. You look like you're twenty-five, twenty-six. I'm nineteen."

"Well I'm twenty-seven. Doesn't that make me old, too?"

"It's different with guys. You won't be old for a while," she explained.

"That's a relief. Do you think that I should tell Erin and Cindy that they're old? I mean, they might not even realize it. If they knew, maybe they could make some adjustments so they wouldn't have such intemperate dispositions."

"What? Are you making fun of me? I think if you tell them they're old they'll just get mad. Especially if you tell them I said it."

"No, I'm not making fun of you. Well...maybe I am. But only because I think it's so damn funny. I'm not gonna tell them they're old, I'm not that brave. Don't be too harsh with them, I think they're starting to like you a little." Chris wanted the waitresses to get along, even if he had to lie to them to get it to happen.

"They are?" Tina asked.


"I'm not sure if I believe you or not." Tina squinted her eyes and studied Chris, trying to get a read on him.

"All right. I like you and I want them to like you. I like them and I want you to like them. It's just easier to work here when we all get along."

"You're weird."

"I know. I can't help it. Hey, before I forget, I told my sister that you seemed interested in self defense. She said that she'd take you to see one of the classes, if you wanted," he said.

"Yeah, I don't know. I don't think Luke would want me to do something like that."

He probably wouldn't want to let you get any ideas, like it's possible to fight back.

"Well, if he ever changes his mind, let me give you Carrie's number." Chris scribbled his sister's phone number on the back of a napkin and slid it over to Tina. She started to reach for it, then her arm froze in mid-air.

"This isn't your number, right?"

"No, it's Carrie's, like I said. Why do you ask?"

"I thought you might be trying to trick me into calling you," she said, stuffing the napkin in her pocket.

"Heh, I see you almost every night. I don't need to trick you to talk to you. Now you're the one that's weird. You don't have to call it if you're afraid that you might accidentally talk to me."

"No, it's not that. I like talking to you..."

Cindy came walking in and eyed the two suspiciously. "Are you ever gonna finish your break?"

Chris sighed and looked up at the clock. "I suppose it's about that time. Let's go Tina. Get out there and make me some money."

The rest of the night didn't go too badly, there were no fist fights or vomit, at least. Chris was walking the girls back to their cars. Tina was with them, apparently accepting the fact that Chris was going to give her a ride home.

"What are you guys up to today? Anyone want to come over later, have some beers, watch football?" Cindy asked.

"Maybe Steve and I could drop by," Erin said.

"I think I'm going to stay in bed," Chris replied.

"How 'bout you, Tina?"

Tina seemed surprised at the invitation. "I'd like to, but Luke probably has plans."

"All right. See ya."

By the time Chris had dropped Tina off and got back home, he was ready for that day in bed. For the most part, his body had gotten used to the schedule that he kept, but every once in a while it caught up to him. That's what Sundays were for. Carrie was sitting at their tiny kitchen table, staring at a plate of cupcakes. Chris walked over and kissed her on the forehead.

Carrie smiled up at him. "I've been waiting for you. I made some cupcakes. I'm not sure why, but it seems like it took forever for you to get done. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Tired. How are you?" Chris asked. His sister seemed tense or nervous or something.

"I've been thinking about us. I was hoping that I did the right thing yesterday. Have you thought about it at all? Have any regrets?"

"I thought about us a lot. It was about all I thought about. I think what we did was wonderful, I don't regret a thing. If we're not allowed to be in love, then I don't think anyone should. Do you know what I thought most about? How nice it was going to be to come back home to you again. Are you having second thoughts?" he asked, rubbing her shoulders.

"No, not at all. I was just worried that you might freak out or something after you had time to think about it for a while. I'm glad you're home. Try a cupcake. Don't worry, I had one a while ago and haven't died yet." Neither one of them were what you could consider to be a chef or a baker.

Chris took a seat and grabbed a cupcake. He didn't much feel like eating one, but he did anyway. "Hey, it's not too bad. You know Tina, right?"


"I gave her your number. Told her that you would take her to see one of your classes, she seemed interested in them. She probably won't call, but I thought I'd let you know."

"Oh? Anything else you got me set up to do that I should know about? What makes you think that I'd take her?" Carrie asked.

"Because you're sweet and wonderful and I thought if I asked you nicely that you would. I like the girl or I wouldn't have said anything to her," he explained.

Carrie sighed. "I am sweet and wonderful. Do you like her or do you just like watching her tits bounce around?"

"Both, really. Those babies are earners. You ought to see the tips she gets. But seriously, she came to work with a black eye tonight. I think her boyfriend's been slapping her around."

"That's terrible. Did she tell you that?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure he had something to do with it. You should hear her talk about him, makes me sick. 'Luke wouldn't like that', 'I can't go because Luke probably has plans'. It just bugs me. If she does call, do you promise to be nice to her?" he asked.

"Well, it would bug anybody. Of course I'll be nice to her. You got to realize though, with girls like Tina, it's not likely that she'll just all of a sudden decide to stand up to this guy. It takes a lot of women a long time to get out of an abusive relationship. I've listened to a lot of stories. It might help her more to sit in on a group session or two." Chris realized that Carrie knew what she was talking about. She definitely had more knowledge about abused women than he did.

"That's why I was hoping that she would call and talk to you. Before something terrible happens to her. I've heard enough horror stories from you to know that she's headed down a bad road. She's only nineteen."

"I hope she calls. You really like her, don't you?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. Not as much as I like you, don't worry. Do you want to spend the day in bed with me, or do you have something planned?"

"You're the only thing on my schedule. Especially after last night." She got out of her chair and kissed his forehead as he swallowed the last bit of cupcake. "But you have to have your shower first. I know you like working at the restaurant and the extra cash it brings us, but you always come home smelling like leftovers."

"Yeah, one of the perks." The heat of the kitchen and the humidity that he was exposed to by standing next to the dishwasher for most of the night cooked a myriad of aromas into his clothing. Not many of them were pleasant. Carrie knew better than her brother, probably. His sense of smell had grown mostly immune to it. Hers didn't. And she did the laundry.

"If you want, I could help you. Make sure you're nice and clean," she suggested.

Chris thought that was a great idea. They went down the hall to the bathroom and stripped off their clothes. They had a chance to fully examine each other's bodies under the bright fluorescent lights. Carrie started the water, adjusted the temperature, and the two stepped inside.

She was three or four inches shorter than her brother, so she had to crane her neck upwards to receive his kiss, feeling his growing cock rub against her muscled tummy. It was a magnificent cock, truly worthy of bragging about to the other girls at the gym. Too bad she wasn't able to, since it belonged to her brother. Just as well, really. If she did say anything there would probably be a line of women waiting to break down their door.

They took their time in the shower, scrubbing and rinsing, lots of gentle rubbing. He loved how the water streamed down her pelvis and dripped off the glistening folds of her pussy. It was beautiful, her muscle tone, the way she was waxed. There was however, a series of small blemishes. In addition to the scar on her cheek from the bottle that was smashed against her face, there was a cluster of scars on her lower abdomen from being stabbed a half-dozen times with a small switchblade. If he hadn't known what they were from, they wouldn't have bothered him so much. Some animal had done that to her when they were finished having their way with her semi-conscious body. It enraged him to think that anyone could have done such a thing to his beloved sister. She must have sensed a change in his mood.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is just right. I guess I get a little overwhelmed if I think about it too hard," he replied.

She smiled. "Doesn't it feel good? When I finally felt brave enough to go in your room last night and we made love I felt like the weight of the world lifted off me."

He grinned back at her. "You're braver than I am. I'm so glad you are, too. It does feel good. It feels good to be in love with you, to have you love me. The best feeling in the world."

Hearing those words made Carrie go a little weak in the knees. She decided that they were both clean enough. It was time to dry off and get to the nearest bedroom, get a start on the day in bed.


Chris was finding it hard to believe that he had put himself through business college just so that he could land a job as a data analyst. The job was mind numbing at best, and as he drew closer to having his nest egg become big enough to fly the coop, it was becoming harder and harder to get up the ambition to go to it. Now that he had gotten closer to his sister, in every conceivable way, it pained him that he didn't get back home in time to see her at all after the office grind. He did his best to suck it up and get through the day.

Not having to work at Whitmore's on Mondays made it the only day of the week where Chris would sit around and wait for his sister to come home. She only worked twenty-five to thirty hours a week, but it was enough to pay the rent and the utilities. That allowed them to stash away most of what Chris took in. He was daydreaming about her while laying on the couch when she called.

"Hey, what's up?" he greeted.

"Hi, baby. I just thought I'd call and let you know that I'm going to stop and pick up a pizza on the way home. Your girl Tina's gonna come over, too. That's alright isn't it?" she asked.

"It's fine with me. How'd you ever get her to do that?"

"She called and said that she wanted to talk about some things. I didn't really have to try and make her do anything. I'm going to pick her up on the way home," she said.

"Okay, see ya in a few."

It wasn't too long before Carrie came through the door, carrying the pizza. Tina followed behind her, carrying a couple bottles of soda. Diet, of course. Carrie had no problem making her brother eat cupcakes and pizza, but for some reason the added sugar of regular cola was against the rules. She set the pizza on the coffee table in the living room.

"Hi kids. I'll grab us some plates," he said, heading to the kitchen.

"Hi Chris."

"Hey Chris. You guys have a lot of plants," Tina greeted. She was right, Carrie and her brother had accumulated quite a few house plants over the last couple of years. They had a multitude of shapes and sizes. They thought that they livened up the place.

Chris came back from the kitchen and handed the girls each a paper plate. "Yeah, I think it helps the place look like less of a dump."

"This place isn't a dump, it's nicer than mine, anyway. It's not some place that I pictured you living in."

"Oh? Where did you think I lived?" Chris asked, taking a bite of his slice.

"I don't know, like a library or something. Most of my friends' places always look like they've just had a party. Most of the time, that's true, though."

Chris laughed and Carrie had a little chuckle. That caused Tina to smile, as well. Carrie poured herself something to drink and had to ask, "Why on earth would you picture Chris living in a library?"

"'Cause he's so smart. I can just see him sitting around, reading all the time. You know, like the nerds in libraries do."

"Well, he is kind of a nerd."

"Thanks, Carrie," Chris said.

"You know I love you," she replied with a wink.

"So Tina, what brings you here to our happy home? I didn't really expect to see you, to tell you the truth. I kind of got the impression that you spent most of your free time with Luke." Chris was curious.

"Yeah, well, Luke is...busy. Hopefully, he will be for a while. He got busted last night with a hooker and a bunch of coke. I hate that shit and I told him to stay away from it. When he was takin' the shit he felt like he couldn't do any wrong, but he was and he got caught. Called me and wanted me to bail him out. I think he's fine where he is. He'll be pissed if he does get out, but you know what? I don't care. I'm not gonna put up with that bullshit. One of his buddies stopped by and said he'd come pick up his stuff tomorrow. Probably be the last he'll ever see of any of that. All of his friends are scumbags."

"Wow, Tina, sounds like you had an exciting weekend. You don't sound too upset about Luke getting popped. Seems like he'd be a good guy to stay away from," Carrie said.

Chris found it hard to believe that Tina could be so matter of fact about her boyfriend, that she lived with, dealing cocaine, sleeping with a hooker, and getting incarcerated. He wondered if the girl was in shock or traumatized or something. He grabbed another slice from the box for himself and set another on Carrie's plate. "You better have another piece, Carrie, you're getting too skinny." Chris directed his attention to Tina. "I keep trying to fatten her up so I might have a chance to outrun her when she wants to try out some of her moves."

"That won't work if you eat the same way. Besides, I never really hurt you, much."

"I think it's great that you two get along. I had an older brother, I don't think that I could ever stand living with him. He was an asshole. My parents were assholes too," Tina said.

"Carrie and I have always gotten along. I don't know why, exactly. She's pretty easy to live with. I take it you lost your parents, too?" Chris asked.

"I don't know if their dead or not, if that's what you mean. I haven't seen or talked to them in five years. My stupid brother either. I got sick of it and walked out one day. Lived with my cousins 'til I turned eighteen."

"I'm sorry to hear that. They ever try to get a hold of you or anything?" Chris asked.

"Don't be. As far as I know, they haven't. Besides, I've done just fine without them," Tina replied.

"Geez, Tina, you get along with anyone?" Carrie asked. Tina looked at her a little sideways. "I'm not trying to be mean, just sounds like you've had a rough go of it, is all."

"I get along with people that are worth getting along with. We've all been through some shit at one point or another, I bet," Tina replied.

The three continued talking through the night. Mostly it was about lighter subjects, though Carrie did tell some bits about her attack when she was younger. Both she and Chris tried to glean as much information about the arrest of Luke as they could; it was some juicy stuff even though Tina spoke of it as if she was telling them of the weather. Carrie also demonstrated on Chris how effective some of the self-defense tactics were that she had learned over the years. Eventually, they decided to call it an evening and Chris volunteered to drive Tina home. They got into his aging Toyota and hit the road.

"You'd think that with all the money you make with the two jobs and all that you'd have a nicer ride," Tina joked.

"Saving for the future, Tina. You can end up wasting thousands of dollars for a fancy set of wheels. This gets me from here to there just fine."

"You guys are really gonna do it, huh? How long, do you think?" she asked.

"I'm hoping after the year's up. Maybe in the spring."

"That's cool. Thanks for having me over. I think Carrie's really nice. She's a lot like you. I felt kind of funny calling her, but I wanted to talk to you. I would have called you but Luke looks at my phone sometimes. That's why I didn't want your number. If he called it and you answered, he would have been pissed," she explained.

"You don't seem all that upset or even surprised that he's in jail. Aren't you worried someone might bail him out?" Chris asked.

"It's like his third or fourth possession charge, this time with intent to sell. It's like fifty grand to get him out. He doesn't know anyone with that kind of cash. Cops are supposed to call me if he gets out."

"So, you think you'll be alright, then?"

"Yeah, but uh, do you think I could get your number, too? I mean, it might be nice to hang out sometime and not talk about all the miserable shit in my life. I know you're busy all the time, so if you don't want to, I understand."

"You can call me any time you want, Tina. Sundays are the only days I don't work. And Monday nights. I'm not all that fun to hang with, though. My favorite thing to do is just sit and relax," Chris said.

"That's okay. I don't really need any excitement. Relaxing sounds fun, actually."

Chris pulled up in front of Tina's building and brought the car to a stop. The clock on the dash said that it was nearing three in the morning. "Well, my dear, I guess I'll see you tonight. You got my number, right?"

Tina checked her phone to make sure that she had stored the number correctly. "I got it, and I will see you tonight. Say 'goodnight' to Carrie for me."

Chris was having some very conflicting emotions on his drive back home. Tina was young, hot as hell, and just screaming to be taken to bed. Carrie was hot in her own right, and they had just taken their relationship to a whole new level. There was no way that he wanted to do anything stupid to ruin what he and his sister had. Still, the horn-dog in him was cursing his luck to have the two situations come together at the same time. He thought that it would probably be best to avoid being alone with Tina. He felt guilty just thinking about her.

Chris had barely opened the door to his apartment when Carrie greeted him from the couch. "That didn't take you very long. I was wondering if I would have to worry about you or not," she said.