From the Void, the Master

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A dreamer encounters a creature beyond her reckoning...
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Tall, -- altogether too tall to be a human being- it stood at the end of her bed, muscles arranged in strange patterns rippling with tense, barely contained energy, promising danger, promising... well, whatever it wanted. It could barely be seen in the heavy night-time gloom, but its silhouette told the story clear enough. Eyes like distant, ancient starlight, two pairs together, regarded her the way mountains must regard the settlements of man; fleeting, temporary things, embers that would all too soon go out, so transitory in the greater, cosmic scale of things that they could barely be said to have been present at all. Certainly too short lived for it to matter what it did to her.

On its back, only visible in the second-hand light of her alarm clock, bands of pure muscle extended down like some alien cape; tentacles of varying thickness and size, moving near imperceptibly in the night. It was then that she heard them, the background noise that had been so constant, so omnipresent as to fade from her mind, the slithering of those probing eldritch lengths, grasping at the edges of her room, strangling the night. Alone on her bed, with the darkness pressing in from all sides and limiting her sight, her ears strained, senses reaching out into the murk... and apprehending the sound of tentacles, of unseen motion, in and out of her awareness from every angle.

She could even hear them up above, the soft, wet sound of them dripping from the ceiling like thick, heavy tar. Unbidden, a mental image of her room, that familiar space, covered wall to wall with their writhing mass popped into her brain, projected though near blind eyes onto the dark around her. Tentacles, extending outward from it- from him- to embrace her bedroom in its entirety; coiling in the corners, rising to the ceiling and wrapping around the stem of her ceiling fan, filling the view from the windows with sinuous dark flesh, pulsing gently with the intruder's ancient, unimaginable life.

This was the point that she would usually wake up from the dream; she had been having it long enough to know, night after night, watching this strange being draw closer to her on each and every one of them, until she woke up in a cold sweat with its hold on her broken. The dream was largely the same each time, the entity did not speak, it merely moved, first from out of some... gap, at the end of her bed, a window through which the being's body dominated the view, but from behind it could be seen strange new stars, glowing in colors unseen on Earth. Eventually though, on one night earlier in the week, its feet touched the ground that she walked upon ever day, and from that point on it was in her bedroom, stepping closer by the night.

And now, it had reached her bed, and she wasn't waking up.

When the first firm, coiling tentacle touched her, it came from behind her head, slithering down over the headboard to wrap around her shoulder, under her armpit, encircling her before she found the sense to even cry out. Cry out she did, however, though there was little hope of anyone coming, as the tentacle spiraled down her arm with a sudden sense of purpose, until the whole of her limb was bound with the cold, unrelenting strength of the creature.

She had no doubt that struggling would not help, as the warm, damp flesh manipulated her arm, moving it behind her back with the ease that she would have in moving the arm of a doll. If it wanted, if she resisted, then it would be her bones that would yield, crack and break so that it could continue to do what it wanted; so she let it move her, wondered at the dimensions of the thing as it continued moving out from her arm, reached across the gap to coil around her other wrist and pull it behind her back too. One single tentacle extended, ultimately, from the top of one shoulder to the top of the other, a binding so simple and effective that it made her shudder with its effortlessness. It had her. Without even trying, it had her.

She could not fight it, but she gasped as it tugged backwards, pulling her down helplessly onto the bed, that unnatural strength pinning her in place. Again she cried out, shouted to the rafters, which were no doubt still buttressed with the writhing limbs of the being before her, as it lifted one reverse-jointed leg to kneel on the bed, hands with too many fingers kneading the sheets as it drew closer. Pulse racing, she kicked out uselessly, the heel of her foot sliding off the creature's abdomen as though friction didn't exist for it, the possibility of another such kick disappearing as a second and third tentacle wrapped around her ankle and then disappeared under the bed, taking her legs to either edge, spreading them wide.

A shiver went down her spine. This was beginning to look awfully familiar, thematically.

Eyes that looked out from the edge of the universe regarded her, intelligence both obvious and vast burning in them. Its body seemed to blur at the edges, as though its very form was a lie that she couldn't quite see through, something unknowable in its enormity shrunk down into something that could bind her and spread her, could take to her on a level that its true form could barely even perceive.

When it reached in with one hand and tore her nightgown off as though it were some irrelevant piece of detritus, she wasn't even surprised. Something in its expression changed, though she knew not what the new expression meant. A mouth that may or may not have been there a moment before opened, teeth like long-formed stalactites in a deep forgotten cave lining it, framing a tongue like none other she had ever seen. It moved closer to her, between her ankles.

Stripped naked now, bare and vulnerable, the cold air hardening her nipples and raising goose bumps on her skin, she committed every detail of the creature looming over her to memory, all that she could see in the blackness of the night. The body that it wore was a strange parody of the human form; the muscles were wrong, curling, pulsing strange patterns below the skin, looking as though they shouldn't function.

And what skin it was; this close, she could see that it wasn't a concrete physical form in itself, there was depth there. It was possible to see through its skin, simultaneously there in the room with her and something that could be perceived further, distant stars twinkling out there in the blackness of its form. Now she was surrounded by tentacles, they bordered her bed, caging her in even if she managed to slip the creature's grasp, and the cosmos boiled in each and every muscled length. From the ones closest she could even see the light of it spilling onto her pale skin in pinpricks of illumination, the light itself behaving strangely as it refracted through the creature's skin.

Eyes wide, she realized that whatever happened next was entirely out of her control. The entity's strength had hinted at that before, but now she knew, looking out into the star-flecked expanses of the intruder; there was no hope that she could fight back against something like this, to escape it, to do anything other than give it what it wanted. It could break her and walk out of the world; there would be no challenge to it.

More tentacles rose to meet her, lifting up from under the sheets, behind her pillows, under the bed and beside the windows and across the carved wood of her headboard and footboard. They conformed to the contours of her form, licked along her skin like countless tongues of every shape and size, feeling her out because, she believed with utter conviction, they had never been in the presence of a human being before.

The tips of two such tentacles traced the lines of her hips, the border of her pelvis just below her belly, and her body shuddered in reaction, her hips rising involuntarily to meet them. In response more limbs moved, one seeking out the warm hollow of her navel, another reaching up to encircle one small, pert breast, forming a spiral up until the tip rested calmly against her nipple. There was a sucker there, it seemed, and it drew the sensitive pink peak into it, like a mouth against her, and she gasped at the sudden sensation of it, the dart of pleasure that raced down in a line directly to her clit.

Her breathing came in short, sharp bursts, seemingly attempting to catch up to the pounding of her heart, and the adrenaline flooding her system only served to sharpen everything that was happening to her. As she watched, and bit back a moan from the insistent sucking at her nipple, the creature's tongue uncoiled from its mouth and extended, its head bowing only slightly to make it gain contact with the apex of her spread and trembling legs.

She strained to close them then, and the four eyes flicked up with what might possibly be irritation dancing in them, as it denied her resistance with seemingly no effort at all. When she moved against them the tentacles were like iron bars, unmoving in the face of her unthinking need to close her legs as the creature's tongue slipped lower, stroking with a light touch against the sweet pinkness of her pussy. It was warm but not wet, unlike a tongue in that respect, but its dissonant inhumanity quickly vanished from her mind as it persisted in stimulating her, moving in slow, experimental strokes up the length of her lips.

And then it found her clit.

She gasped at the sudden sensation of it, the bolt of pleasure that rippled through her, and the sound rang out into the night. All around her, the sound of slithering tentacles stopped for a moment, silence rushing in to fill the gap. The creature's head did not tilt, but its eyes did, slanting with its own alien form of curiosity down the slopes of its face, tracking her still even as they moved. The tongue flicked her clit again, deliberately this time, and folded to clasp at the sensitive little bud like yet another sucker, disengaging with a notable pop that made her shriek, pain and pleasure colliding in her hips so unexpectedly that it left her screaming in the dark, pins and needles in her clit as blood slowly returned to it.

Her hair had fallen over her face, a ginger curtain obscuring her vision of the creature as it found a new way to play her, but with her arms bound all she could do was attempt to blow the strands out of her way. Even that was taken away from her as the creature began its assault on her clit in earnest, her purposeful puffs devolving into crude panting and groaning as the tip of its tongue pressed hard at her throbbing flesh, tentacles slipping beneath her to lift her lower half up, tilting her pussy up toward it.

She wondered, in between gasps, what she tasted like to it, how its eldritch senses would interpret the dew of human arousal, what alien tastes would it compare her to. Did it even know what it was doing to her? What the sounds she was making signified?

A second tentacle wrapped around her other breast, sucking and pulling at her nipple just like the first, and a third moved up to prod at the entrance of her pussy experimentally, gaining easy entrance to her slick, pulsating hole. It stopped after a few inches, and the creature made a noise that transitioned from deep and rumbling to high and chirping, its tongue flicking insistently at her clit as, inside her, the tip of the tentacle began to change, flaring larger at the end... very much like a cock.

Oh yes. It knew.

Another chirruping sound, shifting abruptly and without transition to the harshest of scraping noises, the tenor of it suggesting laughter even while the sound itself was near torture to the ears. Things began in earnest now, the thing in her pussy moving with deep, powerful strokes, slicking her insides even further with some sort of gel that was hot to the touch and turned her nerves to hyperactive embers, burning with pleasure, tracking each stroking motion of the tentacle with a level of detail, a level of intensity, that she thought impossible for the human brain.

And there was so much to take in! The tentacle was already more flexible that any human cock or digit, the tip actively curving to explore her, discovering sensitive spots she didn't even know she had and depositing more of that liquid ecstasy there, so that the next thrust became an atom bomb for the nerves. It only took moments of such treatment for her to start screaming, moments more for tears to track down her cheeks, the pure sensation of it all too much to take in all at once, the unique intensity all the worse for the fact that she knew it would end, and that when it did she had no assurances that this unearthly creature would return to repeat the experience.

But there was more to be done, and the creature knew. It moved up higher, tentacles continuing their fucking and sucking and teasing and taunting as it loomed overhead, two clawed hands planted at either side of her head. She looked into those eyes like living starlight, like the weight of aeons made flesh, and her mind shuddered at the depth she found there. The sheer impossible breadth of the creature threatened to fill her, blotting out everything she was in the incomprehensible immensity of the cosmos, and she cried out with it, physical pleasure merging with the intensity of it all into a kind of climax for the soul that rendered her momentarily insensible, a shuddering mass of impermanent flesh and a mind all too soon destined for oblivion, in the grip of something so much more.

Fucked by starlight...

She came back to herself surrounded, the creature filling her room with a sound like moving lava, tentacles everywhere. They licked at her skin in a thousand places, touching her in a specific sequence, clit, hips, belly, navel, calves, lips... every touch transitory and small but, to her oversensitive form, like a live wire had been touched to her skin. She jerked toward every one of them, body squirming and needy, still being fucked and desperate for every moment of it. When the tentacle inside her stopped and another, in isolation, traced the curve of her hip with the same gel that it had filled her with, she was surprised to feel herself come, pussy clenching hard around the probing appendage, even motionless as it was. Her back arched, thighs twitching, as climax raced through her, nipples and clit still on fire with stimulation.

She tried to scream again, but found her throat closed as another tentacle wrapped itself around her neck, squeezing tightly, slithering in a tight coil around her. The tip extended across the line of her chin, curling in toward her lips as the lowest one began to move again, fucking her in short, sharp bursts that... yes... made her open her mouth.

She accepted the tentacle into her mouth with an outstretched tongue, the creature's skin strange and tasteless but hot in a peculiar way, like licking the core of a star. The sensation made her tongue tingle, and she swept it along the length of the tentacle as it slid into her mouth, drinking in every moment of it, as it crept further, toward the back of her throat. She was aware, dimly, that this very same tentacle was still choking her, even that she was beginning to feel lightheaded as the lack of air persisted, but other parts of her body dragged at her attentions far more, the creature's strange, inhuman sex dominating her at a most profound level.

When the thought dripped through her mind like ice-water that the entity may not even understand that humans require air, that perhaps it would just squeeze and squeeze and never stop, and she had no way of letting it know otherwise, her eyes flew open, the slopes of the creature's face swimming before her.

Too long. She had let him choke her for too long...

And fuck, she was coming again...

As if reading her mind- a distinct possibility, of course- the tentacle around her neck loosened, its tip retracting just long enough for her to gasp down a few deep, sputtering breaths, before the creature resumed fucking her mouth, evidently expecting her to continue sucking as she had before. She did, of course; one didn't disappoint an envoy from the depths of the cosmos.

With her vision blocked by perverse tentacles, she didn't even notice the creature's drifting hand until it slipped beneath her, coarse palm cupping her backside as long, multi-knuckled fingers prised apart the cheeks of her ass, exploring the entrance of her single free hole. It paused for a moment, eyes narrowing as she whined in nervous protest despite her full mouth, just long enough to replace those fingers with tapered, slimy tentacle mass, a thin length sliding with slow, insistent force into her ass.

The creature stopped, once it had filled her to its satisfaction, its tentacles dripping uncut liquid pleasure inside her every step of the way. It thrummed, a deep, satisfied growl seeming to escape from every inch of the thing, vibrating even through those parts of it that were currently inside her; she moaned, growing ever more desperate for more, more of what it could do, what it was doing to her without even really trying. Somehow, it had geared its physical form precisely for her pleasure... or perhaps that was a mere side effect of whatever it sought to gain from her.

She imagined, unbidden, what it would be like to see it truly try to please her, in that case.

She dared not make assumptions about what it was thinking; without a human origin any facial expression she saw in it simply could not be derived from the same basis as her own, could not signify the same emotions... even so, could that be levity in that pointed, toothy curve of a mouth? Prurient enjoyment in the tensing of its muscles, the way its eyes glittered when they regarded her?

It had found all her sensitive spots and seemed to be sticking with them... who could say?

Suddenly, it lifted her aloft, tentacles bearing her into the air as though she were a ragdoll, a naked sex toy for the creature from beyond her world. It simply held her there, floating and used, a curio on living pillars, as the tentacles pumped in and out of her, mouth and cunt and ass, pleasure expanding to fill her every moment. The creature had borne her into her own private universe, of sex amongst the writhing tentacles, of orgasms too close together and too numerous to count as individual events, too intense for her to bear, or to be without. Whatever chemical the tentacles were excreting inside her made her pussy ache at every retraction, and explode with sensation at every sudden inward thrust.

Her fleshy bindings kept her still, even as she tried to squirm, to rock her hips so as to take full advantage of the length in her ass and pussy. She couldn't even bob her head to properly fellate the one in her mouth, though the creature seemed to delight in choking her to the edge of insensibility, only to allow her breath at the very last moment, preserving her consciousness and keeping her body humming with adrenaline and endorphins, adding yet another visceral edge to their sex.

Floating in that timeless, near lightless void, accompanied only by the creature and its exploratory caresses, its tasting tongue and stimulating tentacles, she lost all track of herself. She surrendered to it completely, allowed the entity to do its work, to have her, in any way it wanted her, and it took full advantage. It twisted her body this way and that, changed positions on her more times than she could count. It flipped her over, her butt bobbing in the air, and inspected the holes that it probed, growling as they stretched around its tentacles. It pressed her down to her bed, so that her head hung over the side and it could more deeply penetrate her throat, spurting more of its orgasm-inducing juices and forced her to swallow, tentacles peeking out from beneath the bed to toy with her hair, the gesture oddly affectionate. It even hung her upside-down, pumping her from both ends as blood rushed to her head and, if it were even possible, her pale face blushed even redder as she writhed and came for the creature, her whole world inverted.