Fuck Slaves - Wife/MIL/SIL Pt. 06

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Mentally forcing my wife to fist herself on video.
8.3k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2023
Created 08/08/2020
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(Recap: My mother in law Ashley had been visiting my wife Terri and me for the weekend. I had managed to trick her into being my sex slave. You can read about that in the previous 5 chapters. The last thing that happened was that I tricked my wife into seeing her own mother masturbating. And not only masturbating, her mother was fisting herself! After an interesting conversation at breakfast I drove Ashley to the train, and now I was returning home.)

As I parked my car and walked up to the house, I could see Terri standing in one of the windows. She was waiting for me. Terri confronted me as soon as I came inside.

"We need to talk."

She walked into the living room expecting me to follow. This was the Terri I knew.

"Alright, Paul. Without going into details, I am sure we can agree that what happened this morning was totally unacceptable."

I could hear clearly that this was a conversation she had prepared, where she expected me to just reply with "yes", "you are right", "I am sorry" and things like that. I could tell she had been working herself up to this, and I could tell she was already a little mad. I, on the other hand, managed to keep annoyingly calm, knowing that her madness was like a gift to me, if I managed to stay in control.

I am sure she expected a "Yes honey, you are of course right." as my reply to her opening. However, I was definitely not letting her direct the conversation, so I asked her to be more specific, hoping that directing the conversation towards the exact happenings of the morning would trick her out of her scripted conversation.

"Unacceptable? Can you say exactly what you are referring to?"

She took the bait. Her next words were definitely not planned.

"Paul! You know exactly what I am talking about. Firstly, you coming all the way up to the guest bedroom when my mother is there is NOT OK!"

"You mean I should have known that Ashley would be fist fucking herself as the door was opened?"

I deliberately used MUCH stronger words than Terri would appreciate.

"Pau... Aaaah! NO! That is not what I am saying."

"Ok, what are you saying?"

Her script was gone and her outbursts were now driven more by her anger and her chaotic feelings than what it usually would expect from analytical Terri. It would definitely work to my advantage. She tried finding things to make me apologize.

"Well, what about your erection in the kitchen? Huh?"

"What about it?"

"How could you?"

"How could I? I saw an attractive woman masturbating. That gave me an erection. Not much a man can do about it."

I used the word "attractive" on purpose, knowing Terri would hate the feeling of me looking at her mother as attractive.

"It is wrong. It is WRONG! Other women are not supposed to give you an erection. And my mum!? That is ..."

I interrupted.

"What could I do? I can't control that."

She wasn't done.

"Oh yeah. Then what about the porn? You said you have been watching ... what mum did ... thousands of times. Are you watching porn that much? Was that something you could not control either?"

I said nothing. She had a point. She probably got a short sense of getting back to dominating the discussion, so she kept going at me.

"I thought you had stopped. And the THINGS you are watching... You are watching things like THAT?"

Hah! This was perfect. I could literally use some of the sentences I had practiced in car back home.

"Yes, I watch porn. And yes I watch porn where women fist fuck themselves, like your mother did. And other things."

I was seriously enjoying adding "your mother" and "fist fucking" in the same sentence again. I could see that Terri was about to confront me with anger again, but she took a short break to breathe and think, then said:

"But why? You said before that you were sorry for watching porn. I was sure you had stopped."

Her voice was more calm and genuinely questioning.

"Because it turns me on. As simple as that."

"Am I not turning you on?" she asked quietly, now with only sadness in her voice.

"You are." I added a pause. "But not like that. There is a side of me that longs for more ... hardcore stuff. Fisting. And a few other things."

There was a pause. I knew this would make Terri feel inadequate, and if there is ONE thing Terri hates, it is feeling inadequate. If she does, she usually does whatever she can to reach the required adequacy. I could see her thinking.

"Do you ... masturbate to the porn you are watching?"

This was a new tone of voice. This was Terri gathering information in order to start the problem solving.

"Of course".

I knew this would fit straight into her "betrayal" narrative. Feeling lust for any other woman was to her a form of betrayal, even if it was from porn. I am sure she had never felt lust for any man. I know, it may sound strange to some, but I am quite sure it was actually true.

"And now... Would you... masturbate and ... think about mum too?"

This time I was quick to reply to make an impression of this being absolutely obvious.


No maybes. No doubt.

A darkness came across her face. She had reached a new level of understanding. It was like she had uncovered a terrible secret. And I guess she had. The impression of watching porn as betrayal was one thing, probably something she could live with. But when it involved her MOTHER it was impossible for her to accept.

"No. No, Paul. You can't. You are not allowed. Tell me please you won't. Please!"

I looked at her and did not answer. I let her carry on.

"Please, Paul! Please! Is there anything I can do? I will do ANYTHING for you if you promise to not think about her that way!"

There it was: my opening to make her do things that were perhaps not even imaginable to her. She had literally said: "I will do ANYTHING." Wow! I would make her do so many things. Images of things she had never done flashed before my eyes. Fist fucking, anal sex, watching hardcore porn together, making her swallow my cum, me filming her. My god! I had never been more horny. But I still had to stay controlled.

I looked at her and let out a "Well... " before I paused.

"I adore you. You know that. And I think you are super hot and sexy. Our sex it is good, but not ... great. Like I said, I have some things I crave, that I am never able to do with you."

I let her think about what I said for a few seconds, but I was eager to use the momentum.

"Perhaps, if you would... No, it is too much. Forget it."

"Yes, tell me! I want to know! 'Good' is not enough. I want our sex to be great. Tell me how I can make it great for you!"

She leaned forward.

"Ok. But you will probably be mad at me..."

She grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes.

"I won't. I promise!"

Ok, it was time to go the full length.

"Ok, here goes. What if YOU ... were ... my very private porn star?"

"What do you mean?"

I picked up my phone and said:

"What if you did some of the things I watch in porn ... and allowed me to film you. Then I would have your sexy body with me at all times, and would need neither online porn nor the image of a fisting Ashley in my head."

I knew Terri. One thing she is good at is prioritizing and taking decisions. Another is accepting some discomfort along the way, trying to achieve a goal. Her goal was obviously making me stop thinking and masturbating to porn and having the image of her fist fucking mother in my head. The discomfort would be doing some of the things she did not really like or want, and even letting me film her (something she would NEVER let me do in normal circumstances). I was hoping she would be able to prioritize between the two options that were on the table. But she obviously wanted some more assurance of the goal being "achievable" before she would accept this discomfort.

"That would make you stop thinking about mum?"

"If you did the same as she did? Put your whole hand inside your pussy? It most certainly would." I said, faking my most sincere look.

I kept referring directly to what Ashley had done. Not just that she had been naked and masturbating, but also the fact that she had been fisting herself. I was not going to accept some soft shit where Terri barely touched herself. I was going to make sure she went all the way.

I could not imagine what Terri was feeling. One thing was certain, just thinking about what she would do came at an immense cost to her. So it was no big surprise that a tear fell from one of her eyes when she said:

"Well. If that is what it takes. I would rather have you look at ME as your por... object of lust than those ... and mum. Ok. I'll do it. "

In addition to her ability to prioritize and take decisions, Terri was good at making things happen. There was a reason she had been so successful at work. So although it might seem a little unlikely to anyone not knowing her that she would jump into her role as quickly as she did, it was no big surprise to me. It really wasn't. She approached this as she did with any problem she did not personally know how to solve; she found an expert and asked for advice on how to proceed, as if she was discussing with her Financial Director about a merger with another company or with her Project Director about resource availability for the most important business projects. I had always admired her ability in this area. This time I was thrilled to be her expert.

"You mean NOW?" I asked her, probably knowing the answer to my question already. She has always been a getting-things-done woman. We had no firm plans for the rest of the day, so she would be eager to get it over with. Still, she hesitated a little. This was no easy thing for her to do. She spent a couple of seconds to make her analysis, and she made her decision:

"Yes. Let's get it over with. I can't have you thinking about mum the rest of the day. Now, what do I do?"

Inside of me there was chaos. I was so horny and so happy I could barely think, but I still had to use every little bit of will power to not simply lose it. I had to stay composed.

"Wow, Terri! You really mean this. Well, how about you start by taking off your clothes?", I said.

"I think I will be able to execute step 1 without further instructions." She actually managed to put on a little smile, then got up on her feet and started walking towards the stairs while saying "Let's go to the bedroom."

I kept sitting. She looked back at me.

"Are you coming upstairs?"

"No. I would like to do it here. That's probably how it would happen in a porn movie."

For the time being she was 100% in problem solving mode, so she accepted and came back.

"And you are ok with me filming?" I said, without thinking. Why on earth was I giving her a way out of this!? Luckily, she was still focused on fulfilling her tasks, and after using a second to go through her own process of justifying this she said. "...I am..."

I instantly used this leverage and picked up my phone and started my camera. I wasn't going to give her another life line.

"Ok, undress" I said directing the camera towards her. She looked at the camera, almost sad in her eyes. Then she started undressing. She undressed like she always did. Efficiently. Not at all like a stripper, although I could see that she made a few attempts to be sexy a couple of times. A small hip movement and throwing her hair back. I was about to say to her that she would not make a fortune as a stripper, but I shut my mouth... Anyway, soon she was totally naked.

"Now what?" she said with a shy voice.

She was starting to feel uncomfortable, knowing my camera was on her naked body, that was obvious. She was clearly working against her nature, and I must say I loved the feeling of being able to manipulate her like this.

It was probably wise to keep things happening in quick succession, if not she would possibly think too much, and perhaps pull out of the deal.

I told her to lie down on the table. She looked at me as if she was about to say "No", but she did as I told her. Soon she was on her back, on the table. I was sitting in the sofa, looking up between her legs that were already spread to either side of my body. She was trying to keep her knees together, but I gently pushed them aside. I did not have to use a lot of force, but she definitely did not do it by herself.

This was the exact same setup as I had with Ashley. Within days I had made both Ashley and Terri get naked in the living room, get down on the table and spread their legs. Who would have thought!

"I would love to watch you touch yourself. Isn't that a good start?" I said.

She hesitated. She had never touched herself in front of me before. In fact, I think she had almost never touched herself for sexual pleasure at all. That was at least what she had told me. But slowly her hand moved down and landed on her pussy.

A first it was just there, not moving, but then she started rubbing gently up and down. After a couple of times up and down her hand rested on her clit and she started moving her hand slowly in circles.

My eyes were fixed to this amazing view, but I also wanted to see her face. I raised my head to look. Perfect! She had a tormented look on her face, biting her hand. She felt ashamed and hated it. I, on the other hand, loved it. And I loved that she hated it!

I gave her some time to adjust to the feeling. Not only did she touch herself while I was watching for the first time. I was also holding up my mobile to make a video of it. She was actually making porn! I had to acknowledge that this was a really big step for her.

"Keep rubbing that clit while I touch you a little," I said after a little while.

I started giving Terry gentle strokes up and down her slit with my index finger and middle finger. Each time I was at the bottom, I pushed the two fingers inside. A little deeper for every push. In a couple of rounds I was half way inside and I decided to push the fingers all the way.

She let out a short "Uh.." and removed her own hand.

She was not unfamiliar with having my fingers inside, we used that as foreplay from time to time. She would, however, some times stop me if she thought I was too "pushy". More than two fingers was usually a definite no. And me rubbing too hard on her g-spot was usually also something she would stop me doing.

"No, keep doing your thing," I told her.

She placed her hand on her clit again.

I started moving my fingers inside her. She was not very wet or seem aroused in any way, as far as I could tell. So far, this was pure duty on her part. In addition, her face was still clearly expressing her discomfort.

I would ideally want to go and get some oil or something to lubricate her. But I did not want to stop. I was not at all sure she would still be willing to go on if I left and came back'. So, I decided to do what I knew usually made her wet, although I was not too certain it would work under these circumstances. I found that approaching her with a practical reason to get her wet would maximize my chances of her letting me do what I wanted. Like with her mother Ashley, I was expecting that if I just had a few seconds to massage her g-spot, her juices would be flowing.

"So, honey. I think things would be a bit better if you were more wet. I am afraid you will be sore if we don't get some lubrication in there."

She looked at me with a "Go ahead, continue" look. I decided to be very direct.

"Terri... This is one of those ... unspoken topics between us. I know how to make you wet, using my fingers. And even make you have an orgasm. The problem is just that you usually push me away. You don't say why. You just do. Don't do that now, ok?"

She breathed out through her nose, then took a new breath as if she was preparing for something painful, then nodded her head. She had accepted my reasoning.

My fingers had stopped moving while we talked, but now I started moving in and out again. Every time I moved out I curled them a little, making them push up just behind her pelvic bone.

"Touch yourself some more."

I could of course have used my thumb on her clit myself, but I wanted her to keep active. Obviously to prepare herself for the next things I had in mind for her, but also to make a better video. I was still focused on the mobile camera catching all of this up close. From time to time I raised the camera to get small glimpses of her facial expressions. If anyone had seen her face it would not have been possible to see that she was being finger fucked. Now she just looked concentrated, like she was having a tattoo or having a pedicure.

But I knew her well. If she in fact did not push me away I was fairly certain I would be able to make her wet and open. Whether she would allow herself getting really excited was more doubtful. But I was not concerned about her excitement or pleasure at all. I would rather have her feel the humiliation. At least at first. In a fantasy world she would also get excited and even have an orgasm, but that was not very likely.

I kept fucking her the same way for a while, and gradually I could feel my fingers going in and out more easily. She was starting to get more and more wet and I felt that familiar feeling of her muscles relaxing to give more width and depth for me to penetrate. I kept pushing deeper and deeper, grinding her g-spot harder and harder every time I pulled the fingers out.

Until now she had been breathing quite normally. Or you could say it was even like she was deliberately breathing extra slow too keep calm. There had been no signs of what I did to her having any sexual impact on her at all. Now I could sense a more hectic breathing, like she lost her rhythm when I curled my fingers against her g-spot. There was still something controlled about it. It was like her mind was trying to work against her physical reactions. I kept adding more and more force on her, while moving my fingers in and out faster and faster.

Soon it was more clearly confirmed that she was not only getting wet, but also sexually excited. I could hear Terri breathing heavier for every time I fucked her with my fingers. Her face had the expression of hard labor, and her lips formed a silent "no" from time to time, indicating there were things happening to her that she did not really accept or want. As a contrast, a couple of times I thought I could see her hand rubbing her clit with a little more enthusiasm before she slowed down, from what seemed to be her noticing her own actions. Was she seriously touching herself for her own pleasure, and not just for my viewing pleasure? That had NEVER happened before.

And then, when I was at my deepest with my fingers and grinded them towards the front of her hole, Terri made a sound that made my entire body tingle. It was a rough, hoarse sound coming from deep within.


I had heard this sound only a few times before. As I wrote in the in the first chapter, there had been a couple of times where Terri had abandoned the conservative, sexually inhibited woman she usually was in bed, and was turned into a woman consumed by her sexual feelings.

This sound was impossible to misinterpret. Still, I decided to give it a little test to be absolutely sure: I kept doing the same to her a couple of more times, before I put down my mobile and reached for one of her nipples with my hand. I placed it between my thumb and index finger and started squeezing gently. Terri did nothing to stop me. I squeezed harder. And harder. Soon I was squeezing her stiff nipple with all my force. I pushed my other hand deeper than I have ever pushed it and pulled as hard as I could on her nipple, to see what happened. Still no signs of her trying to stop me. She let out another "uuuuunnnnggghhh" and moved her hips to push even harder down on my hand. Ok. This was it! She was in that state I had only experienced a handful of times before. And it was even building. This was going absolutly off the hinges! This was definitely not something I had anticipated.