From the Mouth of Babes


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It was a two-day trip and I wasn't due home until Friday evening, but we finished our business by Thursday evening. I was able to catch an early morning flight on Friday and I was home early enough that I decided to swing by and take Stel out to lunch.

I didn't see Stel's car in the parking lot so I went inside and asked the receptionist to page Stel. Imagine my surprise when I was told that Stel didn't work on Fridays and that she had gone to a four-day work week about six months prior. I left wondering what Stel was doing on those work free Fridays that I'd known nothing about.

I kept my cool and pretended to be fat, dumb and happy (I was not fat nor happy, but the dumb sure fit) and kept things normal, but the following Friday found me again in a rental parked just down the street from our house.

Stel came out a little after nine and I followed her to 1496 Windsong Drive. I recognized the place. I'd been there a half dozen times for barbeques and parties. It belonged to Harvey Forbes. Harvey owned the business where Stel worked. Harv was not her boss. Her boss was Dave Wisner. Dave was three or four layers down from Harvey in the management hierarchy.

She came out of the house at four-thirty and I followed her to a King Soopers where I assumed she was going to buy what she was going to fix for supper that evening. She didn't have enough time to do much else and beat me home so I gave up the chase, turned in the rental and then went to Bud's Bar to have a beer before going home at my regular time.

After dinner we parked Chrissy in front of the TV to watch Dora the Explorer while we did the dishes. I washed and Stel dried. As I handed her a plate I asked:

"How long and why?"


"How long and why?"

"How long and why what?

"How long have you been cheating on me with Harvey Forbes and why?"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"Spare me the outrage, okay? I got back early last Friday and stopped by to take you out to lunch only to find out you don't work Fridays anymore. Something you neglected to let me know. Naturally I was curious to see what you did on your freed-up Fridays so I followed you to Harvey's place this morning and sat outside and watched the place until you left at four-thirty. So, back to my question; how long and why?"

She stood there with the dish in her hand and looked down at the sink for several seconds and then said:

"Seven months and because I wanted to."

"You wanted to?"

"I wanted some excitement in my life. Before I met you I'd had a dozen boyfriends. Even after getting with you I had a fling or two. I liked making love with different guys. Every one was different. Different sizes, shapes, different ways of making love. Then we got married and over the years I stayed true to you. I saw and met plenty of guys who made me wonder what they would be like in bed, but all I did was look and wonder.

It was my company Christmas party. You told me to enjoy myself and you would be the designated driver for the night. By two-thirds of the way through the party I had a pretty good buzz going. I went to the restroom and when I came out Harvey was just coming out of the men's room and he saw me and told me I was looking pretty good that night and then he said if I wasn't married he'd throw me over his shoulder and carry me back to his cave. I knew he was just being flirty and I think I surprised him when I said not to let my being married stop him.

"He didn't say a word, just offered me his hand, I took it and he led me down the hall to an empty office. He fucked me on the desk and when it was over he said he wanted more than a quickie and I told him to let me know where and when. He told me he'd get back to me on it and then we went back to the party.

"I felt so wicked and nasty that I damned near killed you when we got home. I got five times out of you that night. The most ever and I still wanted more. I couldn't leave you alone that week end. You actually pushed me away on Sunday. Remember?"

I did and I had wondered what had come over her. She went on with her story.

"Monday Harv asked me to come into his office and asked me if I'd meant it when I told when and where. To be honest, I'd not meant it. It was just something I said in the heat of the moment, but standing in front of his desk and seeing the look of desire on his face did something to me and I told him I'd meant it. He told me to lock the door and then he fucked me on his desk.

"After, he asked me to take one of the new four-day positions that were opening up so that we could have a full day together."

She sighed and said "It was fun while it lasted."

"You sound like you are going to give up on old Harv."

"I'll have to now that you know."


"Why what?"

"Why would you quit just because I know?"

"What? You'd let me have my Friday with Harv?"

"I wouldn't be letting you do anything. It is your choice as far as who you fuck. It doesn't matter to me at all."

"Oh, wow. I never expected this. If anyone would have told me you wouldn't mind my seeing other men, I'd have laughed at them. You really wouldn't mind?"

"Why should I mind? It's your body, not mine. I can't tell you what you can or can't do with it. What I can tell you is that since you have seen fit to give it to someone else I don't want it anymore."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just that. When you said I do you committed yourself to me exclusively. Your gift of yourself to Mr. Forbes means you are no longer exclusively mine and where my wife is concerned there isn't a sharing bone in my body. You are no longer mine. You are Harvey's now. Or whoever else you decide to give yourself to. When we finish the dishes I'll move my things into the guest bedroom."

"Why? What I did hasn't hurt us any. I give you so much there are times you push me away. I still love you to pieces. My having a little recreational sex on the side hasn't lessened my affection for you at all."

"Maybe not, but it sure has lessened mine for you."

"That hurts. I think you are over reacting."

"I'm not longer interested in what you think. I'm going with facts, not thoughts. Fact one is you cheated on me and I found out. Fact two is that I cannot be in a relationship with someone I can't trust and by cheating on me you have proven I can'' trust you. Fact three is the divorce laws in this state are anti-men so if I go for a divorce I'd end up penniless and living in a tent out in the woods somewhere and only get limited visitation.

"That set of circumstances is not acceptable to me so there will be no divorce. Instead, I will move all my things into the guest bedroom and life in this household will continue as before with the exception that there will be no sexual relationship between you and I. Your sexual needs can be taken care of by Mr. Forbes."

And with all that said I left her in the kitchen and went and started my move into the guest bedroom.

Maybe five minutes later she came and stood in the hall and silently watched me. After a bit she said:

"What can I do to change your mind? I love you and you know I do. I don'' want this. I need you in my bed so I can make love with you."

"What can you do? Go back in time before you took up with Forbes and not do it."

"Damn it Bob! Can't you get it through your head that I want you and not Forbes? I love you and I make love to you half a dozen times a week. Don't do this to me!"

"Because you love me? Or maybe it is just guilt sex to make you feel less guilty over stabbing me in the back."

"Don't give me that shit! Long before Harvey I was after you so often to make love that there were times you actually pushed me away."

"That was then; this is now."

"Okay then; how about I play dirty?"


"There is no way I can sleep across the hall from you and not want to kick your door down and jump your bones so I'll need to move out. And if I do that I might as well be the one to go for a divorce."

"On what grounds?"

"I don't need grounds. This state is no fault. You know what will happen; you just said it yourself. You'll be living in a tent somewhere and maybe seeing Chrissy once a month or so. The courts will give you visitation, but you will have to contact me to make arrangements and there will no doubt be times I will be hard to get in touch with.

"On the plus side you will only have to pay alimony until I remarry and I'm sure Harvey will jump at the chance to put a ring on my finger. He has always wanted kids, but he can't have any because he is sterile. He has always been envious of us having Chrissy. I think he would make an excellent step-father for Chrissy."

"You wouldn't!"

"You want to bet? I'll make it easy on you. You don't have to move back into our bedroom. All you have to do is come across the hall and take care of business at least five times a week and your first trip needs to be tonight. As a bonus I'll stop seeing Harvey. I'll leave the light on for you she said as she headed for the living room.

She had me and she knew it. I knew her too well. When she got her back up over something nothing could stop her from charging full speed ahead. For me it was a case of Damned if you do; damned if you don't and all because of a bug planted in my ear by a seven-year-old.


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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

What a load of codswallop from this author, again. I really do not understand why he scores so highly. The last sentence is bullshit. It is all because he was stupid enough to marry a cheater. He knowingly married her after she was cheating when they were engaged. He got what he deserved. Not a funny and not satirical.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Seems like JPB forgot how the MC helped her get all of her money from the safe deposit box and parent's life insurance. She's got a lot and he should be entitled to half in their state.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Here’s why she gets the house. She gets to raise their kid there until age 18 and he gets to pay for it as well as child support. He probably has to pay some maintenance too because of pay discrepancy. After the kid turns 18 he MIGHT get the house back. The smart play is to suck it up and just do exactly what she said.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

That’s right all you stupid ignoramuses living back in the mid 20th century. She doesn’t need a reason to divorce you. If you have kids you love just shut up and put up with it. All the stupid revenge shit you gobble up here just ends with you in jail in reality.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggart29 days ago

bling and? Do they reconcile, does it turn into a RAAC, does the husband get one over on the wife, does the hubby go and get his own dates, does it turn out she is a space alien who replaced his loving wife or what? All that build up and then a flat ending that doesn't resolve anything, just ends with a word that I assume was part of some other sentence.

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